I have a big picture project coming up, and i need to finnish to retouch a large amount of images a day. This means it would be nice to have a function that would open the next picture in line when the one im finished with is closed, or something similar and effective like this.
I have a big picture project coming up, and i need to finnish to retouch a large amount of images a day. This means it would be nice to have a function that would open the next picture in line when the one im finished with is closed, or something similar and effective like this.
how I can get this effect ? The air you can see...
I need to make something for a shoe which has a shockabsorbing system which relies on air. When the back of the shoe touches the ground, the air is pushed out of the outsole... so to make this visible, I need a similar effect as the one below.
We have a project to make flowcharts in Photoshop. I know there are programs specifically used to produce flowcharts, but PS CS3 is what we have. We have the text boxes and now trying to decide what line tool to use to connect the boxes. We tried the brush and pencil tool at 6 pixels and hold down the shift key to draw horizontal, then click and hold shift again for vertical, but we are getting "ink/Paint" blotter bleed.
I tried the pen tool, but it doesn't seem to allow you to draw a single line one way, select it and then apply a 6 pixel stroke. Is it possible to use the pen tool this way?
I have not been able to the nice feature of pressing shift+ number to control the amount of flow while painting for some time now (or to control the amount of opacity with airbrush on). This feature was great when I first started using it back in PS7 but I haven't seen it since the last few packages.
It is a major time saver for any digital painter's workflow and am worndering if their is any way to make this function work again.see the the adobe link if you'd like to see Adobe's description of the function.[URL]...
way to giveone side of an object another opacity then another side. There should also be a flow between the 2 opacity's. The only way I can think of is doing it "manualy": by cutting it in slices with different opacity or using the gum-tool with a low opacity...
I have several tutorials call for a flow rate, using the paint brush. I do not see a flow rate drop down box or any other sign of flow rate adjustment in my PSE10. Could there be a hidden tool somewhere? where the flow rate box is?
Photoshop CS5...For whatever reason the hotkeys for controling brush opacity and flow switch randomly, and its a bit frustrtating in my work flow.For the hotkey for Opacity will atlernate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9
The hokey for Flow will alternate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9 as wellOne project I will be used to useing shift + 0-9 to adjust the flow, but in the next document it will alter opacity instead.
How to make custom brushes flow in a curved line. For instance I created a thorn stem brush and it works if I use it in a straight line (A) but if I curve it, it goes out of shape (B)...
I am reading some drawing tutorials for Photoshop and they talk about a setting of the brush called "flow". Is there a corresponding setting in GIMP and where it is?
Edit: After some additional searching I found that the option is called "incremental", but I also found that it doesn't work as described in the docs - it is not limited to the opacity set for the tool.
I upgraded to Maverick last fall which caused my PSE11 to slow way down so I recently purchased PSE 12 thinking it would be compatible to Maverick. At this point it is not. Everything works even slower than it did with PSE 11. Is there a patch or an upgrade or a procedure that will improve the work flow speed?
In Photoshop 5, if I turn on the pressure sensitivity while using the Clone tool (and perhaps other tools as well...) I have to bear down very hard to make the pixels being cloned appear in the entire circle [brush] specified. The behavior I want is, instead, to be able to CHOOSE 1. pressure changes size of the flow within the brush [size]setting or 2. the full brush size places cloned pixels on the image at a rate of flow directly controlled by the pressure I exert on the pen nib.
There are some kinds of images that need to go back and forth easily between the two choices. Behavior now is just #1.
i can't find a way to change opacity by taping numbers on my Macbook Pro Retina (French version AZERTY).I think the problem comes from the fact that i don't have a numeric keypad.For instance, on the brush tool, if i enter 1 (by pressing shift+&), i change the flow to 10% and so on, but i didn't find a shortcut to change the opacity.On the move tool, if i enter 1 (by pressing shift+&), the opacity of the active layer don't change.
I have a client that wants to put in a constant flow into an inlet and have SSA calculate the HGL downstream of that (as well as add additional flows at additional inlets). Is there a way to do this? I tried adding an "Initial flow" to a pipe but after running the analysis, that flow wasn't the peak of the pipe (I used 1cfs for the initial flow and the peak was 0.77 cfs).
I'm trying to put particle flow presets from Max 2012 so it'll show up in 2014. I put them into the ParticleFlow Presets folder, but notice the defaults have .pfp name, and the old ones are .max files. How to get the old ones to populate into the dialogue for 2014?
I've been trying to add smoke to a rocket using particle flow. However, while I have managed to do so, with only 400 shape facing particles (which look excellent), they seem to slow down the render about 10 fold than without.
The scene itself has 200,000 polygons with most, if not all, objects having mental ray Arch & Design materials on them. The particles however use a Standard material with particle age, gradient and noise maps. There is currently only one mr area spot light with raying shadows in the scene.
Also another thing is I would like the shape facing particles to be affected by backlighting but I've tried placing orange lights within the rocket boosters and this hasn't appeared to light up the particles in front of the booster towards the screen. I imagine the only way would be to use a material like mr Arch & Design to be translucent.
I am unable to remove the shortcuts from Particle Flow panel. I remove them and then close 3ds Max and then when I start it back up they are back in place.
This makes it so that I cannot properly use those shortcut keys. For instance CTRL ALT M opens up a Particle Flow menu instead of what I have it set to. But if I remove those shortcuts it works. Then I reset max and it is back!
As far as I know there are two ways to set the flow of the brush. Either by enabling or disabling [incremental] option, which, to my understanding, when enabling it - sets the flow to 0%. Let's say I'd like to set the flow to 70% and see how it works. how to do this without knowing nothing about programming and computer code?
Animation! I'm really new to this GAP-program. First I did Video/frames to image and changed (41ms) into (120ms), because the animation was too fast.
Bur after this, it still was too fast, so I changed that manually in the Layers-box (into 170ms - 200ms). (I don't wanted all frames to have the same speed). Speed is now good, but somehow it isn't as smooth anymore.
I am editing in Premiere Pro using AVCHD footage. It takes a few seconds for my MacBook Pro to catchup and think in order to play it smoothly. It is HD footage and up to 60 GB of footage in the bin. Rendering takes 4xs longer than real time it seems to be. I am not savy with editing.
When I draw a frame, suddenly In-Design has started to put a slightly larger area around it which also repels text. I must have inadvertently invoked this feature somehow, but as I'm not sure what I did to cause it I can't work out how to rid myself of its effect.
Im a new user of Autodesk Inventor, working in a semi automation company, supplying conveyors and other related customized equipment. how to animate conveyor flow. attached is my file. a box and a conveyor line with straight, curve and spiral path. by self study I learned a lot of animation but this time I'm having problem because it's a combination of curve and spiral
I made an animation of a small prototype engine I am designing (attached as video 3) and I would like to be able to show fluid flowing in from the injector and into the cylinder, through the dumbbell valve and out the bottom, autodesk inventor does not seem to have this capability and its looking like my only option is to learn 3ds max and rebuild my animation in that.
I am modeling an existing storm system that is under capacity. After running the model, some of the flows seem to be incorrect. I have one section that has a known flow of 1.31 cfs. The results for this pipe section shows 28.82 cfs (peak flow during analysis) and 6.06 cfs (design flow capacity). The pipe section is a 15" with constructed slope of 0.0088 ft/ft. The max velocity attained is 23.48 ft/sec. I know that the downstream is undersized. Could this flow rate be caused by the downstream backflows? The model is setup as hydrodynamic and rational method. My inertial terms are set at ignore, time step = 0, junction surface area = 0 and variable time step with safety factor 75%. I have gutter bypass flows and my sag structures have ponded area set at 100.
I have utilized the "old school" Flow Line Lintetype (with the ARROW that is never really centered) for many years
I have been trying to acquire the preferred FlowLine Arrow Linetype (complex with the arrow shape)
So far, I have not succeeded. What is the easiest way to obtain/create this preferred linetype ? (arrow directions change with the direction of the polyline)....