Photoshop :: Changing The Brush Cursor?
Feb 15, 2012how to change the brush cursor
View 22 Replieshow to change the brush cursor
View 22 Replieshaving installed PS CS4, my brush cursor can be as big as possible or as small as poaaible and all I see is a small x regardless. I checked the preferences for cursors and they appear correct.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am drawing, brushing or erasing I have the diameter of the pixels I am using. However every now and then all I see is a small crosshair.
I know it is a simple setting, I just cannot seem to find how to switch back to the diameter view.
pre info:
i use mac OSX 10.6.8
Photoshop cs5 12.1
When I retouch skins with the clone brush and I have to draw on medium tones with a small brush I easily lose the visibility of the cursor.
Over dark and bright tones the contrast of the cursor with the skin is high and i don't have problems.I tried to change the cursor's preferences but it didn't work, so i ask if there are some tricks like this:
change the threshold of switching black/white cursor to a brighter value, i think it switches near 50% of color Brightness, if i could change that value near 30% my problem is over.
looking at the aspect of the cursor i see that is built with a white dominant and a black outline and viceversa black dominant and white outline, it could be a 3 lines profile?
I am seeing a double brush cursor in CS5; why? and how do I get rid of it?
It's not the clone tool, it's the brush.When I resize my brush to a certain size (different sizes for different images) a duplicate brush suddenly appears in the top left corner of my screen and resizes with the brush as I resize it up and down.
Also, if I zoom into my image, suddenly the duplicate brush will appear in the top left of my screen with the same behaviour.Different images behave differently but it appears to be once I get to a certain size on any image this duplicate brush cursor appears top left of screen and makes it very difficult for me to access menu and tool options.
I recently discovered why I've been having trouble with precise drawing with my tablet, I keep losing track of the brush cursor, that circle is just too small, same for "precise" brush cursor (cross). I tried the standard brush cursor and it was much better but it lacked precision of telling where the stroke will start.
Is there any way to customize the brush cursor, ie. add a mouse pointer/brush icon to that small circle like it's in PaintTools SAI?
I recently installed Photoshop CS4 and find the brush cursor faulty. Only a portion of the cursor shows up. With a small brush most of the cursor shows. With a large brush only a small segment in the upper left shows. Anybody else have this problem? Anybody have a solution?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn FILE > PREFERENCES > DISPLAYS & CURSORS >
The PAINTING CURSOR is set to BRUSH SIZE, and when I have the BRUSH selected, and press the ] key to enlarge the brush size on the fly (to ensure it's just not a small brush), it stays as what seems to be a PRECISE cursor.
Sure enough, when I apply the brush, the size is huge, but the cursor is not the size of the brush like I want. I even increased the HARDNESS value to 100%, and it acts the same way.
The most recent versions of the nVidia Quadro 4800 and Geforce 9800 drivers fix the issue where large (~120 px) brush cursors disappear or fragment in Photoshop CS4. Version 186.30 of the Quadro drivers, released July 13, 2009Version 190.38 of the Geforce drivers, released July 21, 2009 Please see Knowledgebase document kb407708 for further information.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded the CS3 beta, which is awesome, since I'm using a MacBook and CS was slow.
I have noticed something very peculiar and annoying, however: when I use the paintbrush tool, the cursor disappears when I hover the cursor over the canvas. This makes it almost impossible to use my brand new Graphire pad.
With "show mask" ticked the brush is not visible and I cant see what I am doing.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen painting with the paintbrush the cursor flickers between the round brush size cursor to an arrowhead. The paintbrush continues painting as it should, but the cursor flickers constantly between the 2. This is a visual annoyance but doesn't seem to affect performance.Â
I'm on Photoshop CS6 (latest updates) on 2008 Mac Pro 3,1 with OS X 10.6.8.
I use iMac i7 with lion 10.7.5..After a "considerable" amount of editing, photoshop just stops responding. For example, the paint brush cursor will move but no paint can be applied. Have about 10-12 layers, guessing abour 70 history steps.
Must exit the app and restart, at which time it will behave normally. I use latest, almost, OS and have 8GB ram.
I have a really annoying problem when trying to use brushes. It existed in CS3 and is still there in CS4.
Whenever I make the brush diameter somewhat large, for instance above 100px, it begins to crop the brush outline so it only shows a small portion of it. If I make it large enough, ~500px, there's nothing left. Even if I have show crosshair enabled, the crosshair is cropped away.
My Photoshop brush, pencil and Clone strokes are smaller than the cursor, which makes it very difficult for accuracy. Don't know what made them change, but want the cursor and stroke to be the same.Â
I've tried different settings in the brush dialog box, with difference tip settings, etc, with no results. Also, tried different settings in Preferences / Cursor setting.
Just wanted to double check if the brush cursor rotation updates realtime in Photoshop CS6 WHILE painting. i.e. not when Intuos Art pen is hovering but in the middle of the stroke.
Previous thread on same topic, but with no conclusion :Â
whenever I try to use my brush too the brush panel pops up over the cursor forcing me to hit undo or click elsewhere to remove it. This is every stroke of the brush- not when I first switch to that tool. This was not a proble 24 hours ago until I upgaded to PhotoshopCC! I have gone through the preferences menu and made every change to the brush panel that I could. But it still happens. I am on a pc with window8 and 16ram and a Cintiq21.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed that when I try to paint with the brush (with a smaller brush between 1-4pxs) I can't see the cursor that shows me where I'm drawing. I don't have the best eyes but when I wear my glasses while on the PC my eyes get real tired, is there a way to change this cursors color and/or size?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy cursor will not show the brush size any longer and making changes to my preferences seems to have no effect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I train Photoshop to change the image size of a photo when I pull daigonally on a corner with the cursor?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis has happened to me a few times. Randomly, when I'm selecting a brush size, the brush cursor will change to a tiny diameter, looks like it's the size of a one pixel brush. Only the cursor is inaccurate though, when I start to paint the actual brush size is fine.
I usually just restart photoshop, but the document I'm working on right now still isn't working right.
When using the brush tool (and others) in Elements, I am finding that when I paint only the center of the curser is filled with color. How do I adjust the brush and or curser to fill the entire area right up to the edge of the selection? I recently upgraded from Elements 10 to 12.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow can I change my clone stamp brush cursor from a cross back to a circle?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi would like to change the Cursor of the brush itself. Right now its a simple cross, i need to change it into an red circle. As far Paint net is open source, i would like to know if i am able to change the cursor by myself.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIt used to be in Gimp 2.8.8 for Mac I would see the preview of the brush as the cursor so I could judge what the size was going to be now in 2.8.10 Mac (running Mavericks).
I have no preview. Just an cross hair and the brush icon. So I have to blindly guess the size of the brush. Is there a way to get this back?
when i make my brush size very small (to the point that its only like 4pixels dot on the screen), a crosshair symbol automatically appears around it which makes it hard to see the cursor's surroundings when working on small details without zooming in alot (which would make a 4px cursor appear bigger thus losing the crosshair again). I guess this feature is there for people that might have trouble locating small cursors, but on a large tablet that allows very fast work without having to zoom in much, this makes things harder. Is there a way to disable this or modify some files or "hack" the cursor icons somehow and delete it?
(Tried all possible combinations of the PS prefferences but none of it seemed to be related to the cursor becoming a crosshair once the brush size gets very small relative to screenresolution)
Occasionally cursor will not quit "+" so brush tools unavailable.Been that way thru every version of LR I have used. Need to restart LR every time this happens.LR 5 beta, haven't loaded 5 keeper yet. Mac osx.8.4
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I move my mouse over my image the brush cursor is not moving and it will not let me click on my image (with the mouse) the crosshair/cursor will follow it, however the brush will not, nor will any other tools, my wacom tablet however works fine.
I thought it must be something to do with GIMP accepting input but its not going as of yet.
Is there any way to dig through the discreet folders and possible find the new cursor icon and replace it with the old one? I found a flame artist who could change his batch and action nodes, If he could do this it shouldn't be to hard to change just the cursor, right?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I make cursor size the same as paint brush size in CS6? It isn't and it makes selecting more difficult. Preferences>cursor does not seem to fix.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen changing brush size in CS6, I've noticed that it is has granular resolution from 0 pixels up to around 500pixels, incrementing in size very slowly. However, above 500 pixels it increases in size very rapidly, jumping to 800, 1200, 1500 and then into the 2000s.
As most of the photos that I work on have a high pixel count I find that my ideal brush size is between 400 and 1000, occasionally I use it at around 100 pixels, and occasionally at 2500.
Is there any way of changing the scale of the brush size so that it allows greater sensitivity in the 400 to 1000 range?