Photoshop :: Update RAW On CS5 But Adobe Server Is Constantly Offline?
Sep 5, 2012
I recently bought a cuple of canon600d's upgrading from 450's, my photoshop CS5 does not recognise the raw format. Adobe server is offline or unavailable to enabe me to download update/ I have downloaded a trial version of CS6 and of course raw works perfectly. The Adobe server has not benn able to open for about 3 weeks now. I turn off my firewall settings beforehand.
When clicking on PS6 Help>updates I get this response : The update server is not responding. The server may be offline or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect.  How can I download the Camera Raw 8.2 update?  I'm using a Windows 7-64bit machine.   I tried downloading the CR 7.1 update which came to me as a zip file.But when I try to open it, there are a number of various files, none of which are an .exe file. which file do I use and what folder do I insert this file into? Shouldn't it automatically open and load in the correct folder?I'm not a programmer, just a user.
i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.  how should we update them without a manual update file?  [URL]..........  adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?! any infos?
When transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --
It looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
I have installed a new hard drive and reinstalled CS5 from CD. Now every time I try to download updates I get a message 'The Update server is not responding, please try again later'.
I want to upgrade to ACR 7.3. When I select help > updates, I get the message: "The update server is not responding. The server might be offline temporarily, or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect." I could update Lightroom to 4.3 flawlessly. I use Avast Antivirus, but when I disable Avast it doesn't work.
Several features in Photoshop CS6 are greyed out for no reason I can tell, including Content-Aware Fill. I've noticed my Camera Raw plugin is outdated, but when I try to update it through Photoshop I always get the above message. Updates obtained directly from the Adobe website don't seem to include plugins. Is there a way to either make the server respond or obtain the updated plugin from another source? Am I even on the right track for enabling Content-Aware Fill?
I updated my CS5.1 to 64bit when I upgraded my OS to Win 7. Now when I check for updates I get an error message U41M1C212 - server isn't responding. I checked firewalls and IE settings - both seem ok. I downloaded the latest update plugin but I get a message that mine is newer (and bigger) than it.
How to make the registration and activation of Adobe products (including CS6 and InDesign) work through an explicit proxy server (using NTLM or Kerberos)? I am sure that a company of Adobe's size must have the technical resources to enable their products to work through proxy servers, especially seeing as most organisations do use proxy servers these days.
I received a message that an Adobe Raw update was available. I started the update and it told me to close PS CS6 which I did.
 I restarted the update and it continues to give me the message to close CS6 even though it is already closed. I tried rebooting and had no affect on this problem.Â
The icon appears disabled. When selecting the app I get the error msg: "You can't open the application "Adobe Photoshop" because it is not supported on this type of Mac.  CS6 worked fine after upgrading to Mountain Lion. It appears an update that I downloaded from Adobe earlier this week could be the cause.
I updated my mac yesterday to Maverick and now Adobe Photoshop CS5 won't launch. what files I need to delete to get it to launch. I tried reinstalling it, and that didn't work.
CS6 Adobe Photoshop Extended (64 bit) installed on Windows 8 will not update. Adobe Application Manager opens with message as shown below. I use Kaspersky Internet Security which I am not very familiar with as yet. I tried to update after turning firewall off without success.
I have scoured the forums and I see no discussion that addresses my particular error. For starters I have a Mac, not Windows.  Here's the error from the log:  - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install: ERROR: - Adobe Bridge CS5_4.0.5_AdobeBridge4-mul: Install failed  I'm following this Adobe guide on troubleshooting but have no clue how to address this. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop 3 times.I am also getting similar errors for pixelbender and Camera Raw:  Adobe Pixel Bender Toolkit 2.5 Update  Installation failed   Photoshop Camera Raw 6.6 Update  Installation failed
I have Creative Cloud subscription and Photoshop 3D Extrusion used to work fine (though slow). Â After latest update several days ago it stopped working, displaying an error message instead: Â "The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly" Â The Graphic Processor is enabled, and the driver is working fine. Â Is this a bug or a "feature" in new version? How to make it work as before the update?
I have CS5 Production suite with CS5 12.0.4 loaded. Windows XP 32bit.  There are two patches at this link: URL.....  The patch is for version 12.0.5 or 5.1.1. When unzipping it is looking for a 12.0.5 file and it cannot find it since I only have 12.0.4 and there is no newer file when updating. When I do unzip the file and run the installer, I get Installing 12.0.5 then... There was an error installing this update. Error Code: U44M21218.  Â
I tried to install the update with Adobe Updater and it failed with error code U44M1P7.I then downloaded the update patcht directly from the site and tried to install. Again error code this time U44M2P7.
I'm at the stage where I input my date of birth and choosing a personal URL for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. I DO NOT use symbols. I have tried simple words and names and sometimes include numbers. I've checked both boxes referring to updates and agreeing to the Terms of Use. I click on Update Account and I get this message: Â "And error has occurred, and your changes were not saved." Â I have registered the program on the website. My account is identified and recognized. Why can't I get passed Update Account? Why must I have a personal URL if it's the only thing stopping my progress?
I have Googled it. I have contacted Adobe and they say they no longer support CS5 - I have considered upgrading to CS6 but this version was already installed on my computer at work when I started the job and I can't find the box with the serial number in order to upgrade. I would love to just fix the plug in issue and keep using CS5.
I've just installed Extension Manager Update yesterday and today I've get a wired problem with my bambo tablet.I've used this tablet for 3-4 years without problem. The problem I've now is when I drag lasso tool on an image to make selection it doesn't make a selection even it is showed in the history state that I've used lasso,or magnetic lasso.
My machine is a Mac Pro 2010,Quad-Core Intel Xeon running on Lion 10.7.5 and my bamboo driver is the latest version 5.3.2-2. Even now I've change to use freeform path I've still cannot change form path to selection.
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
What I'd really like is an offline FULL help like these PDF's for the entire suite. For now I have PS, illustrator and flash in PDF. I miss the type into the search, select app, and hit go.
Going online for help is a PITA. Even at T1 speeds.
I miss my offline help. Real drag, browsing thru a help, and seeing a link to the rest of the help online.
I want my offline help back.. I've got a terabyte + space for it...
I have 3 of the PDF full helps. Is there a way to integrate them as the helps ? I could live with that just as well as the offline pkg's.
it seems PS CS6 has a crashing problem and no one seems to have a solid cause. That's happening to me so I thought I would post the crash report to see. Â I've heard that font conflicts can ometimes cause this, but it happens no matter what I'm doing....font, no font, large files, small files, etc. Â I'm on an iMac Version 10.6.8 3.4 GHz Intel i7 8GB RAM 164 GB free on desktop HD
Whenever I open a document a document (large size / small size / lots of layers / very few layers) photoshop opens the document, about 70% of the file previews and the Mac rainbow wheel starts spinning and Photoshop becomes entirely unresponsive.
CS 6, just updated.Running on an iMac 3.4 ghz Intel Core i7, 16 g ram, tones of scratch disc.PS opens and I can do the work but when I save and move on to something else, it crashes everytime. I have sent 7 crash reports to Adobe today.
I am running Vista 32 on a 15" MacBook Pro through Bootcamp.I installed CS4 and available updates, and even updated my video driver -- i am using an Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT.My problem is that Photoshop crashes frequently during such benign tasks as dragging guides, creating new layers, etc, thus rendering the software unusable. I've searched everywhere for known issues, followed the troubleshooting steps on Adobe's OpenGL and GPU support pages but nothing's seemed to work.