Photoshop Elements :: 10 Is Not Shown In Windows 8 - Set Default Programs
Sep 14, 2013
PSE 10 isn't shown as an option in windows 8 "set your default programs". Selecting individual file types doesn't work for me much when, apart from .jpgs and .tiffs, I don't know all the file types PSE 10 can open and I want it to open everything it can. I do not want Windows 8 opening my stuff.
LR4 will not appear in Windows 7 default programs and access as a default program to choose. Microsoft says it is becasue it does not appear in the Windows registry and to contact the manufacturer. How do I get LR4 registered in Windows 7? If I have to reinstall what do I need to do to protect my file structures, etc.?
A lot of pictures of my collection do have GPS-data in EXIF-header. Sometimes they are shown on the world-map, sometimes not. In list-view they are never shown. The list-view knows only locations, which are matched with PSE.
The EXIF-input was made by two different tools (Holux GPS Software and Geosetter 3.4.16).
How can I get the list-view for the saved files without using PSE adding location?
I'm running PSE 8 on an iMac. Is there a way to change the default dialogue / value windows to white or transparent? I'm also seeking a plug in to enable Channel manipulation in PSE. Many degraded graphics arise from problems in the green or blue channel which compromises the final RGB image.
I get the message : the file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.
Create an association in the default programs control panel
I went to default programs control panel an did not see where you change anything ?And what do you change it to ? Not sure what they are telling me to do ?
I've had a couple occurrences of X6 crashing suddenly, but a common one is when I've switched away from X6 and then try to switch back by clicking on the X6 icon on the Windows 7 taskbar. I'm running Win7 64bit. When I hover my mouse over the CDX6 icon on the taskbar, a couple of the preview mini-windows will show the Windows "working" round rotating icon for about a half second and then BAM - the windows "This Program is Not Responding" window comes up where you choose to either let windows find a solution (it never does), or just close the program.
I never have any trouble opening the program back up, or working with the exact same files that were open when it crashed. It does seem to happen when I have multiple files open, but I almost always am working with 3-4 at a time.
I signed up for Adobe Creative Cloud, so that I could evaluate the latest version of Illustrator and Photoshop. I downloaded and installed Illustrator, however my computer crawled after the install. So I had to do a System Restore back to before the download and install of Illustrator.
After the System Restore, I again downloaded and installed Illustrator. The program showed up in the programs menu. I then downloaded and installed Photoshop and Dreamweaver. But after that, two separate versions of Photoshop show up - regular and 64 bit (I only downloaded and installed one version of Photoshop), and Dreamweaver. Illustrator no longer shows up in the Windows 7 Programs menu. How is this possible???
I looked in C:Program Files, and a 342MB Illustrator CC file is there. But I cannot find a .exe file in that file, and so cannot start Illustrator.
Worse still, when I try to download and install Illustrator once again, Adobe Creative Cloud shows me as having downloaded and installed it already, and that it is working perfectly - which is of course, NOT TRUE! Creative Cloud will accordingly not allow me to download and install Illustrator again! So while Creative Cloud thinks I have a worling version of Illustrator CC to try out and evaluate, I in fact do not!
What happened, and why the version installed in Program Files folder is not showing up i the Programs Menus of Windows 7, and or what I can do to get Illustrator to start up.
So you know what system I have, I use a laptop running Windows 7 64bit, with a dual core processor and 4GB RAM. It's a very capable machine and I don't usually have a problem using LR on it.
After installing LR 3.3 over 3.2 I experienced a problem whereby the PC would not recognise which program to use for opening the lrcat catalog files. Using the Default Programs option in Control Panel didn't work as Windows wouldn't accept Lightroom as the default program and kept suggesting I open the catalog using Adobe Reader instead.
I seem to remember having an issue with the 3.2 update as well but that was simply the icon for file type being missing (showing a default unknown file type icon).
Anyway, resolved the problem but had to resort to downloading a program called Default Programs Editor (http:[url]...... to correct the problem. Am thinking next upgrade, I will uninstall LR completely before installing the update, just to be sure.
I made a web site with PShop and GOLive back in 2002-2005, I do not have PShop or GOLive anymore, but i wish to edit the path adress of those html pages generated by PShop and GOLive in 2002-2005, all i have is PS Elements10 and it does not recognize them, and none of my other programs will open the HTML pages so that I can edit them,
I received PSE 8 in a bundle with a Bamboo tablet. I loaded it up and have been editing pictures just fine. Yesterday I downloaded and installed some actions from MCP's site and messed with a few of them. Today I downloaded and installed the MCP Facebook actions. I was able to mess around with it a bit along with some other action until after a few minutes I reveived a message from Adobe telling me that it has detected that a program closed unexpectedly and asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I have. I gave it a rest for a while but it is still crashing. I can get into the Organizer but when I attempt to go into any of the edit areas, it will load up and after a few seconds I get the message. I am using Windows 7
I installed a new hard drive and the installed version of Elements 10 is on the old drive. How do I use or activate the original program on my new hard drive? I get an error message saying I have to deactivate the old or extra version before I can use this program.
When i imported some pictures and want to see them in miniature ,i just can see a time glass instead off the photos. how shall i do if i want the photos showed instead ?
I have Photoshop 11 and wish to put the star ratings to my photos. They are presently not being shown. I followed the video which states to go into View and click on Details. I did this and all the showed up was the date
I have just downloaded Photoshop Elements 11 and all my pictures now just show an elements logo with no picture. How do I change this.previously I could see the images in files and folders.
At the bottom of the Organizer screens it always says "972 items dated etc". But then depending on something I do, possibly with tags, it sometimes shows "36 items not shown" for a total of 1008. Note the View does not show any hidden files. One thing I noticed is when I put just one photo in an album and click on the album it will say "1 item found 1007 items not found for a total of 1008.
What concerns me most is that I have 36 photos floating around somewhere that I can't see.
Can you display the order in which images are shown within an album, (like you could in PE10), other than the stupid Oldest and newest that you now get with PE11?
I have a problem with Adobe Bridge opening files in PS 64 bit instead of my prefered 32 version.I took the "Typical"install when I installed Photoshop and I suppose that's why 64 is the default.
Any hints for making 32 the default before I go playing with registry settings?
All of the pictures that I import from my blackberry show as a broken file in my elements organiser. They apear normal in my hard drive but I cannot view them in Adobe Elements.
Trying to run the default vignette action, I get a message that "feathering is not currently available." I'm wondering why I'm getting the error message and how to fix it.
I recently upgraded from CS6 to CC. When I open a psd file, it opens at 100%, but the window is small with scroll bars. I have plenty of screen real estate, so that's not the problem. I have looked everywhere and can't find how to make the default 100% showing the entire image.
Photoshop CC is not among the programs listed and Windows won't let me add it to the list. Oddly, Illustrator CC is listed. How do I rectify this? I have Photoshop CS6 installed and that is listed. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate.
I have just switched from PS CS5 to CC. Under CS5, the default for opening multiple images put them in separate windows. Under CC, the default appears to be to put them in separate tabs and one must select separate windows from the Window Arrange sub menu. How can I restore the CS5 default. I prefer to always open multiple images in separate windows.
In 2.6 Gimp used to save to my windows Pictures directory. Now in 2.8 the default export directory is Documents, which I find a bit annoying. Can I change this behaviour?