I have been using Photoshop for years, and as far as color management, everything has always been pretty true to what i see on my monitor. Recently however, pictures look good in Photoshop, but when i upload them to the internet, or print them the colors are muted and have a gray cast to them. I have tried using different color proof settings based on the labs I use to print, but it always ends up the same.
I have used both sRGB and AdobeRGB on my camera, both have the same result. I don't know what changed, if I changed a setting inadvertently.
First off I should note that I have an extra monitor connected to my MBP.
So I was processing a RAW image on the mac books monitor and it was looking great.
When I click open image it opened on the other monitor and the colors seemed muted...
Now heres the weird part.......when I click and bring the image to the MBP monitor the colors remain muted.......until I let got of the mouse button. Then they return back to vibrant colors. When I click and drag on the window and drag it from the MBP monitor back to my external monitor, the colors remian vibrant until I let go of the mouse button. Then they become muted again.
URL>...I suddenly have an odd problem that I originally thought was monitor-related. I'm using a MacPro, 10.6.8, with a Mac 24"HD monitor for palettes and an NEC PA241W for color. Both monitors were calibrated last week.
I have CS4, but I work in CS3 simply because I like the old interface better. I opened a file I was working on Friday onto the NEC screen and now all of the colors, especially the reds, are muted/shifted to orange. It looks fine on the Mac monitor. It was immediately apparent because the shot is of a red Ferrari that now looks brick-orange. I recalibrated the NEC but no luck. Called NEC and we ran every possible test and scenario, still no good. we both thought to load the same file into CS4 and bingo...it looks fine! I check every color setting, the proof setup and the profile between both versions and they're the same. So what is making the CS3 version suddenly look off?!! The only thing I can think of is that there must be some setting in CS3 that got overwritten/corrupted/changed between Friday and today that is now preventing the NEC monitor to see some kind of profile that the Mac monitor sees.
How come sometimes my foreground/background colors turn to shades of gray when I open a new canvas and I can't change them to color? Is this a glitch or a setting?
Also, sometimes after selecting an area with the lasso and going to the move tool I can't pick up the piece. I get a message that says something like the area is empty.
Lastly, how do I create a stroke (i.e. outline) around a shape?
I'm using paint bucket for fill colors and though I see and choose colors from the spectrum all I am getting is shades of gray. What happened to the colors for the foreground and background, why does it only come out shades of gray even though in picker it shows I have picked a color?
I ended my session yesterday, plotted my first layout, everything looks perfect. I started up today and everything is gray. Drawing layer colors are correct. Everything looks ok in the properties pane when I select anything. Print preview shows everything black. Never had this happen before.
Hopefully my title gets the point across. I've read numerous threads on here where people seem to have the same issue, but I've yet to discover a solution.
I recently bought a new pc and installed Corel Draw X5. When I export to eps and open the eps in Corel, the Pantone colors appear nearly black. This is also true for my clients, although I'm not sure what program they are using to open the eps.
It is worth mentioning that on my old PC I did not have this problem. EPS files I exported from Corel Draw X5 were fine. I could export eps files containing Pantone colors, and the Pantone colors would be there when I opened the eps file.
The settings I'm using under export to eps dialogue are the exact same settings I was using before:
Output colors as Native and PostScript 3.
I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, and CorelDraw X5
I'm doing a graphic for a box package in Illustrator. The background color is the #333333, with big words in grey using #666666. When I brought the image to a print shop to test it, the colors turned out kinda greyish green. The print file is in CMYK. Any ideas why this happened? and how do I fix it?
I recently updated my operating system to MAC OS 10.8 and as a result, Photoshop 5.5 no longer prints colors accurately. I corresponded with the tech department at Adobe for more than a week and we determined that my user settings did not migrate properly when I upgraded, resulting in skewed colors when printing from Photoshop. In running tests, we made a new "root" user and Photoshop printed correctly when using that user. How to fix my user settings/profiles so that my paper and printer profiles operate correctly in MAC OS 10.8 when printing from Photoshop?
I only do photo quality prints to Epson matte a few times a year so I run test prints with various settings to get what I want. My granddaughters wanted some prints from a web site framed and my wife wanted prints of an emailed photo of their old mountain cabin. I had to do some color manipulation of the cabin, but the web site images had been expertly processed and all I had to do was print properly.
I experimented with the cabin image print settings. Epson changed the names of all their papers, so the Epson print profiles in the print dialog didn't match the name on the matte paper box. I deciphered that, but I wasn't happy with the result so I tried two of the other Epson profiles and hated it. There's quite a long list of profiles available, some specific, and some just conventional color spaces like sRGB, aRGB. For the heck of it I tried Pro Photo RGB as a printer to paper profile. The print of the cabinimage with an embedded aRGB profile was everything I could want. I did the web site sRGB images the samwe way and they were really nice.
The puzzle is this: What does using Pro Photo RGB as an instruction to the printer cocerning what it is printing to thru Photoshop even mean? The printer has never heard of the colors possible in Pro Photo, and the source image is in sRGB ( verified by Photoshop). I can conceive that an RAW image should be rendered as aRGB for inkjet and that the inkjet has some blues that are outside the aRGB, but I can't understand telling an inkjet to use Pro Photo to print sRGB.
After changing picture to black and white or any other color change the picture will print some of the original colors especially greens and tans. This occurs when changing a jpg file or using layers. It did not happen in CS2 using the same Epson printer and the same printer settings.
I have a complex (includes tints) clip art object that needs printing in a specific pantone color I just convert it to grayscale using edit>find and replace objects>color mode. then print it as a black plate and just use another color on press.
Today I had to send off artwork to another printer. Dang. How to install a macro. Import clip art to be modified to a new document, do not do this in your working document.
Use Edit>Find and Replace> Find Objects Replace a color model or palette. Next Leave as is except change Replace with color model to "Grayscale" Next>Replace all
Repeat 2-4 for 'outlines' if you have them.There you now have a gray scale clipart, but the fun continues!You'll need to know what pantone color you want to use. Let's say Reflex Blue. Make a square and color it Reflex blue from a pantone palette.Duplicate the square and create swatches at 90% 80% 70% etc down to white.Select these square swatches, then Windows>Color Palette>Create Palette from Selection. Save palette with a temporary name, it is only time use. Or you could call it 'Reflex Blue'Now go to this website and download the macro "limit colors" URL...
Drop it in your GMS folder in under your username to install the macro. (might have to save the drawing and restart Corel...)Once you reopen your now grayscale clipart document, Select the clipart. Run the macro (Tools>Macros>Run Macros) LimitColors.Posterize select the number of colors in your new palette if you created 10% swatches, go with 11, if you did steps of 20% then you'll do 6 (don't forget white).Run the macro LimitColors.LimitColors and select your new palette you made in step 9.
I have CS6 and a Savin printer. I have recently run into issues of it turning my projects a funky shade. I took the file to the office store and it printed fine for them. My printer is printing other jobs great but the trouble just appears with PShop.
I have been printing with an epson [artisan 50] for a long time, always great colors on my pc.
just switched to a mac and latest version of ps cs6 and my prints are not color correct [very muted colors on the print] It is definitely not the printer [prints perfect from otherc applications]
I have tried many of the settings / color management options, but none seem to do the job. Right now I have it set on 'photoshop manages color' and then for printer profile my printer type with correct paper.
I don't know what to do- share their knowledge on color management/printing
Example: CTRL+click on grey channel theoreticly (by my theory) make selection from white depending on its value. So cuting out must leave transparent greyscale image. But it don't (okey, it do, but changes black value):
The same selection inverted and filled with 100%K gives correct result: Is my "theory" about CTRL+click selection wrong? Becouse for my point of view, both ways should give same result.
I bought a new computer and got Photoshop Elements 2.0 with it. Great program. My problem is a friend said that Photoshop 6.0 is better. I asked to try this program . I loaded his program on my machine and started to print. All of a sudden my prints appear to be pinkish color and no normal colors. I looked on the web for an answer. Could this program be illegal and something is changing my colors?
how to get the same look as an image he linked to. On the flickr Photoshop Support group, similar questions are asked several times a week, all looking for that distressed yellow tint affect so beloved by wedding photographers nowadays. It drives me crazy, and not just with how often it was asked, but why so many people would want to ruin a decent photograph.
I was making a bussines card, colors in corel looks perfect, exported to pdf file colors stays the same, but when i try to print all colors are off. Deep purple turns pink and black fading objects tuns into lines. Furthermore, when I use 'collect for output' pdf preset 'prepress' colors are off to and when I try to use 'current proof settings' corel just shuts down.
colors in corel
colors in pdf after 'colect for output'
and when I print it, colors are way more off, you can't even see the red, because all purple turns pink.
How do I change the default toolbar background from dark gray to light gray in illustrator CS6? In the older versions, the toolbar backgrounds were light gray. It easier to read on light gray backgrounds. THe same question applies to Photoshop CS6. InDesign CS6 has light gray backgrounds.
I recently upgraded my computer, and use the same AutoCADLT 2012 software I used on the old system. However, now when I print drawings or make pdfs, they are in color instead of black and white. And the pdfs in color now copy in such a way that some of the layers appear faded, are very light, and are difficult to read. How do I get the prints and pdfs back to black and white, with no color?
I'm relatively new to Illustrator (I'm a fine artist not a graphics professional) and having some difficulty with preparing pdf files for screen printing positives.I passed some of my photos through Vector Magic anf got a 3 color vector pdf.I converted the colors to global spot cmyk.What I need to do is get each color onto a separate layer. I don't have a postscript printer and would like to have everything prepared before I take artwork to a print shop to get screen positives printed.For some reason when I go Select > Same > Fill color (and either cut to a new layer or select inverse and delete on a duplicated layer) I'm not getting everything showing up. It looks like the document needs to be flattened or something, though I have tried that with no effect.
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
Why does a black through white gradient created in an RGB document have a B channel that differs from the R and G channels?
In 8-bit mode, only some of the "grays" have a mismatching B value and there seems to be more of them when the gradient is created by Gradient Tool than when it is a Gradient Fill layer. The difference seems to be 1 in the cases that I've seen.
In 16-bit mode, I see the B differ from R and G by 7 at black, gradually reducing to 0 at white.
Before someone says, "Why make a fuss about small discrepancies?", I'm asking why there is any difference at all.
How can I print in black and white while using true colors? I've tried the monochrome ctb, monochrome stb, looking for solutions in these forums, etc. The std 255 colors are not a problem. It is only when I use a true color. When I tried the monochrome stb setting, the fill color on my multileaders did not change.
Also, in paperspace, with viewports that had solid objects in them, I used to be able to print and have hidden lines removed without them showing up that way in the viewport. (used 2008 at the time and have jumped from that to 2012)
I seem to remember that the was a variable command that controlled this but I can't remember it.
I run an online wedding invitation design business. I first create the digital files of the invitations in Adobe Illustrator CS5, then secondly I email the PDF file to my customers, and finally the customers are responsible for printing the invitations themselves. Some people print from a home computer, some have a local print shop print them (professional OR places like Staples and Office Max), and some upload the design to an online print service.
I use Adobe Illustrator CS5 and cmyk colors to create my file.
2 times this year I have run across a problem that I don't know how to fix. The customer says that when they print the PDF at home AND at a local print shop (Staples or otherwise), the colors are not right. Specifically, my Peach color was printing Brown for her, and my light Pink color was printing Tan for her.
The first file I sent her was a PDF that I created from Illustrator. I also imported the .ai file into my Photoshop Elements 5.0, and then saved it as a JPG and PSD. Those two printed the same results for her. She printed from home and from Staples. Both printed wrong.
I have made 250+ sales in the last 12 months, and this is only the second time it has happened.