Photoshop :: Cursor Is Going Missing And Image Is Going Black When Dragged To 2nd Monitor
Jun 7, 2013
I am on mac 10.8 and photoshop CS6. When I drag an image to the second monitor it goes black. When I drag it back to the main monitor it come back. Also on this computer often the cursor (in CS6 only) dissappears. It reappears when I pull the cursor down to the dock.
I know I've been able to do it before, but now when I put the selection arrow (black arrow) into a line of type by double clicking, I am unable to then drag the cursor to select the row of type. Triple clicking does nothing. Â In other words, double clicking with the selection tool places the cursor in a word, but how to then highlight the word?? Â In Preferences, it doesn't matter if the 'Double Click to Isolate' box is checked or not and the 'Object Selection by Path Only' is unchecked. Â I know it's something simple.
I have tried to use Steve Pattersons color grid design tutorial to place a grid over a photo. When I drag my color photo into the new document it turns black & white. What I can try to keep this from occurring? I am using CS6 with Windows 7.
I'm having the problem with pen cursor when i use dual-monitor.
Before I run GIMP everything work fine, The pen cursor can move in both monitors.But when I run GIMP, It lock my pen area into only the main monitor, even if I close GIMP. So I need to restart my PC to use both monitor with my pen.
It seems to be fine locking pen cursor area in a single monitor, But GIMP cursor IS NOT CORRECT with pen cursor. They both should be the same, But they are not. As you can see in the photo.
I've tried changing the input mode for tablet to Screen and Window. But it still doesn't work.
PS.I'm running GIMP in Window 7 (32Bit), My tablet pen is Kanvus Life H85
I needed to Reinstall CS3 (upgrade)-(I had purchased 6.0, installed that, then CS, then CS3 upgrades.) Problem is upon opening CS3.. icons and all are huge (monitor goes black for a sec then comes up with huge icons/w'space. If I open CS and/or 6 to check icons on either of those programs, icons and workspace fine. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous time....Â
Photoshop CC 14.0 x64 / Mac OS X 10.8.4What kind(s) of image file(s)? Affecting PSDs and JPGs. Not PNGs, those are workingIf you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)? No error message What were you doing when the problem occurred? Setting up new monitor.Has this ever worked before? No and yes, monitor is new but, I still have Photoshop CS6 and that works fine.What other software are you running? At the moment: Chrome, AI, Calendar, Textedit, and System Preferences.Tell us about your computer hardware. MacBook Pro with 15" Retina display (set to the "More Space" setting), 8GB RAM, 2.4 GHz i7, 172GB free space on the SSD. Monitor is Hanns.G HE225DPB 1920x1080 at 60HzHas this ever worked before?
As I drag the window back and forth between the external display and my laptop display, the previous state briefly shows. When I drag it to the external monitor it looks ok for a split second in vertical bands that refresh to solid black. Same when I'm dragging the window back, the window remains black on my main laptop monitor until it refreshes back to normal, in the same vertical-band fashion. The frame of the window, including rulers looks ok, but the image area, including the canvas color turns black. This blackness can be captured in a screenshot.
On the PNG that is working, I do get some black as the image resizes between displays (stays at 100% but on the lower res monitor it doubles in size). In CS6 the image does not resize, the % changes (16.67 on external, 33.33% on laptop) and remains approximately the same size. Â Perhaps this is more of a bug than something I can do anything about, but I am unable to login to I get an "it is no longer possible to create an account" message, even though I already have an account.
i gave dual monitors a try today for the first time. its nice but i dont feel its needed. Â i discoverd that when i unplug the second monitor i lose my photoshop page and i cant get it bakc unless i restart photoshop while pressing shift+cmd+alt.
is there another of making it know to reset the window to the main screen?
I have an image (1200mm x 1200mm) very sharp and crisp. (A photo that i have worked on and has lots of detail) I drag this image onto a canvas size of 150mm x150mm - and the image loses all of its sharpness. It is not apparent until i zoom in to see the detail. (PSE10) I'm sure that there is a box somewhere to tick..........but i cannot find it. Â when i drag it over, it is still the large size, so i grab the grips/handles and shrink to fit, then it pixelates?
I've been a casual user of Illustrator for many years, but have only used it at its most basic level. Now I need to begin using it more extensively to develop logos and what-have-you, and it seems that Murphy's Law has gone into effect... now that I need to use it, something has gone amiss. Â I've been through Deke McClellands beginner training for AI CS4 and CS6, and I seem to recall this problem being addressed somewhere in that training -- but I can't find it. Â So here's the problem: Â After I draw a shape, any shape, and then click to reposition it on the artboard, when I release the mouse it snaps to a nearby location. Â The shape doesn't stay where I want it to stay. Â Smart Guides, Snap to Grid and Snap to Point are turned off. Â Preferences > General > Keyboard Increment is set to 0.2 px.
In Curves, when you want to see the deepest blacks and whitest whites, you hold down Option while clicking and dragging the balck and white sliders – and the dragging doesn't allow accurate control. It's okay, but I would find it better if I could nudge the black and white sliders from the keyboard while seeing the effect on the image. Is that possible when using Curves as an adjustment layer?
After an AutoCAD/Windows crash, I reboot. The system begins to load Windows (Win 7 splash), then the screen goes blank and a white Windows cursor appears -- nothing more; no desktop or taskbar.
Control-Alt-Del does nothing, however, the HDD light continues to flash as if it is continuing to boot. The same thing happens when I boot in Safe Mode (except cursor is larger due to different resolution).
I can boot from bootable CD and everything works fine. HDD scan and memtest both pass. I formatted the drive and reinstalled Windows and AutoCAD and everything works fine. However, two days later, the same exact problem occurred on the second of five workstations.
Details: Win 7 Professional 64bit MS Office Home and Business (with Outlook configured for IMAP) i7 processor, 6GB ECC RAM, Nvidia Quadro 600 w/1GB RAM.
AutoCAD 2013 was originally loaded from a trial version, then purchased license key installed.We are using Xref on a file server and opening drawing on a file server across a ethernet Gbit lan.
Somehow I've managed to disable a feature in Illustrator CS6 that does two things: 1) it causes a small box to follow the cursor when I'm drawing an object 2) the light green lines or x's are gone now, too. How can I get them back? Are they only visible under certain circumstances?
I've taken a photo of a monitor. The monitor is OFF so the screen is black. I want to superimpose another image onto the blacked-out screen, so it looks like the monitor is on and displaying a live image.  Apart from the overlay operation, it's complicated by the fact that the image of the monitor is slightly distorted by perspective, while the inserted image is square.  So I guess this means that I need to perspective-isedistort the second image to match the available space on the monitor image.  I'm not unfamiliar with simple PS operations, but this project is a little outside my range of expertise.  However, I assume that the first step will be to get both images to the same density. The monitor pic is currently at 180 pixelsinch while the pic to be overlaid is 95.987 pixelsinch.
Heres what I have and my workflow  Windows 7/64 All drivers and software are up to date. Photos taken with 5D Mark iii in Raw Developed in Camera Raw Tweaked in CS6 Color space is 1998 RGB Saved as jpeg  Using a Lenovo Desktop- Ideacenter B520 Printer is Epson R3000  Monitor and printer are calibrated with Colormunki Photo.In photoshop I softproof using the profile created with colormunki and the image looks excellent.  Whn I print, I choose "photoshop manages colors", and in the printer setting I make sure color management is turned off. The prints look very dull and washed out. I make sure the correct printer profile is chosen (the one created with colormunki for the specific paper I use)  Bust, if using the same image, I choose "Printer manages colors", and then in the printer color management choose "Adobe 1998", the brints look wonderful.What am I doing the is causing Photoshop manages colors to look worse than printer manages colors, when in both cases the image looks great on the monitor?
Originally noticed individuals faces were just slightly elongated on the monitor screen.
Used printer profile template and did not zoom to where you had to scroll up or down, etc. Although smaller than actual size, the entire image fit on the screen. Measured width and height and then calculated to see how far off the image ratio actually was. It was indeed slightly elongated.
Did this on two 17" monitors with different dimensions (Length & Width)and different monitor resolutions. Did this with both Windows XP and Mac Book Pro using the same image in Photoshop CS2 (Win) and CS3 (Mac). The Windows image is slightly more elongated than the Mac. The Mac screen resolution is slightly greater than the Windows. The image on the Mac is less elongated than that of the Windows but nonetheless elongated.
Never noticed until the recent purchase of the Mac.
The XP system prints exactly to scale. Have not yet printed with the Mac.
Why can't I drop a clip in the Program Monitor from the Source Monitor in Premiere? When I try to move a clip from the Source to the Program Monitor, a hand displays with the "circle with a line through it" symbol.
I imported an .obj into Max and the model has a very high poly count. So I remove edges to lower the poly count (select edge, loop, ctrl+backspace) however after awhile, when I render it, I get black holes and missing polys and it also shows in the view ports as well.
I will post an image. I have tried reset Xform and it did not work.
Here are the images
Images 1 and 2: front and left shots of the model before edits. Image 3: deleted some edges Image 4: rendering results.
Rig: Intel Core Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHZ 8gb RAM 64bit OS GeForce 660i GTX 3DS Max 2013
Curser is dragging across the image and distorting even when not clicking on it. is the proxy image in the dialog box adjustable? the resolution is to hight. I have 16G of ram so thats not the problem. (it works ok on smaller low res images)
When I use Lightroom with the LG 29EA93 29 inch Widescreen LED Monitor Lightroom 5 initially looks and works OK but when I try and make changes using develop I get a gray area where the image should be (see below). I have tried other resolutions and that made no difference. Other apps/programs work fine. Â I tried my old monitor 1680x1050 and Lightroom 5 functions fine on that one.
I had to re-install Photoshop CS-5. Now when I try to crop an image, the image flickers between black & the image. Often remains blacked out till I click on the image. Never did this before. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
I have what is to me a rather large assembly. 1823 total occurrences in the active document and 700 open documents in the session.My problem is that when I open the assembly nothing shows up on the monitor in the image area. The tree is fully populated an showing visibility on all the parts.I have tried saving as a different level of visibility and still no go.