2013 Revit ribbon bar is missing commands..Tried to install the update to fix the ribbon bar - however when I open the update folder on my computer it states
"The update release could not be installed because the expected Autodesk product could not be located on your computer. Make sure that you are using the correct Update Release for the product."
The update file that I am trying to use is called "Autodesk_Revit_2013-x86_Update2.exe".
Granted this is a minor issue, but when Revit 2013 is opened, before actually opening a project file, if I click the add-ins or some of the other menus, they don't appear in the right spot. See attachment as an example.
I am encountering issues with the "edit boundary" tab on the ribbon, as well as "finish sketch" when the edit boundary tab DOES show up. i don't know how to finish the sketch without this, so i have to undo everything.
As of just a few hours ago, certain commands have disappeared from my ribbon. Example: when modifiying wall, i get no options for lines, same issue for modifiying floor shapes, i can get to the edit mode, but then i essentially have no options after that. Also, the check or the reject changes option has disaapeared.....meaning the only way out of the command is to undo. This literally has just occured within the last couple of hours. I tried resetting the ribbon, but nothing really happened exect locational changes.
I have a user that isn't getting the modify tools when it comes to Profile modification or adjusting such items as curtain grids.
I'm aware of all the standard ways of hitting TAB, etc, but selecting the proper item isn't the issue. When the profile edge (of anything) or curtain grid line (unpinned, of course) of curtain walls are selected the tools for modification (add-remove segment, edit profile, etc) simply don't appear on the ribbon.
My layer filters are not working on the ribbon, why and/or if this is an autocad bug.
I created one for hiding Xref layers, which is an inverted filter. it works on the "Layer Properties Manager" but does not work on my ribbon layer menu. If i turn on the old layer dialog it is working in there.
I know there are many differnt views about the ribbon so i dont need any of the comments telling me to turn it off and get on with it etc.
If you look at the attached images you can see the screen shots of my problem. Note that i have the layer settings correct. Autocad Help says that if the "apply filter to layer toolbar" is on then it will apply this to the ribbon. which it does not.
I have noticed today that my Vault ribbon is not working. I can log in / log out of the Vault and navigate to the Vault explorer. Also in the browser I only have access to model and favorites. It acts like the Vault project is not active.
The project file is active and mapped properly and I can check files in and out via the Vault explorer. I have also installed updates dl19384851 and update 1 for Inventor.
I am running Windows XP Pro x86 & Vault Professional.
Below is the image of my ribbon after I begin the edit boundary command for a floor slab. For some reason the ability to finish or cancel the edit mode disappears and I'm unable to close out of the command without undoing everything I've done.
Is it possible to use the ribbon from max 2013 in 2014?I spend ages customizing a lovely ribbon with all my most used tools and would like to just transfer it over, rather than spend hours rebuilding it for 2014.
I was working on a drawing file when my ribbon went haywire. My layer drop down seems frozen so it only shows the current layer and the hatch edit ribbon does not function properly.
The issue with the layer drop down is if I select a line, fill, etc. on any layer the layer drop down on the home ribbon does not change to show the layer that item is on and if I select multiple items on different layers which usually causes the drop down to go blank it still shows the current layer. The object color, line thickness and linetype all change on the properties tab to show the properties of the selected item so the entire home ribbon is not frozen. If I scroll through the layer drop down and select a layer to move the selected item to a new layer AutoCAD responds *Invalid selection* Expects a point or Window/Last/Crossing/BOX/All/Fence . . .
The hatch edit ribbon is completely useless. The angle and scale boxes are greyed out and if I select any of the buttons (Set Origin, change hatch pattern, etc.) AutoCAD again responds with *Invalid selection* . . .
The only CUI shown is the ACAD.CUIX and I have done a Reset and Restore, changed the workspace, restarted AutoCAD and restarted my computer. What am I missing?
when I tried downloading and installing this INCREMENT app from the Exchange Store. First, I can't get this to run at all. If I go into the CUI settings dialogue, I don't see this plug-in listed anywhere where it should appear. It had occurred to me that maybe the only way this app works is from the plug-in tab and not from the command line, but I'm not sure that makes any sense, either seems it should work either way, if I'm interpreting the documentation correctly. But, I cannot make my ribbon tab appear to check out my probably mistaken theory (see above). Navigating around the CUI dialogue and checking the settings for my tab, I see that it is set to "show" and there is every indication that it should appear, but there seems to be something buggy or suspicious going on with the
Control-0 (clean screen) toggle and/or the Control-9 (command line) toggle as well?I don't see how either of these would have any affect on the visibility of my tab, if they were toggled to the correct setting. I am the only person using this workstation so it's not like there is a profile issue at work here.
Acad 2013 32bit on XP Pro...I use the Ribbon as a palette.I'm creating a Dynamic Block with 3 visibility states (Plan, Front, Side).When I try to change from one visibility state to another using the Ribbon pull-down it keeps reverting back to the previous view.
To make it stick I have to use the visibility state dialogue box.
Ribbon has been acting strange. One example is when creating a sweep the ribbon will not show the mode options to accept or discard changes while creating the sweep path. I have to cycle the ribbon display options to show the X and check options to complete the sweep path. This is only one example of many different odd things happening.
Sometimes when I am simply drawing model lines the selection options for rectangle, circle etc do not appear until I cycle the ribbon display options. This only started in the last week or two.
I need to create a section of a 3d model. Unfortuntaly the layout tab I need is missing. Normally if somthing is missing I type 'CUI' and then click Ribbon>Tabs> select the one I want and drag it to 'Workspaces Contents' - 'Ribbon Tabs'
The ribbon tab for layout is missing from the cui. See attached images.
When I installed AutoCAD 2013 in our labs here at Joliet Junior College I must have selected (or deselected rather) some of the components that enable the online Autodesk 360 features. When I look in our OPTIONS dialog box I do not have the ONLINE tab and ALL items/panels in the ONLINE Tab of the Ribbon are grayed out and disabled?
How do I go about patching/repairing the workstations to we can access the online settings and features?
I installed the language pack, on my original autocad 2013(Chinese) has the ribbon, and the "RIBBON"command works, but on my another language pack autocad 2013 (English) there is no ribbon and the"RIBBON" command does not work, tells me ribbon Unknown command "RIBBON".
Does the ribbon function not work on the language pack autocad one?
I am using a full version of 2014 plain vanilla AutoCAD. More recently I have had the utility panel (that contains MEASUREGEOM) and the export panel pulled down in the work area for ease of access. The utility panel has disappeared completely, and sometimes I find the export panel hiding on the far right side of my screen with just a little bit of it sticking out. I right click on the the home tab and open "show panels" and I don't even see the utilities panel as an option to check or uncheck. I wonder if the utility panel is hiding beyond my screens view, but am unsure how to easily explore this possibility.
I am trying to figure out how / if you can customize the contents of panels or what is always displayed. For example, I would like to add or show the draw order buttons because I use them frequently. So far, the only way I can get it displayed is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar or go to Tools>Toolbars>AutoCAD>Draw Order and then place it near my ribbon.
I just purchased AutoCAD 2013 and it very neatly used my profile from AutoCAD 2004 to set up my ribbon. I NEED it to go to its original 2013 ribbon but can't find a clue anywhere as to how to do this.
I don't know what I did but all the sudden my ribbons are gone, and after a day of research I found that I can type in RIBBON and it will appear. The only problem is I cannot find a solution docking the ribbon horizontally as it was when my program was installed.
is there a 1800 # for questions or just discussion groups?
I installed LT 2013 in November and recently have noticed that the ribbon is masked or overwritten by the banner of my web browser. This only happens when the browser is open and full-sized. If I close or downsize the browser the problem goes away.
If I hover the cursor over the ribbon area the various tools appear, sometimes individually sometimes the entire panel, but never the entire ribbon.
I am using the Windows version of LT with FusionWare on a Mac Pro. Since I only use the Windows platform for Autocad I can't say whether or not this would happen in other programs.
I just upgraded to 2013 map to a different computer. I loaded my 2012 profile and other than having to load the profile every time, I also do not have most of the ribbon tabs which I had upon the initial installation of 2013. After about 2 days I lost all od my map ribbon tabs, and at the same time my cui stopped loading automatically.
What is going on with this 2013 thing? It seems there may be a serious need for another hotfix or service pack.
In the process of migrating from 2010 to 2013, all seemed okay at first. Now when I open 2013 i have no ribbon and my keyboard is no responding to shortcuts. For example in 2010 is used the keyboard i key to insert blocks.