Revit :: Modification Tools On Ribbon Not Available
Feb 22, 2013
I have a user that isn't getting the modify tools when it comes to Profile modification or adjusting such items as curtain grids.
I'm aware of all the standard ways of hitting TAB, etc, but selecting the proper item isn't the issue. When the profile edge (of anything) or curtain grid line (unpinned, of course) of curtain walls are selected the tools for modification (add-remove segment, edit profile, etc) simply don't appear on the ribbon.
I instal form SDK User Tools because I need in Inventor Drawing Tools (Revision cloud). I do this install like on website Autodesk show and I didn't get it on ribbon. I do also registry of this plugin but I also didn't get it.
Can I arrange the ribbon and or quick access tool bar command drop down so that when I select a tool it stays in the top position rather then having to pick the drop down then scroll down and pick the tool.
So what ever tool I use stays in the top of the list. I'm coming from adt04 so have no experience with the new cui interface.
I am wondering why the most basic tools like MTEXT and DIM in the Ribbon don't have Layer Key options? Or am I missing something? I have the annotation content customized with layer keys and annotation scale on the tool pallets but obviously the "same" tool is right there on the Ribbon as well. Problem is that it is not the same tool and the one on the Ribbon is not configurable, like say with a simple Layer Key option under Properties.
I found the article by Koch about how to copy your tools on your pallets to the Ribbon but I don't understand why I have to do more and more set-up work with every new version. Is it really that bizarre to think that people might want dims to come in on A-ANNO_DIMS layer and text to come in on A-ANNO_TEXT layer?
The AEC content seems to find the Layer Keys. How unexpected that a wall would come in on A-WALL layer! It's almost like the people who made the program understand what it is used for.
As of just a few hours ago, certain commands have disappeared from my ribbon. Example: when modifiying wall, i get no options for lines, same issue for modifiying floor shapes, i can get to the edit mode, but then i essentially have no options after that. Also, the check or the reject changes option has disaapeared.....meaning the only way out of the command is to undo. This literally has just occured within the last couple of hours. I tried resetting the ribbon, but nothing really happened exect locational changes.
2013 Revit ribbon bar is missing commands..Tried to install the update to fix the ribbon bar - however when I open the update folder on my computer it states
"The update release could not be installed because the expected Autodesk product could not be located on your computer. Make sure that you are using the correct Update Release for the product."
The update file that I am trying to use is called "Autodesk_Revit_2013-x86_Update2.exe".
Granted this is a minor issue, but when Revit 2013 is opened, before actually opening a project file, if I click the add-ins or some of the other menus, they don't appear in the right spot. See attachment as an example.
Below is the image of my ribbon after I begin the edit boundary command for a floor slab. For some reason the ability to finish or cancel the edit mode disappears and I'm unable to close out of the command without undoing everything I've done.
I am encountering issues with the "edit boundary" tab on the ribbon, as well as "finish sketch" when the edit boundary tab DOES show up. i don't know how to finish the sketch without this, so i have to undo everything.
Ribbon has been acting strange. One example is when creating a sweep the ribbon will not show the mode options to accept or discard changes while creating the sweep path. I have to cycle the ribbon display options to show the X and check options to complete the sweep path. This is only one example of many different odd things happening.
Sometimes when I am simply drawing model lines the selection options for rectangle, circle etc do not appear until I cycle the ribbon display options. This only started in the last week or two.
I've just recently started to try using Revit architecture, most of it seems fairly self explanitory however I've had trouble because I don't know how to get the snap tools (like those found on autocad) to work.
I want to solve is positioning a steel I-frame column to the center of a pad foundation. However when it comes to moving the column or just trying to create it in the centre no points appear to position it?
I am trying to customize Autocad 2012 ribbon tab. I can't seem to find how to mimic the small arrow that appears in several of the standard menus. For example, in the 3D Solids - Home Tab, the second panel from the left is "3D Solids Home - Mesh" It has a small arrow in the corner that opens up a preferences dialogue box.
How can I add that arrow to a custom panel with that little arrow so that I can add my command to it?
I saw some source that hinted you could use panel1Panel.AddSlideout() but in the search I do not see any Ribbon API that allows for any slideout functionality?Do you *have* to use the CUI API for this?
1. SUBJECT: Corel Video studio crashing at sound modification
2. Describe your problem: I just installed corel VS pro 5x ultimate, I also updated with service pack 1. However while making my first video corel keeps crashing when I try to modify "clip volume" then click "play" or click on sound mixer. I get the windows popup stating "corel has stopped responding".
3. What devices are involved and their mode of connection? N/A
4. The Version of program is being used VS X5
5. list all patches/updates that have been installed relating to that version of the program. service pack 1
6. Details of the source files. .avi files captured via the bandicam video capturing software. Music is a simple mp3 downloaded from internet.
7. Project Properties (Alt+Enter) NTSC non-drop frame (30 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 320 x 240, 30 fps Upper Field First Uncompressed PCM, 44.100 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
9. Error Codes (if any): At what point did the Error occur, during the Editing stage, or after Share – Create Disc The error occurs when I modify the "clip volume" and then hit play or just simply click on the sound mixer.
10. What are you trying to make, burn a Standard DVD, a HD Bluray or Avchd DVD, or Video for the internet. video for the internet
By following these simple rules, you will increase your chances of obtaining a solution to your problem.
If you have not already done so, click on User Control Panel, then go to the Profile tab in the forum header and fill in the fields titled: update your user profile to include your PC specification
System Manufacturer: Alienware System Model: M18xR1 Operating System: Windows 7 Home premium System Drive: C 32bit or 64bit: 64bit Motherboard:InsydeH2O Version 1.0 A04 Processor:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2670QM CPU @ 2.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.2GHz Ram:16GB Video Card:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M Sound Card: Hard Drive Capacity:455GB
I have had a dwg. template that I have used for quite some time. I recently decided I needed to update it. In doing do I added a new sheet and modified an existing title block to use on the new sheet. Now the new sheet is there when I start a new dwg. but the names are still there from the modified title block. If I open the template directly its all correct, if i start a create a new dwg only parts of it are correct. I've tried changing my styles to read/write and tried to save it as many different ways I can think of but it just won't cooperate.
Windows 7 64 bit 16 GB ram Intel i7 2600 3.4 ghz AMD radeon HD 6450 PDSU 2013
My code mirrors a selection by either the x-axis or the y-axis. It is working fine. Except, the drawing shows the result, when I move my cursor to the active dwg.
How can I refresh my drawing, direct after modification of a block? I use the code below to mirror a selected block by a button on a docking pallette:
the code, which is called is: public void Mirror(String axis = ""){//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Document dwg = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;Database db = dwg.Database;Editor edt = dwg.Editor;//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------try{Auto [code].......
When an alignment needs to have stationing modified, what is the best process for this when a proposed grade line and corridor have been established? I know the proposed grade line can be edited via edit profile geometry>profile grid view.
But what from I have found each station has to be modified individually, which is cumbersome. I would hope to be able to modify the proposed grade line by changing only the beginning station and the rest would update, similar to the alignment.
I am simply using this image as practice ( since I already have a goal image made by someone else ) The Origin Image is the original image, the goal is the image I am trying to reach near, or identical too in terms of color scheme. The Current Modified image is my modifications done to the "Origin" image to look like the "Goal" image.
Okay a few problems and I'm kind of stumped... is there any kind of wacky photoshop trick to get the ears and tails to match the goal image, without actually redoing shading and losing the image quality?
The colors of the ears and tail on the origin image are reversed on the goal image.
I use gimp for image processing in my job as Forensic Questioned Document Examiner. One of the requirements when we elaborate an image is to be able to relate what modifications have been done to the image, in order to make the result reproducible.
So I was wondering: is there a feature or plugin that records all the modifications, filters, ... applied to an image (taking of course into account undos etc), and perhaps saves them into the resulting file (gimp format at least ) for later reference and inspection?
I have 4 computers sharing tool palettes on a network. Whenever a user updates the palette with a new block, he has to export the .xtp file on the network and every other users has to reimport the palette in order to see the changes.
We're in the middle of a big clean up since we just got our new Autocad 2011 license and the palettes change pretty much every day, whenever we find time to reorganize it.
Is there a way to skip the export/import part when modifying a tool palette? I mean we are all using the file on the network right, so why doesn't it update on modification? At first I thought the palettes would update on startup, at least, but it seems that every single user has to export first and then import the .xtp file every morning or so.
It feels like once the palette on the network has been imported, the modifications we apply on the said palette are local, as if autocad would copy the one on the network instead of running it live, which makes it harder to keep it synchronized on every machine.
there's a way to work around that export/import sequence and get this whole palette thing to work in sync.
Is there any easy way of adding custom Iprops to previously created parts and assemblies? A macro or something that could set up additional lines without having to go in and type them out all the time?
Is it possible to change the parameters of a subassembly - for example in an assembly comprising several subassemblies, can I change a parameter in Subassembly.LaneOutsideSuper, for example, to vary the Lane Width from 4m at CH90 to 3.25m at CH160m and keep it at 3.25m for the rest of the corridor.
i just come across a lisp and i find it quite usefull,but then i wish to modify it abit. I have attach a sample of the lisp and jpeg to show what i require.basically all i need is the leader to be in multileader type. Is it possible? Additionally, can i set by default the coordinates to be shown in just 2 decimals?
In trying to establish the tongue weight on a trailer modification, which inventor analysis tool would I want to use. I tried Stress analysis employing a teeter block but that only showed deflection caused by the various weights and not the affect of gravity. The gravity feature required data I don't have at present but before going through another learning curve I think it best to verify the appropriate direction.
Graphics Card: AMD ATI Radeon HD 5570 RAM: 9 GB OS: Windows 7 64 Maya Edition: 2012 Hotfix 4 x64
Color feedback drops in and out. Yes I have the box checked in the settings. Sometimes it slightly works and most times it simply does nothing. Half the time I don't get color feed back and when I try to move the handle or scale, it doesn't affect the polygonal mesh at all. It's driving me crazy and I really don't want to do my facial blendshapes by hand!
I have also tried deleting my preferences, and it didn't work either.I have also tried resetting the tool. No go.
I've run into an issue with the Content Center customization. I easily understand how to manipulate the table to create parts with our part numbers, different material spec, & other predetermined aspects of the included templates that were included with the Inventor 2012 update. The issue I'm running into is that we would like to add or modify the original part the table is referring to.
In my example pics there is a bushing that I would like to control the hex nut size on. In the model it was created with a tangent constraint within the sketch instead of a linear dimension from the two flat surfaces. I would like to change that, but keep getting error messages stating: