Is there any way to modify the order of the views that have been placed on the drawing sheet? We have a lot of times where we place an assembly view to drive the title block and then place the child components for detailing. Too many time the assembly view gets forgotten until you are done detailing the other parts, now instead of the assembly name showing on that sheet it is the first part you inserted. I would like to be able to select a view and tell Inventor that I would like this view to be the first view instead so I don't have to copy and past everything from one sheet to another. I used to have some code that looked at that first view but I can't find it anymore.
When Googling I found some pages saying that it should be possible to change the order of the layers in Track View with shortcuts, but they don't say how. Can't find anything about this in the customize dialog.
Working on a 28:30 project with 8 hours of footage shot over 13 days. I have seperate bins for each day. Some bins are displaying the clips in reverse order while in thumnail view and I cannot change it to be in sequential order. I've tried sorting it in list view first, but that doesn't work. I have the latest version of Premiere CC.
I'm working in ancient Inventor 2009 and I'm using view representations for all of my .ipn levels. I've accidentally skipped one step and would like to put it in the middle of the others. Is there a way to re-organize the representations. I've attached a picture. I need to insert a representation above the check marked one.
I recently started working on Inventor 2013 and I'm trying to copy a drawing view in order to place it on another sheet. Unfortunatly I see no copy option. Am I doing sth wrong or it's due to the changes in the version?
I am using a symbol that includes a several text boxes. Each text box includes "prompted text" and "drawing properties". When I insert the symbol onto a drawing, the "Edit Property Fields" menu appears. In this menu, I can input my prompted field text or see the various "drawing properties".
My question is, how do I change the order that these property fields are displayed? It seems as if it depends on the order that the text boxes were created while defining the symbol definition. Is there any other way to change the display order?
How can i change my default setting from picture 1 to a new setting like picture 2 when i open up a new part file and assembly file.Is there a setting i can change so whenever i open a new part file & assembly i have this setting as my default.
I was wondering if there was a way to change the model my base views were linked to.
If I wanted to link the base view to a different model, would this be possible.
When I double click on the base view it shows the file path for the model that is currently chosen; however, it is all grey and I am unable to edit it or choose another file path.
How to change this? Is this even possible? Is it because I have annotated the drawing view that I am unable to change the model path?
I created an iassembly with several dozen configurations, and I need to see all the layers in the BOM. I can't do that with an iassembly. (This is where I learned this unfortunate truth.)
I reopen the 2d, the BOM reset itself to one layer, and any editing had dissappeared. (I need to make all titles of subassemblies not visible, and reorder a few components.)
If I drop a configuration in its own assembly, I can show all layers. If I use Design Assistant to copy the first drawing/assembly for another configuration, the views update just fine, but the BOM still references the original file's assembly. I can delete it and drop a new one, but I have to edit the BOM again.
If I drop the iassembly into an assembly by itself, I can't get the BOM to cooperate. I can set the Structured Properties to all all levels, and expand subassemblies, but it doesn't save. I can open BOM properties in the assembly, and they're all collapsed again. In the drawing, the Level is set to All Levels, but only the iassembly is displayed.
Are there any ways to change what the BOM is referencing? I'd rather not drop in a new one as the BOM would have to be ediited for each new print, and I have dozens to do...
I've attached a screen shot in hopes it will inspire. I will be needing around 200 prints of all the variations of this assembly. It will vary in diameter, length, and a few components are iparts that change size.
The more automated/streamlined the documentation, the better.
what could have happened in an assembly when I've changed the cube front view (3D)? The projection has changed automatically (the view) in 2D. In other assemblies didn't happened the thing I've mentioned before even if I did the same thing meaning that I've modified the front view but 2D stayed in the same projection.
So after creating a bunch of assemblies with associated presentation and drawing files I was told that each assembly needs multiple representations for different part colors. I would like to be able to change the representation view of my assembly (i.e. from 'Master' to 'Black') in the presentation file I've already made and have the colors update here and in the associated drawing files.
PS - I do know how to change the representation in a new view. So...hindsight 20/20.
I've got a Profile View style set up just the way I want it. The only problem that I have is that the automated fill hatch that I'm using between my existing and finish profiles is showing up behind the grid lines. Unfortunately, we use "lines overwrite" as a standard, so I can't just switch to "lines merge". Any way or a setting that would allow me to move the draw order of the fill hatch above the grid lines?
We are sometimes faced with the problem that we would like change the coordinate system of the model and have the drawing update it with the new orientation of the part without the need to place every annotation again. This is mostly for legacy parts and assemblies which are not modeled correct according to the coordinate system of the machine.
The following sample code does not work, is this by design or is there an error in the code?
Public Sub RotateFirstView() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument Set oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oDrawView As DrawingView Set oDrawView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(1) Dim oCamera As Camera Set oCamera = oDrawView.Camera Debug.Print oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kFrontViewOrientation oCamera.ViewOrientationType = kIsoBottomLeftViewOrientation oCamera.ApplyEnd Sub
Inventor Professional 2012 SP1 (25 seats with subscription) Windows 7 64 bit Lenovo D20, 12 GB RAM, Intel Xeon X5687 3.6 GHz, SSD Quadro 4000, driver, dual monitors SpacePilot, driver version 6.15.3 Firmware 3.12
I use: oView.scale=oView.scale/2 to half each view scale. It works for base view, projected views like bottom view and left view, but it doesn't work for Isometric view. Which property should I use for Isometric view?
I have a main assembly with two major subassemblies with one of them I want the representations to be set as Defualt instead of master but when I do this and change the size of my parts Inventor crashes, if I leave it set to master it works fine but parts with visibility turned off still show in the iam and dwg files. If I try to change the representation after changing dimensions Inventor also crashes. I can individually open the sub assemblies and everything works fine.
When I double click on a base view - the option to change view orientation is greyed out. So at the moment, if I make a boo-boo with my base view - I have to delete it and create a new one to get the right orientation. Is this a setting I've missed somewhere - or is it normal behaviour?
When I read in this file: [URL]
It states:
Tip To reset orientation of a drawing view, change the view orientation or rotate the view.
Using Autocad2013. Roughly two weeks ago we updated our company server. Since then, in the Sheet Set Manager, the 'Model View' tab is no longer in alphabetical order. The drawings are just randomly listed now, no order whatsoever.
I am trying to rewrite Curtis Waguespack's ilogic code to modify drawing view labels from this post http: [URL]...
The completed label should appear like this
<Description> - Mk <Part Number> Est Unit Mass = X kg (Scale 1:1)
At this point I have 2 problems
1. I want to add the physical mass to the second line and would prefer to use the calculated physcial property rather than the a custom iproperty. If editing the view label, it would the property access under physcial properties.
2. I want to rewrite the code so it is selective or per view - in otherwords, I only want it to modify a single view I select once the code is run. At this point I know I need to remove the For loop but I dont have a clue as to how to make it selective.
'start of ilogic codeDim oDoc As DrawingDocument: oDoc = ThisDoc.DocumentoModel = ThisDoc.ModelDocumentDim oSheets As SheetsDim oSheet As SheetDim oViews As DrawingViewsDim oView As DrawingViewoSheets = oDoc.SheetsFor Each oSheet In oSheetsoViews = oSheet.DrawingViews For Each oView In oViews oView.ShowLabel = True
Is it possible to change the text height of a drawing view label through VBA?
I have tried to change it by creating a new text style manually with the text height I require and then through VBA set the view label to use that style.
The View label takes on the new style but does not change the text height.
I have tried to use 'StyleOverride FontSize=' but I have text that is multi lined and using this command converts all my text onto one line.
Is it possible to change the text height of a drawing view label through VBA?
Below is my code so far,
Sub HoleDetailSheetLabels() ' Declare the Application object Dim oApp As Inventor.Application ' Obtain the Inventor Application object. ' This assumes Inventor is already running. 'Set oApp = GetObject(, "Inventor.Application")
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?