Photoshop :: CC Photographs Show Subtle Lines Of Variation In Brightness Across Width Of Page
Sep 10, 2013
I have tried this on 2 differernt Brother MFC 9970CDW printers, one of which is brand new. I have tried all the options in the printer dialog both in photoshop and the printer. I can print other photographs in inDesign and other products perefectly on the same printers. However, photos process in photoschop cc have the same problems even if place in indesign and printed from there.
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Feb 20, 2013
I am an experienced user of Lightroom and get excellent results. But an anomaly is puzzling me. I capture images in DNG format and download to a PC Windows 7 using a calibrated Eizo graphics monitor. Before exporting and delivering a processed image I ensure that there is no unacceptable clipping showing on the histogram. I export 16 bit files which are only converted to 8 bits immediately prior to delivery. Recently I have adopted the procedure of importing a copy of the final delivery image back into LR4.3 for better library management. (There are often keyword changes or other refinements in the delivered image) Occasionally I notice that some pictures are noticeably brighter than the existing LR processed masters which formed the basis of the above operation. So I did some tests.
I selected an image with wide tonal range, adjusted it in Develop module to meet my 'no unacceptable clipping' rule and exported it as described above into CS4. My working colour space is Adobe RGB 1998 and Color Management is set to 'RGB Preserve Embedded Profiles'. In CS4 I only changed the mode from 16 to 8 bits and then saved the file using a modified name. That was the only processing done in CS4. Both files (8 bit and 16 bit) were then re-imported back into LR4 and the histograms compared with the original modified master file. In both cases they showed highlight clipping indicating that the image is brighter than when starting the final processing in CS4. In most cases the extra brightness is not a big problem; but in some instances it is quite unaccepable and I could not use that version without further processing in LR4. Mode change does not seem to be the culprit.
What I might be doing wrong to bring about these unwanted involuntary changes to normally processed files?
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Dec 29, 2011
I have a catalog of an event which spanned over a few days, and so I made a few collections. I made collection sets for Day 1, Day 2, etc, and in those collection sets I have two folders - General and People.
When I enter say, the General collection for Day 3 and I flag a photo in there as 'rejected', the photo when viewed in 'All photographs' does not show the Rejected flag.
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Oct 2, 2011
Where is the option to control page width & height so that you can make both even measurements? I typically get something like w 1920.4px & h 1080px. When I try to change the width to 1920 the height adjusts as well. I know there is a simple fix for this but I can't find it.
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Nov 20, 2012
Probably this is not the appropriate place to post this question, but I chose to do so, cause Ps users might know better.
If you want a color to be more subtle, or put it another way, make it stand less among other element or/and colors what you would to?Increase opacity, reduce its saturation or something else?
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Nov 25, 2012
I created a pattern in Photoshop CS6 for a project with shape lines which reside on shape layers. I want to change the line weight but after I create them it seems there is no way of changing the shape; even after I select line.
I can change the spread (uniform distribution) of the lines and lengh but not their weight. No matter if I choose all or just one of the lines which are all on the same shape layer the weight does not change. This does not make sense. [URL]....
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Dec 16, 2011
I know there is ipn file to create an exploded view. But if I have used a positional rep to create one. How can I automatically show the tweak lines or center lines on explode path
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013
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Nov 30, 2013
How do you create a shadow effect like the one on the bottles in the attached pic? I have a different wine bottle I want to do it on .
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Mar 15, 2012
Didn't their use to be a control for how PLines showed up at intersections when you increased the width? I can't remember where it was (dialog box, options, sys-var)?
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Apr 11, 2013
I love Photoshop, but one thing that always annoyed me to death is that whatever part of the layer is not within the boundaries of the chosen document size not only does not show, but also does not get selected.
Many times I want to crop a layer to a specific area, so I select that area, then do a invert selection and delete, but if any part of that layer was outside the document printable area when I did that, that part of the layer will not get deleted.
So if later I move that layer I will see that hidden part of the layer come back inside the document. This is not the way it work in Illustrator, where you get to see everything outside the printable area, but you know that only what's inside will print.
Is there a way to avoid this behavior?
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Jul 8, 2004
I am creating some .jpg buttons in photoshop. At first, I could create a button and then do an <img src="location"> and the image would show up. But for some reason, now when I create a button and save it as a jpeg, and then do the <img src="location"> the image won't display. And I am positive it is looking in the right place for the image.
What I have to do is save the button as a .jpg and then copy that .jpg image and paste it over an old .jpg button that I have previously made that would show up. I would save it as the new button name then. After doing that then I can see the new button created.
I don't know if it is the way I am creating or saving the .jpg's that is doing this, or if I accidentially changed a setting in Photoshop.
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Jan 8, 2013
You can assign a pen width to the lines of a hatch?
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Jun 4, 2013
I have a picture in png format which contains some waveforms. I want to increase the thickness of the waveforms.
One way could be to draw thicker lines on the waveforms in Window's paintbrush but that is very time consuming and cumbersome process.
Can it be done using GIMP? I am attaching the part of the picture which has two waveforms. For the sake of illustration, the thickness can be made double of the existing one.
Attached File(s) waveform.png (7.52K)
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Mar 6, 2013
I am trying to work out a way to set up my Structure Table so that I can show either the Inner Pipe Width OR Headwall Base Width to avoid having Question Marks showing in my Table? Is there a Function in the expressions that equates to a Non-Existent or Null Parameter. Ie.
IF({Inner Structure Width}=???,{Headwall Base Width})
Also, Is there a way to hide Structures from a Table, in particulat, Null Structures?
Currently using Civil 3D 2013 & 2014 SP1
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Dec 13, 2013
I've run in to a rather troubling issue where Illustrator seems to be exporting images with a very subtle white grid overlay. The raw images do not have this grid, neither do the images as viewed in Illustrator. The grid appears when exporting as .png and .jpg in a variety of resolutions.
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Apr 25, 2012
I copied some lines with global widths into another drawing and the line is displayed and printed with an outline around the global width of the line in the new drawing.. almost like it is a (3D offset for the global width, and not solid fill)
I have checked my fillmode. "fillmode = 1" and I also checked my UCS "UCS is set to current"
Why is this happening and if it has to do with some inherent properties of that new dwg?
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Apr 18, 2012
I have a problem in polyline width. when i set polyline width in one drawing shows solid line & in another drawing shows blank lines.
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Jan 15, 2013
find a good way of standarizing my photos for colour value measurements (mean and SD from the histograms in Photoshop).
This is my problem:Variation in the birds in the photos (e.g in the crown, different colours)variation between photos, independently from variation among the birdsvariation within the photos (the amount of light varies in different areas of the same photo)
How do I standarize for variation between photos for the influence of ambient ligth of the specific area of the photo I want to measure? (e.g crown of the bird)
I need to be able to withdraw the comparable colour measurements from different photos (and its too late for a better method for actually take the photos.)
I have tried to use the white background (going down to pixel level, avoiding the orange grid and dirt) and the yellow post-it note as points to standarize, but that didnt work.
Technical info:
- I use Adobe Photoshop CS6, updated this week
- On a Windows 7 Home Premium computer
- Uploading the images as NEF-files and saving them as psd-files
- RAM: 4,00 GB (3,84 GB uasable)
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Aug 17, 2005
For some reason, the line tool in Photoshop will not show up. Whenever I draw a line, the outline shows but it doesn't seem to fill with the selected color. That is, I've got black as the foreground color, the line is set to 1 px, but when I draw it,
I can see right through that temporary shape outline that Photoshop displays until you do the next action. When I draw the next line, the first line is simply not there (no line, and no shape outline). Does anybody know what might be going on here?
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Jun 6, 2012
So I'm playing around with Inventors Tube and Pipe to show how to do all of our flexible hose routing throuh our chassis. It is a large assemblly with alot of hoses, so it will take multiple views to show how to route all the hoses. I have done all the routing, but am now looking at how to document it.
I have the parts list setup to show each individual run. So for example if my assembly had two runs, my parts list would look like the following:
Item......Qty......Stock Number.........Description
1..........59".......6295645.................Gladhand to filter hose
2..........120"......6295645................Filter to Control Valve hose
Now my idea is to show a couple of ISO views on the front page, along with the parts list. On the ISO views I would make a bunch of Detail Views on the following sheets, and then in each detail view, I will use balloons to identify which lines are which.
Now say ther eare a dozen pages, I don't want people to search all 12 pages just to find which detail views Item 1 shows up in. Is there any way to automatically show in the Parts List that Item 1 is shown on pages 1,2,3,6,7,9,12 and that Item 2 is shown on pages 2,3,5,7,10,11,12? This list would populate based on which sheets have a balloon for that given item number.
Any better way to document hose runs in a large assembly? In the end the goal is so that someone could pick up the drawing package, know they are running the "Gladhand to Filter hose", find it in the parts list, and then flip to the appropriate pages that show how to route that hose.
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Nov 15, 2011
While I still try, unsuccessfully, to get Gimp to run on my Mac...
I'm not a graphic artist, but I do have a task I would like to accomplish, so a couple of quick questions?
It's been over 10 years since I experimented with graphics software of any kind other than resize and/or convert from one format to another.
Scenario to illustrate my question:
I create a new graphic, of X by Y proportions. Create a black circle in the center of the graphic. Save graphic.
When I import the graphic into a document, web page, email composition window, etc., I would like only the black circle to display when the background is a color other than white. IOW, I want the unused/blank part of the graphic to be transparent.
I've found the online manual to be confusing to follow, since I can't easily "thumb" through the pages to see a picture of the effect I want to accomplish, and I'm not sure of the correct terminology.
I found a PDF manual for 2.4, are there instructions that cover this? I'm not really interested in printing it, or having it printed. If the manual were for 2.6, I would consider having it printed.
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Nov 8, 2012
I'm printing a letter size document from illustrator at 50% size. All pages have a white background so I would like to have the document print with a black rule/ border around it so I can tell what it will look like. Is there a way to do this without manually putting a rule around all 25 existing artboards? Or is there a way to do this in the Acrobat pdf I'm outputting from this doc?(CS5)
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Oct 15, 2013
Any way to, have a source color chart, a target color chart, calculate what are the variations between them, and then use that to apply it to another image? I'm not talking about "match color", I know how that works, but is not what I'm looking for. It can be compared to switching to a custom color profile (calculated by the variation of source and target). Or something like "color lookup" (but with a custom icc/icm/lut). Creating a custom icc has been really complicated for me, and I still can't get it to work. (I have the icc profile, but can't open it nor from "convert profile" nor from "color lookup").
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Dec 19, 2012
I have received a ctb file from someone else and need to use it for my dwgs - but it does not appear in the plot style table roll down of the page set dialogue box? Other ctb files are visible. I have used stylesmanager to locate where to copy it in, and done so. I have tried the command CONVERTPSTYLES in case my dwg was not color style based but I get this message:
Doesn't this mean that my dwg is already a color dependent plot style dwg? I have successfully copied and used this ctb file somewhere else yesterday, and feel I am doing the exact same thing, so very frustrated and lost. I really need to get these dwgs out!
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May 8, 2012
I have a wall section that needs to be at 3/4" scale. It doesn't fit on the page but any way to make break lines at the windows and shorten it.
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Jul 4, 2011
Is there a way to show the page border without the grey shadow, just a thin black line?
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Apr 1, 2013
I'm having an issue where I'm creating a white border around two landscape oriented images that are the same exact size then doubling the width of the canvas. I've never had this issue before with PS CS6.. I tried resetting the photography workspace but no luck. I tried with two portrait oriented images and the same result. I've restarted my machine. I'm on Windows 7 Pro 64bit and I'm running PS CS6 64bit as well. Thought to do a repair through Programs and Features but there is only the option to uninstall. I haven't done anything out of the ordinary except use an action a few days ago I downloaded and used from
and I downloaded and used the press print action.
How I can correct this? If an image is 20 inches wide and I'm doubling it to 40 it's tripling the width to 60 inches. Is there a way I can reset every aspect of PS CS6 to get back to a factory state other than uninstalling and reinstalling?
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Mar 5, 2014
I am struggling with color variation between different documents in AI. Even when both documents have been assigned the Adobe 1998 RGB color space, and colors are identically called out in RGB, my output varies between the documents. This is difficult as when I do color management is a "swatch" document to get my client approval, then insert that color into a different document, it changes. Any input?
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Dec 26, 2011
As most of you probably know, Lightroom cannot properly deal with Nikon's Active Delighting -- it just "ignores" the information, whereas vendor specific software interprets that information. Since vendor specific information can later on redo the ADL development process which usually happens inside the camera the necessary information must somewhere be preserved.
Most metadata-editors know settings like ADL off, moderate, high, etc. But that cannot be all there is. I noticed that my D7000 varies the under-exposure (1/3 EV -> 1 EV) in the same ADL-setting. What I'm looking for is exactly that amount of under-exposure (or a value from which I can derive that).
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May 8, 2009
slice tool. when i'm slicing something the dotted lines wont show while dragging/resizing, and i dont know why they just disappered.
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Dec 31, 2011
I create 16x16 pixel icons for use in my mapping software. I notice, when picking colours from the colour palette and dropping them into my grid using the brush tool, the initial colour is not its full intensity and that it is increased each time I click the mouse. This resulted in different hexadecimal values for each pixel square, which is unacceptable for my purposes. However, I discovered while writing this post, using the pencil tool drops the full colour intensity into the square. Now I am curious to understand why the two tools operate differently and how one knows, if using the brush tool, when full intensity is reached.
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