Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Always Says JPEG Is At 72 Dpi
Sep 21, 2011
When I open a jpeg in X4 it always says it is at 72 dpi. Even when I resize it so it is at 220, when I open it again and look under image information it always says 72 dpi. If I open the same image in any other editor, including X3 it reports the correct dpi. This coupled with the extreme compression is making X4 useless to me unfortunately.
I'm not prepared to sit and do the math to try and figure out what it is really at.
I have reset the number under preferences/general program preferences/units and it doesn't respond to that either.
For me, this version is problematic and not worth taking the time to learn. I need to be able to depend on and trust the information I'm getting from my software.
The PSP X4 that I have compresses jpegs to an extreme amount even when set on compression factor 1. (a 4000 kb jpeg gets compressed to 1900kb. The previous versions would not change the compression when you open a file and just save it without changes. This one cuts the file size in more than half.
I really like some of the new layout and features, however my clients won't accept a jpeg that is compressed that much. Any other setting I need to change to stop this?
The jpeg and png optimizer in X6 doesn't work correctly and keeps the .pspimage file extension in the 'Save Copy As' dialog box. I either have to delete the extension or overwrite with .jpg/png to save in the appropriate format.
I'm working with PSP XI version on Windows XP machine.
I have been successfully editing many jpegs without issue, reviewing in slide show "Quick review" and doing one step correction "Quick Fix" in some cases. But now in one batch of photos whilst editing one picture an error message occurred (did not note it down) once during slide show preview; application locked; and having restarted PC / application this one file cannot be edited. Error message does not recur, Organiser tray simply shows grey box for this file.
When selecting this image in Organiser tray whole application still locks. Working with other images is fine.
Windows Explorer says that this one jpeg file is corrupt and copying and renaming does not fix.
Other preview software cannot recognise the jpeg either.
Problem: When I save jpeg files some of them become corrupt and will not open.
I have been using PSP for a number of years and decided to upgrade to X4, now a number of the files that I save in PSP are becoming corrupted and they seem to all be photos which are shot using a pure white background, not all photos are affected, I never had this problem in my previous versions of PSP
I use adobe lightroom which I transfer my raw file into jpeg, this is where i then open the jpeg in X4 and do my main editing, it is when I save the image it saves corrupted and can not be opened or deleted (shows that X4 is still using the file) . it will also not allow me to re transfer the image from my catalog.
There are some good features and I am considering uninstalling and reverting back to my older program (X2).
This may be an issue with the metadata of the image, I exported 2 sets of 50 identical images 50 with and 50 without the Metadata and ran a script which then automatically save the image, about 20 of the images with the metadata ended up corrupted, all the images without the metadata saved fine.
I am running into an issue trying to complete processing of some images. I have converted a Canon CR2 raw file to TIFF, then opened into PSP X4. Now I wish to save as a JPG file. I've flattened & converted to 8-bit RGB. When I go to save it pops up an error stating: "An error has occurred while trying to write to the file". I can save the TIFFs, I can save to PNG, PSP, BMP, and presumably everything else. All except JPG--which is of course what is required. I can create an image from scratch and save to JPG. I've tried simply copying the image and pasting to a new image, then saving with the same error. Same with opening the PSP image back up & trying to save as JPG. I am updated to the latest patch just released.
I have a picture file(JPEG) with a text in Japanese that I want to copy from. I've tried the trick with Microsoft Office One note & word(for those of you who know it) but it didn't work. Is there anyway to do it in PSP?
PSP X4: I capture my images and do all processing in Adobe RGB. Now I want to save a low-res version as a JPEG file in sRGB color space. The save dialog tells me it will embed Adobe, but I want to save it as sRGB.
How do I change the color space before or while I save the JPEG?
My daughter in law who is Vietnamese took some photo's and downloaded the Jpeg files onto my pen drive.
When I transferred these files to my hard in the UK, I found that the photo's would not open. Looking at the properties, it showed every Jpeg photo was in in "Read only format" and contained 0 bytes. The hole folder contained 544 M bytes of photo's. I then deleted the shaded out part of the "Read only" file and pressed OK, but this did not allow the file to be read.
I then tried to open the photo's in Paint Shop X4 and this was a success.
A few days later I tried to re access the Jpeg photo's and again, but I cannot open the Jpeg files with or without X4. (working with Widows Home Premium)
I'm getting some erratic results with PSPX4. I download my CR2 canon files to lightroom, process, export as Tiif or jpeg, then open in PSPX4. I then edit the pic resize to 800x600 jpeg, quality 3. The file is usually about 300-400 kb, a jpeg. I have a couple of files that are corrupted on resizing and are only 12.0 kb in size. I can't upload to my website, - the error message says they are corrupted. I'm not getting it with every file, but two in the last batch of ten files processed had this effect.
I tried restarting the program, same effect on those two files. I tried reprocessing in lightroom again , exporting as jpeg and tiff, same result. I can save the files out of PSPX4 as png format, no problem, no corruption.My workflow is the same across a large number of files, - hundreds of em, normally no problem. Just can't figure out what would cause this erratic problem.
I can open and save the problem files in gimp, which makes me think the problem is specific to PSPX4, but why does it not affect every file, only 20%??? Tried re installing PSPX4, no difference.Below is one of the problem jpegs file straight from Lightroom, before I load it into PSPX4.
In vX1 I could save jpeg without substantially reducing file Mb size. In vX4, whenever I edit and save a jpeg file (using save & save as), it results in a reduced number of Mb's. Options in the 'save as' dialog are set at best. It would appear that PSP X4 is automatically optimising. Is there any way that the original file size can be retained on saving after editing?
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
I have imported a jpeg image by double clicking it and it is showing as a vector in the workspace.All the tools on the left are greyed out(eg clone brush) except for the text tool.On selecting the text tool instead of the usual box showing a blue bar appears on top of the screen which can be moved about.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I'm having trouble using the paint brushes in photo paint x6. i open a JPEG or bitmap then use a paint brush to paint on the image but there is no paint. do i have to use a mask now? I tried copying a dupe for a second layer to see if that worked but nix. i still have x4 and i do it there. but what's with x6? all the other tools work but the paint brush.
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
I perfectly understand that paint save as png to avoid get information loss..BUT Why don't you let us configure an alternative save as to get jpeg ? Like another short cut : e.g "ctrl+shift+alt s" would let us save as jpeg without loosing each time 5sec to change png to jpeg. because when you have to save 10-20 print screen in a row that's more than painfull.
give us a option to set jpeg as default ! and if you are so afraid that ppl forget that will make them loose information just make a pop up to remind them why the png can be more interesting for other situation.
personally, i use to save in a sec print screen, to add somes informations it in need to post a screen on a forum etc.. and this soft is perfect for that since it load in a sec and its simple enough and fast.consider add a OPTION to allow us set jpeg as default save as.
I perfectly know that png is more interesting in somes case, and i dont want discut about why png > jpeg, i just would like to be able to do what i want and have a option to set the jpeg as default.
I normally save my images as jpegs. What I'd like to know is can bet set to save as jpeg by default, to avoid having to change from .png each time.
Also, is there a way of short-cutting to the acquire screen, rather than going file > acquire > from scanner or camera > Select device each time - I only have one scanner, so I use that each time.
I have a unusual shape that I want to save so I can use in Word. I have filled the middle bit of the shape in white, and the rest of the shape outside is the checkboard (which indicates transparency). But when I save it as a jpeg, and paste into Word, the background is white, not transparent. auto saves my files as PNG. This is VERY annoying because I am saving many, many files. Each time I save I have to switch it to JPEG. If it is PNG I cannot see the file on my PC (it will be invisible). Plus, more programs use JPEG than PNG. This auto choosing PNG is a big waist of my time/energy/effort. is there an option to change this?
The plague has struck my X4. I have done absolutely nothing to the computer in over two years. I can't save a file as a JPEG to most folders using Save AS. It will save a file as a JPEG to the TEMP folder -- but the preview in which I can set compression does not show up. However, it still works well if I Export to Web.