AutoCAD 2010 :: ARX And DLL Files On Vault Server?
Oct 1, 2013
My company is currently running AutoCAD 2012 and we have invested heavily in some custom DLL and ARX routines that really automate our design/engineering process. The problem is that these currently resolve on laptop computers and our executive managment doesn't feel that it is very secure.
Their suggestion is to run AutoCAD through a virtual machine, which none of us like, for many reasons.
One option we would like to explore is using Autodesk Vault to store our DLL and ARX files, and require Vault login in order to load/run these files.
I have one computer that can't connect to the Vault Server. It use to work fine and I am not sure what happened. I have gone to the extreme of uninstalling and re-installing and still nothing. I am in the same project as when it was working. I have checked the Application Options Content Center and made sure that the Access Options is set to Autodesk Vault Server.
When I click on Vault Server, everything is grayed out except "Log In" and "Connection Options". If I click on either of them the dialog box goes away and nothing happens. No error dialogs nothing. If I go to the project amd click on the Configure Content Center Libraries button it just disappears and nothing happens. Not sure what else to do.
How can I install 2014 vault basic on my synology NAS Server? I have been told by our IT Guys that it won't be able to handle the vault software. What makes the Synology Server not work with Vault?
I have recently set up a new PC with pretty high end specs and have noticed Inventor still doesnt perform as expected, i am using maybe 5% of my 64gb ram and 10-20% of my i7 4ghz CPU.
We are using a network vault and the content center is stored on the vault, using frame generator i have noticed significant performance problems (considering these specs)
Could it be a bottle neck in the Server?
(latest service pack for Inventor 2013 installed) 64 bit machine.
When working in Inventor within a Vault environment, you have a check box on the "Check In" dialogue box for "Close files and delete working copies" that once selected, it stays selected until the user unchecks the box.
(see below)
Not so when working with AutoCAD....why?
Why is it that every time a user checks a file into Vault from ACAD, they have to check that box?
There has got to be a seting somewhere that this check box stays selected. Why isn't this a default? How to "lock" that down?
We are currently running Inventor 2010 Professional (64-bit) on our computers with Vault 2010 on a remote server, but are ready to upgrade to Inventor 2012 Professional. Will we be able to continue to use Vault 2010, or will our Vault (ADMS?) need to go to 2012 also?
A side question, what are the strategies to update the files in the Vault to 2012? As needed? Setup an automated task?
We are trying to migrate our 2010 and earlier inventor files that exists in our vault 2012 professional fully replicated environment to The latest inventor release.
We are trying to utilize the task scheduler. but when attempting to use the "Migrate Files from Vault" and select the option to add folders. we receive several pop ups, one after another. The header states "folder" and in the message box is simply "1000" then an "ok" button.
After clicking ok a half dozen times the dialog finally comes up to select the folder, but the entire vault is not available in the selection window. I have tried this on several machines and 2 different databases. Same result.
I search for a file in Vault 2014 and find it needs refreshing i.e. the double red arrows icon in "Vault Status" column. I hit the refresh button in the ribbon and the file still has the double red arrows icon and doesn't appear to refresh.
I am using Inventor 2009 and have always been told not to check out files from the Vault directly. Rather to use Inventor when checking them in or out. What is the reason for this and has that changed with current versions?
We are currently using Inventor 2010 Professional Suite. Most of the users here are working with AutoCAD Mechanical. For the most part, it does the job. The person that previously used Inventor has moved on to bigger and better opportunities. Recently a new person was hired to utilize the Inventor software for initial designs. The original software was loaded on a new machine and everything seemed to work fine. Inventor was able to checkout files from the vault and were able to be manipulated accordingly. The issues began when the individual started to check the files back into the vault. It would appear everything works fine but the files never appear in the vault. Even if we create a new directory and attempt to check them in, the new directory is created in the vault but the files will not check-in.
If we use AutoCAD Mechanical, the files will check-out and check-in fine using the addin tools. It would appear all the rights are setup correctly. We even changed the new user to administrator and it still did not work. No one else has Inventor installed, but I am about to install it on another machine this Thursday when IT is in.
We have attempted to even drag the files into the vault just to see if that would work, even though we know this method is usually not the best. Still no success.
How do we use Vault with an outside vendor that controls a large ‘master layout’ directory of AutoCAD drawings that is given to us each week by way of FTP? How do we update the files in vault without having to check out dozens of files or folders then copy the new files (which often have missing xrefs that have to be fixed before Vault will accept them) into the working directory then check back in the files. This is way too time consuming and complicated to do on a weekly basis.
The simplest procedure we can think of looks like this:
1) Download new set of drawings. 2) Open these drawings in AutoCAD reference manager to fix/remove broken xrefs so Vault will accept them. 3) Check out the entire folder that needs to be updated from Vault 4) Paste the new drawings over the drawings in MyDocsVaultVendor 5) Check all the drawings in through Vault, solving any vaulting issues that may have been missed in the reference manager.
We recently migrated our fileshare project drawings from Window Server 2003 to Window Server 2008-R2 x64...We are experiencing slowness opening or only right click button on more dwg on XP Pro 32/64bit workstation.
Problem repeats if you try to copy many dwg files from windows explorer, right button properties..i have already disabled "validate digital signatures and display special icons" on each machine .There isn't any slowness problem opening files on other application e.g.. Office.
We are looking at using Autoloader to load inventor files to the vault. Problem is we do not use the default folder "Designs" in our Vault folder structure it is named differently.
So what happens is that Autoloader does not find the designs folder and creates one automatically, and files are uploaded to this folder which is exactly what we do not want.
I need to change the Autoloader settings to use the differently named folder not the designs folder..
I have a couple of .ipt files that are up near 60Mb. We have rearranges the folder structure in vault but these files can't be moved. It comes up with an error saying that access to the C:Temp .... folder is denied. I have full access to c: harddisk so it is something that Vault has created. It is only with large files.
Funny things is that when you try to move it (drag and drop) the file that is too large is checked out, without a version being transferred to the harddrive. So it finishes up with a check mark but no circle.
We do not use VAULT. We're using network shared folder with 3 machine.
In some cases three users opening same assembly and sub assemblies. In this case Inventor showing us an error like "You can not save file. Use save-as" But in this case it's impossible to work share files.
We're opening / using same project file (ipj). I remember that older versions of Inventor give us to chance that not save some subassemblies of main assembly. In this case you may save newer version of assembly files..
How can I share network folder to share my assembly files with the other colleagues?
Using Inventor 2013 and not Vault. Because we're using Linux file server .
I am repathing all the autocad files on our server. I also need to repath the Revit Links. Is there a way to do this programatically? We have too many links to do this manually.
What is the best way to share dwg files so taht stuff doesnt get messed up? The designer says taht civil3D now uses something call dat references, this is new to me since ive been out the game for a couple years, how do you send those files? are they within the drawing?
Basically here is my problem, the designer does all the design, plan and profile, than he sends to me to put in the notes for the plan views, not knowing if when I save the file it will mess up his profile, he jsut copy pasted the notes I put in into his original file, as oppose to jsut overriding it. So in essence we are doing double work..
another thing, he sent me the proposed base file, and when I got it I got big text saying that there is a broken reference. I went ahead and made some changes and sent back to him thinking it would go away cause it will find the reference on his computer, but it didnt. And than he said that the drawing I sent him didnt have any settings under "toolspace" like his original did.
I click the Inventor icon on the desktop to open Inventor, I click the Vault tab and then click "Go to Vault", the vault opens. I open a file to look/modify it. I then click another file to open it also and it opens in a new Inventor window. The same as windows explorer does when you open another web page and it opens in a new window instead of a new tab if you dont have the "Tabbed Browsing: set in options.
I have a couple of .ipt files that are up near 60Mb. We have rearranges the folder structure in vault but these files can't be moved. It comes up with an error saying that access to the C:Temp .... folder is denied. I have full access to c: hard disk so it is something that Vault has created. It is only with large files. What is the fix/work around for this?
Funny things is that when you try to move it (drag and drop) the file that is too large is checked out, without a version being transferred to the hard drive. So it finishes up with a check mark but no circle.
I copy a .dwg to my remote computer and open it. Then .dwl and .dwl2 are created in same local folder as the .dwg I just opened localy. Then I copy the local .dwl and .dwl2 files back to the remote server in the same location I received the origional .dwg from. Why are those files not locked now from everybody on the network that I am remotly away from?
My office uses Dropbox as a server for all of our working files. I can create and work with CAD files (using many x-refs) without a problem. The problem that I have occurs whenever someone else in the office tries to use the CAD file that I created with x-refs OR whenever I use a different computer station (still logged in as myself)...the X-refs are always missing (detached). I can reattach them but this defeats the purpose of using the X-ref. how Dropbox works.
So we have an HP T1100 plotter and we want all the .pc3 files on the server. I go to the plotter in my devices and printers from the start menu and I add in all my custom paper sizes. Then I create a .pc3 file that points to a system printer on my machine for that plotter. I then move the .pc3 file to the server. Next thing I do is go to .pc3 file on the server and filter out all the unneeded papers sizes (arch, jis, iso, etc.) so all that shows up in the plot dialog box are the custom sizes I created. I then re-path autocad to the server in my options. All is fine so far, everything plots fine.
Now I go to another machine and point autocad to use the folders on the server for the plotters. I go to plot and the .pc3 files are there but when I pick the paper size drop down selection, all the arch, jis, iso sheets, etc... that I filtered out are now there. Well, I can go into the .pc3 file on his machine, re-filter out all those unneeded paper sizes and all is well, but then I come over to my machine and all the unneeded paper sizes are there again. It goes back and forth. I save on one machine and then the other one is messed up.
I cannot get the unfiltered papersizes to stay that way on the .pc3 file thats on the server. Why is this? I know I have the .pc3 file pointed to a system printer on my machine but we have the same printer on each machine with the same drivers. We could just put the plotter on the server so there is no system printer but that is not an option right now.
I have a folder that contains subfolders, then more subfolders. All these folders contain Inventor files. There are few different models there with drawings and related files...
I need to make an exact copy of the folder at different location in Vault. To use Copy Design tool, I would need to do it few times, as there are few totally separate files in the folders.
Now, is there a way of taking main folder with its all contants and just copying/renaming it to other location? It would save me lot of time.