Photoshop :: 3D Isn't Working In CS6 After Update - OpenGL

Jan 18, 2013

I just updated my photoshop to the latest version provided in the application manager.

i created a 3D document in front, had no problems except 1 crash while working with 3D it won´t let me open this psd becaus Open GL is not activated.

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Photoshop :: 13.0.1 Update - OpenGL Crashes

Sep 2, 2012

I am having periodic OpenGL crashes since the 13.0.1 Photoshop update this week.  I am running the current 301.42 Nvidia drivers on a GTX550Ti card.  There were no driver crashes in the 3 months before the update and the Nvidia driver was the same driver during this entire period.

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Photoshop :: CS6 OpenGL Is Not Working?

Feb 6, 2013

I have been trying to use the 3D features of Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended and have been having no success. I have enabled the 'Use Graphics Processor' in the Edit->Preferences->Performance dialog box. I have also ensured that I have the latest version of the drivers installed. The video cards (in a CrossfireX configuration) are Sapphire HD Radeon 7970s. The thing is, when I installed Photoshop a few weeks ago, I tested the 3D functions and they worked fine. Now they no longer do so. I have updated video drivers and Photoshop since then but when I reverted back to the older drivers, the 3D features still didn't work. I have tested OpenGL in Modo 601 and Houdini FX 12 with no problems.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL Is Not Working In CS4 - Windows 7?

May 1, 2012

I recently got a new computer and loaded my Photoshop CS4 on to it and the features of Open GL such as holding down the z key and using the scroll on the mouse to zoom in and out and also the left and right bracket key inceasing or decreasing the size of the brush do not work.  The new computer is using Windows 7 64 bit and has an AMD quad core with 8 Gb RAM.  I checked to make sure that Open GL is selected in the Edit>Preference>Performance where it also tells me that the graphics card does support accelerated graphics for Open GL. 

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Photoshop :: OpenGL Enabled But Not Working (CS4)?

Jun 15, 2012

I have having a weird problem with Photoshop CS4. First of all, let me give off the specs.
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7570 (Driver Version 8.960.11.1000, with latest Catalyst Control Center)
I use Photoshop CS4 for freelance work, and one of the tools I like to use is the Rotate tool. When I first got my desktop and installed Photoshop, everything worked fine. However, recently I was forced to perform and factory restore on my desktop due to a virus.
Today I started working on something and when I tried using the Rotate tool, it was not working (I go that error window saying it wasn't enabled). I checked the OpenGL settings to see it was enabled. Confused, I restarted Photoshop and tried again with no luck.
This turned into a search around the internet to see just what is going on, but the only thing I could find was suggesting updating drivers for my graphics card and Adobe, which I have tried with no success. I have found out that some people were having the same trouble as me, but what makes my case odd is that it was working fine before the factory restore.

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Photoshop :: CS4 / OpenGL Support Not Working?

Aug 25, 2013

OpenGL support does not seem to be working on PhotoshopCC.  The HUD color picker does not appear and when I try to rotate the canvas, a message pops up that says the rewuest could not be completed because it only works with OpenGL enabled windows.
I have two NVIDIA Quadro K600 cards (with up to date drivers), a Cintiq monitor and a new Dell workstation.  I'm using the trial version of Photoshop CC.  (I had to replace my computer recently because the old one died, and rather than reinstalling CS4 I decided to try CC and see how I liked it)
My machine is a powerful graphics computer, so it ought to be able to handle OpenGL. Under Preferences / Performance I do have "Use Graphics Processor" checked, but it does not work.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL Not Working On Macbook Pro?

Jan 8, 2013

I'm running CS6 from the Creative Cloud and since the latest update, Open GL is not working and I cannot use 3D.
Photoshop doesn't detect a graphics processor, which disables Open GL and rasterizes all my 3D objects (that i already created on this machine).
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 128 MBOS Version: OS X 10.8.2Memory: 6 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAMPhotoshop Version: 13.1.1 x64 

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Photoshop :: CS4 OpenGL Not Working On Windows 7 RC

Aug 1, 2009

Using on this test system: 

Photoshop CS4 ExtendedATi FireGL V3400Windows 7 x64 RC Build 72294GB RAM My graphics card meets the required specification for OpenGL in Photoshop CS4, but it is not enabled (greyed out). Has anybody else had problems with CS4 OpenGL in Windows 7 x64? As a Microsoft Action Pack subscriber, I will actually be required to fully upgrade to Windows 7, a month after receiving it in mid-September. If this is a problem due to CS4 not being fully compatible with Win7

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Photoshop :: CS4 OpenGL Stops Working After A Few

Dec 2, 2008

CS4 OpenGL stops working after a few minutes of painting. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the amount I paint. If I save the file, then reopen I can paint for another few minutes before the opengl stops working. Is this a standard problem with CS4? Is there a solution?

System Specs:

Windows XP SP3, updated

Latest DirectX & all software updated

Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT 512MB w/ latest driver

Athlon64 X2 Dual 3800+


Photoshop CS4

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Photoshop :: CS5 Repousse Not Working / OpenGL Is Enabled

Nov 21, 2012

I have Photoshop CS5 Extended (x64), and I have enabled OpenGL in the preferences, AND I've checked that my Graphics card is supported, AND I've updated my drivers....
I can't, for the life of me, get Repousse to work!!I'm trying to extrude a logo I've created.... BUT I've also tried to repousse a text layer and a Shape layer, just to test it... and NOTHING.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL Not Working With ATi 4870 1gig

Jun 14, 2009

I was using this card in a previous machine on Windows XP 32bit and the OpenGL feature worked great!  Since then, I've upgraded to a Quad Core AMD machine with 8 gigs of ram; same video card but on Windows XP 64bit to make use of the additional ram.  However, even with the newest ATi drivers, the OpenGL feature is greyed out. I've done some reading and it seems like I'm not the only one with this problem.  In Catalyst Control Centre, it says OpenGL version  

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Photoshop :: 64 Bit Not Working After Last Update 13.1.2

Jan 25, 2013

After the  update phtotoshop 64bits is not working any more, I can use the 32bits.this is my system info:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00) x32
Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
Version: 6.2
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 2
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 2494 MHz
Built-in memory: 16262 MB
Free memory: 8749 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 3255 MB

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Photoshop :: Update To CS6 - Features Not Working?

Nov 22, 2013

I've updated Photoshop CS6 yet there are new features missing or not installed. For example, the smart sharpening filter.

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Photoshop :: CS5.5 Type Tool Not Working After OS X 10.7.3 Update?

Mar 10, 2012

The first thing I noticed was that I could not use the type tool to create 'live' text on a layer. With the type tool selected I get the following error message when clicking to begin typing:
"Could not complete your request because of a programme error."
I quit Photoshop then attempted to launch the application by opening the file. The application opened but the file wouldn't, giving the same error message.
I quite Photoshop again and relaunched the application from the Dock. The applicatiuion opens fine but displays the same error message (before I have attempted to open a file).
With a file open I checked the type palette, where the dafault typeface is shown as Myriad Pro, but the default settings are:
Type size: 1pt
Linefeed (leading): 1pt
Kerning: 1
Tracking 1
Type height: 0%
Type width: 0%
Baseline shift: 0
Colour: black
Language: multiple
Type quality: none
Some odd settings there. The type tool bar (at the top of my display) has blank fields. Typing desired values into any of these fields doesn’t resolver the issue.I have tried restarting, creating a new file but to no avail. The type tools in Illustrator and InDesign are working as expected, so it would appear to be a Photoshop problem and I’m stumped ..

I’m running CS5.5 (Photoshop 12.1) on a Macbook Pro 2.5Ghz Core i7 with 8Gb RAM

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Lightroom :: Edit In Photoshop Not Working After 3.3 Update?

Dec 20, 2010

It seems as though after updating to version 3.3, my "edit in photoshop" functionality has stopped working.  When I choose this option, Photoshop will open, but Lightroom does not bring up a dialog for exporting the photo, nor do I see a progress bar in lightroom for exporting of the photo as I used to.
I can (and have) create a user preset for exporting to accomplish the same functionality

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Photoshop :: Update Failure Caused CS6 To Quit Working

Jun 7, 2013

Last night, I downloaded an update for Photoshop CS6, Windows 8, 64 bit.  The update failed, and I can't get PS to run at all.How can I restore my program?

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Photoshop :: 3D Extrusion Stopped Working After Latest Adobe Update?

Dec 15, 2012

I have Creative Cloud subscription and Photoshop 3D Extrusion used to work fine (though slow).
After latest update several days ago it stopped working, displaying an error message instead:
"The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly"
The Graphic Processor is enabled, and the driver is working fine.
Is this a bug or a "feature" in new version? How to make it work as before the update?

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Photoshop :: Rotate Canvas Tool Stopped Working In Recent Update Of CC?

Sep 26, 2013

My MacBook Pro had been able to use the Rotate Canvas feature in the earlier release of Photoshop CC I downloaded in July, 2013.  With the update in September, this feature has stopped working and it no longer detects my video card.  True, I don't have 512 Megs of Video memory.  And I have tried to install updated NVidia drivers for my computer... but even it refuses to update.  My computer has 2 video cards depending on power settings.
OS X  10.6.8
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M (when in energy savings mode)
NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT (normal and usually the display driver I use)
I can not accept that rotate canvas does not work because of my video card or my lack of video card memory.  Both Maya and ZBrush are able to handle this operation using software rendered modes.  Maya is also able to use my hardware using Viewport 2.0.

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Revit :: 2013 Ribbon Update Not Working

May 28, 2013

2013 Revit ribbon bar is missing commands..Tried to install the update to fix the ribbon bar - however when I open the update folder on my computer it states
"The update release could not be installed because the expected Autodesk product could not be located on your computer. Make sure that you are using the correct Update Release for the product."
The update file that I am trying to use is called "Autodesk_Revit_2013-x86_Update2.exe".

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VideoStudio :: Clip Not Working - Are There Specific X3 Codecs To Update

May 31, 2011

I recently purchased a royalty free mpg clip to use in a project and the clip plays fine until I upload it to my project. It goes from color to B/W and is distorted. I contacted the vendor who said I need to update codecs in my editing software. I have the most recent X3 updates installed but still having the issue.

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AutoCAD LT :: Layers Not Working Correctly After Last Update To 2014

Sep 24, 2013

I automatically updated last week for my 2014LT and since then the LAYERS hasn't worked properly.  Layer Manger still seems to work correctly, but the Layers tab on the Home ribbon does not.  I am running Windows 7 Ultra, Quad Core i7 with 16 MB of Ram, and had been running without errors until this last update. 

When/if I select the "Freeze Layer" tab from the top ribbon, and then select the layer on the drawing it turns it off as it should, but if I then use the pull down to locate the layer and turn it back on, nothing happens.  It does not appear again; it may not even show up now (see below).  I found that if I go to LAYER MANAGER and turn on the layer it still doesn't turn on unless I turn it off and then back on; which will bring it back unfrozen.  Also, some layers when frozen do not then show up on my pull-down list or LAYER MANAGER list unless I save the drawing and restart 2014LT.  The layer then shows up on the Layer Manger and ribbon.?

Just love updates when everything was already working properly, and then they don't after the "Update"! 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Raster Design Not Working With 2012 After Update 2.1

Aug 23, 2012

After installing Update 2.1 for Civil 3D, Raster doesn't seem to be working.  When I go to use a Raster function, I get

FATAL ERROR:  Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x01b8 Exception at 6e545df5h.

I've tried repairing and re-installing Raster and nothing has changed.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy / Paste Commands Still Not Working With Linked Texts - Even After Update

Dec 4, 2012

1, the commands DO work if the text is confined to just ONE page, even if there are multiple linked text frames.

2, it's only the Copy command that doesn't work. Once copied, text does paste irrespective of the amount of text or linked pages.

And do I have to wait for 6.3 to get a resolution ? On Win 7, 64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Clipping In Section Editor Not Working - 2014 Service Pack Update

Aug 26, 2013

It worked fine until the update. Now it's showing EVERYTHING.

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Photoshop :: How To Update Offline Computers Without Manual Update File

Feb 20, 2013

i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.
how should we update them without a manual update file?
adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?!  any infos?

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Photoshop :: OpenGL!

Mar 3, 2009

Brand new computer, 32-bit XP, 4GB RAM (sorry, but too many of my important programs don't run on 64-bit), Intel 9650 quad, 3.0 GHz, RAID array, etc. And an ATI 4850 graphics card with 512 MB DDR3 RAM (on the Adobe tested list) and it doesn't work properly with OpenGL turned on: brush lines do not complete until I start another line, or click someplace in the image (which creates another line!); preview for the stamp tool doesn't work (there is no preview); 'ghost' panels over the image stay there even when they're moved (a mouse click is needed to make them disappear). Animated zoom works (nice feature), flick panning does (not really needed), birdseye view does (also nice feature), rotate canvas does (not needed that I can see), pixel grid (might be useful); I haven't tried the others. Bottom line: if I turn OpenGL off, it works fine, but those features are absent. I've been updating my drivers as ATI has (they've done several in the past month or so),

I don't know how the beta testing was done or how this card could be on the approved list, but someone fell short.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL,

Jan 11, 2009

Konfiguration Dell
Win XPpro SP3,
CPU Pentium 3 3 Hz,
Graphic card: ATI FireGL V3100 128Mb with driver 8.543.0.0 ( 08october 2008)
Latest directX

The PS CS4 do not recognise the graphic card and GPU settings are grayed out in Preferences> performance.

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Photoshop :: OpenGL ..

May 8, 2009

im a photoshop cs4 user,But openGL doesnt work,i have an dell XPS m1730 laptop with 2x 8800M GTX sli,those cards are probably the high-end cards from the 8M series, so i think openGL should work on it...  

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Photoshop :: Update Camera Raw / Update Server Is Not In Service

Sep 21, 2013

When transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --

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Photoshop :: 3D And OpenGL Won't Enable In CC

Oct 7, 2013

Why Can I not enable OpenGl and thus 3d rendering in Photoshop?
Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 2
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 2693 MHz


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Photoshop :: CS6 Bugs When OpenGL Is Off?

May 9, 2013

The are some unpleasant bugs on CS6 when OpenGL is turned off. bug in PS-13.1.2(only) on Win7x32.When making selection, for example, with magic wand it`s edges are terribly blinking and shaking.
And very old bug on all versions of CS6 for win.When the rullers are visible, try to shake the canvas with, for example, hand tool to left-rigth. The rulers will be cracked with artefacts.
main bugy-feature is thaе the contrast of path`s lines is very poor on noisy midle gray areas, even when the antialiasing is off.

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