Photoshop :: CC Seemed To Download Fine But Won't Open File / Document?
Aug 17, 2013
I recently got a new computer and I have CC so I downloaded the CC app and downloaded LR and PS. LR runs/works fine. PS seemed to download ok but won't even open a new file:picture. How to navigate Windows 8! I have been working on this for a week and now very behind on my editing.
today I had opened my photoshop file which I was coloring ( a comic page) I allready spend 3days on this comic and I just don't wanne start over .I was working on it in CS6, As friends suggested I had opened it aswell in CS5 to try if it works there but no it didn't. I also placed it in AI, but sadly again the ugly line picture shows up .
I am trying to open a video to edit within Photoshop CS6 x64. I am getting the following message:-
Could not place the document ‘IMG_1664.MOV’ because no parser or file format can open the file.
The video was shot on my iphone 4S and ive even tried converting to other formats yet Photoshop still gives the same error. I have checked through Bridge and I have no option to send to Photoshop on the right click menu. try out the new features of CS6 for video editing.
I am running a 27" iMac with 12gb RAM and 1gb of Video RAM.
Getting this error when trying to use downloaded ACTIONS. "Could not place the document ‘Photoshop_Actions_03_by_ReehBR.atn’ because no parser or file format can open the file."
I am a high school art teacher and this happened to one of my students. He was working on a PSD file, vectoring an image when PS6 quit unexpectedy. Now when we try to open the file there is an error message "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document." It still has the .psd extension. We are using Mac OS10.8.2. I tried opening it in Illustrator, Preview and Graphic Coverter without success.
I have been doing Photoshop work at uni, I'm not sure which version though. Before I went home I saved it on then opened the file on my pen drive to check it was saved right and it was all fin & opened perfectly. I need to finish it off at home so I've downloaded PS on trial on my laptop,
but when I go to open it says 'Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document'. How am I supposed to open this file, because this is really important work I need to do for University.
I get an error message in PS CC whn I try to open videos that I can't do so in my version of windows. Why since I am able to open the same videos in PS CS6.
I just installed CC last night, so I haven't had a lot of time to work with the CC apps yet... Bridge has been working fine since the start for LOTS of sorting and tagging images in the last day and a half, and I've opened CameraRAW a handful of times without issue, then this evening I tried to open Photoshop CC for the first time and got a whole lot of strange messages about expired trials and activation problems and other errors and then it crashed... At first I think my internet security software was maybe interfering with Photoshop's attempts to confirm licensing online, but I seem to have gotten that sorted out ... so I no longer get all the weird licensing errors, but right after Photoshop loads I very quickly get the "Photoshop has quit working" error and it crashes. After experiencing this issue I went and tried all my other CC apps and Premiere, Illustrator, InDesign, Bridge all seem fine... just Photoshop is giving me issues.
I already tried "signing out" and signing back in to CC apps.
I am using CC on Windows 7 pro. I previously have had Master Collection CS3 and CS5 installed on this computer... but I de-installed these entirely before installing any new apps. I had some errors in de-installing CS3 so I used the Adobe Cleaner Tool to ensure that CS5 and CS3 had been completely de-installed before starting fresh with CC. I don't expect this previous software is causing any issues, but I figured I'd give a complete account of my situation.
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Photoshop.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 5176451b Fault Module Name: atiocl64.dll [code]...
I'm running Adobe Illustrator CS4 on my Mac Pro running OSX 10.7 Lion and for some reason I am no longer able to open any new or existing files. Illustrator boots up just fine but 'File>New' gives me nothing. 'File>Open' gives me my usual search box but once a file is selected, again, I get nothing. Dragging a file into Illustrator gives me this response',
Before promptly quitting.
I have tried deleting all the files from my Illustrator Preferences folder but doesn't seemed to have worked.
the file exists however the open function still returns nil... the file is not read only, and permission on the file appear to be just fine.What other reasons would there be that cause open function to return nil?This is happening only on one machine. All the others are writing to the file just fine.
I recieve 600 DPI scans as PDF's of books with music in them from our production crew. I take these files and I have to edit the layout of music on the last page so that there is room for our barcode. I insert the barcode and resave the file as a flattened 600 DPI PDF again. Then in Acrobat, I replace the old page, with the new page containing the barcode. The new page looks fine on screen, but when printed out it looks very fuzzy.
I have noticed that this also happens to our barcodes when importing pictures into Quark. I have tried saving the barcodes out as TIFF's and as GIF's (they are high contrast black and white, so GIF's have good quality and very low file size)at 600 DPI. Then we export PDF's from Quark and get the same problem with the fuzzyness.
Does photoshop have some settings for PDF's that will fix this? I am not even sure why it is doing this in the first place. I appologize for the long explanation but would rather have it be clear the first time.
I inadvertently saved a document as a jpg and wondered if there is any way I can convert it to a document file that is handled more easily with a file that is other than a photo file?
I am trying to load the Actions Exchange for PSE11 as recommnded by Scott Kelby but can't open the .ZXP file from Adobe. Searching the net seems to produce various programs that all look a bit dodgy and seem to want to do other stuff e.g. Regedit. What I should do to open this file in a safe and simple way. I have windows 7.
I just downloaded photoshop elements. When I try and open the download it asks what application do I want to use to open. I don't know. I have a macbook air.
I've recently encountered an error using Max 2010 Design where, a file that I've been working on or have worked on in the past suddenly ceases to open while using Max 64 bit. The file will continue to be openable in Max 32bit, but opening it in 64bit causes instant crashing. I've tried installing the service pack, installing new video card drivers - neither of which fixed the problem.
I really don't know where to look for answers at this point, and do not have free reign of my work machine to request a reinstall / reimaging of my hard drive. I need a solution that I can bring to the IT department that fixes the issue as simply and quickly as possible.
After many years of using LR this is the first time I've encountered this issue (see 1st screenshot below). LR is scrambling my files. The affected raw files open fine in other programs, including adobe photoshop cc (see 2nd screenshot).
I have a Canon Rebel. I am using Mac OS X Lion. When I download my Raw images onto my computer, they are just black squares where the pictures should be. I have tried in Lightroom 3, Lightroom 4, and iPhoto. All the same thing....
1) how do i create a download file handler to manage file downloads in a website? to be precise, lets say for instance i need to place file samples for my audience to download, how do i go about it?
2) how do i place a file upload handler in a website?
When I bring up n image file from a folder and after I work on it I would like to save in another folder other than from the original download file which is the only choice I seem to get.
Is there way to designate a "default" folder for saving other than having to continually search for the folder I wish to save to?
i bought adobe cloud and i started downloading all the software and deleting old version. I didn't know there was a special way to delete adobe application so i just dragged it into a program called app cleaner and it deleted all the files. But it won't let me put cs6 photoshop on my computer because it still thinks i have cs6 photoshop beta. how can i get photoshop back onto my computer.
where can i download the extra for cs6?for example i miss the saturation mask plugin i can find it i'm looking for 64bit here i did not find the plugin i mean the saturation mask[URL]...
I cannot open or start more than one document in Photoshop. For example: if I have a jpeg open and say do a copy and paste of another jpeg it crashes. If I go to my images folders and try to open another jpeg after having one open it crashes.. any ideas?
Everytime i open a new document in cs3 it always opens it at 66.7% how do i get a new document to open at 100% automatically? IS there a default somewhere?