Photoshop :: How To Update Offline Computers Without Manual Update File
Feb 20, 2013
i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.
how should we update them without a manual update file?
adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?! any infos?
When clicking on PS6 Help>updates I get this response : The update server is not responding. The server may be offline or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect.
How can I download the Camera Raw 8.2 update? I'm using a Windows 7-64bit machine.
I tried downloading the CR 7.1 update which came to me as a zip file.But when I try to open it, there are a number of various files, none of which are an .exe file. which file do I use and what folder do I insert this file into? Shouldn't it automatically open and load in the correct folder?I'm not a programmer, just a user.
I recently bought a cuple of canon600d's upgrading from 450's, my photoshop CS5 does not recognise the raw format. Adobe server is offline or unavailable to enabe me to download update/ I have downloaded a trial version of CS6 and of course raw works perfectly. The Adobe server has not benn able to open for about 3 weeks now. I turn off my firewall settings beforehand.
When transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --
I get the following error message when I attempt to update X6. Not sure what to do about it.
CRC error: The file C:ProgramDataCoralDRAW Graphics Suite X6.1CGS16w_cproc_p_11.1.048_redist_intel64.exe doesnt match the file in the setup's .cab File. The medium from which you are running the setup may be currupted; contact your software vender.
I made a change to my materials library. I changed the color (from dark grey to light grey) of one material. I then saved this back to my library.
Now, when I start a new part, I get a warning that the material does not match the library. So, rather than using the material in the part, I opened the template and updated the material to match the library. (Manage >Update Styles).
This is where the problems come into play. In the update styles dialog, if I compare materials against my custom materials and then compare it to my Favorites, it just a continuious circle. It is like the favorites are stored inside the part and do not get updated to match the custom materials library. (I thought the whole idea behind using a library was to get the information out of the parts).
Here is a short video showing what it does. [URL] .....
The only way I can get the favorites to match is to delete the favorite material, update the style and the add the favorite back in. That is a bunch of work. The problem I got with this is that there are thousands of parts that have been created that has this favorite in it. The only way to update these is to open each part (if I knew which one), delete the favorite, update the materials and then add the favorite back in.
I am wondering if it is possible to do a style update (or style update check) upon open of a drawing?
The example would be that I have stuff made from way back that the colors/dimension sytles ect dont match the current standard and upon opening a file where they are not current, it would either prompt to update immediatly OR update automatically with no prompting (preferred method).
I am doing a massive amount of updates from old files recently and to save myself 1 - 3 clicks per drawing would be wonderful.
Changing a file association is a simple matter you either do it in Windows Explorer in the properties or just use the edit in command in bridge.Except that neither is working.
Photoshop CS6 is not even showing up as an option in either Explorer or in Bridge but it is ironically working in Lightroom.I know how to change file associations.
I've applied the Mac Photoshop CS6 13.0.2 update this morning, but now, I cannot open one of my working .psd document anymore, Photoshop raises a "could not complete your request because of a program error" message everytime. I've tried to open it on another workstation, a Windows one, running Photoshop CS5 12.0.4, and it's okay, meaning that my .psd file is not corrupted.
I've tried to disable Photoshop extensions from the extensions manager, but problem persists.
I work in Mac OS Mountain Lion. PSD preview doesn't update when i change psd-file placed on external hdd or flash drive (ntfs or exfat).Create psd-file. Сhanged psd-file in Photoshop cs6 (preview don't update).
I am using a Mac retina display with OSX version 10.8.5. It has an internal flash/solid state drive. I am a member of Adobe CC. Since I installed the latest Photoshop update (14.1.2, x64), my Photoshop crashes when I try to save (command+S) a .psd file.
I've got a catalog that work fine in LR4.4, but when I try to upgrade them to LR5 I get the error, "Lightroom couldn't update the format of its catalog file because the file appears to be damaged." The catalogs aren't damaged as they work perfectly in LR4.4. I urgently need to update them to a new mac with LR5.
I have written a basic web service using RealDWG(.NET) that can update a DWG-file from one version to another with an option to update an existing block attribute. No other content in the DWG file should be changed/corrupted/deleted in a way so it cannot be edited just as before my little service executed and saved the file. The service seems to work fine when using some sample files I have received. I've done a visual comparison using DWG TrueView 2013 and to my eye it looks the same. Any tool that could compare and list if something was changed or excluded from the original drawing?
I see that the file size actually differs quite a bit after saving the file. I expected that the file would be the same size when I specify that it should be saved using the same version as the original file (for example AC1021. I notice that a couple of fonts (SHX files) could not be found when reading the source DWG but I do not think that should have any effect?I see that several dbx files are being loaded when a file is loaded/parsed (AecBase.dbx, AecbElecBase.dbx, …). Do these object enablers require that I add any dependencies to my visual studio 2010 project? At the moment I only have a dependency to acdbmgd.dll. From the documentation I could not really work out if I needed to add more dependencies than the one I have but I might have been reading in the wrong places…
What program(s) were actually used to create the drawings I have tested but the service have to handle files produced with several different AutoCAD products (including different versions). Being new to RealDWG and most things related to AutoCAD.
In LR 4.1 i was able to open LR by rightclicking/ open with LR 4, directly from a file in my OLY ORF map. This is no longer possible after updating to 4.2. Windows 7-32 bit.
I am trying to adjust the white balance using photoshop elements 11, all the information I have come across tells you how to do it using the camera raw plug in. This has been updated and still I do not see it listed when I click on the file menu. I take photos of antique gold lockets using a light house and even though the custom white balance is set on my camera the photos are still coming out too canary yellow. I need to be able to adjust the colors so that they are more antique rose gold looking and have been reading different articles and videos on how other people adjust the colors and would like to try a couple of the ways I have seen but am unable as the camera raw plug in is not showing up as an option.
I have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.
Is there a reason that .DWG files do not update in Windows Explorer (Windows 7 Pro, SP1)?
I have "Save a thumbnail preview image" set to "Use view when drawing last saved". I also have Open with AutoCAD application set in Explorer. I have also re-booted the machine.
Have not had a problem before but all of a sudden, the thumbnail will not update, or it shows the AutoCAD "BIG RED A".
I've downloaded the file on the download page 9 times, and get the same error each time I try mounting it in OSX 10.6.8. My machine has the right specs. The downloaded file size is always 411.7 mb, but the download page says it should be 392.7 mb.
Basically i have created a good size IAM and now need to lighten all of the appearances up. Can i change them in the i am and have it update the individual IPT files at the same time? or will i have to open all the ipt files and change it and save?
1 year ago i created a format for my idw template file. I set many things under Drawing Resources in browser.Sheet Formats, Borders, Title Blocs, Sketch Symbols... etc. Now we want to change something in this resources and i will create new one.
My question is if i create new one, then can i update all new formats to my old idw files? I mean, i can't open all of old files and i can't change one by one. I want to do in easy way.
How can I update the file path to an XREF which is NESTED? I point the file to the appropriate xref and even though I save the file it won't point back to the file upon opening?
I have an SAT file that I inserted into a Conceptual Mass Family and then loaded into a Revit project. I have changed the name of the object in the Object Styles/Imported Objects dialog and assigned a unique material to it as well.
When I load it into the project its generally fine, sections/plans/elevations/section boxes work fine. When I try to update the material settings or the material it retains the original material settings. After the second attempt at assigning a new material: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
I opened the original Mass famiily and updated the material shading once and it worked fine. I did it again and: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
This is not my first time to use this process. Probably the fiftieth time. However it is the first time I've used it in 2014 with the new(really old) improved (fixed) materials dialog.
Is there a bug or known issue in 14 vs. 13. Am I missing a hotfix? It works on 13.
i am working on writing a lisp to update several similar drawings through a .bat file. One of the things i would like to do is to automatically increase the revision number by one. I have figured out everything except how to select the text. Looking at the database, the coordinates for the revision number are (10 15.2908 0.0295 0.0). However, (setq a (ssget "x" '((0 . "TEXT,MTEXT")(10 15.2908 0.0295 0.0)))) returns nil.
If each drawing's revision number is not in the exact same location, is it possible to select by a range of coordinates? Using (getpoint), the range is from (15.5 0.0 0.0) to (15.1805 0.1409 0.0).
I am trying to create an iLogic (or VB) rule to update an active drawing title blocks from our Template File.I don't want to use any of the external software (Transfer Wizard etc), we just need a simple rule that will update the title blocks when we need to.
I have created a iLogic form for my skeletal part file that drives my assembly. The issues is that it is a few steps to get the assembly to update.
Current Steps: open skeletal part fileuse form to change size parameterssave new skeletal size changesopen assemblypress the update button if changes haven't already been applied...I have tried to link these parameters directly to the assembly and tried to create the form using those linked parameters from the skeletal part file. It looks like it would work, but I am unable to edit the parameters once the form is created.
I am hoping that the I can skip opening and editing the skeletal part assembly fileuse form to change size and dimensions, and all part files and drawings are updated to that new shape and size.
I have tried to create a global Form in the skeletal part file, and tried to update the size changes in the assembly file.I was able to changes the inputs this way, but once I pressed the apply I get an error with no changes. what I want but I am not very up to date on iLogic or these forms. I will be searching Google for now.