Illustrator :: CS4 Exporting Images With Subtle Grid Overlay?
Dec 13, 2013
I've run in to a rather troubling issue where Illustrator seems to be exporting images with a very subtle white grid overlay. The raw images do not have this grid, neither do the images as viewed in Illustrator. The grid appears when exporting as .png and .jpg in a variety of resolutions.
That program by default showed (x,y) coordinates for pretty much any tool. This was really helpful when trying to get a circle around an object precisely. Is there a way to get this displayed in PS?
I am using PS CS (Premium Suite-Educational version).
I am doing a sequence of photos and it would be extremely useful if there was a grid overlay for the photo I am working on when I am not in crop mode, the same as the thirds grid overlay you see when using the crop tool.
I recently subscribed to the Creative Cloud and installed both Photoshop and Lightroom.
After working with the new LR5 for the first few days I noticed that when I am within the Lens Correction and I click 'Manual' in order to manually correct perspective you always get a grid overlay that shows up when you hover over the different Transform options (Distortion, vertical, horizontal, etc...) and it no longer shows the overlay.
In order for me to correct the perspective I have to manually click Option+Comand+O in order to get the grid, which is a little bit annoying since it was automatic before.
I am looking to create a grid to "Overlay" a topographical map in model space. Essentially this will be built on a seperate layer titled grid that can be turned on or off to essentially "toggle" it. What is the most efficient way to create a grid in autocad? As well as assure the proper scale. Say I want it to have 10 ft. by 10 ft. cells on a topographical map that has a scale of 1" = 50'.
I've an illustrator document that has a code badge design. The bade design includes a 4 digit code that will alter 61 times but only in terms of the digits. I've set up my artwork into 2 layers with type on the top and the graphic underneath. Is there a way of using a script or code to export the graphic with each of the 61 codes or do I need to modify the Ai file 61 times and export 61 seperate raster images?
I will make an application for windows 8. So in the application, i will use traffic signs. However i need to seperate the icons one by one and save all of the icons one by one as "png" so how can i do this? you can download "AI" file by this link:[URL]
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground)
I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid.
When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid.
Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
I am getting a problem that whenever i exported corel file to pdf. It's showing grid lines on pdf file whereas corel file doesn't showing any gridlines nor i checked "show grid lines".
I know what's causing the problem. The problem is when i updated my CD X5 to X6, In each file a popup palette came saying "to update the text, click update". I clicked on update. Since then this problem is occurring only those file on which i clicked update.Making a new file with copy paste option is last choice.
Is there a setting to export the grid lines of ACT ceiling in a 3D view to DWG?
I don't know if there is because I can't even get the grid lines to show in a 3d view. Right now the view shows the ACT ceiling as a simple geometric shape.
want to translate my vector illustrations to charts for cross stitch kits. Using the grid tool, but the lines aren't equally spaced? I have a 100cm x 100cm document at the moment, with 1 cm making a 'stitch'. I want a grid that is 100cm x 100cm, made up of 1cm x 1cm squares for simplicity. Then be able to print the design out on the grid.
Probably this is not the appropriate place to post this question, but I chose to do so, cause Ps users might know better.
If you want a color to be more subtle, or put it another way, make it stand less among other element or/and colors what you would to?Increase opacity, reduce its saturation or something else?
i'm trying to do is too replace the American flag with the other flag. From the images below you can see that I wasn't really succesfull when I did it. It just isn't natural.
I'm an architect and would like to automate a process we do all the time: shadow studies.
Here's a typical scenario: we render a view of a building, same camera angle, just changing the time of day for each rendering. Then we take those renderings and overlay them in Photoshop setting each layer to "Multiply", add a Brightness/Contast or Levels adjustment layer, and save said image. We do this for three times a year (one equinox and each solstice), often a few views of the building for each.
So a typical shadow study might be 4-5 views, three times a years, so that's 12-15 composite images. This process gets repeated multiple times for each project as we change the design, so there is a lot of repetition.
I know how to create simple Actions. I know how to run a batch. What I don't know how to do and would like is a way to run a batch where I select some files and it creates the composite. The hurdle is making the Action and Batch be "generic" so that when I run the batch, I can select the images I want and the place to save it. That's the part I don't know how to do.
The Action I created is limited by (a) files open and (b) therefore only applicable to a certain number of open files (if I create the Action with 4 open files, it will only work on 4 files, not 3, not 5).
If required, I could probably script something. I know some programming/scripting, but have never done it for Photoshop.
I need to overlay a transparent image of a tablet over about 50 images from a folder - is there any automated way to do this? I can use either Photoshop or Illustrator
Spent all night working on a more complex "test" of V4 and it appears I ran into an overlay brick wall. My last component is a series of 6 social media-like icons and I only have two overlay tracks. It appears that I can select a group of images to drag to an overlay track but they are applied sequentially. I need them to persist to the end of the video.
Is there a way to layer static images? I see that with shapes and titles I can go hog wild in one overlay.
So I was oot and aboot yesterday and I took a series of pictures of a drummer in action. It was a rapid series, like five pictures covering five seconds of him rocking out. I want to combine all those five pictures into one ... "master" picture. My idea for the "master" picture is one single picture, where you can see his arm and body movements (and the drum cymbals moving) from all the five pictures.
That's probably a terrible way of describing it, but that's what I want to do.... I tried layering the pictures together as overlays, but while that combined all the images together, the end result was too blurry to make anything out.
This is a new fault which has appeared with Corel Pro x3. When I play clips on the overlay tracks as a project they play faultlessly. When I play them as a clip on any overlay track, there is no sound and it stutters instead of one constant speed. I have installed the program twice now trying to fix this problem. I am editing in Standard Definition. What could be causing this problem? This occurs with all files on the overlay tracks played in clip mode.
My computer is a Pentium (R) D CPU 3.00GHz, 3.25GB of RAM, Windows XP Pro, Intel Motherboard, ATI Radeon HD 5450, 512MB DDR3, IDT Audio. Sony HVR-V1P Pan NVGS400
Sometimes I take a screenshot from within L/R 3.6 and send it by email. Problem is the image name/date/size info. overlay spoils the image. I've looked all over L/R prefs etc but I can't see how to turn the info. off, assuming it's possible to do so?
I used to be able to import pics from my camera into a specific folder on my hard drive. That was until 2 weeks ago. Now my only choice is to import into the folders below. C. drive - where all my digi camera pics are - is no longer there. How do I get L/R import to recognize my hard drive again.
I have tried this on 2 differernt Brother MFC 9970CDW printers, one of which is brand new. I have tried all the options in the printer dialog both in photoshop and the printer. I can print other photographs in inDesign and other products perefectly on the same printers. However, photos process in photoschop cc have the same problems even if place in indesign and printed from there.
I have cs5 operating on windows 7. when I open an image, any image, I get a small grid across the image. I can't edit b/c the grid is in the way.
I check my prefences and the lens correction grid is turned off. I look there just in case, but that wasn't the problem. this started yesterday and I don't know how to fix it.
Is there an easier way to make a 16 squares X 16 squares grid so that the grid scales with the image size but remains 16X16? Basically I want to add a 16X16 grid to hundreds of images.
Also, how do I put the same grid over many images, like a few hundred?