I have a brick wall, and an object which I wanted to essentially bust through the wall so that all that was left was a wall with a hole shaped like the object. All I have done right now is added some cracks coming out of the object, but I just made the object black and put it on top of the wall, so it doesn't look like a hole, more like a sticker. Anyway, any suggestions on how to make it more realistic looking? I was thinking I might need to somehow randomize the outline of the object to make it look like it cracked through the wall,
Refer to the attached file. How can I cut the RED part of the Wall 1 (W1) , where Wall 2 is sloped. I also want to cut a hole in wall 2 (W2) by the BLUE rectangle , but why I can't do that .
I also want to add a second floor to my project but I can only see the" Level" icon goes grey and I can't click it.
I am trying to make a floorplan of my house in Revit 2013, but I am having an issue when it comes to one wall in my house. I have an opening in the Master Bedroom that leads to the bathroom. This wall has a weird arched-like opening in it and I have no clue how to make this in Revit. I have attached a sketch.
Also, my exterior walls are 7' tall but the interior walls start at 7' and go up to 8' once in the middle of the house and reduce back to 7". How does one set that up in Revit?
EDIT: May have made the image too small to see, but the top is not arched, it is actually half of a decagon.
I need to rectify or flatten images of the wall of a drill hole taken at 60 degrees and 47 degrees from the horizontal? I need to analyze the distribution of sulfate veins in the walls of the drill hole made by the curiosity rover on Mars.
I put in 3 seperate hole tables in a drawing, labeld one counter bore holes, one dowel hles and one jack screws. used the selection hole method and all the tags were the same starting with A1 ...
Any way to control multiple hole tables so they use different tag numbers
I'm attempting to use VBA to put center marks on each hole in my drawing. So far I have the following
Dim oIntent As GeometryIntent Dim oCenterOfPart As Centermark 'Add center marks to base view For Each oCurve In oBaseView.DrawingCurves ' <- need to identify Hole Features If Not oCurve.CenterPoint Is Nothing Then If oCurve.CurveType = kCircleCurve Then 'CurveTypeEnum
[Code] .......
oBaseView is the DrawingView object representing the base view the code just placed. I also used VBA to place the projected views oTopView and oRightView. I want to add center marks to each hole when viewed from the end (as circles) and add centerlines when viewed from the top or side (as hidden lines).
I will be iterating through several models representing various handhold styles. The feet can be in many orientations, 99% of them are paralel to one of the origin planes (XY,YZ, or XZ).
This is what my code generates: (The centermarks that are selected are the ones I don't want the code to generate). This is what I WANT the code to generate:
1) How do I distinguish whether a circle curve originated because of a hole or because of another cilindrical feature?
2) How to I identify the corresponding hidden lines in the other views so I can add a center line?
I've got a template with a set of Object defaults for an Inch drawing and a set for a Metric drawing. I've just noticed that within my metric set, if I insert a hole table with tapped holes, the font on the tapped holes doesn't match the other hole types. I'm searched around, but all the settings for the hole table style reference the same text style. (Please see the attached image.)
So is there a way to set a certain hole type to have a certain font or size within a hole table? Because if there is, I'd obviously like to remove it..... But I can't seem to figure out where the issue is.
I am trying to add a hole to an existing hole chart. I drop the part into a new drawing, set the ordinate "zero", and add a hole chart by selecting a few holes. When I attempt to edit the chart: click chart, right click "edit", click add hole, select new holes, right click to create, the "create" selection is greyed out and all I have to choose from is cancel. I searched the forum here but could not find a reference to this a know issue. Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch of 2013.
We are running win7 x64 machines and this happens on both the 2013 Ultimate and Premium editions of the product.
I have had this problem intermittently for a few weeks since going to Inventor 2013 SP1.1. I have a part within an assembly and that part has holes created in it before assembling it with other parts. Now when I try and create a hole table in a drawing of the assembly I cannot select hole edges and the hole table is blank when trying to create it automatically from view selection. I originally thought it may be an alignment issue but I have since aligned everything correctly and it still persists. I can create the hole table if I import in just the part into the drawing but it will not allow me to create the table on the whole assembly.
I can also create the hole table if I use "centred pattern" and create cross hairs on all of the holes however it does not give me correct annotations for the holes as shown in attachment and I can manually change the annotations but seriously this should not be required. As shown in the screen shot it reads as A1 down to K1 instead of A1 to A10. .
Question: Is it possible to control the Hole Dimensions called out on the Hole Chart? As in controling leading/trailing zeros for main hole dim, alt home dim and tolerances? Can you combine the Main Dim with the Alt dim in a single column, separated with parentheses? (same with tolerance?)
I would like to use the hole command to place a hole in a part. When I place the hole it won't allow me to use one of the origin planes to locate the hole from. Can I only locate holes off edges?
I have an assembly that contains a part and a hole feature (the hole feature is at the assembly level). Using the api, I'm trying to get the hole location relative to the part's coordinate system in a without using the holeplacementdefinition.distance property, this way I can get the hole location regardless of the way it was defined.
I'm drawing individual guest rooms for a hotel that I would like to xref into the main floor plans. The walls between the rooms are 8" wide. I would like to only show half the width of those walls (4") so when xrefed againt another guest room in the main floor plan, the total width would be 8". But I would like for the one side of the 4" wall to appear as a centerline on the individual plans, but at the same time, be able to shut the centerlines off on the main floor plans. I'm new to ACA 2012 and perhaps I'm going about this in the wrong way.........?????
I am looking for an example autocad drawing of the connection between a window and a wall. In other words, a drawing which shows how the window is attached to the wall.
Does not matter what kind of window, materials etc.
I received a linked revit drawing. The sender highlighted my walls the color blue in 3D mode.I would like to diferentiate the wall colors even futher - i.e. red, green, etc...but how do I do this?
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
I have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling. This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level. I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite. I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined. I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?
I am using the RetainWallVertical subassembly with a created gutter subassembly attached to the wall and a DaylightGeneral subassembly attached to the gutter assembly. My cut slope parameter is set to hold at 1.5:1. I would like to use a target (feature line or alignment) to daylight to and have the wall height adjust accordingly. Problem, I am not able to use a target other than a surface for daylighting. I can use my existing ground surface, which I am daylighting too, but I can't adjust the target point.
I'm attempting to create a wall style that has 2 components, a framed wall and a brick veneer. What I would like to do is have this wall react a certain way when I insert a window. Basically, I don't want the window to cut into the brick veneer, only the framing.
I have attached my attempt so far, and I have not figured out how to get the window to only cut the framed portion.
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end. How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves. eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width. How do I do this?
I have a question about wall profiles. I want to make a profile on a wall so I can make Zinc Panels on the wall that are 10" X 20". I've attached a picture of what I'm going for. I'd like it to have a 1/2" spacing between them and with a joint depth of 1" and I'd like to do this is the wall type so that I can use this wall in multiple places rather than having it model-in-place. Anyway I have made a profile that is 1" X 10" so that it can become my panel profile. But when I go to add it to the wall as a wall sweep as I have seen people do I get hung up on how to make it tile up the wall and also I don't understand how to make the profile so that it is 20" wide. I have a screen shot of where I'm editing this too. Below is the link of the site.
I can convert a wall to a curtain wall but not a curtain wall to a wall. When converting a wall to a curtain wall I select wall in the design pallette right click apply to wall select the wall and it changes to a curtain wall. When I try converting a curtain wall to a wall I right click on curtain wall select apply properties to wall then go to select the curtain wall but I cannot select the curtain wall as a wall?
I simply want to convert an existing curtain wall to another wall type how is that done/
“Drag wall end” to the edge of the wall (indicated),In the attached screenshot, I wanted to drag the end of the temporary dimension from its location to the end edge of the wall but sounds not to respond!
How this temporary dimension can be dragged to the edge of the wall?