Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Update Raw Files Because Server Is Unavailable
May 22, 2013Photoshop EL 9 and I cannot update Raw files because server is unavailable. Realtek Wifi is active in control panel server info.
View 3 RepliesPhotoshop EL 9 and I cannot update Raw files because server is unavailable. Realtek Wifi is active in control panel server info.
View 3 RepliesWhen transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have installed a new hard drive and reinstalled CS5 from CD. Now every time I try to download updates I get a message 'The Update server is not responding, please try again later'.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to upgrade to ACR 7.3. When I select help > updates, I get the message: "The update server is not responding. The server might be offline temporarily, or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect." I could update Lightroom to 4.3 flawlessly. I use Avast Antivirus, but when I disable Avast it doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen clicking on PS6 Help>updates I get this response : The update server is not responding. The server may be offline or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect.
How can I download the Camera Raw 8.2 update? I'm using a Windows 7-64bit machine.
I tried downloading the CR 7.1 update which came to me as a zip file.But when I try to open it, there are a number of various files, none of which are an .exe file. which file do I use and what folder do I insert this file into? Shouldn't it automatically open and load in the correct folder?I'm not a programmer, just a user.
I recently bought a cuple of canon600d's upgrading from 450's, my photoshop CS5 does not recognise the raw format. Adobe server is offline or unavailable to enabe me to download update/ I have downloaded a trial version of CS6 and of course raw works perfectly. The Adobe server has not benn able to open for about 3 weeks now. I turn off my firewall settings beforehand.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSeveral features in Photoshop CS6 are greyed out for no reason I can tell, including Content-Aware Fill. I've noticed my Camera Raw plugin is outdated, but when I try to update it through Photoshop I always get the above message. Updates obtained directly from the Adobe website don't seem to include plugins. Is there a way to either make the server respond or obtain the updated plugin from another source? Am I even on the right track for enabling Content-Aware Fill?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI updated my CS5.1 to 64bit when I upgraded my OS to Win 7. Now when I check for updates I get an error message U41M1C212 - server isn't responding. I checked firewalls and IE settings - both seem ok. I downloaded the latest update plugin but I get a message that mine is newer (and bigger) than it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWill any update allow PSE 10 to open D600 NEF files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I update Elements 9 to open RAW files from a Nikon D5200, or do I have to buy something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.
PSE 10 often puts finished work into unavailable formats, worst of all "File."Windows 7.And is PSE 10 outdated, as I've been told, and do I have to keep upgrading each time a newer version comes out?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm running Photoshop Elements 10 on a windows 8.1 computer. Pixel dimension is grayed out and unavailable to me. I cannot uncheck "Constrain proportions," and have no way to change the size of photos. If I change the dimensions, the resolution changes in proportion. I am perplexed and at a standstill since this is a critical function.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am an amateur photographer. I just purchased a brand new NIKON D3300 took a few pictures, signed up for the Adobe annual Photographers Creative Cloud annual program and my first task to have Lightroom import a few test photos fails and I have no clue why my raw + jpgs can't be imported. at the outset In Lightroom I also got a "Preview unavailable for this file" message for every image file when I pointed to the memory card I had connected to my computer:
The files are not recognized by the raw format support in Lightroom. (35)
I've also attached a screen shot. I would really like to use Lightroom and all the Adobe products but I have no clue why it won't work with my NIKON test pictures.
It appears when I copy a folder of photos up to a server, it's also copying some hidden files that nobody can do anything with, causing problems. For instance, say my folder name is Photos, I just drag and drop the entire Photos folder onto the server. But if inside Photos i have a dog.jpg and cat.jpg file, there are also hidden files names ._dog.jpg and ._cat.jpg. it's those two hidden files that are causing problems when people go to work with that it something in OSX I need to change?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem saving files to a Windows 2003 server from PS7 error message of "could not save as serverfolderfilename because disk is full". No problems encountered with PS6 or PS-CS. As the server is in excess of 3 Terabytes I don't think it is a hardware problem. More that it is a problem with PS7 or Windows 2003.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOur workgroup is considering getting Lightroom to access files. We would like to be able to use it with the files we share on a server. Is this possible or does Lightroom only work with files stored on the hard drive of one computer?
View 9 Replies View RelatedJust upgraded to Photoshop Elements 11 on a x64 Dell running Win7. When trying to share photos using Flickr (which worked previously), I get the following:
I've tried resetting accounts in Adobe Partner Services, Clearing Online Service Data, and refreshing the list of services - but makes no difference.
(Here's the text from the above, for search engines to chew on:
HTTP Status 500 - type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
java.lang.NullPointerException org.apache.jsp.csp.error_jsp._jspService( org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
[Code] .......
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy company is currently running AutoCAD 2012 and we have invested heavily in some custom DLL and ARX routines that really automate our design/engineering process. The problem is that these currently resolve on laptop computers and our executive managment doesn't feel that it is very secure.
Their suggestion is to run AutoCAD through a virtual machine, which none of us like, for many reasons.
One option we would like to explore is using Autodesk Vault to store our DLL and ARX files, and require Vault login in order to load/run these files.
We are running Revit 2012 Suites on iMac w/Parallels w/Windows XP SP3. Office file server is a Lion Server running 10.7.5. While working in Revit we can; save PDF's to server, export DWG/DXF to server, and for a few moments after opening a file we can save a .rvt file to the server. But after more than ~2min, Revit freezes at any save attempt and we have to force quit through the task manager.
Last few lines of journal entry for event reads as follows.
[ Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _
, "[Res.TemplateLionTest.rvt]"
' 0.000008 2:<<<BackupFileManager:reUnlockPreCommit
' 0.003275 3:<<<relinquishAllLocks
' 0.003386 2:<<m_oSaveToTempFile->preCommit
' 2:< Error encountered renaming main file to backup. Error message: Access to P:ProjectsXXXXX ProjectCADRevitRes.TemplateLionTest.rvt was denied. ]
then repeats the '2:< Error... line for a few pages..
this error has persisted throught Revit 2011 and 2012 versions.
I am repathing all the autocad files on our server. I also need to repath the Revit Links. Is there a way to do this programatically? We have too many links to do this manually.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWe have set up Revit 2013 and it works fine for creating folders and subfolders. I followed the Autodesk process step by step on creating a new file in the revit server. Everything is fine, but when I hit save an error message appears saying that the file cannot be saved. When I log into revitserver i see the new file, but I cannot delete, lock it, or use it at all.
How we can lock the files to be able to delete from the revit server?
As a side note:
Unless Autodesk is planning on getting rid of revit server they should really invest into the documentation and troubleshooting.
What is the best way to share dwg files so taht stuff doesnt get messed up? The designer says taht civil3D now uses something call dat references, this is new to me since ive been out the game for a couple years, how do you send those files? are they within the drawing?
Basically here is my problem, the designer does all the design, plan and profile, than he sends to me to put in the notes for the plan views, not knowing if when I save the file it will mess up his profile, he jsut copy pasted the notes I put in into his original file, as oppose to jsut overriding it. So in essence we are doing double work..
another thing, he sent me the proposed base file, and when I got it I got big text saying that there is a broken reference. I went ahead and made some changes and sent back to him thinking it would go away cause it will find the reference on his computer, but it didnt. And than he said that the drawing I sent him didnt have any settings under "toolspace" like his original did.
I've been told that I shouldn't edit Adobe product files directly off of a server. At my previous job we did have problems with files becoming corrupted (inDesign in particular) when we used this editing method, so we were told to edit the files locally and then resave onto the server. However, at my new job, the IT department is a bit more savvy and I have yet to see many hiccups with our server. Other employees work directly off of the server and don't seem to have any real problems. What are the pros and cons to working directly off the server and working locally then resaving?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have tried numerous times to be able to upload directly from PSE 10 to Facebook, but continue to get an error after I sign in to Facebook that says HTTP 500 Internal Server Error.
Windows XP SP 3
Pentium CPU 80 GHz
Our server went done and our IT people are trying to recover lost cad files.
We have tried in AutoCAD the recover command with no success.
How we can recover these files or recommend a software to recover these files?
I just upgraded the server for our small firm to OS X Lion. The share is accessible from Windows and all permissions are the same as they were before the upgrade. I can manipulate and open files in other programs in Windows, but everytime I try to open a .rvt or .rfa file in Revit from the server I get "Failed to open document". I can open .dwg files fine in Autocad, and I can even insert .dwg and images from the server into an open revit file.
See specs below:
RAC 2011
File Server: Mac Pro running OS X 10.7.1
Windows 7 running in Parallels desktop
I have mi server in a OS X Lion machine, and I can´t open and write .max files from network drive (read/write error like a corrupt file).
At first time I thought in a permissions problem, but after try different options with owners and users, I can´t found a solution.
Working with a Network drive hosted in OS X server?
I have 10.7.1 with server add, users created and server drive mapped to Z: in windows. I can read/write textures and other files except .max
My office uses Dropbox as a server for all of our working files. I can create and work with CAD files (using many x-refs) without a problem. The problem that I have occurs whenever someone else in the office tries to use the CAD file that I created with x-refs OR whenever I use a different computer station (still logged in as myself)...the X-refs are always missing (detached). I can reattach them but this defeats the purpose of using the X-ref. how Dropbox works.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.