As far as I know there are two ways to set the flow of the brush. Either by enabling or disabling [incremental] option, which, to my understanding, when enabling it - sets the flow to 0%. Let's say I'd like to set the flow to 70% and see how it works. how to do this without knowing nothing about programming and computer code?
I am reading some drawing tutorials for Photoshop and they talk about a setting of the brush called "flow". Is there a corresponding setting in GIMP and where it is?
Edit: After some additional searching I found that the option is called "incremental", but I also found that it doesn't work as described in the docs - it is not limited to the opacity set for the tool.
That was one of my favorite effects in GIMP. Can do it just fine using Portable Gimp and 'use color from gradient'. But in GIMP 2.8.2 -- that's been taken away and we've been left with a confusing new Gradient system . Do NOT like it so far at all. Haven't figured out how to change the color of the sparks brush on it, let alone use it in any practical way.
Any way to be able to use this new version of the Gradient system and be able to change the color of the sparks brush?
Photoshop CS5...For whatever reason the hotkeys for controling brush opacity and flow switch randomly, and its a bit frustrtating in my work flow.For the hotkey for Opacity will atlernate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9
The hokey for Flow will alternate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9 as wellOne project I will be used to useing shift + 0-9 to adjust the flow, but in the next document it will alter opacity instead.
How to make custom brushes flow in a curved line. For instance I created a thorn stem brush and it works if I use it in a straight line (A) but if I curve it, it goes out of shape (B)...
In Photoshop 5, if I turn on the pressure sensitivity while using the Clone tool (and perhaps other tools as well...) I have to bear down very hard to make the pixels being cloned appear in the entire circle [brush] specified. The behavior I want is, instead, to be able to CHOOSE 1. pressure changes size of the flow within the brush [size]setting or 2. the full brush size places cloned pixels on the image at a rate of flow directly controlled by the pressure I exert on the pen nib.
There are some kinds of images that need to go back and forth easily between the two choices. Behavior now is just #1.
i can't find a way to change opacity by taping numbers on my Macbook Pro Retina (French version AZERTY).I think the problem comes from the fact that i don't have a numeric keypad.For instance, on the brush tool, if i enter 1 (by pressing shift+&), i change the flow to 10% and so on, but i didn't find a shortcut to change the opacity.On the move tool, if i enter 1 (by pressing shift+&), the opacity of the active layer don't change.
Animation! I'm really new to this GAP-program. First I did Video/frames to image and changed (41ms) into (120ms), because the animation was too fast.
Bur after this, it still was too fast, so I changed that manually in the Layers-box (into 170ms - 200ms). (I don't wanted all frames to have the same speed). Speed is now good, but somehow it isn't as smooth anymore.
I would like to know whether it is possible to create an image with GIMP that is not rectangular.
What I want to achieve is to have an irregularly shaped image (e.g. a map of Japan) on a website with the text flow adapting to the shape of the image.
All that I have been able to find thus far is how to make the background transparent. The problem is that the image frame, although invisible, is still rectangular...
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
I want to change the size of the image in Gimp to 3957x4429 px (67x75 cm) at a 150dpi (the image we have has a 300 dpi.) When i do this in image - print size it keeps changing the width.
The system is not allowing me to get the picture a few cm larger. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
How do I make cursor size the same as paint brush size in CS6? It isn't and it makes selecting more difficult. Preferences>cursor does not seem to fix.
When changing brush size in CS6, I've noticed that it is has granular resolution from 0 pixels up to around 500pixels, incrementing in size very slowly. However, above 500 pixels it increases in size very rapidly, jumping to 800, 1200, 1500 and then into the 2000s.
As most of the photos that I work on have a high pixel count I find that my ideal brush size is between 400 and 1000, occasionally I use it at around 100 pixels, and occasionally at 2500.
Is there any way of changing the scale of the brush size so that it allows greater sensitivity in the 400 to 1000 range?
i have used photoshop for years now. However, I still have CS3 or 4 still. Anyway, my brackets ( [ ] ) aren't changing the brush size any more. Instead they're changing the opacity. I can't figure out how to change it back. I desperately need it to change my brush sizes again. It takes way too long doing them manually ;)
How do I change the style of brush for the blob brush tool? I try selecting from the library a different brush and nothing happens. Also, I've tried restarting illustrator and that does not work.
how to change the numbers to the brush name in the brush preset picker?
When you hover over a brush in the picker you get the name of the brush. I think it would work better if the numbers were replaced with the name of the brush.
My brush and dropper tips had changed when I opened the program today. I'm trying to switch from Precise to Normal. I've tried to change it through Preferences, but it seems that my changes won't save. I have Elements 10 and Windows 8.
I know that when I draw with a brush or pencil tool in Photoshop, the line will pretty much look the way I drew it, warts and all.
On the other hand, when I draw in Illustrator with the Brush Tool, it tries to clean up the line for me. But it cleans up the line a little too much for my liking. How do I tell Illustrator to ease up on the clean-up?
The picture below show a sample of a line that I drew (left), and what Illustrator did to clean it up (right).
I always used the number keys to set opacity in brush tool. Suddenly it now affects flow, not opacity. At the same time this functionality changed I started having to click on a mask for the [ ] keys to change brush size. I used to be able to change size without selecting the mask. Did I inadvertently change some setting? I am using CS5 12.0 x 64 on Mac in 10.6.8.
The problem I have is I cannot change the brush to pure black; it's only dark gray and normal methods of changing the color aren't working.I went to Brushes, selected one of the Artistic_Ink brushes. (And drew a design)
I tried double clicking on it in the Brushes palette and in the "Art Brush Options" the colorization was already set to Tints. I tried all the other options but the color of the artistic brush is still dark gray; not black.
What else can I do to change the brush to pure black?
On one image I used ripple texture to simulate shine on glass and it worked great. On another image, I tried to do the same thing but the texture is a small repeat pattern and doesn't look like glass at all. I tried to get the effect by changing size and hardness and pattern size of the brush but no luck. What should I do?
I recently purchased premier pro 6 after working with Inkscape and GIMP for awhile. I am trying to figure out some things that I used to be able to do in Inkscape. In Inkscape, you could change the thickness of a calligraphy stroke based on the speed that the cursor moved. It was called "thinning".
how can I set the standard brush in GIMP? If I start GIMP, it choses a fat brush at first and i have to change it always to a thin brush. How can I tell GIMP, that it uses the thin brush at the beginning?
So I looked up some tutorials on how to do this because I wanted to maybe create some grungey brushes from these photos I took but I can't seem to make a test of what the tutorials tell me to do turn up in my brush palette. I followed both of these tutorials: [URL]. Saved the files as .gbr and .gih (i think is the other one it told me to do) and neither show up with my brushes.
In a related matter, I've never been able to find an option to refresh my brushes, there's no refresh button with the rest of them down the bottom of the palette.
I watched a video on youtube using the brushes but he was able to select Gradients color instead of foreground colour. This made a very nice effect. I'm using gimp 2.8 and I cant find in the Tool Options the same ability to select a Gradient for the colurs used by a brush. Is this gone from the new 2.8 version ?
When i brought up my brushes dock, among the brushes was a little design I had cut out! How it got there but it is definitely not a brush. The drop-down menu for the dock had "delete" but it wasn't active/useable. How to get rid of that non-brush?