PS CC won't save a custom workspace. Nothing happens. In addition, I get a "Can't apply workspace because of a system error" when i try to view the What's New workspace. Just downloaded the CC today. Mac 10.7.5, 3.4 GHz processor, 16GB RAM.
Using PSE 11, I get the panels set up the way I want, and the background that shows behind the document white like I want, and all is well. Until the comptuer loses it and I have to redo it all over. How can I get it to save my choices for these things? It also lost all my preferences that I set.
how to save a custom workspace in previous versions does not exist in Illustrator CC. Has this option been reconfigured or simply forgotten? I'm using a Trial Version.
iMac 27' OS Lion CS4 - I have built a new custom workspace where I have about 10 palettes permanently on the desktop and unlike my older Mac G5 running Tiger, when I open an image file it occupies the whole screen (depending on original size) and is occupying space also under the palettes. I would like for the image to open or if not open then when I keystroke cmd+0 for 'fit screen' so it only occupies the area of the screen that is free.
I need to transfer them from CS5 to CS6. I can't work without them. I looked everywhere. Where are they stored (on a Mac)? I did try that useless migration thing.
Can a custom work space save a unique set of actions specific to that work space incuding function key short cuts? The idea is to reduce Phoshot action clutter in the Actions Panel.The goal is to have different Work Spaces with differnt action sets and function keys.
When I attempt to create a custom workspace (based on x6 defaults) everthing appears to work correctly until I restart the application. At this point the dockers I have positioned at right side of the workspace are either fully expanded (Transformations) or are fully collapsed (Object Properties & Object Manager).
This a major pain since I do not want to reset my workspace EVERY TIME I START THE APP!
I have already done multiple F8 restarts & re-creating of custom workspace with no change/improvement.
I got a message to install service pack 1 this morning. Since then every time I load PSP the workspace is the default workspace and all of the tools I had added to the toolbars are missing. If I load my custom workspace from the load menu, it makes no difference, it just refreshes the screen and nothing changes. Also every time I load the program it displays the Learning Center and Organizer tabs, even though I keep disabling them.
I tried resetting everything back to the defaults but it doesn't work. Should I do a new re-install or is there something I'm missing?
We run 6 seats of Map 3D 2012. We are upgrading computers but want to remain with 2012 for the time being.
Our old machines were 32 bit; the new ones 64 bit. I am having to load the 64 bit version of Map 3D fresh to all the stations (individual; not network)
I have set up custom menus and a preferred workspace on my station some time ago. I don't want to have to reconfigure everything from scratch.
What files do I need to save and how do I access them once I have reinstalled the new version?
There must be a faster way to updated the current, custom workspace, without having to choose "Save Workspace" and retyping the same name! I constantly tweek my workspace and do not want to save multiple versions, I just want to update the current space.
I'd like to simply hold "option" as I select the current workspace name and have AI update that workspace with my current setup.
My problem is that when I open a new image, the image window floats behind my left-sided panels.
I really want it to default to a location that I set for any new document that is created or image that is opened, but I can't figure out how to save that location and I've searched online and in the preferences.
Is there a way to save a custom artboard setup with a custom document profile in illustrator cs5? I do technical illustrations and our page size is odd (7.19 x 8.96. It the size that our Framemaker layout is set to.). I have a custom document profile that I use, but I use the grids all the time so that my callouts are spaced out evenly around the art. I would like to have a way to set the artboard up so that the grid will align to the center of the artboard everytime I turn them on. Right now they always start from the top left and when I center art in the center of the page, the grid spacing isn't the same on each side of the art. I just want to be able to open my document profile, turn on my grids, have them start from the center, and I can get down to business. As it is now I have to go into my artboard settings and manually adjust the grid to the center. Small annoyance, but it still annoys me. I have tried to save it a few different ways, but nothing has worked. Maybe there just isn't a way.
when i create an ipart with an custom parameter column, the files are created in the workspace. Is there any way how i can change this location?
Many parts are piling up in the workspace.For example to the library (like "normal iparts" do) or to a folder in the workspace (workspace/ custom_ ipart_ folder)?
I tried creating a custom workspace and was able to do so (without any modifications) but when I was in that workspace, and loaded an old menu, it wiped out all the default workspaces. where / how these default workspaces are stored, or how to upload all my old menu stuff without going through a tedious cui mod?
When I Save a workspace, I untick Include Open Images. I have always done this. When I save a workspace in X5, the 'Include Open Images' is always ticked. I un-tick it and save the workspace. X5 then asks me if I want to save changes to the open images in the workspace. Why? I click on No, repeated for all the images that are open at this time.
I then click on Save a Workspace again and yes, the Include Open Images is ticked again. In previous versions of PSP this remained unticked until the user ticked it again.
We are going from XP to Win7 shortly. This means re-installing our C3D. Is there a way to save our Workspace settings to our network so we don't have to go thru the hassle of putting everything back together piecemeal?
I use civil3D 2008 & now have an unexpected problem where the workspace profile settings will not save so that each time I start the program I have to reset everything, even when I open the program a dialogue box opens asking which workspace I want from a list, I select my saved workspace then tick don’t show me this again & then another dialogue box comes up asking me if I want to see the new feature workshop with options of yes, maybe later or No, don’t show me this again, I tick the No, do not show me this again, then the workspace opens up with the performance tuner box in the right hand bottom corner which I have to close, then I have to reset settings in tools/ options to my liking even though my workspace is the current default, the paths are correct & the main civil.CUI file updates each time I shut down the program. However each time I relaunch I have to go through all this again?
I want to save the configuration and state of the Track View in my workspace. So when I start up Max, the Track View opens up in the configuration I had when I last used Max, and/or in my saved workspace.
Even after I save my custom workspace, it doesn't save the track view. I have to manually open up the track view, dock it the way I want, and open up my custom layouts I had saved in the track view. This takes a lot of time.
Is it possible to automatically divert Inventor to save to a specific folder within the workspace???
If a certain iProperty is set to yes, we want the user to save that file into a particular folder, if they try and save it elsewhere a message is popped up telling them an error has been made please try and save in the correct folder.
Admittedly I am not the most competant iLogic programmer but this is what I have thus far
in fact didn't know I had the time to be either.Creative Cloud is a great idea, pity it has been used to release under cooked software. The upgrade to CC has cost my department hours and hours of chargeable/billable time.URL....
How to save my workspace and load onto another machine? Both systems are running AutoCad 2011 and may soon change to 2012.
I figured out how to customize the ribbon and panels, and I even customized my shortcut menus. I then created my Workspace and "Saved As". Now how do I get this workspace loaded onto my Laptop with a seperate AutoCad License?
I just downloaded 2013 Autocad for MAC and I can't manage to see my drawing toolbars and also don't know where to find workspace settings to change my workspace to autocad classic.
I am trying to go from the 3D Modeling workspace to the 2D workspace without the XYZ coordinate gizmo on the drawing screen (just want to see the XY ucs) to work in 2D format.
How do you go about saving a custom color profile in CS6? Gone is the save button after you have created the custom profile. In my case I want to save a custom Adobe RGB profile with a gamma of 1.0 instead of the usual 2.2. I can create it easy enough in the custom dialog box, but haven't figured out how to save it.
is there a way to have the profile be on 2d drafting already as yoju open a new file or should you always open a new file and then change the profile from architecture to 2d drafting?
in Photoshop Extended (CS6), when I set a custom measurement scale and save/close the file, the scale information is not retained after the file is reopenend. I have experimented with both .psd and .tif files. I used to be able to do this in CS3 without any trouble!
I have changed the crop shortcut to ctrl + >, and it works fine until i restart!when i check the shortcut i previously changed, it is now ctrl+&???Why?????I used to have this same shortcuts since cs4.(PS 64bits, latin keyboard)