Lightroom :: Missing Image Size Info In Catalog?
Feb 16, 2014
Many of my catalog images (LR 3.6) do not show file size or pixel information for the associated image file. I suspect this is a hangover from an import of photos from Photoshop Elements which I used in the past. The problem is that when I put such an image in a slideshow or web gallery, the exported image is not properly displayed.
To get around this, I can export the image files to a hard drive directory in original format, and then re-import them into my web gallery collection. The correct file size info is then available in the catalog, and the image reproduces correctly in the exported gallery.
I know (or at least hope) this is a kludge, and there is a more straightforward method to correct the catalog. I have many photos with incomplete image information.
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Oct 27, 2012
How can I tell which catalog a missing image belongs to?
Beating a dead horse.....Everytime I need "missing images" in LR4.2, I cannot access them, even though I am looking right at the location they presntly occupy because thye image is ALREADY IN ANOTHER CATALOG.
HOW frustrating is this...going on 8 months now. But I need the images and I suppose I could just go back and reprocess 10,000 images that are missing in my collections but I have tried many solutions offered over the months that are just impractical.
If let's say one image is already associated with another catalog that houses that collection, ( and the collection is important because it has the edits), i want to go to that catalog instead.
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Jan 26, 2013
I just opened Lightroom and was prompted to do an upgrade (4.3) now my catalogs are all gone. How can I get them back?
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Sep 18, 2012
Upgrading to 4.1 and imported my 3.6 catalog.All the files and collections appear - but most thumbnails are missing. Many of the missing files are in storage off my PC on DVD. So I am thinking that the thumbnails aren't part of the LR3.6 catalogue (3.6 shows all thumbnails of files both on the PC AND storred off it on DVD once read in) but stored differently? If so, can I read them into 4.1 from 3.6?
If not I am concerned that we are deducing that maybe I will I have to read them all in again off dozens (and dozens) of DVD's?! Both a laborious task AND a bit of a say the least in the way things have been put together maybe?
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Mar 9, 2012
I've always had some problems with missing files in Lightroom (as in, they would go missing without me moving or renaming any files), but it was never anything too important so I ignored it. However, I recently got Lightroom 4 (used 3 as a trial just before 4 was released) - I had downloaded it as a trial, and today I enterted my Student/Teacher approved serial number. When I opened Lightroom, most of my files were said to be missing. When I go into an individual catalog.
But when I went into 'All Photographs', it appeared with all shots that were obviously also in the Auto Show album (side note: it seemed to have made duplicates without my saying so, but now they are erased - thoughts?):
Thing is, I basically imported the photos off my camera into Lightroom, then deleted the shots on the camera thinking they would be safe on my computer, so I have no idea where the primary location is for all my photos. I did move some folders around today, but none of which contain anything to do with Lightroom as far as I can tell. If I deleted anything, it was just export versions of the photos.
I should add that this is with ALL my my photos - not just certain ones.Where can I find the master location for all of these photos if it exists?
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Oct 4, 2013
When opening LR3 a window appeared asking if I wanted to open a catalog titled Photoshop Elements (or something like that). I said no and then got another window asking to select a catalog. After considerable searching I managed to find what must have been an initial attempt to start LR (several years ago), and it contained about 400 pictures rather than the 100,000 plus it should have displayed. Also, can not find any backups although I backup about once per week. I've looked in all the usual places and the catalog I've been using for the last two years is missing, at least to me.
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Jul 11, 2012
My workflow goes like this:I use LR3 to apply adjustments, occasionally a preset from say VSCO..While in LR I use, PHOTO > EDIT This photo in - PHOTOSHOP
I do my edits, ADD NOISE, SHARPEN.Then PHOTO > SAVE AS.I save the photo to my external.Here is the issue, when I re-open LR the photo is then present in my Catalog and there in LR to be viewed.... from here I export the final size for web etc and I am done
The photo that is now within my LR catalog is missing the NOISE I am added completely, and the SHARPENING is gone, or much less sharp then the photo I have saved in PS.
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Apr 25, 2013
I have just moved my LR4 Catalog (Exporting as Catalog) from my Mac to an external Hard Drive. Now when I view the DNG Images in LR4 I notice that all of my adjustments e.g. (Exposure, WB, Camera Profil...etc,) are nolonger there! (hours of work missing). I have also noticed that all Virtual Copies are missing! The files are now as when I first imported into LR4.
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Mar 22, 2014
After the latest update my catalog seem to be missing. My photo's are in Collections, but as soon as I want to work with them ; I get message Photo missing. (See attached.
If I try and find missing folder and check box - DON'T IMPORT SUSPECTED DUPLICATES - the tick goes away as if the photos are already imported. (See attached print screens.
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Jan 22, 2014
I just updated to LR5 a few days ago. My school still has LR4, therefore im forced to work with my catalogs with their software. At home i have LR5 and whenever i want to continue my editing on Lightroom, the photos i worked on LR ( at school ) wont appear on my LR5 (at home).
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Feb 26, 2013
I have checked the invisible files rebuilt the desktop, restarted loaded a back up from different drive - photos are in place but the lightroom folder is gone.
Yet the drive in question space, has not changed still full. I'm loosing a lot of work two three full days between backups had added a lot of new material.
my main question is How can I free up the 86 gigs of space this 'missing folder' is still taking I'm seroius never seen this before.,228000 images were organized in that folder I had done a lot of work and was having issues generating previews due to space on drive was clearing space opptimized then did a 'get info' on the lightroom master folder just moments before lightroom crashed for third time today. Poof entire master catalog folder gone. Main drive size exactly the same.Seems isolated to lightroom..all aspects of my mac are fine.
Is there a file limit, folder implosion feature? I'm current and purchased just to do this organization.
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Oct 9, 2013
I am using Lightroom 2. I have many photo folders on an external drive that show as off-line when I open Lightroom. I can see the photos in Lightroom but can not do anything with them.
How do I reconnect this folders that show off-line and have a ? mark?
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Aug 17, 2012
I'm running Lightroom 4.1, but this issue has been present since Lightroom 3.0 using two different, modern ATI Graphics cards, same Sandy Bridge PC.
On any image, shot with any camera, after a few minutes the info display (image information) and the surrounding area will corrupt. It looks like there's a rectangular box about the width of the image and the height of the info display, where the border of the rectangle is made up of bits of the image, hope that makes sense.
Anyway, pressing "I" to cycle through the info display removes the corruption, but then it returns a few minutes later.
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Dec 27, 2011
So I was just importing all my xmas shots yesterday, and I kinda did it wrong in a result, the folder I created is now the "main folder" i.e the one that has all my photos under it, as subfolders and as a result, ALL my photos has now gone offline or missing.
The new folder I created sits on top of the hieracy, and I dont want that of course, I want it under my "2011" folder, which was the main... I cant move the new folder called "xmas 2011" and If i try to delete it, it says do you want to delete 2200 pictures, which is everything I have under the original "2011" folder...
Im pretty new to lightroom, and the file handling and renaming of libery's seems very confusing, but this is really bad and its ALL my pictures being listed as missing of offline
I tried to open via backup, but the lastest backup I can find is from Aug 2011, which I know isnt true, as I back up everytime I have used lightroom, but I cant find any other back ups !!
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Dec 20, 2013
I have moved my pictures and my catalog from a Windows PC to a new iMac. The images have been moved, the image manipulation are there (separate XMP files ) The folders for the collections have been moved, but all images are empty. Not one picture is in my collections.
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Apr 15, 2012
Using LR4 (not 4.1) and Win7 Home Premium. Catalog had been upgraded from LR3 and LR4 catalog was working fine until now. I've been using LR since the beginning.Two problems, probably related. 106K photos over two drives, almost 3Tb.
At the catalog level, there are no previews. Normally previews of all 106K photos would be displayed. Message is "Click the "import" button to begin." Filter function does not work Message: "No photos match the filter".At the drive level, there are no previews. Message is "No photos in selected folder" Filter function does not work Message: "No photos match the filter". At the folder level, everything is fine, except two folders give the same message "No photos in selected folder" Filter function does not work in these two folders: Message: "No photos match the filter" 14K photos between the two bad folders. Dozens, hundreds, of other folders and subfolders are fine. Filter function works fine at folder and subfolder level. Collections are fine, including photos in the two folders giving the mesage "No photos in selected folder"
Tried to import the missing folders. Won't import because they're already in the catalog. Won't import even if I uncheck "Don't import suspected duplicates". Exported as a catalog one of the "No photos in selected folder" folders. It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc. I edited a few photos with no problems. Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing. But they seem to be there anyway.Deleted the folder from the catalog and imported from catalog the working folder catalog that I just created. Exported as a catalog the other "No photos in selected folder" folder. Same result as the first bad folder. I.e. It appeared to create a viable catalog with previews, search filters, etc. Although it did give a message saying several hundred previews were missing. But they seem to be there anyway. Haven't done anything with this second folder catalog. Intriguing, the same message about missing previews. The actual files and *.xmp files are in the bad folders.
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Dec 14, 2012
I have 8GB of Ram. Approximately how big would my catalog have to be in Lightroom 4 before I started seeing slow down?
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Jun 16, 2012
In lr4.1 before Importing images, I'd like to see more info (camera, lens, focal length, f-stop, exposure time etc.) about the images besides just the file name before making the selection to import.
In the library module I just push the i key and it loops through two sets of info and a non-display. Why can't I do this in the Import module? If yes: how? What options do I set and where? If no: Is there a plugin to do so or who do I ask to add this to the next release?
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Sep 15, 2013
I have a 180GB SSD, which I specifically bought, to make Lightroom (4.4) faster and to store 1:1 previews. Initially, I set up Lightroom catalog (containing 18221 images) to never delete 1:1 previews and stored the previews in a high quality mode. This quickly fill up my SSD. I would like to set it up to store as many previews as it can while leaving atleast, say 20GB, free on SSD. The alternative, which is to discard 1:1 previews after 30 days or so, is not really acceptable to me.
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Jun 23, 2013
an image number date and time has appeared on my photos in the top left hand corner while i'm in develop / lightroom.
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Nov 11, 2013
Is there an ability to archive photos from Lightroom 5 to reduce the size of your catalog? For example, if I have a wedding I shot where I have several hundred photos but I've delivered the final pictures to my client, should I/can I archive these photos out of Lightroom as I'll probably never look at them again but don't want to delete them just in case.
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Nov 13, 2012
I have 279,94 GB in pictures files and my lightroom catalog backup file is about 272. I tried deleting older backups but had to put them back because Lightroom crashed and had to recover. I moved the Backup folder to an external disk, but seems that I cannot do anything about the files that are in the fomer folder in my computer.
I have only 15 GB left in my 1TB Hard disk iMac !!
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Aug 14, 2013
In AI CS5 the size and position of an image were displayed in the top toolbar when you selected the image. This is missing in AI CS6, how can I get it back?
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Jan 17, 2014
In my copy of Lightroom 5.3, image info tooltips do not show in the grid view expanded cells even though that option is activated in view options. Is this an issue with Lightroom 5.3? (Note: Image info tooltips in grid view compact cells and the filmstrip do display, however.)
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Sep 30, 2013
I appear to have come across a problem. Elements 12 Catalog loses adjusted dates.
Feature: right click on photo --> Adjust Date and Time --> Change to a Specified Date and Time
I've noticed the catalog consistently retained dates that include a month, day, and year. However, those that have only month and year have lost the adjustment. Sadly this problem has cost hours of work on possibly over 100 photos and was unresponsive to repair, optimize, closing, and reopening.
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Nov 5, 2013
I have spent many hours getting my catalog of pictures in order, only to close the application and come back in to find that it has in fact not saved any of it. Is there someway to ensure that this data is saved so that I don't have to keep redoing this work?
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Feb 5, 2006
I now use CS but when I ran on PS7 the image always had information on the bottom of it...either: size of the file or veiw pct and something else...I really don't miss it but I just noticed its not there,
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Sep 18, 2012
Not sure what it's called but I have a co worker that has lost the bar at the lower left corner of the window. Where it says "Text:... Dim:.... Scale:....". I have it on my computer and can't figure out how to get it back on his.
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Nov 10, 2013
I use lightroom with a very large image catalog. When I open lighroom I would like to be at the same point as I was before I closed lighroom or be at the very end (where the latest images are) of the catalog.
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Jul 1, 2012
Everything I could find here talked about one-time creation of a new 4.1 catalog rather than adding 3.6 catalog to my growing 4.1 catalog. I held off converting everything until I had some time and experiewnce with LR4.1.
Now I have a moment to breathe and can move all the 3.6 stuff to 4.1. I started using Jeffery Friedl's Flickr publish under 4.1 but not 3.6 so no publishing in 3.6. I have no self-made presets so just converting all images to Process 2012 is OK with me. (I know some images will look different.)
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Aug 31, 2012
I keep all my image folders in one Master Catalog on one disk.
My system of filing is to have a main folder, say "Airshows", with sub folders named "Original-RAW Files" and "Finished Files".
Each sub folder is then further sub divided into "Show 1", "Show 2", "Show 3", etc.
This system also enable me to duplicate my files in such a way that they can be accessed by programmes other than Lightroom.
I also like to make Collections of specific planes which appear and therefore the Collections can include images taken at any number of individual shows but as LR3 keeps the Folders and the Collections in different sections, this entails looking in two different locations for any images taken at Airshows.Another disadvantage is that I believe LR Collections cannot be accessed by other third party programmes should I wish to change from Adobe.
I would like maintain my current filing system (which suits my purposes), but wish to find a way to file say,"Spitfire" Collection as "AirshowFinished FilesSpitfire" so that all files are kept together.
Is there a way to achieve this without resorting to making duplicate image files ?
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