Photoshop :: Manual PDF Or File To Download To Use Offline?
May 9, 2012is there a manual pdf or a file (help file) to download to use offline?
i found in the 7zip file only a pdf to install cs6 but nothing else
is there a manual pdf or a file (help file) to download to use offline?
i found in the 7zip file only a pdf to install cs6 but nothing else
i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.
how should we update them without a manual update file?
adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?! any infos?
I'm looking for Photoshop CS6 manual as a PDF download (in german), but all I can find is this web-based help-page: [URL]...
View 21 Replies View RelatedHow and where can I download an offline Helpfile for Photoshop CS6?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf I buy the PSE 12 upgrade download from Adobe, does the download include all of the files that I need to burn to a DVD so I can do an off-line installation on another computer? I am concerned that the download will just be an installer that requires an Internet connection to perform the installation.
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow I can print the manual, also how do I download the manual into the program…I downloaded the zip file opened it with 7 Zip but couldn’t get it to work…I lost my Photoshop 4.0 when my computer crashed and a friend told me your program is much better and free…on my very limited budget that was good news, but I do need to print the manual because I have difficulty reading things on the computer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to do a manual backup of the catalog file within LR4 other than having it prompt you when exiting the application?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll my images have a bar across the top which says 'the file name is missing or offline' this is on the screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I click on a picture to edit (new or old) I get this message. "File name XXXX is offline or is missing" I can not do anything (edit, export, anything!) What does this mean and how do I fix it? Why did this happen? I am still using LR2.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a new Lightroom3 user trying to prepare a portfolio for a juried show. I have imported photos from CDs and a flash drive and have created a Collection for my portfolio. When I click on what seems like a random grouping of photos in the collection (in the Library Module), I get the error message "file xxxx is offline or missing", even though the image is showing correctly. I am unable to work on any of these images in the Develop Module.
View 3 Replies View Related1) how do i create a download file handler to manage file downloads in a website? to be precise, lets say for instance i need to place file samples for my audience to download, how do i go about it?
2) how do i place a file upload handler in a website?
When I bring up n image file from a folder and after I work on it I would like to save in another folder other than from the original download file which is the only choice I seem to get.
Is there way to designate a "default" folder for saving other than having to continually search for the folder I wish to save to?
i bought adobe cloud and i started downloading all the software and deleting old version. I didn't know there was a special way to delete adobe application so i just dragged it into a program called app cleaner and it deleted all the files. But it won't let me put cs6 photoshop on my computer because it still thinks i have cs6 photoshop beta. how can i get photoshop back onto my computer.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhere can i download the extra for cs6?for example i miss the saturation mask plugin i can find it i'm looking for 64bit here i did not find the plugin i mean the saturation mask[URL]...
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy computer quit mid-download of Ps cc. My computer has no record of having downloaded Ps cc. Adobe won't let me download it and complete the process.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently got a new computer and I have CC so I downloaded the CC app and downloaded LR and PS. LR runs/works fine. PS seemed to download ok but won't even open a new file:picture. How to navigate Windows 8! I have been working on this for a week and now very behind on my editing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOn Photoshop Element 11, how do I download the entire picture file? I am able to down load ONLY one picture at a time, but not all pictures at the same file at once for I can proceed to buy the software?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDownload not working. Shows files damaged or I should covert original to pdf. Where is original? When I try even that does not work. Download is picking location. Not allowing me to pick location of download.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, I when I try to download the current Lightroom 3.6 version, it downloads most of the way then stops and an error window pops up saying it's not possible to download the file and to try saving the file to disk first.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I download in LR 5 pictures on an seperate drive, LR% (LR 4 hasn't done it) during the download on my main HD a "Backup Download" file is created and filled with full copies of the download. This is not my intension and it fills my main HD Any ID where to stop this or to change the settings. Security Backup has a separate Disk and the catalog settings show the right path.
System: Mac OS X 10.4 and LR 5.1
I am trying to download a file to new folder created in Autodesk 360 but this program responses in downloading some other compressed file as you can see on the video. The downloading of this not requested file lasts endless.
I've just tried downloading LR4 on my girlfriends computer (my comps HD just failed) - but when I go to download it, I get a message saying "this type of file can harm your computer. Do you wish to continue?" Her comp is a macbook pro 15" and I was trying to DL the mac version.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving just got my MacBookPro, installed LR4, sucessfully shared my photo DB from Win XP with this Mac. However, when I attempted to transfer new photos from my SD card to the Mac, LR4 returns an error saying that it cannot read the DNG files on the SD Card?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am an freelance designer. I want original files of some designs which are posted in gallery. Is it possible to get the original files.
View 4 Replies View Relatedable to find a copy of the users manual?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere is a huge number of how to tutorials and books on the web in the books etc. What I really want is a reference manual where each command/feature is explained and options defined in the way manuals used to be written. I have some Scott Kelby books and others, but they all tell you how top do this and that, but I would really like to understand better what I am doing and then I will not need so much the how to books. Is there nothing like that available?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I manullly stitch or join multiple pictures that were suppose to be taken in panorma mode but were not.
I am using PS 6.0
What I'd really like is an offline FULL help like these PDF's for the entire
suite. For now I have PS, illustrator and flash in PDF. I miss the type into
the search, select app, and hit go.
Going online for help is a PITA. Even at T1 speeds.
I miss my offline help. Real drag, browsing thru a help, and seeing a link to the rest of the help online.
I want my offline help back.. I've got a terabyte + space for it...
I have 3 of the PDF full helps. Is there a way to integrate them as the helps ? I could live with that just as well as the offline pkg's.
trying to upgrade Camera Raw to 6.7 on my windows 7(32) machine running CS5.1. without success. It now appears that I am not able to carry of any updates in CS5.1 either through the program update routine or by download. All programs seem to be working fine apart from this.
If I try using Help>Update Adobe Application Manager opens, goes through an apparent download of all the updates but I see little data stream comming in and then staps saying there is a download problem please try later.
If I dowload the update direct for the Adobe site the download is fine but when I run AdobePatchInstaller.exe to istall say Camera Raw 6.7 Adobe Application Manager opens and thinks for a little whlie before giving "an error installing the update"
I have tried Adobe support adviser but this was indicating "cpsid_90243r4: Error DW020 or DW050 occurs during installation - Creative Suite 5.5, Flash CS5.5, Flash Builder 4.5" which is apparently an error sometimes seen during initial installation.
Running Photoshop and the updates as administrator does not work.
I can use CS6 offline once its all installed right?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have just started exploring APE 11 and found one problem. I cannot control GPS coordinates and location tags when I use Add Places. Google maps does not always show correct place on map when address is entered, if I adjust the place on map manually, it either loses location tags or asumes that it is another address. Neither scenario is desired. What I would love to do is to be able to type coordinates and edit location tags (now only deletion is an option). API 11 does not allow to do what I want, is that correct?
I was thinking about doing some manipulation with *.pse11db file as it apperantly is SQLite database. Any example of SQL query that would
a) list all photos (their full file paths) for specified album and
b) SQL query that would allow to edit GPS coordinates and location tags for specified photo (its full file path)?