Photoshop :: Cutting A Square In Half (Illustrator)
Apr 19, 2007How in the world do I cut a box in half so I can have 2 objects I tried using the slice tool, but not working.
View 4 RepliesHow in the world do I cut a box in half so I can have 2 objects I tried using the slice tool, but not working.
View 4 RepliesI want to cut a path in half. I've searched far and wide around the internet on how to do it but couldn't find any results.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a design that I would like to cut in half so that I can cut half of it at at time on my vinyl cutter. I can't think of way to do it in Corel.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to crop a square section from an image, using the rectangle tool, under options i choose square but then it blacks out the section of the image and is not movable, in PSP7 when doing a similar action, this square part of image is movable, how can i make this the same in photoshop?
Or is there a different action that i can use?
I am cutting a dormer in a roof with a square rafter cut. I want the dormer to be plumb cut. Is there any way to do this? The property seems to be set for the entire roof.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere's something that should be simple, I want to create a template for cutting a square hole 125 mm on a side.
I have gone into Drawing Utilities and set the units to millimeters. I drew a square 125 units on a side.
In paper space, I selected a template that is 11" X 17". I set the scale to 1:1. I thought that that would give me a sheet I could print out ledger size with a 125mm square drawn on it, but no, it is not even close. As near as I can figure, the square is 125" on a side in paper space.
I am trying to edit a JPEG. It is one layer. My mode is Normal with 100% opacity, 100% fill. The layer is not locked.
I can use several tools including move, magic wand, paint bucket, crop. However, I cannot use the eraser, paintbrush, healing tool, clone stamp (which is the one I desperately need to use) or many others.
Untitled-1 copy.jpg
When the modify dimensions box is open, the 'roundoff' menu gives me 1/16", 1/8" etc, even when DECIMAL is selected as the unit format.
This wasn't happening earlier, not sure what's going on. [in fact in a solved problem from earlier, a colleague found a drawing that had units set to millimeters, had its insertion scale set to inches! Different computer, so not related].
How do I cut a page in half.
I have an 11x17 map produced in Illistrator.
I need to cut the page in half, roads, background ect.
I need to make a seperate map out of each half.
I'm trying to create something like this *photo* where the stroke only covers three sides of the object (in this case it's a box).
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe first get a digital proof form printers as .pdf. Sometiems they save them with PDF compatible on. This makes my job harder because will get ilustrator asking for all the links when opening the .pdf.
What we do is open the .pdf form the printere, adn paste this on topof our orignal .ai file. This is to proof what theyt changed. Adding in theri product numbers, adn updating the UPCS is about all we want to see. What we look for is shifting type, or missing elelements.
Mas OS 10.8.4, AI CS5
I'm currently designing a transit diagram in Illustrator CC, but I'm having some trouble with snapping. I'm working on a grid with snapping on, with 10px stroke paths. An example of my problem is as follows: I have a 90 degree path laid out and I go to make a 45 degree diagonal off it using the shift key, but the end of that new diagonal ends up on a half pixel. See the picture below:
You'll see the end of the path on the right is at X 630.5 and Y 185.5. I'm working on a 10px grid with 10 subdivisions. How can I make it so it snaps to whole pixels only, this is really infuriating!
As you can see by the screenshots, this logo is vector and shows up perfectly in PHotoshop. (it was created in Photoshop and is a layered Vector PDF). I bring it into AI, though and the top portion of the talking heads disappear. Though their shape oultines remain. A grey box shows up when I click a lot. I am really a photoshop gal, so all this Illustrator stuff is foreign to me. I'm thinking the grey box is containing my art and only showing what falls within it? How to expand it or remove it so that all my logo will show up in AI?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.
when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue.
Is there a way to cut a solid into two pieces using a non-planar cutting plane? I have been tasked with calculating the volume of concrete damage in a chute block. I have a sketch of the damage on the chute block. I created the chute block as a solid and then drew the damaged area extents using plines. This created non-planar plines. Is there a way to get this to work that will allow me to see the volume of the concrete damage? I need an easy way to do this, there are 50 chute blocks all the same size but with varying degrees of damage
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to make a circle split in half with the top half black and the bottom white. I've made a circle with a 37 pt black stroke, now I just need to make half of it white.
View 18 Replies View RelatedI created a pattern in illustrator, and then I created an object, and I wanted to fill half of the object with the pattern, so I used a clipping mask to do this.. however, now when i try to group everything together, the clipping mask in released and the pattern spills all over the artbaord... when i try to copy and paste into a new document, everything is pasted as white instead. When i try to merge the layers, the clipping mask is released...
How to keep the clipping mask from releasing.. Also, I tried rasterizing but that doesn't work either and it makes my shapes all rough and choppy!
I used the free select tool to free select an area of an image that is not a square (odd shape), how do I make that selection a perfect square if pasted to new image or new layer??? rectangular would be fine too...
View 14 Replies View RelatedAs you'll see in the attached image, the red path goes past the black shape. Is there a way to change the path so that it lines up perfectly with the edge...meaning it's a perfect clean intersect, not just the lower right end of the path lining-up at the edge, but the top right too.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow I can update my diesel expression to display the area in square feet not square inches. See expression below.
i have a vector that i want to apply an image to. So i dropped the image into illustrator, and made a clipping mask, but if i go to save it, or print it, it tries to print space where the image is, even though it's only inside the vector outline. Kind of confusing with the wording, see pics, but I just want the vector to cut out of the image, and get rid of the rest of the image.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to cut or erase part of a gradient stroke? The attached image shows a. the stroke I need to cut and b. the stroke as I would like it to appear - (at the moment I have just covered it(b) with white fill. I have tried Expanding, Outlining path and Flattening, but with no luck.
View 10 Replies View Relatedthrough cutting diagonally the letter X which is part of a word. ( illustrator CC)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use Illustrator CS6, I used the pen tool to create an elipsoid "shape" by creating a path and giving it stroke and fill, I made a second one ot top of the first, now the second one covers the first at about mid level and I want to cut the top part of the first shape/path, that is showing, off.
I have tried with various methods but with strange results.
I'm New to illustrator. I would like these bricks to get small as they go to the right. When I reshape them it cuts the bricks instead of resizing. How to get this effect of the bricks getting smaller.
What I Have...
What keeps happening...
What I would like...
I need to save from Illustrator in .dwg format, for laser cutting. However the scale shown in Illustrator is not the same scale in the .dwg when they look at it at the laser cutting firm.
btw when I export in .dwg format the setting for scale is set at 1 centimeter = 1 unit. I don't know what they mean by unit however.
Cs6 here.... I am trying to cut out a simple shape to allow the area under the shape to be trasnparent or Alpha. Like a Mask. Except when I use the Mask it does at it should do and mask the area where the shape is and MASKING or removing the areas not under the mask. I tried Compound path but I am not getting any result from it. My shape stays right on top of my work and does not "cut it out" to allow the Background to shine through as an alpha channel. See pics for clarity. I want to reverse this where the circle is cut out and the rest stays visible...
View 11 Replies View RelatedI want to cut (or copy) a section from an image on my artboard, but I can't see to find a way to do it. For example, in Microsoft paint I can use the select tool to draw a rectangle around part of the image and Copy or Cut that selection into the clipboard and paste it back.
I know I can cut this out and paste it onto an Artboard, but I am curious about the capability in Illustrator.
I have an object that i need to cut a section out of the middle and bring the two remaining sections together.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been working on trying to make this once-a-circle curve cleanly shaven off to the edge of the green box it's on top of, but instead I always end up with the result you see below:
So, is there any way I can crop it off right to the edge rather than actually just getting shorter whenever I try to get rid of the bit hanging off there?
How do I connect a circle and a square ? How do I cut a triangle into an object?
View 14 Replies View Related