I have been using CS4 Exteded and am having a problem with the layers/marquee. I create a duplicate layer-multiply it- then use the marquee to select an area in the center to delete (i.e. vignette) and am having a strange thing happen. I will delete the selected area in the top layer and am noticing a "line" on a side. It is obviously darker and is based on the size of the marqueed area...like it is not feathered enough to get to that area. I am feathering the top layer when I use the marquee but it is still happening.
I recently downloaded cs5 and it won't download .mp4 files to layers. whenever i go to file > import > video frames to layers, the mp4 files are greyed out and i can only click on .avi files.
there is no high quality converter from mp4 to avi, so it's quite frustrating.
A .psd file with layers created in a full version of Photoshop CS6 does not show the layers in my CS6 Extended version. I am still using the trial version of Extended pending registration.
I've been searching for an answer for a while now, and I still can't seem to make this work. I'm trying to make gifs. I'm using a Mac and I've already switched my CS5 to a 32-bit version, but the video is greyed out even though it's an mp4 and won't let me import the video.
I've looked through some tutorials, and everything should work. I'm have Quicktime version 10.2, so that should be the latest version?
layers problem in PS cs5 extended, when working in a layer, all layers changes at once i.e size, cropping, smart object etc. even the background layer changes..
My system windows 7 64 bit 4gb ram. It is not grouped, deleted preferences, usually work in rgb/ 8 bit channel - have same problem with all new projects.
Just recently started getting the follwing error when opening any file up in Photoshop CS6 Extended. Running Windos 8, 64bit with 16GB of RAM and plenty of free disk space.
"Some of the type layers in this document were rasterized becasue an error prevented them from being read"
Currently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
I'm happy with the NX version, but if I want to upgrade to XT, how do I do it? I looked on the upgrade options for XT and upgrading from NX, is not there.
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
I often will copy a layer in the layers palette via option drag. If the original layer is linked to another, the new layer is also linked to the orginal layer I copied as well as any other layers that original was linked to.
Is there anyway to option drag to copy a layer in the layers palette without the new layer being linked?
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?
I work in Animation painting Backgrounds. My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.
The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.
The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY. IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.
I have 2 adjustment layers up top. I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal. THey take on the colour change just FINE.
However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...
How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate!
I want to add the same 3 adjustment layers to about 20 photos and then in scripts, export layers to files, so that each photo includes the adjustments.
How do I create layers in an adjustment layer and transfer or duplicate those layers in another image ?
I need to transfer the same colour readjustment from one image to several other images ... I have been told to do this in the adjustment layer platform how ever I cannot drag or copy those layers over to the other images I have open and in need of adjustment to the same layers ...
Images shows my layout and what i've done this far
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
merged layer results to a slight different color compare to its original unmerged layers. the result is that the merged layer has more bluish, What's wrong and what's the solution?. Im using CS3.
I have now exactly the same problem as below with over 1000 images, I have saved them in .psd that has over 100 layers each. On top of those there is curves and levels layer that affects every layer below. I want to save all images to .jpg for videoedit with those curves at least. I don't want to merge same curves 100 times. Is there a solution in phothoshop cs5 or cs6 available? Would save alot of working hours. All I have got by this far is blank white images of adjustment layers and non adjusted jpg-files.
This discussion was opened in 2010 and I quess this is same problem: " How to merge adjustment layers to hundreds of layers?
Jul 28, 2010 10:38 AMSay I have a photoshop File with 100 layers.
And say I created 3 adjustment layers on top of those 100 layers to get the adjustments that i want for those layers. I'm happy with the adjustments but Then I NEED to merge those 3 adjustment layers to ALL those 100 layers.
Is there a way to easily permanently apply the adjustments to each of those layers without having to do it manually? I absolutely need to merge the adjustments to the seperate layers because of how the layers are being used in a seperate 3d program.
So far what I've been doing is duplicating the adjustment layers for each layer and merging them to said layers separately.. I wish I could just right click the adjustment layer and Tell it to merge to everylayer it affects or apply to every layer underneath it!
how to unlink my "background" in the layers pallete from the other layers.
I am using photoshop CS2. on a mac OS X.
When i make changes to other layers in the layers pallete, it changes my 'background' as well. I know that i can duplicate it but regardless, the 'background' changes according to what i do to the other layers even tho it is locked.
I want to create a PDF from Photoshop while keeping on a master layer/group for all pages AND turning on/off individual layers/smart object in another group? I know there may be a way to do this with Layer Comps but I would rather just use layers.
I need to merge 2 adjustment layers with 2 image layers. When I do, the look changes. Are there ways to do this without changing the look? I have attached a screen capture of the layers affected. Additionally the "Stars" layer has a "Screen" blend mode. This is on a Mac.
I have brought in photos, added colour layers, and have had type files not show up in this particular document. There are seven other layers behaving normally. How to "find " these layers in the layers Column list as I would like to 1. move one, 2. delete one, and 3. merge one.
Did you know that photpshop CS2 has 8 different layer types and you can have up to 8,000 layers. Also if you have a image with layers, if you press CTRL right click on it, it will give you your layer names. Click on the layer name and hey presto it will pop up ready to work.
the blending options are normal for TEXT and BG, but I have soft light for SHADOW. Now the BG layer actually contains an illustration which makes my shadow look realistic, however what Im trying to do is, save the picture with a transparent background with only TEXT and SHADOW showing, but as soon as I hide BG, the SHADOW layer will go back to the black color I drew and not look like a shadow. I tried merging text and shadow but either the TEXT gets soft light and gets ruined or SHADOW becomes normal and gets ruined. Its very late, ive been trying to figure it out for the past 4 hours so I hope I explained it clearly.
I recently purchased a new computer and had my Photoshop CS3 extended activated in the new machine. I have successfully used the product for 5 years. Had to move to to new computers twice. This time was different. Now my S3 does not recognise my RAW images taken with Olympus E series cameras.
I have Photoshop CS2, and it's incompatible with Vista on my laptop. At this point I'm going to buy some version of Photoshop CS4. So here are my questions:
What's the difference between Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop CS4 Extended? The extended version Student Edition is significantly cheaper.
Should I just buy the regular Photoshop CS4 Upgrade or is the student/education edition of Photoshop CS4 cheaper?
I recently downloaded the trial version of CS4 which only offered the option of trialling the Extended version NOT the basic version. Subsequent to that I have purchased CS4 and of course, as expected, CS4 Extended does not recognise the serial number. I had thought that by entering a valid serial number for CS4 that some of the features of the trial Extended version would be deactivated but this appears not to be the case. Does this mean I have to uninstall the Extended version and then install CS4 from the CD or will simply running and installing CS4 from the CD overwrite the Extended version?
If one is upgrading from CS3 there is a significant price difference between going to CS4 and CS4 Extended. If one does not work with video or 3D images are there any significant advantages to going to the Extended version?