Lightroom :: How To Increase Brightness Of LR4 Cropping Grid

Jun 17, 2013

The grid is hardly visible in all outdoor images, except those with very dark backgrounds or shadow areas.How do I increase the brightness of the grid?

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Lightroom :: Grid Overlay When Not Cropping?

Jul 29, 2012

I am doing a sequence of photos and it would be extremely useful if there was a grid overlay for the photo I am working on when I am not in crop mode, the same as the thirds grid overlay you see when using the crop tool.

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Photoshop :: How To Increase Brightness Of A Models Pic ?

Sep 19, 2007

I have a good pic of a model in a pink dress. It is just a fraction too dark.

I would like to brighten it up a bit.

Are there any ways of doing this other than the brightness slider ?

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Revit :: Scope Boxes / Grid Levels And Sections Cropping

Jun 29, 2012

There is a way of controlling how much some objetcs extend outside the scope box?  The levels, sections and grids extend too much to my taste and the space avaliable in my sheet.

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Lightroom :: Brightness Difference Between 4.1 And Photoshop CS6

Sep 16, 2012

I notice quite a difference in brightness between Lightroom 4.1 and Photoshop CS6.

When I open an image from Lightroom in Photoshop by rightclicking and selecting "edit in Photoshop", Photoshop displays the image much lighter.

To test things, I tried to open an image from within Lightroom to Photoshop, without adjusting any colors in Photoshop. Once saved, I went back to Lightroom, and noticed the colors were the same as the original in Lightroom. So Photoshop doesn't change the colors, it only displays them very more bright on my PC. And it's only Photoshop, the default Windows Photoviewer displays images with the same brightness as Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Image Brightness For Blurb Printing

Jun 13, 2012

The LR4 Print module has the ability to apply a brightness correction to data being sent to a printer to compensate for having a too-bright monitor. That's fine. Now, if I use the same images in the Book module to be sent to Blurb, must I create Virtual Copies of each image and manually increase the Exposure of each image to achieve the same effect. I would think that if I do not do this, the pictures in the book would appear dark just as my printer pictures appear dark if I didn't apply a correction.

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Lightroom :: Brightness Adjustment For Blurb Book?

May 7, 2013

When I print on my Epson R1900, I have to increase the Brightness (+20) in the Print Module on all prints. There is no corresponding option in the Book Module for sending files to Blurb.How can I make the equivalent adjustment for Blurb?
I am assuming that the Blurb profiles are close enough to the Epson profiles (as far as brightness is concerned).

If I have to edit every single image separately, what is the best way to do this? Is Exposure the equivalent of Brightness in LR 4, and is the metric the same (i.e. increasing by +20 in both)?
 Lightroom 4.4
Mac OS X 10.8.3

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Lightroom :: Difference In Exported Image Brightness?

Mar 13, 2012

When I export an image it apears slightly less bright outside of Lightroon than it does in Lightroom. This includes web browsers. Am using identically calibrated NEC 2090uxi monitors.  Most of the time upping the birghtness by +5-10 will correct this.  Occasionally the vibrance needs to be raised in addition.  What might account for this?

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Lightroom :: Image Changes Brightness And Contrast After Importing?

Mar 24, 2014

I'm importing RAW files straight from a CF card reader into my network storage drive via LR5.3. While reviewing as it imports initially each image looks great but a few seconds after it loads onto the screen it seems like LR applies a bit of extra brightness and lessens the contrast and I lose a load of detail that was there originally. I've not touched the import settings and no filters are being applied by myself on import.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Show Brightness Changes After External Processing In CS4?

Feb 20, 2013

I am an experienced user of Lightroom and get excellent results. But an anomaly is puzzling me. I capture images in DNG format and download to a PC Windows 7 using a calibrated Eizo graphics monitor. Before exporting and delivering a processed image I ensure that there is no unacceptable clipping showing on the histogram. I export 16 bit files which are only converted to 8 bits immediately prior to delivery. Recently I have adopted the procedure of importing a copy of the final delivery image back into LR4.3 for better library management. (There are often keyword changes or other refinements in the delivered image) Occasionally I notice that some pictures are noticeably brighter than the existing LR processed masters which formed the basis of the above operation. So I did some tests.
I selected an image with wide tonal range, adjusted it in Develop module to meet my 'no unacceptable clipping' rule and exported it as described above into CS4. My working colour space is Adobe RGB 1998 and Color Management is set to 'RGB Preserve Embedded Profiles'. In CS4 I only changed the mode from 16 to 8 bits and then saved the file using a modified name. That was the only processing done in CS4. Both files (8 bit and 16 bit) were then re-imported back into LR4 and the histograms compared with the original modified master file. In both cases they showed highlight clipping indicating that the image is brighter than when starting the final processing in CS4. In most cases the extra brightness is not a big problem; but in some instances it is quite unaccepable and I could not use that version without further processing in LR4. Mode change does not seem to be the culprit.
What I might be doing wrong to bring about these unwanted involuntary changes to normally processed files?

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Lightroom :: How To Adjust Brightness In Book Module

Apr 1, 2014

I created a book with 75 or so photos using Lightroom 5.3. Everything is ok and all done - but I forgot that my display is overbright so that I can see things clearly. On single images, I usually increase brightness and contrast in the print module before saving off a single file to print. I don't want to do this to all the 75 images one at a time. is there a way to adjust the brightness/contrast in the book module... kind of in a batch?
If not, what does the print adjustment equal to in the develop module? For example, I have found through testing, that if I go with +67 brightness and +51 contrast in the print module, it compensates any and all photos that I have developed in the develop module with my overbright display.

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Lightroom :: Setting Brightness Slider On Print Module?

Nov 28, 2013

Let's say that I have three stops difference between the luminance of my computer screen and the paper white under the lamp in my room. Which setting should I use for the brightness slider on the print module?

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Lightroom :: How To Increase Resolution In LR4

Dec 11, 2013

How do you increase resolution in light room 4

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Lightroom :: How To Increase Exposure By 1 Or 2 F-stops For HDR

Mar 21, 2013

My goal is to:
1) Take an existing picture.
2) Make two more copies of it.
3) Alter the exposure compensation of the copies by either exactly 1 or 2 stops up or down as needed.
4) Merge those shots to form a quasi-HDR composite image.
When I open the master/source picture in Lightroom, how do I change the exposure by exactly one or two stops leaving all of the other settings untouched?
Yes, I know the master exposure slider goes up to 5.00, but what exactly do those values mean if anything in direct correlation to f-stop's? Is it accurate? how changing the exposure is executed.

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Lightroom :: How To Increase Web Gallery To More Than 5 Rows

Aug 26, 2012

This is so incredibly cumbersome for clients to have to sift through hundreds of images, with dozens of pages, when they should be able to view one page (even if I have 80+ rows) or a couple in a gallery.
I reallllly hate to keep using Legacy Bridge scripts for web gallery, since LR is lightyears ahead of it in so many aspects. But I don't have a choice since I can only get 40 images on a page with.
I can't find any custom presets that offer more than 5 rows!
PS - I only use HTML to keep it iPhone friendly and nimble...

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Lightroom :: Increase Text Size In Panels?

Jan 18, 2014

This after I restarted lightroom 4. I do not want to lower the resolution of my screen to use Lightroom. I have a new 27' Imac. I do not want to get an even larger screen. Is there a solution or should I just use another program ?

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Lightroom :: How To Increase The Resolution To Read The Text

Apr 7, 2014

How can I increase the resolution so I can read the text

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Lightroom :: Increase Number Of Open Recent Files?

Mar 12, 2014

In previous versions this was unlimited. It allowed me a quick way to view catalogs I have worked on even months ago.There are no options inside Lightroom 5 to adjust this that I can find.
So is there a file I can modify in the Lightroom system folder or in the registry that will remove the limited number or increase the number allowed in the list?

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Lightroom :: Batch Cropping Of Images

Feb 20, 2013

Just wondering if I could use Lightroom as I would Photo Shop- for batch cropping of images.

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Lightroom :: 5 Crashing While Cropping Images

Jun 14, 2013

I recently installe LR5 beta and imediately had a problem where it started crashing during cropping. I went back to LR4 & that too started crashing. I bought LR5 & now am trying to sort some shots out but it keeps locking up my mac.

Running on OSX 10.8.4

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Lightroom :: Missing Done Button While Cropping?

Nov 2, 2011

how to restore the "done" button while cropping the pictures

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Lightroom :: How To Keep Image From Moving When Cropping

Aug 14, 2012

I have been using LR for quite a while, but all of a sudden when I crop a photo, the image slides to the left or right and out of view.
In the past when I move the crop frame the photo would not move, that way I can see exactly how much of the photo I am cropping.
I have tried doing searches regarding a setting, but all I get are answers about locking the crop ratio and that is not what I need.
I need to keep the entire image in view when I slide the crop window.

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Lightroom :: System Hangs-up When Cropping

Aug 21, 2013

System hangs-up when Cropping in Lightroom 5

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Lightroom :: Cropping In 5 (and 4) Not Open The Photo In PS CC

Dec 31, 2013

When I crop a photo in LR5 or 4 and open it in PS cc, the photo is not opened. If I go back and reset the cropping, then the photo and all edits made are exported and visible in PS cc
That s happening in both LR4 and 5. FURTHERMORE; if the crop is vertical , from a horizontal èpicture, the photo is opened in PS BUT the crop not maintened i.e the original sized photo is shown.
Running Mavericks, LR 5.3 LR 4,4 and PS CC

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Lightroom :: Cropping Overlay Is Locked

Apr 6, 2013

I cannot figure what I did?  The cropping overlay tool is locked.  If I try to toreduce the width, the height reduces also.  This is a new phenom.  What did I do wrong? 

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Lightroom :: 5.0 - Cropping Video With Auto-Sync

Aug 11, 2013

Kelby's book shows how to edit a video in Develop by Capturing a Frame, then opening the Frame in Develop mode, selecting the video, and turning on Auto-Sync so that changes to the photo will also change the video.  Not all edits are possible.  I was hoping that cropping with the Rectangle tool would work, so I gave it a try.  No luck.  Indeed, LR5 tossed up an debugger-style error message.
An internal error has occurred. ?.0: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value.

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Lightroom :: Deleting Custom Cropping Ratios?

Mar 31, 2014

Is there a way for deleting previously entered custom cropping ratios?

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Lightroom :: Presets And Cropping Adjustments Won't Export?

Feb 12, 2012

I'm using Lightroom3 version 3.6.  I made all my cropping adjustments, exposure, sharpening and noise reduction adjustments.  Also added LR presents like sepia tone, black and white, bleach bypass. on several of my photo's.  Then I selected all photos, clicked on export button, and saved them in a folder on desktop.  All of the LR presents are visible in LR and they look great.  However, when I open the saved folder on my desktop....all the photos are not edited.  None of the presets or crops took.

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Lightroom :: Cropping To A Specific Size In Pixels

Jun 12, 2012

I can see how to lock in an aspect ratio, but can I use Lightroom to crop a photo to a very specific size in pixels so that I can then upload it to a website in a spot of just that size?

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Lightroom :: Cropping Is Reducing The Picture Size?

Nov 23, 2013

The picture becomes smaller, does not retain the original size (ex what was cropped off).  This did not happen before.  Did I click something by mistake?  How can I restore cropping such that the new picture is the same size as before?

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Lightroom :: How To Get Hand Tool Back When Cropping

Sep 30, 2012

I crop in Develop - the hand tool does not come back to let me to shift the image behind it - it stays as a pointer - if I go outside the crop it allows me to rotate - all I want to do is to shfit the crop to a different part of the image.

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