Not sure what's happened, but the new tiled painting function doesn't seem to be working for me. I tried it once or twice and it was fine, but now I keep hitting 'new tiled painting' and it creates a 3D layer that is totally blank/empty. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
brush painting on adjustment layers is not working at the correct opacity. For example I have it set for 100% but its only working at 10 or 20%. How can I fix this?
i'm currently working on a header. I've created a tiling background image, 6*6px gif, and I was wondering whether it's possible to insert this, tiled, into the header image. The reason I wanted to do this is because the header contains gradients and looks nasty in gif, so I can't really use transparency. However I don't want to have to manually duplicate the tile a billion times.
I have just upgraded by creative cloud to CS6. I can't find in CS6 the arrange brilliant documents icon which automatically tiles open documents in CS4 in one click. Where it is hidden?
Using PSE 11 wanted to have 2 images on the screen to compare them.I hit Window > Images > Tile, and all my open images, about 15, were tiled.From there I was stuck. I don't know how to select the 2 images I want to compare, and I don't know how to get back to displaying just 1 image.I hit Window > Images, but there's no option to do anything with the tiled images.I opened the Photo Bin, right clicked on different thumbnails, but "Minimize" wasn't available.I ended up writing down all my open images and closing the program.It would be nice to be able to select what images are to appear simultaneously on the screen, or at least get back to having a single image.As it is, I don't see the use of Window > Images > Tile unless you just want to look at a cluttered screen before closing the program.
Just recently I've had a problem with CS6 where it creates a partial (tiled) image when "Edit In" from LR4 and when saving back to CS6 from HDR Efex Pro. THe image may have one or several rectangles which may be black, white, or part of the image that's in the wrong place if that makes any sense. All software is running with current updates.
I have Photoshop CS and I have an image I wanted tiled repeated as a background. I can probably shrink the image and tile it manuelly in the background but I was wondering if there was some easier way of doing it.
i'm a first time user of this photoshop CS4. When I open an image to edit it is 'tiled'. How do I turn this off to show the photo as it should be seen? driving me crazy.
I want to print tiled photos to make posters - cannot find the tiling option on the advanced print pop up menu. I use Windows 8 and have an HP 7610 wide format printer.
I have a problem. I am trying to print an image that is 108" x 94" on 36" self adhesive vinyl. This should be easy right? After all it's just three 36" panels 94" long. ... tell that to x 5! I click the print icon, go into layout and from that point onward I am more spectator than print manager.
Everything I do to try to get the image tiled with 3 x tiles and 0 y tiles is futile. The scale of the image keeps changing, why isn't the scale 100%? I preview the print and the number of tiles keeps changing almost with every effort to print three tiles, at times it looks as if x5 wants to print the image in 8 1/2 x 11 tiles!
Do I need a Phd in computer programming to be able to perform this task which seems to on par with creating the universe in 6 days?
My goal is to make a terrain from a height map. The terrain shall be used in a 3d game on the Xbox360. Since I don't want the game to render more polygons than visible by the game camera the terrain needs to be divided into a number of tiles for culling purposes.
So what I've done so far is to create a plane (10x10 with 10x10 subdivisions). I then clone the plane into an 2d array with a total of 100 planes. I then group the planes into a single group. This gives me a terrain object consisting of 100 planes and a size of 100 X 100 units.
Now, here is my question: Is it possible to apply a displacement modifier to this group/planes so that a heightmap will modify the planes and thus create a terrain where each tile is only affected by its "part/area" of the heightmap?
I've tried by adding displacement modifiers to the planes but when applying a heightmap each plane is affected by the whole heightmap and thus the result is that the terrain group consists of a number of identical "mini terrain" planes.
I've been using GIMP for a while but it's just recently I've come across this issue as I have to deal with something I've never done before. I have a .gif that I want to tile across the canvas of an image to use as a background. Then I have a normal image I want to show on top of that. The main issue seems to be the tiling, as when I export the whole thing as a gif, it plays each iteration of the gif before going onto the next one. I want to know how I can get them all to play at once.
When a new document is created I want to set the model space to have tiled viewports. This can be done within autocad using the view/viewports/new viewports menu option. How do I do this using the API?
I have a problem making labels. I designed a label (to be printed out on fabric), 5 x 5 cm, then tiled it to 20 x 20 cm (to be sent to a printing shop for a print proof), but every time, it comes out as 40 x 40 cm, with only 4 rows of 4 labels, which means that the label itself has doubled in size. I don't get it.
I'm hoping there is a way to do this, but I haven't figured it out yet. What I'm trying to do is similar to putting text along a vector line, but I want to use an image that is tiled horizontally instead of text. I don't want the image to be tiled both horizontally & vertical, instead I want it to curve with the vector line like text does so that it looks like lace, either above or below the line, NOT along it. Is this possible in PSPX4?
So some of you may have used, are using or heard of the Fill from clipboard plugin. Is there any way that you can get it to change the size of the image within or stop it from being tiled? Tiled as in picture next to picture next to picture?
Getting used to using tiled viewports, and wondering how to keep the viewports from reshuffling/resizing on a temporary basis, so I don't have to keep manually resizing them whnever I, say, maximize one view to work on it. When done working in one maximized tiled workspace, I'd like to return to the previous orientation of the tiles. Right now, I have to manually resize/reorient the tiles. Any suggesitons on how I can return to a "preferred tile format"? For instance, I might want a plan view, two elevations, and a 3-D, with some tiles larger than others, to return to reglarly after maximizing one to work in temporarily.
I'm trying to create a Tiled Skirt (150x150mm) profile or pattern to be used as Wall Sweep. Is there anyway to create this profile as the Family Template: metric profile (wall hosted) only allow me to create a 2D profile.
I would prefer to avoid detail lines or Filled region to get the tiles shown as I need to schedule and quantify this element.
I'm currently using GIMP for making textures for a 3D game. These textures are drawn by hand and making those "tileable" is a bit awkward most of the time. There's all sorts of manual methods but I'm wondering if there's something that will take care of this in real time. Anyway what I'm looking for:
Is there a way to create layer groups which contain the very same layers at different locations? Or displaying the same layer group in two places next to each other? So stuff I draw in one place is "cloned" in real time to another layer or group? What I want is the ability draw seamlessly, so when I draw at or past the layer borders on the bottom I automatically draw at the top border.
I can kinda achieve this manually either by offsetting a layer or by making the layer bigger in size than the texture I want and then cutting and pasting the details beyond the actual texture size to the opposite side. But those are very awkward procedures, especially when working with many layers that have to be drawn and edited separately. Is there maybe some automated feature that takes care of this for me in real time?
I have a pretty basic knowledge of Photoshop and I am trying to change fabrics on curtains I have managed to do this but now I am trying to use pattern maker to create a tiled pattern with a fabric so it repeats correctly I have worked out how to start this off but every time I generate a pattern and tile it it becomes distorted I have tried increasing the sample detail but this just seems to distort it more.
I'm trying to make the edge of this image like the colors on a soap bubble, I've looked at tutorials for doing soap bubbles. It's not usually included in it. Sort of a blurred shiny transparent coloring if that describes it at all.
I have 7.0. I scanned in a drawing, saved as jpg and now wish to use the paintbrush on it. however, as soon as I click on the picture to paint, the entire picture moves, and the brush is not active.
In the photoshop user sept. issue magazine there is a tutorial of how to make a photograph into an oil painting by way of photoshop and painter IX, my question is, how can i complete the oil painting look from a photograph/image by just using photoshop and if I can ,
I have a project open in a 3d view to paint on a 3d mesh. Everything is fine until I save, close, and reopen. When I open the file to resume I can no longer paint on the model. I can still go to the UV (flat) view for any of the materials on the model but I can't paint on the mesh in 3d view.
I can open a new 3d layer, re-import the mesh, save and reapply all the previously painted texture to the new mesh layer and keep working but this seems not a very efficient work-flow.
I don't think many 3d pros actually use this piece of PS for texturing.This is the first time I've tried the 3d functionality of PS so I may just be overlooking something.
I was painting on top of a picture I took, with the Art History brush one day adding an oil painting look to it (I was working on a new layer and not the layer with my photo on it), at end of the day I saved my work I had done so far and quit the program. The next day, I went to continue my work. When I loaded my work, added a new layer for a new section of the painting I wanted to do. The Art History just painted in white instead of adding the oil painting effect I got the previous day. I picked the same brush presets and the colors on my palette were set to the default colors (the way they were the day before). so that I can continue on with my painting?
I am new to digital painting, and would like to get to know it better. Right now, I want to mimic the style of the attached image. My question is: how do I archive this look? (i.e. what brushes do I use, what tools? Blur? Smudge? etc.) (I am using CS5)
I am currently working on somthing that will require me to make cartoon characters and color them. So far ive drawn them on paper and put them on my computer. My plan was to scan the image to my computer and use it as a template to place vectors over and reshape them.
Any good way to make cartoon characters using photoshop.