AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Page Numbers Balloon Is Found On
Jun 6, 2012
So I'm playing around with Inventors Tube and Pipe to show how to do all of our flexible hose routing throuh our chassis. It is a large assemblly with alot of hoses, so it will take multiple views to show how to route all the hoses. I have done all the routing, but am now looking at how to document it.
I have the parts list setup to show each individual run. So for example if my assembly had two runs, my parts list would look like the following:
1..........59".......6295645.................Gladhand to filter hose
2..........120"......6295645................Filter to Control Valve hose
Now my idea is to show a couple of ISO views on the front page, along with the parts list. On the ISO views I would make a bunch of Detail Views on the following sheets, and then in each detail view, I will use balloons to identify which lines are which.
Now say ther eare a dozen pages, I don't want people to search all 12 pages just to find which detail views Item 1 shows up in. Is there any way to automatically show in the Parts List that Item 1 is shown on pages 1,2,3,6,7,9,12 and that Item 2 is shown on pages 2,3,5,7,10,11,12? This list would populate based on which sheets have a balloon for that given item number.
Any better way to document hose runs in a large assembly? In the end the goal is so that someone could pick up the drawing package, know they are running the "Gladhand to Filter hose", find it in the parts list, and then flip to the appropriate pages that show how to route that hose.
I am trying to link my parts list to a drawing however all balloons have different numbers.
I open the assembly and check everything out from vault I open my bom and change item numbers. When I get back to my drawing and apply for auto balloon I get completely different item numbers in my balloons. We just updated our software to a new 2012 version so it's maybe something with set up.
I am putting balloons on an assembly drawing, but the circle is not appearing. The arrow, leader and number are there, but no circle. What could be wrong?
The attached picture is me trying to balloon a part. I would like to just add some notes to the balloon so that I can update them manually but all I can find is to have a symbol. So I created a symbol, the insertion point for the symbol is shown. For some reason I get an extra number and the symbol offcenter. Why is this happening? What I'm really looking for is a balloon that is fully customizable so that I can just add text to the top and bottom and fill out the details.
When I do a detailed set of drawings I first start with the overall and ballon the part showing the BOM. The following pages will reflect the detailed parts balloned on the first page. Is there a way, without haveing to manually type in the BOM, to reference which page this detail is on in the BOM?
I am setting up a template and want my page #s to automatically update when i copy a tab. How is this done? I currently have my "Total Sheets" as a field and that works out fine but often need to add/ remove a sheet to/from drawing and would like the page #s to update.
I have had some difficulty getting into the Elementsuser web site, I have tried on different browsers and different lap tops, on one I get "Elemetsuser would not load" on the other I get "Page cannot be found".
I cannot figure out how to get lightroom to print page numbers when printing a catalog, It places the page numbers at the very edge of the page, and my printer needs a .25" margin (it won't print to the edge of the paper).
how I can get page numbers to print?
Also, It is taking forever to print my 77 page catalog of 1524 photos--does everyone have this trouble? (an hour so far and not even half done "preparing"--this is a small library for me, only 12 gigs... many of my libraries are 500 gigs)
I need to edit page numbers (see below). I have tried to delete, move, copy, and select to no avail.
I know you can add page numbers by going to Type > Insert Special Characters > Markers.. The options listed in Markers are not clickable. how I can edit these page numbers.
From the File>New I take the A4 - 1 Column template and then add a side by side page and no page number appear on the right page.
If I then add text so that it overflows the pages 1 and 2 and creates two new ones the left hand one now has page 3 but still no page numbers on the right.
If add text to a single A4 1 Column and overflows it creates a second page with page number as expected, if I then convert it to side by side it has the page number on the right.
My question is why it works in the second method and not with the first, when setting up a new document it is the path one would expect to set the pages as you want first.
Is there any way of showing the text areas (frames) just not when you click in them? as one does to show grids.
I have designed and printed a BLURB book in LR4 beta successfully. Although the color was somewhat streaked and blotchy, it wasn't a bad effort, but it does need refinements. How I might add page numbers? Without page numbering, making a book greater than a few pages is not really acceptable.
I am playing with the book module and I love it. Hwever, I wonder whether there is a possibility to automatically create captions that show the date of the creation of a picture. More generally any subset of the Exif data would be welcome. This is possible for slideshows, but I could not figure out how to do this with book pages.
Is there a way to automatically insert page numbers?
I am trying to add page numbers to an existing document. I have tried to add them in Prepress, but all I see is the "Print File Information" and even that is not in a location I want. I have the "Position Within Page" checked.
I set up a pretty little table of contents for a handbook and wrestled the styles into place. But, for some reason, I have two page numbers that are wacked out to the right of everything else.
The page numbers are set up on the master page and are very simple. It's the same master for all of the pages.
There are two styles at work in the TOC, messing with those doesnt change anything.
Why would these two, and only these two, get kicked off their mark?
I would like to make use of " find in feature tree" feature, but in DWG mode; Right clicking instead in BOM on part # and showing (highlighting) the balloon in the DWG so you know where it is that you put your balloon.
I am preparing a weld map for our welding shop, and they would like me to balloon each joint and create a table with each joint's number, so that the welder/pressure tester can sign off. Is there a way to balloon joints and not parts, or make a custom ballooning scheme?
I created a hatched sketch on one of my views to represent filler material. I want to balloon to this hatched area, but it want grab it. I have the filler material setup as a custom part. I can also create a sketched symbol for this, but it doesn't appear that they would accept it either.
I am currently running Inventor 2010 Build 272, Release: 2010-sp3
I am trying to modify the code Brian Ekins posted on Mod the Machine to renumber balloons across sheets. [uRL ....
It works great unless the item on the additional sheet is a sub-assembly. I believe it is because PartDef is declared as a PartComponentDefinition and there is nothing in the code to handle an assembly.
Dim partDef As PartComponentDefinition Set partDef = drawBOMRow.BOMRow.ComponentDefinitions.Item(1) partInfo(I - 1).ReferencedFile = partDef.Document.FullFileName
The Set partDef line was giving me a runtime error when it came to an assembly in the BOM until I added
"On Error Resume Next" at the start of the loop.
I tried changing the declaration to ComponentDefinition. It compiled fine, but didn't do anything. I think I'll have to add some duplicate code to handle an assembly in the BOM. Is there a better way to do this? Am I even on the right track?
If a balloon style is set to "Linear" the text in that balloon is automatically left aligned. If a balloon style is set to "None" the text in that balloon is automatically center aligned.
Is it possible to create a balloon with the balloon style set to "None", and have the text left aligned in a drawing document. Typically the balloon text is more that one line . The new line in inserted by pressing ctrl+Enter in the override value of the balloon.
I dont know if this is possible but what i am trying to do is create a custom detail ballon & outline similar to what is attached. this is how our client wants it to look & currently we create the detail & then sketch the outline & add a sketched symbol which has the identifier. We then turn off the detail layer which has the default outline.
Lets say for e.g. that I have 12 parts within an assembly, once auto balloon has done it’s job you notice that No. 9 balloon is blank and No. 10 balloon only shows 1 and not 10.
I'm using balloons to get information from parts, then writing that part info to a custom table. I need to keep track of which balloon corresponds to which table row.
Is there some object/property of Balloon where I can store a single number or string? I'm already using the value field, so that's unavailable to me.
Also, one balloon corresponds to one table entry. That means I cannot create a custom iProperty in the part the balloon is attached to since more than one balloon may reference the same part.