Photoshop :: Can't Find A Raw File That Was Just On Flash Card
Sep 20, 2013
I shoot raw/jpg. I viewed in Digital Photo professional and transferred a Tiff to photoshop. I saved the image on a seperate disc. when I opened and tried to save again I received an error saying I didn'thave permission. I finally saved the psd version by changing the name of the picture. when I went back to the raw file on my flash card it was gone. when I went back to the tiff file that was gone to. the only file I have left is the jpg back up and the psd version. All the other pictures are still on both the flash card and my backup drive except this one. I've done recovery searches and they recover everything i've deleted from the flash card except the file I need. I don't understand why this happend. I've tried searching for hidden files etc. I didn't delete this file. the recovery program shows that it is there it just won't get it. it gets everything else but not this one. both the raw and the tiff files disappeared from two different drives. I want to get the raw file back.Â
I'm just starting to use lightroom, and one of the features I'm looking for is the option to automatically delete the images from my flash card after they have been imported. Is there a hidden option to do such a thing?
I have created a banner for a website in Photoshop. On the right side of the banner I want to have a flash file I created with transitioning imaging. I also use Dreamweaver but the banner is such that I cannot add it together in dreamweaver , or at least I haven't figured out how.  The best way I would like to do it is in Photoshop but will the Photoshop image allow the swf file to play?  I tried to create a gif in Photoshop but that doesn't play like I would like. I am only using three images 330 px by 248 px so it isn't huge.Â
I have prepared an animated video in Photoshop/ImageReaday (CS2). How to I export it to an editable Flash file?
I tried Export > Macromedia® Flash SWF but when I opened the resulting file in Flash (CS3) I found it was not editable. I need to be able to access the timeline and layers.
My co-worker spent all day trying to export a Flash file to open and edit in Illustrator. Is this possible? She feels that it is because when she exports as .fxg into Illus if she turns the preview to outlines the art looks like vector art. Im not so sure. You cant select anything. It still has all those outer boxes aroud it like when you "Place" artwork. Is it possible to do this?
I had a green screen clip. Keyed out the green in PPro and exported as an flv alpha channel to get transparent background. When I put the flash file on a webpage it keeps looping. How can I set the output in PPro to autoplay (which it does now) but stop after it has played through once?
For coping with RAW file picture, I would like to update my computer from PentiumD cpu+1g memory to i5 CPU+8g memory. However I still have a graphic card with Nvidia GT210 chip and 128M memory on board.
I just want to know whether the graphic card can cope with Photoshop and lightroom? I don't want the card delay the CPU when editing the RAW file in Photoshop.
I want to use VSx4 to create a custom sized .swf, flash file for a website. I plan to use a free program called Any Video Converter to covert my final VSx4 creation to the .swf as I hope that future versions of VS will have .swf output.
I'll be creating the video using stills with transitions in between.
Now I haven't tried this yet but...
I know how to change the project properties to custom frame sizes which is fine but what should I aim to be creating? I was thinking of an MP4 (H264) file but just wondering if you have other thoughts on what I should create as a video file before converting to .swf
The stills will be j-pegs. No audio will be involved
have been using PSP8 for a long time with no problems. i regularly copy files from my HD to a memory card but recently i have been getting the following error message for no apparent reason:
cannot copy [filename]: the directory or file cannot be created
if i try to copy a batch of files this does not happen for all files - just more recent ones. so half the files get copied, the others don't. i have checked file properties old files vs new and cannot see any difference. my memory card is not full.
Having just got my MacBookPro, installed LR4, sucessfully shared my photo DB from Win XP with this Mac. However, when I attempted to transfer new photos from my SD card to the Mac, LR4 returns an error saying that it cannot read the DNG files on the SD Card?
I'm trying to update a part with different colors for various features. My color styles are not available in this file. I can export them from another file, then use the import function to bring it over, but there has to be a way to force this file to find the entire "default" color file.
I'm linking an excel file to an .ipt file with iLogic code determining if the Material type is a certian value it will find the correct material thickness. These file work great when working on them thru Vault but when I "Save As Template" and create this file where our other template files are located (not Vault) this fuction does not work. I have realized that I had to place the a copy of the excel file in the same file folder as the template ipt, but even this does not fix the issue.Â
I recieve this error:
Error in rule: Material, in document: Part6
'MWW Materials (Inventor).xlsx' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.
If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files, make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted.
It seems completly countintutive that just saving the file as a template file would cause this not to work when all files that are required are located in the same file folder. Maybe I need a reference to the excel document within the iLogic code.
I want to open a file in a fold with hundreds files there, every time when I click the open file, the select file box only show the top 10 files there. How to set to see the previous file which I opened before.
I love tethered Shooting but as default (at least for Nikon) Lightroom does only save the file on the computer, not on the memory card. Â Now I want to have a backup of the image file on the memory card additionally to downloading it. The tethering software digiCamControl can do this with my camera, so it is technically possible. Â So how can I achieve this using Lightroom tethering?
On Windows 7, 64-bit, with all the stuff turned on to show me hidden files and system files and everything, Photoshop CS6 (13.0.1?), and Lightroom 4.3  I'm trying to follow the advice that everything I do in Photoshop should be backed up somewhere other than as part of Photoshop, I periodically move all the stuff in the Users/<me>/AppData/Roaming/Adobe... folders to a backup drive... And, by and large, I can find and figure out what stuff is.  But, I can't find my preferences file. Adobe says:  General settingsAdobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs.psp (32-bit version) Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs.psp (64-bit version) Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop CS6 SettingsÂ
I don't have ANYTHING called "Prefs.psp" in the Users stuff. As near as I can tell, I don't have anything called Prefs.psp ANYWHERE on the disk.. Do I get to pick where this file gets put? Could I have put it somewhere ELSE? Or, is it actually named something else?
this morning photoshop decided to play up and any new images that i try to open to edit, i get this message. 'Could not complete your request because the file was not found'.   The same problem occours with all file types except .psd files. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop with no luck.  And incase its relavent, each time i click open the 'enable:' option is blank and 'Format:' is set to photoshop by default. With these settings all files in my finder and greyed out, so i change 'enable' to all readable documents which ungreys them. But when i open them, i get the message mentioned at the start.
We can not open most files. Tiff, PSD, some PDF files will give an "unable to find file error". Jpg files, and certain PDF files and TIFF files that use jpg compression work. I have tried resetting all the settings, changing scratch disks / memory usage, uninstalling all fonts, and reinstalling the application and the problem persists. Also i do not know if this is related but the same time we started having errors in photoshop we also have problems in Microsoft Word. The font list shows a lot of fonts as just a white box. Other apps can use the fonts fine. Just not in word. I have attatched a JPG file with screen caps of the errors.
find a way to import the XML files to fix the digitized look Adobe capture gave my footage. Â These are not XML from Final Cut. They are files saved from Media Express, a Black magic design program used for Capturing.
Running Windows 7 Premium Home, Photoshop Elements 9. Due to a glitchy upgrade to SSD my computer ended up with a lot of duplicate files. I'd like to remove the ones PE is NOT using. To do that I need to know the file path for the images it does display. I can find the file names easily enough, but not the pathway to the ones it is using to avoid deleting them. I can find the pathway to the catalog, but due to past sins that may or may not be the path to each individual image.
I need to delete an AutoRecovery file (.psb) in CS6, it keeps opening on launch. I can't find it on my computer to save my life. I have tried saving the file in various places to see if it takes care of it and it does not. Apparently, it is supposed to be in:  Mac HD/users/me/library/application support/Adobe/Photoshop CS6/Autorecovery  There is not an AutoRecovery folder or .psb file anywhere to be seen in the Photoshop or Adobe library folders, and I have looked everywhere. I have a brand new imac w/ OS x. I have tried searching everywhere for the file and folder, even in places that make no sense. I have searched my entire computer, even visually looking in every folder.  I have read a few message boards and apparently the file should be where it is supposed to be (file path above) and deleting it will solve this issue, but I cannot find it.
Spent 9 hrs creating a slideshow that I saved. Closed PSE 11 and reopened and can no longer find the slideshow. When I select Find, Media type, Project, nothing appears, but there is a gray box in my grid that says "File size too large". Is this my slideshow and if so how can I recover it?
When I open Photoshop Elements 10 Editor to edit a text layer on a 511KB 412x292 psd photo the text layer is not shown. How do I open the text layer? How do I edit the text layer? How do I save the finished work product? The background layer is locked. I can't unlock it. I have tried any number of approaches none of which open the text layer for editing.Â
So i turned off the "command line completion" settings. However, now I have to type in the full command in order to run it. I found that there should be an "acad.pgp" file somewhere in the support paths that will allow me to define command aliases. So i did a complete search of my C: drive for "*.pgp" and the search came up empty; I tried a few different ways and places (trying narrow it down) but couldn't find ANY of these files.Â
I have the student version of 2012. Does this have something to do with it? I wouldn't think it should because of what it says on the education site: "Important Note :The Autodesk Student Version software incorporates all the functionality of our professional licenses, but includes a print banner making the software inappropriate for professional, commercial, or for-profit purposes."