Lightroom :: System Hangs-up When Cropping

Aug 21, 2013

System hangs-up when Cropping in Lightroom 5

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Photoshop :: CS5.5 Hangs On Cropping?

Feb 11, 2013

I can't do any cropping, Photoshop just hangs. MacBook Pro, CS 5.5, OSX 10.8.2, 4GB ram, almost no other programs running, two scratch disks.

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Photoshop :: Start-up Hangs On Find System Profiles

Jan 29, 2009

CS3 Photoshop on Windows XP, I've had this and has been running fine since CS3 was first released. All of a sudden, today, with no updates installed for either software or OS, it's Crashing (not responding) on program start-up, always at same point, when says "find system profiles". I did the ctrl+alt+shift start-up and reset, to no avail. I'm about to start going into all the other clean up options... but was hoping one of the forum gurus would recognize what's happened and point me in the right direction without all the trial-and-error fun.

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Lightroom :: V4.2 Hangs On Import

Nov 30, 2012

Canon 5d3with a fast CF card.  I plug the camera into my Windows 7 laptop, fire up Lightroom 4.2, hit import, and all the new photos are tagged for import.  I press import and 4 or 5 photos import and Lightroom just hangs without importing any others.  The program shows as still responding in the Task Manager.  I close the program, detach and reattach the camera and get another 4 or 5 photos.  So if I have a bust day of shooting I have to go throgu this process many times to get of my photos imported. 

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Lightroom :: 1.4.1 Hangs On Import

Dec 2, 2008

Importing from SD card or from folder on hard drive, LR 1.4.1 hangs on import into an existing catalog. Sometimes it imports 1 picture, sometimes more, and then it hangs. Canceling the import does not work.

This is a Vista machine with plenty of horsepower and disk. I've re-installed LR, rebooted, etc. Importing into a brand new catalog works perfectly. Importing into another application works perfectly. The problem arose seemingly out of nowhere. Never had a problem, went out of town for a few days, returned with some pictures, and then no import into my existing catalog.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Hangs On Import

Apr 21, 2013

Ever since my copy of Lightroom updated from 4.3 to 4.4 I've had TERRIBLE trouble importing RAW files.  After pressing "IMPORT" the program will hang (showing as "Not Responding" in the Window Top-bar and in Task Manager) for 90 minutes or more.  This is to import just 4 or 5 files. I'm running on: Intel Core I5-2500k, 3.30Ghz, 16GB RAM, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit...I never had this trouble with 4.3 and no other features of my set-up have changed except my Lightroom version.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Hangs And Won't Import Photos

Jul 19, 2013

I have been having problems with Lightroom 4.4 and importing photos from an external hard drive. I've worked with this configuration for years with no problem. I've been working with 4.4 since it was released as an RC, no issues. It started to be very slow to move into the import modual/function. Then it would hang every time and no sources for import would come up and the program would just stop and I'd get the "not responding" message. I thought it might be a corrupt catalog so I tried one of my backup catalogs, I tried different catalogs all together. I deleted the preference file and that seemed to be the beginning of the end for my current installation. When I tried to open Lightroom (via the catalog file) after deleteting the preference file it was like Lightroom couldn't/wouldn't rewrite the file and open. It would hang. Eventually I did get it to open up but I had to walk away and let it work on opening for a good 10 minutes. It finally came up but was too slow to work with. I gave up and decided to uninstall it and download and install again. It is still wonky and slow and will not import photos at all. I know it is difficult to diagnose something like this but I'm at my wits end. I've used Lightroom since the very beginning and I've come to be quite dependant on it. I just don't even know where to look to figure this out. I've browsed around for import problems but haven't found a whole lot of information or examples. Oh I should mention I tried creating a new empty catalog on my internal hard drive in case the problem somehow was with the external drive but that isn't the case. Actually I have catalogs on a few different external drives. It doesn't matter where the photos are, Lightroom is not happy at the moment. It barely responds to any input and crashes if I try to import photos. I also uninstalled and disabled my Carbonite because I know that can cause problems with some programs and I am desperate to get Lightroom going again.

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Lightroom :: Slideshow Export Hangs Up?

Jun 26, 2012

I had this problem before, thought I had cured it, but it has come back. At the end of a slideshow, I always add this slide.

Slideshow will hang up on export encoding the frame for this image, or the last one before it. Before when I had this problem, I had always stored it as a jpeg and just coppied it into the folder of images to be included in the slideshow. Thinking it must be a corrupted file of some sort, although it will open fine in CS5, I created a new image and stored it as a tiff. I then would open it in CS5, and 'save as' a new jpeg in the image folder. Now, no matter what I do, sometimes it will work fine, and sometimes it will hang up. LR 4.1 just sits there. No error message. Just will not complete the final frames. Very frustrating to wait an hour or more for it to create a slideshow and it hangs at the last image. I am on a Vista Home Premium machine.

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Lightroom :: 4.4 Hangs On Startup After Update From 4.3

Apr 16, 2013

I updated from LR 4.3 to LR 4.4 and now I can't start lightroom. It hangs at startup with the LR info tile displayed over the main window. This is on Windows 7 64 bit. Windows also has a hard time killing the app/process. Is it possible to safely downgrade to 4.3 ?

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Lightroom :: Program Hangs During Import Process

Oct 10, 2013

Since installing Lightroom 5, the program hangs during the import process. I never had this issue with Lightroom 4, but recently had a system crash and lost my former catalog. There are about 140,000 images to be imported from a 3TB hard drive.
I'm running a PC with 24 GB of RAM, a 128 GB SSD boot drive and a dedicated 128 GB SSD dirve for Photoshop/Bridge/Lightroom cache.

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Lightroom :: When Export Video V3 Hangs On Last Slide

Jun 7, 2013

I have a problem with LR3. After completing a video I go to Export Slide Show to Video. After rendering and encoding, the program stops at the last slide and does nothing. It means that I cannot use LR for videos or time lapse.

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Lightroom :: Frequently Hangs On Opening Catalog

Mar 8, 2014

About every other time I open Lightroom or switch the catalog, Lightroom will hang. Usually some thumbnails from the catalog will be visible; if it was after starting Lightroom, the splashscreen remains visible.
I am using Lightroom 5.3 64bit on Windows 7. (The problem was already there with Lightroom 3.6, but not quite as frequently)
My main catalog has about 14.000 pictures, a second catalog about 10.000. The problem exists with both catalogs.
Sometimes, deleting all previews works, sometimes the catalog remains unopenable.
I have rebuild my catalog from scratch several times (losing all virtual copies and edit histories).
The least-data-loss method seems to be to rename the catalog directory, so Lightroom will create a new empty one. Then import all photos from the old renamed catalog.
What I have tried so far, to no avail:
- Upgrading from LR 3.6 to 5.3.
- New hardware (Mainboard/CPU/RAM/Power supply; CPU: AMD->Intel, Graphics: nVidia->Intel).
- Reinstalling Lightroom
- Deleting Preferences file
- Moving pictures from network drive to a local harddisk.
- Moving pictures and catalog to a different hard disk (physical, not just other partition).
- Stopping all unneeded services and processes, down to a bare minimum.
There is not a whole lot of other software running on my machine: Dropbox, iTunes background services, Spyder3 monitor calibration, MS Security Essentias, Epson Print driver Icon. No toolbars, desktop-apps or what have you.

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Lightroom :: Book Module Hangs During Upload To Blurb

Sep 3, 2013

I'm unable to upload my photo book to Blurb. I sent the almost identical book two weeks ago without issue. I have since made a few minor changes and now I cannot upload. I've tried 5 times, with and without a Cover Page, and it hangs about mid-way through the upload.
I am running LR 4.4 on Windows 7.

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Lightroom :: V5 - Building Web Gallery Hangs And  Then Fails

Mar 29, 2014

The key and only reason I own and use Lightroom is to create and manage my 50,000+ family photos spanning through 3 centuries.  (1800s, 1900s, 2000s)   
With Lightroom 5 the web galleries I have previously created and uploaded and as well the customer user presets I have created OR the standard templates are now ALL hanging and failing during the "Upload Web Photo Gallary after exporting all the images, etc. 
The app does report the folders and files exist on the server so it must be logging in succesfully and parsing files and directories etc? 
It then goes off and is looping around "Building Web Photo Gallery" and after about 5 plus minutes it fails with a " an error occured sending the file:  connection to the server failed" 
Which is probably just because it is broken and then times out because of failure.
I have checked, triple checked, changed passwords and also later uploaded FTP files and etc and actually am now having to EXPORT the whole gallery locally via LR5 and then FTP by hand the whole thing to the website.
EVERYTHING works great except Lightroom 5 is now broken for this task to me.  All I did was send money to upgrade and install product and upgrade i can't go back right?

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Lightroom :: Status Bar Goes To 100% But Doesn't Finish / Import Hangs

Jan 31, 2013

I am running 4.3 for Mac as trial version. When I try to import, the status bar goes to 100% but does not finish. So import hangs.

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Lightroom :: Auto-tag Photos Using Tracklog - Hangs - Doesn't Process

May 27, 2013

I am trying to append GPS data to my photo's using a track log which I have converted from KLM to GPX. The information loads onto the map just fine, but after selecting the option 'Auto-tag xxx selected photos' the process bar does appear in the top-left corner, but never progresses.

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Lightroom :: 4 Hangs When Importing Nikon Electronic File Format

Mar 19, 2012

I use Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit.  I saw an item that suggested going into Explorer and clicking "show hidden files and folders": I clicked that and then restarted the computer.  No change in behavior.
I've left the import up for more than 5 minutes (someone mentioned that LR4 is slow): I never got the import done. 
When I click the "X" at the end of the import thermometer, I get a message (in that location) that the import is canceled.  The display in the main window (where the image would appear) still says "importing files".  I have to quit LR4 and start it up again to do anything else.
I was previously using LR3.6, that used to work fine.  I tried going back to LR3.6 to import some files I recently shot: now LR3.6 does the same thing as LR4 (hangs when I try to import Nikon Electronic Format files). 

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Lightroom :: Import Button Hangs Up - Unable To Move Forward

May 14, 2012

First I lost some folders and edits; now the import button hangs up and I am unable to move forward. HP Pavillion quad core and lightroom 4

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Lightroom :: 5 Hangs On Import From Another Catalog / Export And On Publish Services

Aug 8, 2013

I am on a Windows 7, 64-bit machine running Lightroom 5. I am having problems running certain Publish Services and also while trying to import from another catalog. On Publish Services - I am able to publish to a remote desktop but not to my own network. I have also been seeing issues with publishing to SmugMug (since before they updated their site).
Similarly, I am trying to merge some catalogs and when I import from another catalog, the process seems to hang about halfway through (I left it running all night long - the catalog is large but not THAT large!). The process did bring in what seems like most files so I wonder what I am missing.

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Lightroom :: 5 Hangs (beach Ball) And IMac Freezes While Importing RAWs

Jul 27, 2013

I'm running OSX 10.8.4 with LR5.0 and CamRAW 8.1 installed. My LR Catalog is on local Disk but the corresponding images are on a mounted NAS filer. I need to import (copy) a large amount of RAWs, but LR hangs unperiodically durring import. While trying to kill LR (or reboot) my iMac freezes such, that I need to power off!

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Lightroom :: Batch Cropping Of Images

Feb 20, 2013

Just wondering if I could use Lightroom as I would Photo Shop- for batch cropping of images.

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Lightroom :: 5 Crashing While Cropping Images

Jun 14, 2013

I recently installe LR5 beta and imediately had a problem where it started crashing during cropping. I went back to LR4 & that too started crashing. I bought LR5 & now am trying to sort some shots out but it keeps locking up my mac.

Running on OSX 10.8.4

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Lightroom :: Missing Done Button While Cropping?

Nov 2, 2011

how to restore the "done" button while cropping the pictures

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Lightroom :: How To Keep Image From Moving When Cropping

Aug 14, 2012

I have been using LR for quite a while, but all of a sudden when I crop a photo, the image slides to the left or right and out of view.
In the past when I move the crop frame the photo would not move, that way I can see exactly how much of the photo I am cropping.
I have tried doing searches regarding a setting, but all I get are answers about locking the crop ratio and that is not what I need.
I need to keep the entire image in view when I slide the crop window.

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Lightroom :: Grid Overlay When Not Cropping?

Jul 29, 2012

I am doing a sequence of photos and it would be extremely useful if there was a grid overlay for the photo I am working on when I am not in crop mode, the same as the thirds grid overlay you see when using the crop tool.

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Lightroom :: Cropping In 5 (and 4) Not Open The Photo In PS CC

Dec 31, 2013

When I crop a photo in LR5 or 4 and open it in PS cc, the photo is not opened. If I go back and reset the cropping, then the photo and all edits made are exported and visible in PS cc
That s happening in both LR4 and 5. FURTHERMORE; if the crop is vertical , from a horizontal èpicture, the photo is opened in PS BUT the crop not maintened i.e the original sized photo is shown.
Running Mavericks, LR 5.3 LR 4,4 and PS CC

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Lightroom :: Cropping Overlay Is Locked

Apr 6, 2013

I cannot figure what I did?  The cropping overlay tool is locked.  If I try to toreduce the width, the height reduces also.  This is a new phenom.  What did I do wrong? 

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Lightroom :: 5.0 - Cropping Video With Auto-Sync

Aug 11, 2013

Kelby's book shows how to edit a video in Develop by Capturing a Frame, then opening the Frame in Develop mode, selecting the video, and turning on Auto-Sync so that changes to the photo will also change the video.  Not all edits are possible.  I was hoping that cropping with the Rectangle tool would work, so I gave it a try.  No luck.  Indeed, LR5 tossed up an debugger-style error message.
An internal error has occurred. ?.0: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value.

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Lightroom :: Deleting Custom Cropping Ratios?

Mar 31, 2014

Is there a way for deleting previously entered custom cropping ratios?

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Lightroom :: Presets And Cropping Adjustments Won't Export?

Feb 12, 2012

I'm using Lightroom3 version 3.6.  I made all my cropping adjustments, exposure, sharpening and noise reduction adjustments.  Also added LR presents like sepia tone, black and white, bleach bypass. on several of my photo's.  Then I selected all photos, clicked on export button, and saved them in a folder on desktop.  All of the LR presents are visible in LR and they look great.  However, when I open the saved folder on my desktop....all the photos are not edited.  None of the presets or crops took.

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Lightroom :: Cropping To A Specific Size In Pixels

Jun 12, 2012

I can see how to lock in an aspect ratio, but can I use Lightroom to crop a photo to a very specific size in pixels so that I can then upload it to a website in a spot of just that size?

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