Photoshop :: Muted Colors Between Monitors

Jul 4, 2008

First off I should note that I have an extra monitor connected to my MBP.

So I was processing a RAW image on the mac books monitor and it was looking great.

When I click open image it opened on the other monitor and the colors seemed muted...

Now heres the weird part.......when I click and bring the image to the MBP monitor the colors remain muted.......until I let got of the mouse button. Then they return back to vibrant colors. When I click and drag on the window and drag it from the MBP monitor back to my external monitor, the colors remian vibrant until I let go of the mouse button. Then they become muted again.

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Photoshop :: Colors Are Printing Muted And Gray

Aug 20, 2013

I have been using Photoshop for years, and as far as color management, everything has always been pretty true to what i see on my monitor. Recently however, pictures look good in Photoshop, but when i upload them to the internet, or print them the colors are muted and have a gray cast to them. I have tried using different color proof settings based on the labs I use to print, but it always ends up the same.

I have used both sRGB and AdobeRGB on my camera, both have the same result. I don't know what changed, if I changed a setting inadvertently.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Colors Suddenly Muted Compared To CS4

Aug 20, 2012

URL>...I suddenly have an odd problem that I originally thought was monitor-related. I'm using a MacPro, 10.6.8, with a Mac 24"HD monitor for palettes and an NEC PA241W for color. Both monitors were calibrated last week.
I have CS4, but I work in CS3 simply because I like the old interface better. I opened a file I was working on Friday onto the NEC screen and now all of the colors, especially the reds, are muted/shifted to orange. It looks fine on the Mac monitor. It was immediately apparent because the shot is of a red Ferrari that now looks brick-orange. I recalibrated the NEC but no luck. Called NEC and we ran every possible test and scenario, still no good. we both thought to load the same file into CS4 and looks fine! I check every color setting, the proof setup and the profile between both versions and they're the same. So what is making the CS3 version suddenly look off?!! The only thing I can think of is that there must be some setting in CS3 that got overwritten/corrupted/changed between Friday and today that is now preventing the NEC monitor to see some kind of profile that the Mac monitor sees.

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Photoshop :: Colors Muted When Opened In CS5 / Look Fine In LR And Bridge

Nov 4, 2013

All of sudden when opening files in photoshope cs5 the colors are muted.  They look normal in bridge and lightroom. 

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Photoshop :: Calibrating Monitors Colors

Dec 24, 2004

how can we caliberate our monitors to work perfect with Photoshop and which gives us the exact view of images which we get after the printing.

Like mostly the colors/brightness/contrast of images on which we are working change when we change the monitors or if we view that file on other computers. So, how can we fix all this, like is there is any way through which we can calliberate all of our monitors to show the exact same result as it was displaying before ?

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Premiere Pro :: View Two Program Monitors To Match Colors (CS6)

Mar 7, 2014

I'm trying to color match two shots and I'd like to be able to view them side by side while I adjust the colors in one of the shots. It seems like a good way to do this would be to view two program monitors side by side - but is that possible? I can't see that option anywhere.
Using the source monitor for comparison doesn't make sense to me as I've already color corrected the reference shot and the source monitor shows the original footage (ie. the wrong colors). I could of course try to match the shots based on the source footage of the reference shot and then apply a second color correction but that seems a bit unnecessary to me.
Or - I remember that in FCP7 there is  an option to use split screen while color correcting two view two shots simulatenously side by side in the same screen/monitor. Is there anything like that hidden in PPro?

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Photoshop :: How To Get That Muted Yellow Colour Look

May 13, 2013

how to get the same look as an image he linked to.  On the flickr Photoshop Support group, similar questions are asked several times a week, all looking for that distressed yellow tint affect so beloved by wedding photographers nowadays.  It drives me crazy, and not just with how often it was asked, but why so many people would want to ruin a decent photograph.

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Photoshop :: Vibrant Color/Muted Background [Masking]

Feb 11, 2008

Is there a certain effect or technique that makes the colors in the photo so vibrant while keeping the background soft and dull?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - Videos (MPEG4) Automatically Muted?

Jun 17, 2012

I'm using the 30-day trial version of Corel Videostudio Pro X5.

The problem is that all the videos (all files are MPEG-4) I add to the library are muted, I can't hear anything from the audio when I play it. It's the same problem when I add the clip to the timeline, it shows that the clip is normal & the audio should be fine but nothing can be heard. I've tried purposely muting it & then unmuting, I've also tried splitting audio, I've tried all possible audio settings I've found in the program but everything I've tried has no effect. I've checked a million times that the audio on my computer is on, & the videofiles play normally with perfect audio on every media player I have, but I can't hear anything in the editing software.

Is there a setting that makes the files automatically mute & I haven't noticed it, or doesn't Corel Videostudio just support MPEG-4, or is this like a weird glitch in the trial version?

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VideoStudio :: Muted Audio At Start Of Clips?

Mar 1, 2011

I am currently trying out Corel VideoStudio Pro X4,when i insert different clips into the timeline, as the project plays the audio doesn't start instantly, and there's almost like a 1sec delay before the audio appears.

I seen that there was audio fade in/out options, which can be set to 1-999 (but no 0)

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VideoStudio :: Clip Automatically Muted And Cannot Be Unmuted

Apr 26, 2011

I have a problem with Corel Video Studio Pro X4, I have a couple of short clips (avi format), put together in a project. Most of them I want to use muted, for the exception of 1 clip, with this one I need the audio. Only... when I play the whole bunch in project mode, all of my clips are automatically muted, also the one where I don't want it to be. It's getting quite annoying, I'm new to the program and can not find a solution for this problem. I tried to unmute the clip, but no luck. When I play the clip separately in clip mode, the audio is fine..

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VideoStudio :: Sound On Some Clip Muted When Project Exported

Nov 21, 2011

I used many clips capture from a Sony HD Camorder. Everything's working fine in Video Studio when I do a preview of my project.

My problem is with the exported file ; on some clip, when the clip begin the sound is muted for about 7-8 seconds, After that, the sound come back. I tried to slip the sound from the clip, remove the transition, nothing work.

I updated all the drivers...I tried on an other computer...still the problem.

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VideoStudio :: When Clip Begin Sound Is Muted For About 7-8 Seconds

Nov 7, 2011

I used many clips capture from a Sony HD Camorder.Everything's working fine in VideoStudio when I do a preview of my project.

My problem is with the exported file ; on some clip, when the clip begin the sound is muted for about 7-8 seconds, After that, the sound come back.I tried to slip the sound from the clip, remove the transition, nothing work.

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Photoshop :: Using 2 Monitors

Sep 4, 2003

At the moment I'm using 2 monitors for PS. At monitor 1 I have the work and monitor 2 has the tools. I like that, but some strange things happens.

If I put the toolbar (the vertical one) on monitor 2 and if I like to fill up the colors on my work with the paintbucket, the toolbar turn out to be gray. (foreground AND background)

It is not possible to change the colors, so I have to drag the toolbar back to monitor 1, change the colors and than it works.

When I drag the toolbar back to monitor 2 it still has 2 colors (fore- and background) untill I use the paintbucket again.

Is this a normal situation for PS? Are there more weird things by using 2 monitors?

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Photoshop :: I'd Like To Use Two Monitors

Jun 29, 2006

I have a Power PC G5 Dual processor. I'd like to try to use two monitors.. one for my tools and dock and the other for the image I'm working on.

Does anyone know how to do that or if you know of a website that would explain that?

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Photoshop :: Can I Use Two Monitors?

Apr 8, 2005

Is there a way to drag and open document or canvas on the secondary monitor? I'm able to drag the smaller preferences windows such as blending option windows etc. over to it, but not the actual documents.

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Photoshop :: Using Two Monitors

Feb 14, 2003

use a second monitor to keep there the palletes open so you have the entire screen to work.

I have an extra monitor,

what am I supposed to do to make this work?

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Photoshop :: Monitors

Aug 2, 2009

Looking for help in selecting a decent quality monitor to use with Photoshop and Illustrator. At this point, I would like to stay at $250 or less.

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Photoshop :: Monitors

Aug 15, 2009

My monitor is starting to flicker. Since it is a few years old I will need to replace it. I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a good but medium priced monitor.  In the past I had a CRT monitor. Later on I worked with an LCD and obtained good results with both. I have PSCS3 and WXP operating system. I have been reading about ISP based monitors and VGA.

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Photoshop :: CRT VS. LCD Monitors

Jun 28, 2006

I have been using dual 21" CRT monitors for years and my eyes cant take it any more. I want to switch to LCD monitors however I am not sure about detail / clarity. I work on Photoshop 8 hours a day so I need the monitor quality. I am comparing a Dell FPD2185W and a LG 203WTX. Too hard to really see detail in the stores. If anyone has any input as to the best quality or sharpest LCD monitors to consider for Photoshop

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Photoshop :: Dual Monitors?

Jan 10, 2004

Does photoshop support dual monitors?

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Photoshop :: To Use 2 Monitors On 1 Machine.....

Oct 13, 2003

Can anyone tell me what I need to be able to use 2 monitors on 1 machine?

I do a lot of work zoomed into a pixel, and would like to have another monitor which shows the full picture. For use with Flash and Photoshop mainly.

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Photoshop :: Dual Monitors

Aug 28, 2008

I have recently purchased new HP laptop 320/4g/2.6, Windows Vista, and have an additional Samsung Monitor - T240 24" - I will be using Photoshop CS3, switching from Photoshop Elements6, and would like to know how I get Photoshop to recognize that I am using two monitors. I am also using Lightroom 2.0 and have no problem displaying a photo on the Samsung with it. What am I missing in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Dual Monitors

Apr 17, 2009

recently my 2nd monitor quit working in cs3. it works fine in LR2 and mail, but not photoshop. i run a mac pro w/leopard 10.5. this has brought my editing to a standstill.

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Photoshop :: Dual Monitors With PS CS4

Apr 13, 2009

I have twin monitors set up the defualt way whereby they act as two seperate monitors for two seperate applications to be maximized in and such. Basically, what happenes, is if i put Photoshop onto the secondary monitor, and create a new canvas, or have an open one, it does somthing similar to this: (picture attatched). Any reason or way to stop this? It doesnt do it if i strech the program over both screens but thats not practical for the obvious fault left in the middle.

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Photoshop :: How To Deal With Different Monitors

Oct 8, 2006

I've spent ages designing only to notice on my crt the colours are different and when printed the colours are watered down and doesn't match. So I have no idea how the client will see the design.

I know this is a well-known issue but how best can I get around it?

I just noticed that my other monitor was viewing the image 'messed up' because it wasn't 'actual size' within the picture viewer. All looks fine now, but when printed the colours are still different, so my question now is:

How can I make my photoshop psd print out in the same colours as what I see on screen? (or as close to?)

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Photoshop :: Can Use Two Monitors With Two Different Colour Spaces

Nov 4, 2013

I have just upgraded my PC to speed up my photo editing workflow. I now want a wide gamut monitor for proof editing my prints - of whhich I make a great deal at home. Ideally I would set the wide gamut monitor to a low brightness to match my paper and only use for photo editing. BUT I also want to regularly use the internet and run other software that much better suits the sRGB colour space. I was thinking of running a second standard spec monitor for internet access and to use as the tool panels in Lightroom and Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Drivers For Touchscreen Monitors?

Jul 29, 2012

Are there drivers to download for a typical touch screen monitor to enable it to have drawing capilities (probably wacom or something similar) for windows 7  (such as pressure sensativity and be able to rest drawing hand on monitor without reading it)

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Photoshop :: Wide Gamut Monitors

Sep 8, 2008

Though not really a PS question, this is the community that is likely to understand my concern. I'm investigating getting a wide gamut monitor( prob Eizo or NEC), but other forums say that there are issues. Some of you are probably using wide gamut monitors, so I thought I'd see what you think.

The concerns seem to be when using the monitor for non-imaging applications, since not all other applications are color managed. "They" say that sRGB JPG's look especially bad on the webb. I would think color managed stuff should be OK. What do you guys think? Worth it or not?

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Photoshop :: Setting Up Dual Monitors

Mar 9, 2006

to go with a dual monitor set up. I am looking at the Diamond 9550, 128 MB card. With the rebate it comes to a more than reasonable $69.00. Is anyone using this card? I would appreciate any comments from those of you that use a double dual monitors set up.

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Photoshop :: A Graphics Card For X2 Monitors...

Jun 4, 2009

  Frankly, the tech specs of individual cards leave my head in a spin and I'm not sure where else to go.  I've tried a couple of sales lines but they haven't left me feeling confident. I want a fairly high-end card but I don't do video and gaming.

I have run two monitors from a AT! Radeon X800 Pro (I think I got the numbers right) which doesn't permit me to color profile two monitors.  Consequently, my main monitor (Lacie Electron Blue) but the other one is always way off.  It gets even more alarming if the image on the cheapo monitor looks better than the profiled monitor.

  It does make proofing difficult if I have the thumbnail on the cheapo and a larger image on the profiled monitor especially if you have more than one image that are close in content. I use an Eye 1 device to profile and I would just like to be able to profile both monitors with that device in an easy way.

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