I received a message that an Adobe Raw update was available. I started the update and it told me to close PS CS6 which I did.
I restarted the update and it continues to give me the message to close CS6 even though it is already closed. I tried rebooting and had no affect on this problem.
It looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
The icon appears disabled. When selecting the app I get the error msg: "You can't open the application "Adobe Photoshop CW6.app" because it is not supported on this type of Mac.
CS6 worked fine after upgrading to Mountain Lion. It appears an update that I downloaded from Adobe earlier this week could be the cause.
I updated my mac yesterday to Maverick and now Adobe Photoshop CS5 won't launch. what files I need to delete to get it to launch. I tried reinstalling it, and that didn't work.
I recently bought a cuple of canon600d's upgrading from 450's, my photoshop CS5 does not recognise the raw format. Adobe server is offline or unavailable to enabe me to download update/ I have downloaded a trial version of CS6 and of course raw works perfectly. The Adobe server has not benn able to open for about 3 weeks now. I turn off my firewall settings beforehand.
CS6 Adobe Photoshop Extended (64 bit) installed on Windows 8 will not update. Adobe Application Manager opens with message as shown below. I use Kaspersky Internet Security which I am not very familiar with as yet. I tried to update after turning firewall off without success.
I have scoured the forums and I see no discussion that addresses my particular error. For starters I have a Mac, not Windows.
Here's the error from the log:
- 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install: ERROR: - Adobe Bridge CS5_4.0.5_AdobeBridge4-mul: Install failed
I'm following this Adobe guide on troubleshooting but have no clue how to address this. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop 3 times.I am also getting similar errors for pixelbender and Camera Raw:
I have Creative Cloud subscription and Photoshop 3D Extrusion used to work fine (though slow).
After latest update several days ago it stopped working, displaying an error message instead:
"The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly"
The Graphic Processor is enabled, and the driver is working fine.
Is this a bug or a "feature" in new version? How to make it work as before the update?
I have CS5 Production suite with CS5 12.0.4 loaded. Windows XP 32bit. There are two patches at this link: URL.....
The patch is for version 12.0.5 or 5.1.1. When unzipping it is looking for a 12.0.5 file and it cannot find it since I only have 12.0.4 and there is no newer file when updating. When I do unzip the file and run the installer, I get Installing 12.0.5 then... There was an error installing this update. Error Code: U44M21218.
I tried to install the update with Adobe Updater and it failed with error code U44M1P7.I then downloaded the update patcht directly from the site and tried to install. Again error code this time U44M2P7.
I'm at the stage where I input my date of birth and choosing a personal URL for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. I DO NOT use symbols. I have tried simple words and names and sometimes include numbers. I've checked both boxes referring to updates and agreeing to the Terms of Use. I click on Update Account and I get this message:
"And error has occurred, and your changes were not saved."
I have registered the program on the website. My account is identified and recognized. Why can't I get passed Update Account? Why must I have a personal URL if it's the only thing stopping my progress?
I have Googled it. I have contacted Adobe and they say they no longer support CS5 - I have considered upgrading to CS6 but this version was already installed on my computer at work when I started the job and I can't find the box with the serial number in order to upgrade. I would love to just fix the plug in issue and keep using CS5.
I've just installed Extension Manager Update yesterday and today I've get a wired problem with my bambo tablet.I've used this tablet for 3-4 years without problem. The problem I've now is when I drag lasso tool on an image to make selection it doesn't make a selection even it is showed in the history state that I've used lasso,or magnetic lasso.
My machine is a Mac Pro 2010,Quad-Core Intel Xeon running on Lion 10.7.5 and my bamboo driver is the latest version 5.3.2-2. Even now I've change to use freeform path I've still cannot change form path to selection.
i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.
how should we update them without a manual update file?
adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?! any infos?
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
When transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
I get the following error message when I attempt to update X6. Not sure what to do about it.
CRC error: The file C:ProgramDataCoralDRAW Graphics Suite X6.1CGS16w_cproc_p_11.1.048_redist_intel64.exe doesnt match the file in the setup's .cab File. The medium from which you are running the setup may be currupted; contact your software vender.
I made a change to my materials library. I changed the color (from dark grey to light grey) of one material. I then saved this back to my library.
Now, when I start a new part, I get a warning that the material does not match the library. So, rather than using the material in the part, I opened the template and updated the material to match the library. (Manage >Update Styles).
This is where the problems come into play. In the update styles dialog, if I compare materials against my custom materials and then compare it to my Favorites, it just a continuious circle. It is like the favorites are stored inside the part and do not get updated to match the custom materials library. (I thought the whole idea behind using a library was to get the information out of the parts).
Here is a short video showing what it does. [URL] .....
The only way I can get the favorites to match is to delete the favorite material, update the style and the add the favorite back in. That is a bunch of work. The problem I got with this is that there are thousands of parts that have been created that has this favorite in it. The only way to update these is to open each part (if I knew which one), delete the favorite, update the materials and then add the favorite back in.
I'd like to ask you what it is different between the ImageReady CS2 and Adobe Photoshop CS2, I am very confuse about them, they looks not different for me.
If i want to chose one of them for design webesite, which one is better?
I am wondering if it is possible to do a style update (or style update check) upon open of a drawing?
The example would be that I have stuff made from way back that the colors/dimension sytles ect dont match the current standard and upon opening a file where they are not current, it would either prompt to update immediatly OR update automatically with no prompting (preferred method).
I am doing a massive amount of updates from old files recently and to save myself 1 - 3 clicks per drawing would be wonderful.
Lightroom 3 suggests, when opening a image in Photoshop CS5, that I should update Photoshop to Raw 7. When I click on Updates in Photoshop it says tehre are no updates.
For some reason, my Photoshop CS6 will NOT update. I have a Mac Pro with Mountain Lion installed. I've tried uninstalling all of CS6 and reinstalling, to no avail. No matter what I do when checking for updates in Photoshop CS6 (13.0), it tells me there are no updates available. I'm not getting notifications on Camera Raw Updates, either.
I can't seem to update PSCS6 to 6.0.1. I have downloaded the "patch" and also checked for new updates in PS6. I can't get anything to indicate a change from 6.0 to 6.0.1
I downloaded the 13.0.3 update through Adobe application manager and things go well until a few seconds are left to the update and I get update not applied with an error code of U44M2P7. I went to the Adobe site and downloaded the update and tried a manual install with the same exact results. I did an online Chat and they want me to un-install CS6 and use a creative suites cleaner tool and trash the Adobe application manager and then re-install CS6 13.0.3 and download a new application manager. I am very reluctant to go through all this grief and thought I would get some opinions first.
I am running OS 10.7.5. I have done nothing major to my Mac Pro Desktop. I have upgraded CS6 and bridge before through Adobe application manager with no issues. I have CS6 and Lightroom 4 installed on my computer and nothing else. If I have to go this route, is the creative suite cleaner tool worth using? Also I have never downloaded any beta versions of Photoshop or Lightroom.
How can I update to Photoshop 14.1.2 on Mac? I've checked my CC panel, in the Photoshop via Updates drop-down menu, deleting the cache and suggested files from the articles on other forums, ending up reinstalling the entire suite, but still no success. Stuck with 14.0. Do you offer an offline installer that I can download instead?
I can't update Photoshop CS5, when I try to run update, it shows the server is unavailable. It has been saying that for days. I have version 12.0.4 of CS5.