I have used Gimp for years and today I simply cannot move layers. In the layers dialog I usually drag the layers into the desired order but for no reason the layers simply float back to their original position. I have tried;
- Clean install of gimp
- Opening various gimp files (xcf)
- Creating new xcf files
The layers are not;
- Locked
- Floating
I have attached a video of the problem, which can also be viewed at;
Whenever I work with layers to try and achieve an effect I want, I have 2 or more layers. Then when I try to merge them to get the desired effect, "nothing happens!".
The other layers in the layers menu disappear and my picture remains unaltered, it's like whenever I draw in GIMP, all that editing is seen on my image, but when I try to merge my layers to get say, a glow effect, nothing happens to my image. It's like I didn't do anything. So frustrating!
Basically, what I do is this:
1. I create a new image. 2. I beginning stages of my image on whatever I want to do. 3. I create a new layer (or more than one, doesn't matter) to tinker around to try and achieve a certain effect (doesn't matter what effect I'm trying to achieve, always has the same results). 4. Then when I'm done tinkering around, I go to "Image--Merge Visible Layers" 5. Nothing happens. The multiple layers I had in the layers box vanish, but the effect I was trying to achieve is not merged with my image!
Layers are useless to me because I can't use them, yet I need them to achieve the things I need to have in my art. I am not looking for how to merge two images together in one, I want LAYERS not images.
why are we not able to edit layers outside the canvas?
I often create images were the canvas size is fixed (e.g. display resolution). I then add layers to it that are often larger than the canvas. I would now want to select the superfluous parts of the just added images (e.g. to make them transparent), but I can't select parts of the layers that are not on canvas!
I also can not see any layer content that is off-canvas. A workflow I'd prefer would be copy everything somewhere (not necessarily inside the canvas) and then align it layer by layer, which is hard when one can not see the content of the off-canvas layers.
I am referencing a survey file in my site plan. Both were created using Civil 3D. I want to change the color of all of the reference files' layers to 250, so I selected them all in the layer properties manager and did so.
However, some layers are not changing colors. One layer is red in the reference file, but comes through on the site plan as magenta. Some Civil3D structures are also refusing to change colors.
I selected all of the objects in the reference file and made sure their colors were "by layer," but it did not completely fix the problem.
I'm unable to create layers with GIMP. The program acts like the layers commands are disabled. Don't know whether it's relevant, but GIMP works normally on my XP machine. I'm unable to make layers from the program on my Vista machine, and I do not see settings or preferences for layers.
1- Somehow, in my current drawing, everything is layer-locked. There are no Xrefs in this very basic drawing. All layers are unlocked. Yet, any attempt to select any entities results in "x objects were on a locked layer". Again, all layers are unlocked. No Xrefs. No blocks. Just simple lines. All entities appear faded. This happened after viewing a layout in both paper and model spaces. Reviewing the text window shows no strange accidental commands.
2- There is a default set of viewport scales in the status bar at the bottom right. Default scales are all metric. I would like both metric and imperial. I see you can edit which exact scales are in a metric list, and which are in an imperial list. But how do you set what is displayed/available in the status bar button?
I have 250 layers and want to change the ms setting on all of them. The only way I can find to do this is to go into each layer property and manually change the number. There must be an easier way. I can't find anyway to globally change all of them. Is there a plug in or some way of doing this that I can't find?
when I select>>copy from one image and then Paste As Layer into a new image, parts of the copied selection change color. It's usually not a vast difference in color, but a definite change.
In the screen shot you'll see that I copied the "Learn More" link from the top image and pasted it as a layer into the 3 following background images. In the first two it pasted exact (a brownish color), in the 3rd it pasted as a drab green color. Why?The 3 images being pasted to are all Indexed images with the same channels and same opacity.
The next example screen shot may identify my issue...but this one REALLY Does my head in I selected the bear by color, copied, and pasted as a layer into each one of the background images shown in the first example/screen shot.Notice in the first, how the bear is pasted as the off brown color of the Learn More link.The Second is pasted as the drab green color i'm trying to fix in the first example.And the Third is pasted as the Black color I want, but its on the same image as the drab green Learn More link I can't seem to fix...
I have created my own graphics from scratch with GIMP, but the resolution to this issue is eluding me.
I imported a GIF map and want to add red labels. I have no problem adding the labels, but I cannot seem to get the text colored red. Before I create the text layer, the text tool shows the color is red, but it still creates it black. All of the suggestions I've seen (yes, I've read the fine manual) reference the same things, including dragging the color from the foreground color (which I've also changed to red). Nothing I've tried seems to work. I've even saved the image as an XCF, but I have the same problem.
I am running into trouble with the mosaic filter under distortion.
I am unable to change the offset of where the tiles start, and right now they get drawn in the middle of the image. That way, they get cut off mid way through when they reach the edge of the image.
I can't easily remedy this by cutting out the center, and moving the halved pieces together because they're different tiles and have different colors.
I think I can just move it over, and do another seperate mosaic on the missing region but I'd really like to be able to change that.
How to use a photo behind cut out text and everything was going fine until I tried to add text and change the color. The text is invisible even though I changed the color to white and the box resized itself really small and I can't see anything even though I set it to 150 px.
Try to unchecking the 'dynamic text' button but I don't see this button anywhere in my text tab.
I have never been able to successfully use GIMP for anything because of this problem with adding text. I have had 2 versions, Windows and Linux. Right now I am using it with Pangolin.
I need to do some shading work in Gimp, and for this it would be very nice to have a quick way to change my brush size. Luckily there's a note in the gimp docs on how to program the mouse wheel to do this:
[URL] .....
My laptop only has a touchpad with a little scroll area on the side, but I can't think of a good reason why this should be any different from a scroll wheel on a real mouse. Unfortunately, though, following the documentation doesn't work.
In fact, as far as I can tell, the input controllers dialog does nothing at all on my system--I've looked at the settings for the all of the 'active controllers,' and none of the current settings there match with the actual behavior of Gimp as far as I can tell. It also worries me that the controller names are so generic--they're listed as 'Main Keyboard' and 'Main Mouse Wheel' rather than mentioning a synaptics touchpad, and my tablet doesn't even seem to be listed.
applyng a layer and flattening. Now i really want to get over this hurdle so that i can save important images unflattened for further re-adjustment later.
I have browsed the web for two days and found nothing that helps me. The crux of the issue is that i get to a point where i have applied maybe three adjustment layers and then aaply say a sharpening layer only to find i cannot see its effect on the image due to its order in the stack.
Well, I had need something that had put the layers in a random order.. I show a picture so ya see (each "big pixel" is a layer.Tried to make them look randomized, but it didn't went that well.
Is there are tool somewhere where you can make the draw order layer specific. I.e so we have a layer with a certain number of items on it that always appear above another layer with other types of items.
We tend to use leaders a fair bit and they often drop below some of our design elements, ideally we want them to be at the front & have to spend time bringing to front / sending to back etc.
I can't find where to set the display order of layers. I have lines that display under a PDF underlay but I can't drag the layer above the others. They appear to be in alphabetical order, which, while frustrating, I can live with if AC will allow me to easily move layers around some other way.
I'm working on a book that has watermark on all pages and jpegs too of a4 size. Working in earlier version [x5], I used to overlap all the watermarks which was located in master layer. When I used to import a fresh jpeg on new pages, the watermark went below the jpegs. What i used to do was create a new master layer and then cut pasted the watermark in that layer, and the watermark came above the jpegs in the pages that were added later. In CorelDRAW x6 this i'm not able to do.
The watermark remains bottom of the jpeg, no matter what i do. if i edit the same file in version X5, it works fine and then i get it into x6 and do rest of stuff it works fine. The watermark problem still exists.
I am currently trying to order a drawing to organise certain layers on top of the other, everyone within our team is having the same problem and are find the draw order command and the right click action very inconsistant - i was wondering if there was a better way to organise and control which layer sits infront of others for publishing, we have a number of view port templates that also dont have the same draw order as the model space.
I found out that you can't change line color in the line nova because a fix to prevent white on white or something like that. Is there another way to change the line color.
I have 6 layers in a comp, and I'm taking them across, via copy/paste, to another comp. Each second layer is an Alpha channel for the one below it. However when they're pasted into the next comp they ALWAYS are reversed, or randomly resorted, ruining everything about their blends and alpha relationships with one another.
Why does After Effects do this? Is there a way to prevent it from happening?
This doesn't just happen in this instance, I've noticed it nearly always happening when pasting multiple layers.
I downloaded a trial version and installed but some reason I can not see my "Volume" (external FW800 G-Tech Drive 7200 rpm) in order to import files into the project that I created. I'm actually running a MacBook Pro (13 inch)and the latest version of OSX. I'm salivating to try this out but I'm stuck.