Lightroom :: 4 - Show Brightness Changes After External Processing In CS4?
Feb 20, 2013
I am an experienced user of Lightroom and get excellent results. But an anomaly is puzzling me. I capture images in DNG format and download to a PC Windows 7 using a calibrated Eizo graphics monitor. Before exporting and delivering a processed image I ensure that there is no unacceptable clipping showing on the histogram. I export 16 bit files which are only converted to 8 bits immediately prior to delivery. Recently I have adopted the procedure of importing a copy of the final delivery image back into LR4.3 for better library management. (There are often keyword changes or other refinements in the delivered image) Occasionally I notice that some pictures are noticeably brighter than the existing LR processed masters which formed the basis of the above operation. So I did some tests.
I selected an image with wide tonal range, adjusted it in Develop module to meet my 'no unacceptable clipping' rule and exported it as described above into CS4. My working colour space is Adobe RGB 1998 and Color Management is set to 'RGB Preserve Embedded Profiles'. In CS4 I only changed the mode from 16 to 8 bits and then saved the file using a modified name. That was the only processing done in CS4. Both files (8 bit and 16 bit) were then re-imported back into LR4 and the histograms compared with the original modified master file. In both cases they showed highlight clipping indicating that the image is brighter than when starting the final processing in CS4. In most cases the extra brightness is not a big problem; but in some instances it is quite unaccepable and I could not use that version without further processing in LR4. Mode change does not seem to be the culprit.
What I might be doing wrong to bring about these unwanted involuntary changes to normally processed files?
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Aug 10, 2012
I am having two problems with Nikon Raw Processing and LR4.1.
1st: I am producing and processing content for ESO (European South Observatory), especially TimeLapses. Those sequences consist of hundreds of Images in hundreds of folders. Source files are either from D3s, D4, D700, D7000 or the like.
Several development changes are applied to single key images in a sequence, and those later applied to all images in that sequence. Problem is that after a certain amount of development changes (that are written in to the XMP sidecar files with LR4), hot pixels start to show up in the images that were not visible before.
Seems like the oversaturated pixel information (Hot Pixel) that is always stored within the RAW images, is lost after a certain amount of development changes.
2nd: is there a known trick how to force LR4 into updating ALL thumbnails after development changes, including those, that are outside the currently visible grid view?
It is very time consuming to manually page up and down the grid to have LR4 updating the thumbnails on each page (of for example a folder of 1200 images) so that one gets a preview of the TL sequence with the current development changes in Library View.
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Jan 24, 2013
Having a D100 camera and keywords filled out in Nikon View IPTC... would importing into Lightroom show up my keywords and captions? I neglected to add that I would not be importing them from my computer HD, but from a external HD. All my past work was done on a Gateway PC. Lightroom will probably be put on a new Mac. I also have all these photos archived on CDs. Will this change things? Will my keywords and captions still show up upon import? If importing from an external HD blocks this, what can I do, what program can I add that will get my metadata across?
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Sep 10, 2013
I have tried this on 2 differernt Brother MFC 9970CDW printers, one of which is brand new. I have tried all the options in the printer dialog both in photoshop and the printer. I can print other photographs in inDesign and other products perefectly on the same printers. However, photos process in photoschop cc have the same problems even if place in indesign and printed from there.
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Apr 8, 2012
I am working with files that somebody else did, I need to bring an external reference and it dosen't show up, then I check on the ref command and seems like the external reference of that file is there, I check also on the layers and they are not off or frezze, what could be the problem?
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Sep 16, 2012
I notice quite a difference in brightness between Lightroom 4.1 and Photoshop CS6.
When I open an image from Lightroom in Photoshop by rightclicking and selecting "edit in Photoshop", Photoshop displays the image much lighter.
To test things, I tried to open an image from within Lightroom to Photoshop, without adjusting any colors in Photoshop. Once saved, I went back to Lightroom, and noticed the colors were the same as the original in Lightroom. So Photoshop doesn't change the colors, it only displays them very more bright on my PC. And it's only Photoshop, the default Windows Photoviewer displays images with the same brightness as Lightroom.
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Jun 13, 2012
The LR4 Print module has the ability to apply a brightness correction to data being sent to a printer to compensate for having a too-bright monitor. That's fine. Now, if I use the same images in the Book module to be sent to Blurb, must I create Virtual Copies of each image and manually increase the Exposure of each image to achieve the same effect. I would think that if I do not do this, the pictures in the book would appear dark just as my printer pictures appear dark if I didn't apply a correction.
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May 7, 2013
When I print on my Epson R1900, I have to increase the Brightness (+20) in the Print Module on all prints. There is no corresponding option in the Book Module for sending files to Blurb.How can I make the equivalent adjustment for Blurb?
I am assuming that the Blurb profiles are close enough to the Epson profiles (as far as brightness is concerned).
If I have to edit every single image separately, what is the best way to do this? Is Exposure the equivalent of Brightness in LR 4, and is the metric the same (i.e. increasing by +20 in both)?
Lightroom 4.4
Mac OS X 10.8.3
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Mar 13, 2012
When I export an image it apears slightly less bright outside of Lightroon than it does in Lightroom. This includes web browsers. Am using identically calibrated NEC 2090uxi monitors. Most of the time upping the birghtness by +5-10 will correct this. Occasionally the vibrance needs to be raised in addition. What might account for this?
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Mar 24, 2014
I'm importing RAW files straight from a CF card reader into my network storage drive via LR5.3. While reviewing as it imports initially each image looks great but a few seconds after it loads onto the screen it seems like LR applies a bit of extra brightness and lessens the contrast and I lose a load of detail that was there originally. I've not touched the import settings and no filters are being applied by myself on import.
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Apr 1, 2014
I created a book with 75 or so photos using Lightroom 5.3. Everything is ok and all done - but I forgot that my display is overbright so that I can see things clearly. On single images, I usually increase brightness and contrast in the print module before saving off a single file to print. I don't want to do this to all the 75 images one at a time. is there a way to adjust the brightness/contrast in the book module... kind of in a batch?
If not, what does the print adjustment equal to in the develop module? For example, I have found through testing, that if I go with +67 brightness and +51 contrast in the print module, it compensates any and all photos that I have developed in the develop module with my overbright display.
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Jun 17, 2013
The grid is hardly visible in all outdoor images, except those with very dark backgrounds or shadow areas.How do I increase the brightness of the grid?
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Nov 28, 2013
Let's say that I have three stops difference between the luminance of my computer screen and the paper white under the lamp in my room. Which setting should I use for the brightness slider on the print module?
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May 2, 2012
I can't tell if this is a bug or a "feature."
I have created a custom thread.xls table so that thread callouts are in decimal format per ASME B1.1.
When I use the Hole / Thread feature note in an .idw, the thread class will not show on an external thread. If I change the format to not use Custom Thread Designation, the thread class appears. If I use the Custom Thread Designation on a threaded hole, everything works fine.
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Dec 28, 2012
I am considering purchasing Lightroom v.4.3. I will be shooting in RAW with a Canon 6D and Canon 7D camera. Is the support for working with RAW files and then converting them to jpg files built in to Lightroom v.4.3 or must one purchase a separate add-on module to perform those tasks?
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Dec 15, 2011
Has LR3.6 addressed the poor processing of 7D raw files ?
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Jul 11, 2012
This problem is specifically related to using LR & PS to process Infrared images.I am having problems processing Infrared Images when using LR & PS. I take my IR images with a 530 IR conversion to a Canon G12 camera. I learned early on Adobe products don't play well with IR images (they come in magenta when importing ) so I bring IR images shot withmy G12 into my computer with Canon Digital Photo Professional and then work in LR & PS from there.
If I then directly open this imported image from my hard drive into Photoshop and try and do adjustments such as blue sky adjustments with a red/blue channel swap, it works fine, just as I would expect.(If you are not familiar with IR processing, I understand this introduction and question will not make sense).But when using Lightroom, I sometimes have issues. I always import all my images into LR. Even with IR images, after using DPP to bring them to my computer, I import them into LR for cataloging purposes and to make other potential adjustments. Then my usual workflow is to move photos from LR to Photoshop via the "edit in" command. This opens a dialog box giving a choice of "edit a copy with LR adjustments" which is the default option and the one I always use, or "edit original".
Here's the interesting thing I finally discovered.If I send the photo from LR to PS using the "edit a copy with Lightroom adjustments" option, I get a bad blue sky effect, where the sky is green and the foliage is pink instead of the sky being blue and the foliage yellow. But if I send it to PS using the "edit original" option, the blue sky effect works fine.So there appears to be an issue when tring to send IR images from Lightroom to Photoshop.
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Nov 2, 2013
When I shoot images with a high dynamic range I use the AEB function to create an HDR image in PS merge to HDR Pro and save them as 32bit tiff.
Is it best to then process these in LR5 or to use the Camera Raw dialogue or is there no differance in exposure,highlights, shadows, whites, blacks and contrast functions whilst processing 32bit images?
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Feb 16, 2012
When using an external editor (PS CS5) to edit photos from Lightroom 3, there is an inital preference to select whether to use ACR in PS to process the raw file, or to use LR. I always want to do this in PS. There's often times where I'm compositing multiple photos. I only need to open up that raw file to quickly grab a section of it to move into another file. I don't want to save the raw file as a psd, tif or whatever, just select, copy and move that section of the file and then close it.
The problem is that preference setting is only when you first set up the Lightroom, I'm not seeing it anywhere on any of the preference menus. And for some reason, it has switched to processing the raw in Lightroom. So now i'm ending up with useless psd files. That takes up space on my hard drive, takes longer to archive on to external hard drives, and is slower to open the files into PS. It may seem like a small inconvenience, but when shooting 1000s, or 10000s of images a week it adds up quickly. And to get rid of them, i have to reveal in finder, then delete, then remove from catalog in LR - which just wastes time.
Mac Pro, dual quad-core, 16gb ram, GeFOrce 8800 GT 512mb graphics card
OS X Snow Leopard
LR 3.6
5d Mk II CR2 files
PS CS5 (12.0.4) and also the newest prerelease (can't disclose much on this)
LR and PS are both great in their own right, and do things better than the other in some situations, I wish Adobe would make them play nicer together.
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Jul 8, 2013
I cannot export images after processing in Lightroom 5 (the newest version). See the message on top.
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Feb 8, 2012
I have three (and a half-follow-on) questions on DNG nuances/technical particulars (that are prompted by remarks appearing on the last-updated-about-two-years-ago webpage URL...
First, what (If any) image processing capabilities (such as any further highlight recovery/adjustment, or individual color channel enhancement/ saturation improvement, etc.) are unavailable in Lightroom (LR) or Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) if one opens-with/inputs-or-imports-to LR (or ACR), a Linear DNG (linDNG) image file (which by its ‘linearized’ nature has already had certain image attributes ‘baked’ therein), and what image processing capabilities are fully available in LR/ACR for such a linDNG image in an unrestricted/fully-further-adjustable manner?
Second, is the output file produced by Adobe’s DNG converter when one inputs to it (say) a Nikon NEF raw-image file a (what I refer to as) Raw DNG (rawDNG, akin to those that some camera manufacturers’ cameras are now directly storing on memory cards at image capture), or a linDNG (akin to those produced by various RAW converters such as DxO Optics Pro and Capture One Pro)? If the former, is it possible to apply Adobe’s DNG converter to a linDNG input file (and thereby, effectively, ‘unbake’ whatever settings had earlier been ‘baked’ into that linDNG so that the resulting rawDNG would be once more ENTIRELY/UNRESTRICTEDLY further adjustable in LR/ACR?
Third, if one uses either LR or ACR to open/access/edit a linDNG image file, performs some non-destructive image adjustments on that image with that software platform, and saves the results as a new/differently-named DNG file, will that resulting new DNG file be yet another linDNG-format file, or a rawDNG-format file?
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Jul 4, 2013
Can you enable the lens profile settings for more than one image at a time? If multiple images were imported and the same lens was used for all of them can you batch process them without having to do one image at a time?
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Oct 3, 2012
I purchased one of the new Nikon D600 cameras but LR 4 cannot recognize the D600 NEF files. When will there be an update that will correct this?
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Oct 3, 2012
With the release of 4.2 now supporting Fuji X-E1, does this update fixes Fuji X-Pro 1 raw files?
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May 20, 2012
I have been using LR since it has been released in version one. I have a very modest system, Win 7 64 bit Home premium, Processor 6.6 GHz; Memory 4GB; Displaty 1680x1050.Test on export of 101 raw files from Panasonic G3 Lightroom time for rendering 15 Min approx 9 seconds per file.Export from After Shot Pro Approx 3 Min 1.87 sec per file.Both systems using only standard processing functions no Lens corrections, adjustment brush etc. just standard corrections.Just unbeliavable. I did not think I have an issue with the performance of Lghtroom but this is a revelation. I have no hangups or crashes etc.
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May 29, 2012
Will there be an upgrade for Lightroom 3 or Lightroom 4 to allow direct processing of RAW files from FUJI PRO X-1 camera ?
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Jun 17, 2013
is it possible to drag and drop processing options (in German: Entwicklungseinstellungen) from one picture to another? The usual way by right clicking on the picture and then selecting copy the justifications and then right clicking on another picture and pasting them is very slow.
It would be fantastic if I could just use the spray tool to quickly transfer the options from one picture to a group of others. But this is only possible with presets I first have to save. But many processing options I don't want to save as a preset, because they are not that important. I just want to have a possibility to quickly play around with the options.
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May 27, 2012
Is there a way to disable lightroom 4 from importing or processing any file with a video extension mkv, 3gpp etc, as its really slowing down my workflow.
My typically workflow consists of pulling my files off of my memory carsd manually via explorer (into a specific folder under a root folder which I create manually). I then synchronise the root folder in lightroom.
Unfortunately LR4 seems to take over and hour to do this since I have a lot of uncateloged videos. LR fails each time to catalog the videos.
LR3, since it didn't support video, was blazingly fast and performing the same operations in LR3 takes minutes as oppose to hours.
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Jul 24, 2013
I need to know how to do the above procedure in lr5 as when i did the processing of one image i saw no tab to click to save the image or move the image or clicking done?
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Dec 10, 2012
All of a sudden today when i went to process photos, in either Lightroom 4 or CS5 all the skin tones are bright pink? They are fine when viewing them on my computer, just not threw adobe products.
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Jan 4, 2013
Is there a way to get several pages of existing text from a word processing or page layout program to flow into corresponding pages in Lightroom?
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