AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Possible To Disable Ribbon?
Aug 2, 2012Can I disable ribbon in 2013?
View 1 RepliesCan I disable ribbon in 2013?
View 1 RepliesAny way to turn off HUD during commands? Seems to pop up right where I want to select geometry. I came across something about it for 2012 not being an option to turn it off but may be one for 2013
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe just upgraded to 2013 software and anytime i change the ribbon to anything besides the default Inventor crashes.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there a way that the Info Center is not available ? Registry ? XML confoguration ?
It is possible to disable the communication center, but the for whole Info center I can find no way ?
We have installed Inventor on 1000 client WS and the INfo center is not needed ?
Just installed inventor 2013 and the icon to launch vault is missing from the ribbon where it used to be in v 2012. Also when i try to open a file the quick link to vault is not there. i have installed vault basic 2013 and it opens up fine and my files are in it. Do i have to create a link?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe icon dispayed on the ribbon for my addin seems to be the large (32x32) icon and i'm not sure how to fix that.
In IV2012 it was fine and i can't find anything in the programming that suggests anything was changed.
Using IV2014 Pro SP1 update 1, Win7-64bit
am using Inventor 2013, and have always had the ribbon undocked and on my 2nd monitor along with the browser bar. However, after a reinstall onto a new PC, i have a glitch - on the Enviroments > Stress Analysis > Display panel, the Adjust Displacement Display drop down bar is unusuable - if i redock the ribbon, it behaves normally, but when undocked, i cant select it, and it seems to be corupt with the letters "ult" in front of the word Adjustable - i've attached a screen dump to show the docked (OK) and undocked (with the error at the bottom) -
View 3 Replies View RelatedAll of a sudden my ribbon panels will not pull off... some refer to this as 'tear off'. The interface is not locked either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I disable the 360 menu?
I actually purchased this software for work, not to tweet or facebook.
when I tried downloading and installing this INCREMENT app from the Exchange Store. First, I can't get this to run at all. If I go into the CUI settings dialogue, I don't see this plug-in listed anywhere where it should appear. It had occurred to me that maybe the only way this app works is from the plug-in tab and not from the command line, but I'm not sure that makes any sense, either seems it should work either way, if I'm interpreting the documentation correctly. But, I cannot make my ribbon tab appear to check out my probably mistaken theory (see above). Navigating around the CUI dialogue and checking the settings for my tab, I see that it is set to "show" and there is every indication that it should appear, but there seems to be something buggy or suspicious going on with the
Control-0 (clean screen) toggle and/or the Control-9 (command line) toggle as well?I don't see how either of these would have any affect on the visibility of my tab, if they were toggled to the correct setting. I am the only person using this workstation so it's not like there is a profile issue at work here.
Acad 2013 32bit on XP Pro...I use the Ribbon as a palette.I'm creating a Dynamic Block with 3 visibility states (Plan, Front, Side).When I try to change from one visibility state to another using the Ribbon pull-down it keeps reverting back to the previous view.
To make it stick I have to use the visibility state dialogue box.
I recently installed AutoCAD 2014.When I open it a Design Feed palette comes up. (see attached image)I would like to disable this feature and not have the palette come up.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi set up the w key in my pgp file for a shortcut for wblocking (i only have 1 pgp file on my work station) it saved fine however, when i press the W key i get the workspace dialog box not a wblock dialog box any clue as to why the pgp file shortcut isnt working loading and how can i disable or change the workspace dialog from the W key
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy customer is using autocad 2014 and find that sometime when he draw a line and select it, the properties show that there is a data in the delta Z value field, this cause confusion to customer since the length calculation is included the Z value, customer doesn't want the length calculate in 3D, my question is how to disable the delta Z value?
note that I am not looking for how to flatten existing drawing, I am looking for how to set the Z value default =0
What is a "Fold Panel" in the Ribbon. I can't find any information on it in the documentation?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to create a section of a 3d model. Unfortuntaly the layout tab I need is missing. Normally if somthing is missing I type 'CUI' and then click Ribbon>Tabs> select the one I want and drag it to 'Workspaces Contents' - 'Ribbon Tabs'
The ribbon tab for layout is missing from the cui. See attached images.
How can I get the Layout Ribbon Tab back quickly?
Tutorial I am trying to follow; [URL] .......
When I installed AutoCAD 2013 in our labs here at Joliet Junior College I must have selected (or deselected rather) some of the components that enable the online Autodesk 360 features. When I look in our OPTIONS dialog box I do not have the ONLINE tab and ALL items/panels in the ONLINE Tab of the Ribbon are grayed out and disabled?
How do I go about patching/repairing the workstations to we can access the online settings and features?
I can't find the viewport panel that was in 2010 in 2013. I have a panel for model space viewports but not paperspace.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed the language pack, on my original autocad 2013(Chinese) has the ribbon, and the "RIBBON"command works, but on my another language pack autocad 2013 (English) there is no ribbon and the"RIBBON" command does not work, tells me ribbon Unknown command "RIBBON".
Does the ribbon function not work on the language pack autocad one?
I am using a full version of 2014 plain vanilla AutoCAD. More recently I have had the utility panel (that contains MEASUREGEOM) and the export panel pulled down in the work area for ease of access. The utility panel has disappeared completely, and sometimes I find the export panel hiding on the far right side of my screen with just a little bit of it sticking out. I right click on the the home tab and open "show panels" and I don't even see the utilities panel as an option to check or uncheck. I wonder if the utility panel is hiding beyond my screens view, but am unsure how to easily explore this possibility.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how / if you can customize the contents of panels or what is always displayed. For example, I would like to add or show the draw order buttons because I use them frequently. So far, the only way I can get it displayed is to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar or go to Tools>Toolbars>AutoCAD>Draw Order and then place it near my ribbon.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just purchased AutoCAD 2013 and it very neatly used my profile from AutoCAD 2004 to set up my ribbon. I NEED it to go to its original 2013 ribbon but can't find a clue anywhere as to how to do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't know what I did but all the sudden my ribbons are gone, and after a day of research I found that I can type in RIBBON and it will appear. The only problem is I cannot find a solution docking the ribbon horizontally as it was when my program was installed.
is there a 1800 # for questions or just discussion groups?
I installed LT 2013 in November and recently have noticed that the ribbon is masked or overwritten by the banner of my web browser. This only happens when the browser is open and full-sized. If I close or downsize the browser the problem goes away.
If I hover the cursor over the ribbon area the various tools appear, sometimes individually sometimes the entire panel, but never the entire ribbon.
I am using the Windows version of LT with FusionWare on a Mac Pro. Since I only use the Windows platform for Autocad I can't say whether or not this would happen in other programs.
I just upgraded to 2013 map to a different computer. I loaded my 2012 profile and other than having to load the profile every time, I also do not have most of the ribbon tabs which I had upon the initial installation of 2013. After about 2 days I lost all od my map ribbon tabs, and at the same time my cui stopped loading automatically.
What is going on with this 2013 thing? It seems there may be a serious need for another hotfix or service pack.
Any registry setting (or some othere way) to disable Autodesk 360. My users have no reason to use this feature and I don't want them wasting time with it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the process of migrating from 2010 to 2013, all seemed okay at first. Now when I open 2013 i have no ribbon and my keyboard is no responding to shortcuts. For example in 2010 is used the keyboard i key to insert blocks.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi miss my "create view" etc. buttons in my layout ribbon. Where can i find an option to make them visible?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwe cannot afford giant size monitors. An average AEC firm would have a 23 inch monitor or 21 inches. Now almost all the monitors are 16:9. So already the height of the monitor is reduced when compared to the 4:3 monitor.With the Ribbon Interface, the height of the drawing space becomes even less. Of course the ribbon can be minimized etc. but it is a nuisance revoking it and minimizing again. the 2008 version IMHO had a better interface with dashboards which occupied the vertical space on the right side. This way the height of the drawing space is not affected. It used to be a good interface - why change this into Ribbon mimicking MS Office for a CAD program?
I know that you could still have the Classic interface - but you lose the convenience of the ribbon. Frankly, I am a "command line only" person. But I would like to get used to the Ribbon also. Only at this point of time it started to irritate me the small height of the drawing space.
By very huge monitors? or may be you are using highly advanced models where you have a choice for a 4:3 format? I am struggling. I would like to use AutoCAD the way the rest of the world uses - though I am very fast in command line and know by heart most of the commands & shortcut keys. Sometimes i work in FullScreen mode.
All the 'whats new' info talk about the Detail View Tools as a Tab etc in the ribbon
but it doesnt appear on the ribbon...
How do you access it?
I'm referring to the new array ribbon, and not the classic mode (ARRAYCLASSIC cmd). Is it possible to?
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