Elements 7. Without my opening, moving, renaming or otherwise molesting them, 2/3s of the photos in one of my two catalogs have suddenly gone missing. I have exhausted all the trouble shooting info I can find online and have tried the reconnecting procedures, optimized the catalog, repaired the catalog, rebuilt the thumbnails and uninstalled and reinstalled elements 7 all to no avail. The missing files, a mix of jpeg and nef totaling 272, are grouped in one block starting from the first photos I ever downloaded two years ago except for one which is a recent download. Elements 7 win xp 1G ram.
I upgraded to Videostudio X6 in the black Friday sale- and when I open my video editor, a picture pop up box usually appears, with a link to check for updates, showing another link with bonus content, etc, and the orange exclamation button in the top right hand corner of the screen (once I click the x on the box and get into my program) usually shows help content.
Since I registered, now all I get is a huge white box for the welcome- it's no longer the full picture- with a cut off tiny bit of the picture screen in upper left corner, but when I put my mouse over a few of the links (not all of them are showing), they don't activate, some just show another white box with the the word "OK" and once I get into the program and click on the help content button- I get a white box that just says "OK". Same with when I exit- I know longer see the tip of the day or any specials - just a white box that says "OK"
I did click the small box at very beginning before editing program appears on monitor- the popup that shows the sale for this version for Black Friday - to have it never show again (since I just bought it)- but when I did the same with Videostudio X5- this never happened, so I don't think that's the problem.
I think it has to do with after I registered- days after - because it was working fine til then.
I saw some were having a problem with Internet Explorer and offered tips- but I use Firefox.
I really don't want to uninstall and reinstall, because I spent days preparing my folders in my library for easy use and retrieval and I don't want to lose all that information/work.
I'm running Photoshop CS3 v10.0.1 on Vista SP1, brand-new HP Pavilion m8400f machine w/AMD Phenom 9500 QuadCore 2.2GHz, 3GB RAM, ~600GB free still on HDD, not even old enough to bother defragging yet. I have a nVidia GeForce 8500 GT video card w/256MB dedicated video memory. Driver is updated.
I was working on an image and had to walk away for a bit. While I was gone, it went into screensaver, and when I came back, after logging back in I found that the image I had been working on had reverted back to an earlier state and that the history was cleared. No error messages came up and Photoshop was not frozen, crashed or etc. Business as usual, except that the image was "old," and the history gone.
Luckily it was recoverable, but I'm concerned about this happening again when it isn't. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm fairly sure I didn't click anything by mistake, press a key I shouldn't have...
I want to crop a square section from an image, using the rectangle tool, under options i choose square but then it blacks out the section of the image and is not movable, in PSP7 when doing a similar action, this square part of image is movable, how can i make this the same in photoshop?
I'm using an iMac with CS6. I have an external Maxtor 1TB drive that is 13 months old. when I attempted to access a PSD file from the drive and received an error message telling me that the document was not a valid photoshop file. I looked at the directory at this point and noticed that the preview icons for many of the photoshop and jpg files on the drive were disabled. In each of these cases, the files will not open.
I have:
1. Repaired permissions and volumes on the external drive.
2. Changed the file extension and attempted to open.
3. Opened the file in a hex editor and looked for extra lines of code, or text, or whatever.
4. Copied the file to a different drive.
5. Attempted to open in a different program (Preview, Illustrator)
In no cases will the files open, and I'm stumped. The drive itself seems to be working fine. Not every file is affected, and the files that are affected are both in a variety of locations on the drive and were created over a period of years.
I have an image sized 20" x 24". I just have a standard 8.5" x 11" printer. Can I print the image in sections? If so, how?I did this with a PDF document once.
What is the easiest and quickest way to remove this section or blur it with the background? I've tried using the dropper to select the background colour nearby and then using the paint brush to cover it up but my "fix up" seems to stand out just as much as the blutac did in the original...
I've been asked to produce a timeline to be printed 110cm deep by 410cm wide and wall mounted on Foamex.
The time line will be made up of individual panels - one for each year. 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014...
The reason for each year to be printed as a separate panel is to prevent 2013 being plonked on the end of previous years - hope that makes sense! (Each panel will be a summary of the year.)
Ideally I would like to design the timeline with a flowing background graphic so I would need to create the main background as one, then exactly crop each year panel to print individually.
What I'm unsure on is how best to crop each year including bleeds ect so when butted uptogether the design looks seamless.
I want to cut out a section of an image and drop it onto a white background in another image.
I drew a vector point to point line around the area I wanted to copy and chose "selection from vector object" thinking that this would select the region inside the vector object. I then tried "copy merged" from the menu and pasted the clipboard into the new image. Now this didn't work and the copy only seems to copy the what is under the selection line rather than what is enclosed.
I had a client send in an ad in pdf format. When you look at the preview on the screen all the images are there, however when you open it in photoshop one the words disappears when I try to open it in CMYK mode (that's how it was saved). However, when I open it in RGB mode all the words are there, then I can convert it to CMYK. I'm just trying to figure out why it didn't show up in CMYK but works in RGB mode.
I had a client send in an ad in pdf format. When you look at the preview on the screen all the images are there, however when you open it in photoshop one the words disappears when I try to open it in CMYK mode (that's how it was saved). However, when I open it in RGB mode all the words are there, then I can convert it to CMYK. I'm just trying to figure out why it didn't show up in CMYK but works in RGB mode. I'm running Snow Leopard (10.6.8) and CS5. Client used ID to place the ad on template. I have given all the info needed to aid in finding a reason to this. Could it be that the image was not flatten?
The pictures came out fine. But then I upgraded to a (then) newer version of ACDSee, and the first time I opened the folder with these pictures in them, ACDSee turned them all magenta. ACDSee claims that this is impossible – but I assure you it happened...
I’ve posted one of the pictures here, including a screen shot of the Info pallet while the cursor is over an area of the image. As you can see, there isn’t any info for the yellow or black channels.
My question is – is there any hope for restoring the proper color to these images? I‘ve played around a bit with Curves, Hue & saturation, etc. - but getting natural color has eluded me. [URL]
I am on mac 10.8 and photoshop CS6. When I drag an image to the second monitor it goes black. When I drag it back to the main monitor it come back. Also on this computer often the cursor (in CS6 only) dissappears. It reappears when I pull the cursor down to the dock.
We recently obtained second monitors. Since then we occasionally get gray blocks in the Inventor browser.
Is this a graphics card issue?
Is it a bad cable or adaptor?
Is it the monitors?
This machine has NVIDIA Quadro 2000 graphics card. The monitors are plugged into the ports as shown below. The screen resolution is set to 1680x1050x59 hertz per monitor. The monitors are ACER V226WL.
How can I tell which catalog a missing image belongs to?
Beating a dead horse.....Everytime I need "missing images" in LR4.2, I cannot access them, even though I am looking right at the location they presntly occupy because thye image is ALREADY IN ANOTHER CATALOG.
HOW frustrating is this...going on 8 months now. But I need the images and I suppose I could just go back and reprocess 10,000 images that are missing in my collections but I have tried many solutions offered over the months that are just impractical.
If let's say one image is already associated with another catalog that houses that collection, ( and the collection is important because it has the edits), i want to go to that catalog instead.
I have found, that when setting up the Organizer in the Edit workspace, which then has a number of images displayed, if I close PSP, and remove an image using Windows Explorer in the folder that the Organizer had displayed, that when restarting PSP, it freezes immediately after loading.
As I have the Edit workspace set to open first, and because the Organizer was displayed when closed down, it tries to open it with the missing images displayed as gray boxes, and every option in the program locked.
Because it locks immediately, it doesn't allow any changes to fix this problem. The only way to close it is the windows task manager, End Process. So consequently, the only way to access the program is to either uninstall and re-install, or find the original image with the same file name and copy it back to that folder, so that it matches what PSP has displayed for that folder.
Not sure this is a bug, that PSP, when loading, doesn't recognize the changes within the folder it is displaying by the Organizer, or a problem that has a fix?
I'm using C3D 2013 on a 64 bit windows 7 machine. I have basejump loaded, and when I first installed it there would be a "Raster" tab in the ribbon that would allow me to resample, etc. That tab is now gone. How to get it back?
I used to click on a point to select it and a new tab would show up in the ribbon to list points, edit points, etc. That doesn't come up anymore either.
In AI CS5 the size and position of an image were displayed in the top toolbar when you selected the image. This is missing in AI CS6, how can I get it back?
How do you turn off the 'image is offline or missing' dialog when no drives are hooked with the source files. I'm on LR3, and I don't remember this being an issue with LR2. Doing a client presentation with my MBP and the files are indeed offline. I usually my client selection process from the grid and loupe views, but I'm getting this message, pretty large across the top of the image. I don't remember this being an issue before, so either it wasn't there at all, or the text was smaller.
Many of my catalog images (LR 3.6) do not show file size or pixel information for the associated image file. I suspect this is a hangover from an import of photos from Photoshop Elements which I used in the past. The problem is that when I put such an image in a slideshow or web gallery, the exported image is not properly displayed.
To get around this, I can export the image files to a hard drive directory in original format, and then re-import them into my web gallery collection. The correct file size info is then available in the catalog, and the image reproduces correctly in the exported gallery.
I know (or at least hope) this is a kludge, and there is a more straightforward method to correct the catalog. I have many photos with incomplete image information.
Recently had my motherboard replaced under warranty and had to reinstall all programs. Had previously synched all my image files (and LR catalog files) to a separate hard drive using MemeoSync.
When I reinstalled and opened LR4.4 I found that the only folder showing was the synched drive (I:) whereas it should have been the C: drive. All synched images on the I: drive were correctly tagged but the original images on the C: drive had no keywords. I understand I can move all the files from the I: drive to the C: drive but there is another mystery I cannot solve.
I take all photos as RAW & jpeg. The files on the I: drive show the RAW files and the separate (but related) jpeg files. On the C: drive they are shown as <filename>.CR2+JPEG and I can't seem to separate them. I have tried ticking the box 'Treat JPEG files next to RAW files as separate files" without success.
So my question is, if I move all 49,000 files from one drive to the other, will the moved files retain the keyword tags AND the separated RAW/JPEG files? Also, must I delete all files from the C: drive before I move the replicated files from the I: drive? If this is successful I will then want to remove the I: folder in LR and just have the C: folder showing.
I'm working with a JPEG image sequence, and have deleted frames frames at various points before bringing them into AE. Instead of skipping the missing frames, AE renders missing media frames in place of the ones I deleted, instead of just skipping them. Is there a way around this without having to manually rename all of the images so there are no missing numbers?
sometimes i open an Illustrator file with a missing image link. I have many image folders depending on the job and it would be great to be able to copy and paste the photo very long text to search for it in my HD.
This is an example [URL]
I am not able to select this very long text and copy / paste action. How do you manage to do it?
I added a couple of standard Autocad MAP tabs to a custom panel and in my custom workspace some of the button images don't show up. If I go to the Planning & Analysis workspace, the images are visible, but in the custom workspace, all I get are clouds with a question mark.
I attached two screen shots.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760