Revit :: Can't Open Files Hosted On OS X Lion Server
Aug 22, 2011
I just upgraded the server for our small firm to OS X Lion. The share is accessible from Windows and all permissions are the same as they were before the upgrade. I can manipulate and open files in other programs in Windows, but everytime I try to open a .rvt or .rfa file in Revit from the server I get "Failed to open document". I can open .dwg files fine in Autocad, and I can even insert .dwg and images from the server into an open revit file.
See specs below:
RAC 2011
File Server: Mac Pro running OS X 10.7.1
Windows 7 running in Parallels desktop
We are running Revit 2012 Suites on iMac w/Parallels w/Windows XP SP3. Office file server is a Lion Server running 10.7.5. While working in Revit we can; save PDF's to server, export DWG/DXF to server, and for a few moments after opening a file we can save a .rvt file to the server. But after more than ~2min, Revit freezes at any save attempt and we have to force quit through the task manager.
Last few lines of journal entry for event reads as follows.
[ Jrn.Directive "DocSymbol" _ , "[Res.TemplateLionTest.rvt]" ' 0.000008 2:<<<BackupFileManager:reUnlockPreCommit ' 0.003275 3:<<<relinquishAllLocks ' 0.003386 2:<<m_oSaveToTempFile->preCommit ' 2:< Error encountered renaming main file to backup. Error message: Access to P:ProjectsXXXXX ProjectCADRevitRes.TemplateLionTest.rvt was denied. ]
then repeats the '2:< Error... line for a few pages..
this error has persisted throught Revit 2011 and 2012 versions.
I used to highlight multiple raw files in Bridge and just press Enter (being the equivalent to File -> Open) and the images would all open together in one ACR interface with the filmstrip down the side. Now, however, one file opens and if I hit cancel or done, the second image THEN opens, and so on and so forth. If instead of pressing Enter I choose File -> Open in Camera Raw or I right-click and Open in Camera Raw, it works fine and does what I want (or if I click the aperture symbol on the toolbar at the top).
The worst part is that it worked fine until I uninstalled CS5.1. I had CS5.1 no problem, then installed CS6/CC alongside it. I got eveything working how I wanted in CS6/CC and then uninstalled CS5.1. I may be wrong on the exact timing of the problem and therefore it may be a Red Herring, but it seems fairly close together when this started.
Notes: There is no expansion bar on the left of ACR that is just hiding the filmstrip. Which is consistant with the fact that the second image does in fact open after I close the first. So they are clearly being treated as seperate open actions. Also, in Bridge, Edit -> Preferences -> General: 'Double-click Edits Camera Raw Settings in Bridge', ticked or unticked makes no difference. Also in Photoshop, Edit - Preferences -> File Handling: 'Prefer Adobe Camera Raw for Supported Raw Files', ticked or unticked makes no difference.
I have also tried changing the above mentioned options, closing PS and Bridge so the preferences file is updates, changing them back to how I want and closing so the preferences file is updated and I get the same results.
We are working in revit server with two clients . recently we installed one more Lacal server and i checked the speed and all but whenever i try to open heavy file ( 300 Mb file ) from revit server it giving error after some time that server not responding and not open the file . but i checked 15 to 30 mb file it working in same server . Is their any size limitation in revit server . My internet speed is ok that time . So i think its related to revit server
I am repathing all the autocad files on our server. I also need to repath the Revit Links. Is there a way to do this programatically? We have too many links to do this manually.
We have set up Revit 2013 and it works fine for creating folders and subfolders. I followed the Autodesk process step by step on creating a new file in the revit server. Everything is fine, but when I hit save an error message appears saying that the file cannot be saved. When I log into revitserver i see the new file, but I cannot delete, lock it, or use it at all.
How we can lock the files to be able to delete from the revit server?
As a side note:
Unless Autodesk is planning on getting rid of revit server they should really invest into the documentation and troubleshooting.
In a project I'm working on we have some doors in large accordian room partitions that need to appear in the schedule however they will not be hosted in a wall in our model. The walls are 2d in the CAD background from a consultant. I created a door family that can be placed and scheduled however the "Room #" field does not populate. Is there a way to add that to the family? I believe the issue comes up because the doors are not in a wall that is "Room Bounding" or in a wall at all.
Mac OS X 10.8 introduced a new behavior - apps could automatically open the documents that were open in the last app execution. Can Photoshop CS6 be configured to behave this way?
I have some families in a project such as sinks and cabinets that are wall hosted, but when I try to place them on the existing walls of the linked file they do not go there. Is there a setting to get around this?
Cannot save or save as to Windows server. Due to "program error." Adobe Photoshop CS5. Can save as fine to local drive. Can also drag and drop in the Finder to this server.
This is Photoshop CS5 12.0.4 (current). Once the error "could not save file name due to a program error" occurs, the file disappears from the Windows server.
I think it has something to due with the SMB connection. All other CS5 apps (InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) "save" and "save as" fine. It is also fine performing the same procedure using Preview.
Downloaded the on-line trial version of Revit LT 2014. I want to open/convert old .dwg files I have on my PC to play around with, but since it's an on-line version, I don't know how to get those files into the cloud.
I'm trying to import/ open IFC files to Revit, I have 6 diffrent IFC files but when I try to open/import in revit, nothing happens, not even an error message.
This happens on my Macbook pro. I hasn't worked ever!! I need it to work because I'm creating CC documents on my desktop computer and I need to be able to open the documents on my laptop.
Our office would like to create a new imperial library with typical families we use on most projects. This library would be located on the server and would be seperate from the Revit standard imperial library. This would allow us to all share family files and only keep ones we use often and ones we have previously edited and customized. Is there a way to link this imperial library to Revit without erasing the standard library, only making our custom library the primary one.
I'm testing out a Revit Server configuration with a local server on one site connected to a central sever at another site. So far the testing has gone fine but we've run into a snag. The public IP address at the site of the central server has changed because of a change in ISPs. Now I'm unable to figure out how to update the IP addres settings for the central server that the local server connects to..
I've tried running the install again but it won't run since the software is already installed. I've tried running a repair. I've tried logging into Revit Server Administrator but there is no option to change the IP address of the central server it connects to.
We are trying to implement Revit server in our organisation. We have installed Revit server on windows 2013 server. We are able to connect to our local server and sync and relinquish the revit model. We had setup another server in our branch office. Now, how to sync the revit model in the local server to the server in branch office. We are able to see both the servers in revit server admin and also copy paste files through browser.
I have just installed CS5, and all components work except for Photoshop, which will not open. I am on a new Macbook Air running Mountain Lion 10.8.5 with 1.3 GHz Intel Core i5. The error message reads: "You can't open the application "Adobe Photoshop CS5.1" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." I have already tried reinstalling and deleting the library file: and restarting. What can I do?
I receive this error when testing eTransmit for Revit 2013. "etransmit encountered an error while trying to contact the server". Oddly, it is only a problem with on host, and not the other.
I have downloaded Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign from the Creative Cloud. When I try to open the app, I get an error that tells me "Cannot find the server "NDC-DiskStation" (my server name)" I've contacted Adobe about 5 times they keep sending me to Apple, which always sends me back to Adobe. I can open my app when I am connected to my server at my office, but cannot open it when not connected. However, I downloaded the app while not connected to my MacBookPro lap top.
Since last thursday we have been having major issues opening files from our network share on server 2012. Everytime we go to open an .ai it hangs illustrator for about 15-20 seconds?
This has only started happening to all 3 machines we have
Our network is 1GB links, 2 of our computers are massive spec, i5's 16gb ddr3 1600, ssds......., other one slightly older ddr2 no ssd (problem exists on them all)
If we drag the file to the desktop then open, this is instant but reading from the server is being a nightmare!
When LR3 is installed, it will not import my CR2 files. tried an un-install and still no results. when i install LR3.5 on laptop (without Lion) everything works fine. what is going on?
Using Photoshop Elements 6 on Mac with Lion 10.7. As with other users, I am unable to load styles downloaded from net (asl files). Shapes, brushes, and patterns load just fine. Have tried placing them in styles folder in presets (that didn't work) and library application folder for styles (that didn't work). Have tried removing preferences file for styles from preferences folder and doing both of the above (didn't work).