Photoshop :: CS6 Won't Stop Quitting

Aug 18, 2013

photoshop cs6 won't stop quitting.

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Photoshop :: Quitting?

Jul 21, 2006

My copy of PhotoShop has worked fine ever since I've had it

Now, suddenly, I can't open it. When I try, the loading splash screen appears and goes through all the things it's loading, as usual. But as soon as it's finished loading, it automatically quits on its own.

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Photoshop :: Force Quitting CS5?

Aug 8, 2012

I Have to force quit Photoshop CS5 in order to get it to quit at all? Then it takes quit azwhile to quit after which a user report comes up to be sent in to Adobe.
I have tried opening it resetting the prefs file, to no avail.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Quitting Repeatedly In OS X 10.8.2?

Sep 23, 2012

I just upgraded my iMac (3.06 GHz i3 with 8 GB RAM) to OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2). Tonight I opened Photoshop CS5 for the first time since the OS X upgrade and created a new document (8.5x11 grayscale, 300dpi). Everything was fine until I saved the document, then "saved as" under a different filename. When I tried to re-open the original document, Photoshop immediately quit and continued to quit every time I tried to open the original document. I concluded that the document had gotten corrupted and started over, recreating the document from scratch; but exactly the same thing happened again. Once I saved the original document under a different name, Photoshop immediately quit every time I tried to reopen either the original document or the "saved as" version.

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Photoshop :: Why Does CS5 Keep Quitting Unexpectedly

Sep 2, 2013

Why does my Photoshop CS5 keep quitting unexpectedly?

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Photoshop :: P3 Keeps Quitting Unexpectedly

Oct 11, 2012

Why is my ps3 quitting unexpectedly all the time?

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Photoshop :: CS2 Keeps Unexpectedly Quitting

Feb 21, 2013

I've literally been opening it for the past hour but it quits within 30-60 seconds..Did they purposely give us this one for free knowing it doesnt work
This is the message...
Process:         Adobe Photoshop CS2 [204]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS2
Identifier:      com.adobe.Photoshop
Version:         9.0 (9.0x196) (9.0)
Code Type:       PPC (Translated)
Parent Process:  launchd [88]

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Photoshop :: CS5.5 - How To Prevent From Quitting When Trying To Use Photomerge

Jul 30, 2012

When trying to use photomerge, Photoshop (CS 5.5 version) quits immediately. How can I fix it?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Keeps Reporting Error On Quitting Properly

Apr 16, 2013

I am running PS CS 6 (fully updated) on my new top spec Imac (32Gb RAM, 2Gb video card, 3Tb fusion drive) with OS 10.8.3.

PS runs OK but when formally quitting I get an error message every time advising that PS quit unexpectantly.

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Lightroom :: Why Is 5.3 Quitting When Try To Print

Feb 18, 2014

i don't do much printing through lightroom but yesterday went to print a contact type document and the application would constantly quit as soon as i hit 'print'. it does this whether i print by hitting 'print' directly or whether i go through the printer dialog box and then hit print.

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Illustrator :: Keeps Quitting Even When Save New Document?

Mar 19, 2014

Illustrator keeps quitting even when I save a new Illustrator document, it quits when reopening it.

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Illustrator :: Quitting Unexpectedly In Lion

Jul 23, 2011

I just upgraded to Lion, and now my Illustrator crashes before it opens. I tried deleting the prefs files, but no luck.

Here's the error:
Process:         Adobe Illustrator [8593]
Path:            /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator
Identifier:      com.adobe.illustrator
Version:         399 (15.0.1)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [150]
Date/Time:       2011-07-23 18:08:41.424 -0400
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7 (11A511)
Report Version:  9
Interval Since Last Report:          64735 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:           15
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   13
Anonymous UUID:                      17486957-5091-4D35-9C35-190464A01EAD


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AutoCad :: Classic Quitting When Try To Save File?

May 12, 2013

I have encountered a problem when attempting to save my DWG. A message appears quickly then the program closes, or the program will just instantly close when I hit save. I am using Cad 2012 on a macbook pro. see the attached file that is a screenshot of the pop-up that I receive.

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Illustrator :: Why Is AI Quitting Unexpectedly Every Time Upon Launch

May 21, 2012

The inital thread was created because Adobe Illustrator from CS6, downloaded via the Creative Cloud, quits unexpectedly upon launch everytime. However, all of the other desktop apps I downloaded work perfectly.
I tried every step suggested in the thread, however none of the solutions worked. I restarted my computer afterwards and it still does not work.

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Lightroom :: Quitting And Reopening Restores Navigation?

Nov 9, 2013

Quitting and reopening Lightroom restores navigation.

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Lightroom :: Error Reading Preview Cache - LR Keeps Crashing And Quitting

Oct 16, 2013

I have been using LR since version 1 without problems.  I run LR 4.4 on an iMac 27 inch with an external HD - originally OSX 10.6.8.  The disk was originally firewire but I have recently changed that to a USB3.0 4tb drive.  I copied all my photos and catalogs onto that drive and it worked without problems for about 2-3 months.  Recently however I am getting crashes whereas I have never had one before.  Suddenly LR4.4 started saying that it had experienced an unknown error and had to quit.  On re-launch it wouldn't open the catalog.  In fact not only would it not open the catalog, it had left 2 files in the folder with the catalog - lrcat-journal and lrcat-lock.  Neither of these can be deleted (I get an unknown error code -50 if I try to do so).  However if I restart the computer I can then delete them.
I thought it might be an operating system problem and finally upgraded to OSX 10.8.5. Same problems but I noted an error message saying that there had been a problem reading from the preview cache.  I deleted the contents of a folder called Lightroom Cache and deleted my previews.  (In fact I run an identical system at another location and simply copy catalogs from one system to the other as I work on them and so I copied the previews from the other system).  This seemed to work better. 
But then I installed the demo of LR 5, upgraded my LR4 catalog and am having precisely the same problems.  I should say that the other system (still on 10.6.8 and an external firewire drive) has worked flawlessly since version 4 was released - and had no problems with versions 1, 2 and 3.
Since LR 5 is exhibiting the same problems, my only thought is that it is a problem with my USB drive.  I have run Diskwarrior on it and rebuilt the directory - no problems encountered and have run Disk Utility on it - again no problems found.  I have had no problems with the drive that I am aware of - it seems perfectly stable and behaves exactly as it should.
I cannot use LR 4.4 or 5 on this system.  Is there any reason why LR should have started to object to the USB drive (it is USB 3.0 and my iMac is only USB 2.0 but there is backwards compatibility).  Something is very wrong but I can't work out where to start.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2 Files Open - Upon Quitting Of 1 File Other File Goes Black

Jun 10, 2012

When I have 2 files open, one minimized and the other visible on the screen, when I quit the file showing on the screen and then open the one that was minimized, it comes up w/a blank black screen. There is no way I have found to get the info in the file to display.

Then, if I save the blank screenof previously minimized file, close it then reopen it the info is back on screen with changes made to the file intact. 

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Photoshop :: How To Stop 3D Rendering

Jun 28, 2012

Can't find a way to stop 3D rendering in Photoshop CS6!
Only with force quit...

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Photoshop :: CC Won't Stop Zooming In

Oct 13, 2013

Whenever I open a file, it instantly starts zooming in as if I'm holding download option and turning the mouse wheel.  I've change the keyboard and mouse,  restarted my mac, reinstalled photoshop, but it's still doing it.  This isn't happening in other applications.

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Photoshop :: How To Stop CS6 From Crashing

Sep 29, 2012

CS6 keeps crashing without any previous warning on me-- and taking the whole computer with it-- whenever I've been working in CS6 for 20-25 minutes. By crashing, I mean that first CS6 freezes, then I get a completely blue screen.  CS6 crashes whether I edit direcctly from it, or if I go into it from Lightroom (Version 4.1). When I reboot and eventually go back to CS6, my work from all but the last 10 minutes will have been saved.
I never had this problem-- with the same computer, pentab, OS, etc.-- with CS5.  I did have this problem when I installed the trial version of CS6. 
I have tried uninstalling every morsel of code related to my Wacom Bamboo tablet, and that didn't stop the crashes.  I have uninstalled and re-installed CS6, and that didn't work.  I have updated Windows and all CS6 applications, and still the crashes persist.   I even tried calling Adobe, but after four and a half hours on hold,  I had to give up. 

Background:  I have

Windows 7 Home Premium; Service pack 1. 
Computer:  Intel i7-2820QM with a CPU@2.3GHz; 16 GB RAM; 64-bit Operating System.
 System Information (perhaps more than you'd want to know?), as reported by my version of CS6:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64Operating System: Windows 7 64-bitVersion: 6.1 Service Pack 1System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreadingPhysical processor count: 4Logical processor count: 8Processor speed: 2294 MHzBuilt-in memory: 16364 MBFree memory: 12744 MBMemory available to Photoshop: 14746 MBMemory used by Photoshop: 60 %Image tile size: 128KImage cache levels: 4OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.OpenGL Drawing Mode: AdvancedOpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA CorporationVideo Card Renderer: GeForce


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Photoshop :: How To Stop Document Tab Pop-ups

Apr 9, 2012

When I move my cursor over a document tab that is too short to show the whole file name, a pop-up appears with the full file name.  The pop-up covers most of the tab, making it harder to click on it.  I'd like to turn off this feature.  I don't see anything in Preferences to do that. 

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Photoshop :: How To Stop CS5 Crashes

Aug 8, 2012

I just installed CS5 Design Premium on my older iMac (OS 10.5.8) and the installation seemed to go just fine. However, when I opened Photoshop to try out new capabilities, it crashed with no image open. I was just checking out the various tools. I opened it again with and was trying to edit an image and it crashed again. I've opened InDesign briefly, but didn't try any new files and it didn't crash. Haven't yet opened Illustrator. Photoshop is the program I use most often. How do I stop these crashes?

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Photoshop :: Stop Updater

Jan 11, 2009

I just installed the update for Photoshop CS4 and started removing CS3 from my computer. I deactivated CS3 then used Add and Delete Programs to proceed. Instead I got a window that says I must first stop Adobe Updater from running but I can't figure how to do that and I can no longer go back to CS3 to see if I can find it there. What do I do now?

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Photoshop :: Stop ATI Catalyst...

Nov 30, 2008

I've just bought a 1GB Sapphire HD 4850. And to cut a long story short, when I'm using my Adobe products, there is a colour tint to all images. When I had my previous nVIDIA card, I had no problem. When I uninstall all drivers, again there is no problem with colours. But when I install the Catalyst software, I have problem.

Now, I'm a photographer and use Lightroom, Photoshop and Bridge regularly. I just upgraded to CS4 which I'm still trying out. (I have no idea if this happens in CS3 as it's no longer on my computer.) I got the card on Friday, shot a wedding yesterday. As you can imagine, I'm not in the best mood. I've searched and searched and it seems to be down to the colour profiling which is enforced. Code:

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Photoshop :: Ps Stop Respound

May 13, 2004

my ps 7 stop respond when try to start blending options or when change colore in caracter window.
it's stop respond until press alt+F4.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Stop PS CS4 From Opening When...

Aug 5, 2009

I connect my camera Photoshop opens. I am running Windows XP. I have tried opening the camera and changing its default to not open, but it keeps happening. I can't find some global setting in Photoshop or on XP to stop this.

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Photoshop :: Merge To HDR Pro Causes CS6 To Stop Working

Jul 7, 2012

Having a problem which is easy enough to replicate when using Merge to HDR Pro ... either directly from within CS6, from LR4 or from Bridge it is causing CS6 to stop working.
What happens is that if you are using Merge to HDR then switch to another application causing Merge to HDR to lose focus eventually it will not recover and the Cancel/OK buttons are greyed out and not available. It never recovers from there.
Typical symptoms where Merge to HDR stops working (and therefore CS6) are the following:

- Any sliders that had been adjusted prior to this happening are available to change, others are not;
  - Any sliders that are greyed out can still be returned to their default value by double-clicking on the slider.
Photoshop has to be 'killed' before it can be used again.These symptoms are repeatable in the 32 bit version of CS6, the more files that are merged the quicker it happens. For example if you start with the "Photorealistic" preset and have 3 files open (opended using Camera Raw, Canon 5D mkII CR2 files therefore ProPhoto RGB; 16 bit; 5616 by 3744 (21.0MP); 300ppi)  it happens withing a couple of times switching to other applications and back but with 9 files open it will happen faster.
And it also happens with AdobeRGB (8bit), ProPhotoRGB (8bit) and sRGB (8bit).Happens from both x64 and x32 systems. The environment is follows:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit, Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 2195 MHz
Built-in memory: 8173 MB

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Photoshop :: How To Stop ACR From Adjusting Color

Aug 31, 2012

I started noticing this problem a while back in CS5 and it seems to be ongoing in CS6. When I have a group of rows open in ACR, I can make adjustments as normal. Lets say that I have a bracket of images I shot of 10 frames.

I make adjustments on the ones I want to use, rate them and use the "select rated" button. If one of those images has a different color balance than the others, it will auto adjust it to match the rest. If the image that is viewable is the one with the different color balance, it will auto adjust the rest of them.

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Photoshop :: Why Subscription Would Suddenly Stop

Nov 11, 2013

why my subscription would suddenly stop when Ive been using it all day?

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Photoshop :: CS Stop Responding Windows 7?

Sep 21, 2012

I have installed photoshop CS on a Dell Latitude e6520. The installation completes successfully and I was able to active the product via the telephone. However when I go to launch the product it get all the way to the work area and then when I attempt to click anyhwere in the application it says "Not Responding" and then closes the application.

I have updated the nVidia Driver thinking it maybe a grahphics driver issue but still no luck. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the product about a dozen times with no luck. What can I do to fix this problem.

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Photoshop :: How To Stop Graphic Fonts

Jun 3, 2013

I downloaded some graphic fonts for use with Photoshop CS4 and one of them, Frames 'n Riboons worked once and now automatically defaults to Myriad Pro when I try to use it. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing but it makes no difference.

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