Photoshop :: Change The Order In Which Photos Are Displayed
Feb 19, 2013
When I upload new photos to an existing album they displayed after existing photos. I need new photos to be displayed before existing photos. It is in the nature of the work that I do. My customers need to locate their photos with minimal effort. Is there a way to set the program to accomplish this?
When I "Get Photos" from a camera and choose to rename them (with "Name" + 001 option), they are acquired and renamed in no particular order and occasionally have the incorrect date.For example, I took 5 photos on 2/21, 4 photos on 2/22, and 3 photos on 2/23 (today). When I imported them into Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.2 and sort them by date, the filename numbers are in an almost random order, e.g. 2009Feb018, then 2009Feb002, then 2009Feb012 are the names of 3 photos taken within minutes of each other.In addition two of the 4 photos taken 2/22 show a date of 2/21.When I download photos from my camera to Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.2, how do I get them to download in chronological order?
In lr4 when I import photos in portrait form they are displayed in landscape. This didn't happen in lr3. Is there a solutionn to this problem other than manually rotating them?
Using PSE 11. I am trying to sort my photos in order Newest first. I select Sort by: Newest and they are sorted in newest DATE order but within each date they are sorted on oldest time order, which seems odd... how can I get PSE to sort so that Newest is based on date and time?
I have been trying to copy an album in Elements 8 to a DVD, but I cannot find a way to keep thim in the order that I have arranged them in the album. What is the correct procedure? It's a Windows 7 system.  Also, is there a way to create the DVD so it can be played on a TV DVD player?
Haven't used Elements in awhile, and actually, the chronological order was never a big deal. For this vacation, I really want them in the order taken by date because I used two different cameras.
You know that small window that pops up when you hover the crosshair over an object? It displays color, layer, and linetype for regular objects. I was wondering if it's possible to somehow change what is displayed in this window?
I have gone through quite a number of pre-made styles and made a few of my own styles. I have a pallet with about 30 styles that I use the most. How do I rearrange them so those that I use the most appear at the top of the pallet? I am using Photoshop CS4 Extended.
I am new to LR 3 , after downloading photo's from 3 CF cards from a wedding then editing I put chosen best shots into a smart collection and all seemed in order numbers wise etc, when I burnt to a disc they are now not in order of the days event, how can I make sure they are of the following : -
1Â - All the same size photo's ready to be printed or put in an album. 2 - How can I make sure the order in which I see them in the library smart collection is burnt in the same order onto a disc, as I have burnt from library and they are all out of order of the wedding event when looked at on the disc !!
I'm wanting to create a photobook of the last few years and need to order my photos by the date I took them. I am looking at all my photos in the Libaray but they are not in order of the date I took them. I presume it's under Library filters somewhere but I can't find it. I've checked date under attribute but they're not right.
my photo's are in numbered order in the library but when burned to disc are all random, they have been edited from 3 cards and saved as a smart colllection, how can I get them to burn in order as library shows them !
When I import new photos in the catalog, it reverses the chronological order in which they were taken - i.e., for photos taken on the same day, it would show the latest first.I don't think I changed any settings regarding the importing of photos in the catalog.
By default Adobe Photoshop creates new layers on top of the current layer. In the Western languages we read from top to bottom and left to right. So when I start creating a web site in Photoshop I start from top to bottom as well. However Photoshop creates the new layer above the current, which is the opposite of what I would like to do. I need Photoshop to create new layers below the current layer. I know by holding CTRL/COMMAND and clicking the NEW LAYER icon, will do what I need. However if I do CTRL+J to jump/duplicate the current layer, or select a layer and ALT+DRAG again to duplicate it, again it puts the new layers in top. Is there a way to reverse the default order Photoshop places layers? If not, I suggest that to Adobe implement an option in the general settings for Photoshop. Flash for example had similar option to read/place layers from top to bottom or bottom to top.
When saving a TIFF file on Adobe PSCS6, the "Save" dialog box always defaults the byte order to MacIntosh rather than IBM PC even though I am using a PC. I have checked Edit>Preferences but can't find an adjustment for this. Do I have to just live with it?
The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success.Â
I know that when I select a group of objects and then list them, the list displays the properties in the order I drew them, is there any option I can change this order? I mean, for example the direction I select them or something like that.
Is there any way to modify the order of the views that have been placed on the drawing sheet? We have a lot of times where we place an assembly view to drive the title block and then place the child components for detailing. Too many time the assembly view gets forgotten until you are done detailing the other parts, now instead of the assembly name showing on that sheet it is the first part you inserted. I would like to be able to select a view and tell Inventor that I would like this view to be the first view instead so I don't have to copy and past everything from one sheet to another. I used to have some code that looked at that first view but I can't find it anymore.
I have used Gimp for years and today I simply cannot move layers. In the layers dialog I usually drag the layers into the desired order but for no reason the layers simply float back to their original position. I have tried;
- Clean install of gimp - Opening various gimp files (xcf) - Creating new xcf files The layers are not; - Locked - Floating
I have attached a video of the problem, which can also be viewed at;