We recently obtained second monitors. Since then we occasionally get gray blocks in the Inventor browser.
Is this a graphics card issue?
Is it a bad cable or adaptor?
Is it the monitors?
This machine has NVIDIA Quadro 2000 graphics card. The monitors are plugged into the ports as shown below. The screen resolution is set to 1680x1050x59 hertz per monitor. The monitors are ACER V226WL.Â
If I use 2 monitors to display 1 image with the image extending from one monitor into and across the second monitor, can I make a screen shot of the entire image without any break in the middle where it crosses from one monitor to the other? Will it be one continuous screenshot of the entire image, even though the image is displayed on 2 monitors?
OS: Windows 7 Pro CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000 Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080 Memory: 16gb GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000 Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
When I section a view and edit the hatches, the 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window always opens off-screen. Â I have changed the settings in the GPU control panel to have everything open on the last window, but this window will not abide. Â I move the window to the Inventor window (monitor 2), but it will re-open back to monitor 1 in the exact same position every time.
The 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window seems to be the only window that does this in Inventor. Â Attached is a screen cap of the issue. Â The window opens in the same place each time.
OS: Windows 7 Pro CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000 Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080 Memory: 16gb GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000 Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
I have two monitors hooked up to my system. One is the laptops screen and the other is an external monitor. All is working as it should with the two monitors.
My question is this: I've opened up widget B on monitor 1 and I've got some information that's on widget A that I want to look at while working on widget B. My idea is that I would open both widgets and have one open on one monitor and the other open on monitor 2.
Problem is: I cannot get it to do this. I can move all of ACLT to one monitor or the other but not both at the same time.
Now, I did figure out that if I opened the program twice that I could get it to work but my concern is using up processor speed to do this.
I've been running dual monitors (22" and a 18") for a while, but I just upgraded to a larger second monitor (now both 22"). Before, I left AutoCAD running in the main monitor, but now I've switched it to run in the second monitor instead. Now AutoCAD will not remember the position or size of the Open and Save dialog boxes while it is in the second monitor. Sometimes it throws them back into the main monitor and other times they show up in the second but without the resize I did previously.Â
I'm using C3D 2013 on a 64 bit windows 7 machine. I have basejump loaded, and when I first installed it there would be a "Raster" tab in the ribbon that would allow me to resample, etc. That tab is now gone. How to get it back?
I used to click on a point to select it and a new tab would show up in the ribbon to list points, edit points, etc. That doesn't come up anymore either.
I added a couple of standard Autocad MAP tabs to a custom panel and in my custom workspace some of the button images don't show up. If I go to the Planning & Analysis workspace, the images are visible, but in the custom workspace, all I get are clouds with a question mark.
I attached two screen shots.
Civil3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional - 64-bit HP Z400 Xeon W3550 @ 3.07Ghz 24GB of RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
At the moment I'm using 2 monitors for PS. At monitor 1 I have the work and monitor 2 has the tools. I like that, but some strange things happens.
If I put the toolbar (the vertical one) on monitor 2 and if I like to fill up the colors on my work with the paintbucket, the toolbar turn out to be gray. (foreground AND background)
It is not possible to change the colors, so I have to drag the toolbar back to monitor 1, change the colors and than it works.
When I drag the toolbar back to monitor 2 it still has 2 colors (fore- and background) untill I use the paintbucket again.
Is this a normal situation for PS? Are there more weird things by using 2 monitors?
Is there a way to drag and open document or canvas on the secondary monitor? I'm able to drag the smaller preferences windows such as blending option windows etc. over to it, but not the actual documents.
My monitor is starting to flicker. Since it is a few years old I will need to replace it. I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for a good but medium priced monitor. In the past I had a CRT monitor. Later on I worked with an LCD and obtained good results with both. I have PSCS3 and WXP operating system. I have been reading about ISP based monitors and VGA.
I have been using dual 21" CRT monitors for years and my eyes cant take it any more. I want to switch to LCD monitors however I am not sure about detail / clarity. I work on Photoshop 8 hours a day so I need the monitor quality. I am comparing a Dell FPD2185W and a LG 203WTX. Too hard to really see detail in the stores. If anyone has any input as to the best quality or sharpest LCD monitors to consider for Photoshop
I have recently purchased new HP laptop 320/4g/2.6, Windows Vista, and have an additional Samsung Monitor - T240 24" - I will be using Photoshop CS3, switching from Photoshop Elements6, and would like to know how I get Photoshop to recognize that I am using two monitors. I am also using Lightroom 2.0 and have no problem displaying a photo on the Samsung with it. What am I missing in Photoshop?
recently my 2nd monitor quit working in cs3. it works fine in LR2 and mail, but not photoshop. i run a mac pro w/leopard 10.5. this has brought my editing to a standstill.
I have twin monitors set up the defualt way whereby they act as two seperate monitors for two seperate applications to be maximized in and such. Basically, what happenes, is if i put Photoshop onto the secondary monitor, and create a new canvas, or have an open one, it does somthing similar to this: (picture attatched). Any reason or way to stop this? It doesnt do it if i strech the program over both screens but thats not practical for the obvious fault left in the middle.
I've spent ages designing only to notice on my crt the colours are different and when printed the colours are watered down and doesn't match. So I have no idea how the client will see the design.
I know this is a well-known issue but how best can I get around it?
I just noticed that my other monitor was viewing the image 'messed up' because it wasn't 'actual size' within the picture viewer. All looks fine now, but when printed the colours are still different, so my question now is:
How can I make my photoshop psd print out in the same colours as what I see on screen? (or as close to?)
I have an idw that will not check in because a 3rd party file is missing. When I expand the browser, I see this file "barGrate&.bmp" that is missing. I can delete everything out of the idw and this third part app node is still there.
How do I delete this, or find what is referencing it. I can't check the idw in until this is corrected.
I've installed Inventor 2014 and when i want to print my work to pdf i have no DWG to PDF.pc3 on list. I have it on AutoCAD mechanical 2014, but I dont have idea, what happened to Inventor, i reinstalled Inventor few times and nothing have changed.
I have just upgraded my PC to speed up my photo editing workflow. I now want a wide gamut monitor for proof editing my prints - of whhich I make a great deal at home. Ideally I would set the wide gamut monitor to a low brightness to match my paper and only use for photo editing. BUT I also want to regularly use the internet and run other software that much better suits the sRGB colour space. I was thinking of running a second standard spec monitor for internet access and to use as the tool panels in Lightroom and Photoshop.
Are there drivers to download for a typical touch screen monitor to enable it to have drawing capilities (probably wacom or something similar) for windows 7Â (such as pressure sensativity and be able to rest drawing hand on monitor without reading it)
First off I should note that I have an extra monitor connected to my MBP.
So I was processing a RAW image on the mac books monitor and it was looking great.
When I click open image it opened on the other monitor and the colors seemed muted...
Now heres the weird part.......when I click and bring the image to the MBP monitor the colors remain muted.......until I let got of the mouse button. Then they return back to vibrant colors. When I click and drag on the window and drag it from the MBP monitor back to my external monitor, the colors remian vibrant until I let go of the mouse button. Then they become muted again.
Though not really a PS question, this is the community that is likely to understand my concern. I'm investigating getting a wide gamut monitor( prob Eizo or NEC), but other forums say that there are issues. Some of you are probably using wide gamut monitors, so I thought I'd see what you think.
The concerns seem to be when using the monitor for non-imaging applications, since not all other applications are color managed. "They" say that sRGB JPG's look especially bad on the webb. I would think color managed stuff should be OK. What do you guys think? Worth it or not?
to go with a dual monitor set up. I am looking at the Diamond 9550, 128 MB card. With the rebate it comes to a more than reasonable $69.00. Is anyone using this card? I would appreciate any comments from those of you that use a double dual monitors set up.