Paint Shop Pro :: X4 - Zoom On Cursor
Sep 11, 2011What happened to using the mouse wheel to zoom & unzoom on the cursor? It will zoom and unzoom, but without regard to the cursor location. I want it back?!
View 11 RepliesWhat happened to using the mouse wheel to zoom & unzoom on the cursor? It will zoom and unzoom, but without regard to the cursor location. I want it back?!
View 11 RepliesUsing PSP X3 on an Win7 Home Premium system with an ATI HD 5700 Series card.My Version is and video card driver/software was updated 2 days ago.
I do a lot of screen captures but I have not been able to get X3 to include the Cursor in the capture!!I have tried it in Full Screen, Client area, and Window but it never shows up.I have even un-checked it (Include Cursor) and re-checked it to make sure it was set
Upon selecting the Adjust workspace and moving the cursor over the image in the preview area the cursor changes to a dropper and a small box opens which contains 2 columns of data. The column headings are…
Current: Original:
Below them are the values of the R,G,B channels at the cursor position. Moving the cursor around the image in the preview area changes these values. Left or right clicking places a target on the image and changes the colour balance of the image. I presume it is selecting a new value for the White Balance. However, the data values remain identical in the Current: and Original: columns.
The dropper and box are only displayed when the Smart Photo Fix option is selected in the Adjust Palette.
So, how does one get the data values for Current: and Original: to display different values? What is the difference between left click and right click? What is the overall function of this feature?
PaintShop Pro X6 x64
I have owned previous versions of Paint Shop Pro, but decided to upgrade again. I really like Paint Shop Pro X4, and it has worked for me in the past on this same machine (Windows 7 HP laptop).
For some reason PSPx4 will not open -- ever -- not at all. The cursor spins continuously. I need to end the program manually. I have installed Corel PSPx4 service pack 3 and this did not work. My computer is healthy.
I have not tried installing and reinstalling PSPx4 because I can't find my disc, but I'm still looking ( I moved recently and I think I misplaced it).
Why did it stop working all of a sudden? I have a bunch of photos to edi.
PSPX5. I've just noticed that the brush size is 1px per side less than is set:
brush size.png (4.14 KiB) Viewed 465 times
How can I zoom the image without distortion?
In photoshop it is "convert to smart object" command.How can I do it with Paint Shop Pro?
Cursor get very jumpy when i zoom in close to things to measure or move.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I zoom in with the scroll wheel, the zoom is relative to location of the cursor. However, when I zoom out using the scroll wheel, it automatically zooms out relative to the center of the canvas. Is there a shortcut key or a setting that will allow for when you zoom out to be centered on the location of your mouse, rather than the center of the canvas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy did my cursor turn into a zoom tool with a photo sized to Fit; and how can I make it go back to a normal arrow?
It is only happening when the photo is sized to Fit. At other sizes, the cursor is normal.
This just started after I finished using the Adjustment Brush. I had used Cntrl + to zoom a photo while using the Adjustment Brush.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi would like to change the Cursor of the brush itself. Right now its a simple cross, i need to change it into an red circle. As far Paint net is open source, i would like to know if i am able to change the cursor by myself.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm making a map for Dungeons and Dragons using a rather large resolution. 20,000x13,332 @ 300 pixels per inch.
My max zoom is @ 164% when I try to just it further the Zoom percentage increases but the image doesn't actually zoom. Which I'm having a hard time adjusting small details with, how to increase how far I can zoom?
I use iMac i7 with lion 10.7.5..After a "considerable" amount of editing, photoshop just stops responding. For example, the paint brush cursor will move but no paint can be applied. Have about 10-12 layers, guessing abour 70 history steps.
Must exit the app and restart, at which time it will behave normally. I use latest, almost, OS and have 8GB ram.
I've noticed when you tilt things using Rotate/Zoom the edges and some finer details can get quite jaggy.Pretty much like in Shape3D unless you check the AA option and raise the level up to 4/5. Then all the creases are ironed out and detail is kept Is it even possible to put an AA option into Rotate/ Zoom ?
View 11 Replies View RelatedJust wondering about the possibility of zoom windows (output windows).The Opened File in the UR corner works okay as a zoomed/output window, but a separate window is always nice. For instance:
01. Deleting backgrounds: You often have to zoom in to do such things. It would be nice to see the output in a less zoomed version (300%, 200%, 100%, etc).
02. Working with icons: How to tell if your shade looked good without zooming out again?
The way I've seen it done (at AlphaGraphics, etc) is you make changes, then you keyboard shortcut zoom out. You do that over and over again until you're done. Works okay, but I think having to access the keyboard that much could seriously crimp your creativity.
Pretty sure you can't do such things with a plugin. Maybe I could write a separate class instance expression, add a bit of Lambada to a nested routine, and finally a go to statement that doesn't work?
Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am finding some inconsistencies when using tools provided in Paint.NET.
For 2 examples, I'll simply describe the behavior of the Escape key.
Exhibit A:
I would like to use Text to type in some letters with different colors. What I would do is press T (shortcut key for Text), select a color, type a letter, press ESC, nothing happened, click somewhere else, click back to the letter, select a different color, type a letter, ESC, nothing happened, repeat...
After I'm done, I press ESC again with nothing happening, and press a different shortcut key to continue editing, like O (shortcut key for Line/Curve).
Exhibit B:
I would like to draw a circle and a line. After finish typing, I press O four times to use the Ellipse tool, draw a circle, and then press ESC. Nothing happened. Next, I press O once to use the Line tool, start drawing a line, and then press ESC. At this point, my drawn line is canceled for good, and I need to either use Redo to recover it, or redraw the line again.
Here I present to you these two exhibits. Notice that sometimes, pressing ESC does nothing other than jumping back to cursor, and sometimes cancelling the action that was done.
Would it be possible if the Escape key has a consistent action throughout all of the tools?
I’m getting a strange cursor when I use the Paint Bucket tool. Instead of the bucket with the pointy bit to show where you’re aiming, I get three tiny paint buckets in a horizontal line, looking a bit like a fragmented ruler, so it is impossible to see where the point of the paint bucket is. I have used CAPS LOCK to get the crosshairs but would refer the normal setting to be available too.
I have shut down the PC and restarted with PS9 as the only app open but I still get this funny cursor. Some of the cursors from other tools are also affected, esp. when I left-click.Have I changed a setting by accident?
My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI was searching for capabilities to zoom in and out on a graphic and my search led me here. I just want to find out is Paint.Net is a library that can be useful to achive what I want. Here is a brief description of the task:
1. I need to develop a small application designated to conduct a survey of all the workstations in a company. The surveys will be conducted on tablets. Because our expertise is in .NET platform, we need to implement the application for Windows-based tablets;
2. I start with a bunch of floor plans (CAD drawings that can be formated in .bmp, .jpeg, .tiff or any other graphical format you can possibly think off;
3. As the surveyor walks around the offices, following the floor plan that was selected on the tablet, he/she needs to click on the floor plan and through a small form that pops-up, indicate whether the workstation/office that is surveyed was empty or occupied and if it was occupied, whether the person was on the phone, on the computer or in a collaboration. Simple checkboxes.
4. When a workstation was surveyed, I need to place a flag or a letter on top of the floor plan, just to indicate the location as being surveyed (floor plans can have up to 250 workstations and offices, so it's easy to miss some).
5. Because the floor plans tend to be huge, fitting all of the graphic file on the screen of a tablet may render the plan unreadable. So I need to build zoom in , zoom out capabilities. Pinch zoom in/zoom out, the iPad way, would be fantastic, but I need to find out if the tablet (Samsung or HP) supports that. Meanwhile, I can add scroll bars to move different areas of the plan into view and a slide control to zoom in and out.
My questions:
- Does the Paint.NET library have any functionality to allow me to zoom in and out of a graphic?
- Can I add icons (or letters - 'C' for on the computer, 'T' for on the phone, 'X' for empty) on top of the floor plan? I need to place them at the location of a click on the plan (need to get coordinates for that) but also need to memorize them so that if a certain area is taken out of the view and then brought back into view, I need to redraw all the icons/letters so that the surveyor doesn't survey the area again.
- Finally, at the end of the survey I need to print the entire floor plan and add all the icons (or letters) on top of the plan, to give the manager an overview of a snap-shot of the floor at a certain time of the day.
Can I do all these things with Paint.NET?
Is there a way (plugin and or method) to rotate/zoom a layer without anti aliasing being applied?I'm working with sprites and anti aliasing is a pain to remove.
View 4 Replies View Related100% means that it scales up to 100%, then stops.
Window means that it scales up to the entire window, however it only goes up to 100%.
I often use Paint.NET while creating documentation for users of various computer applications, mainly working with screenshots. For awhile I've thought that instead of simply circling a spot on the image and labelling it with an arrow, it would might better to 'pull' that section of the image up, so that it appears larger and in-front of the rest of the image.
I created a crude mock-up of what I'm trying to accomplish:
Is it possible to use the scaling handles (nubs?) on a layer when it is zoomed in?
I'm working on a technical drawing with several imported layers and fairly high resolution (600 dpi). All areas of each layer must precisely register with corresponding points on the other layers. However, as they were imported, there were several pixels difference between them. If I zoom out to the window, I see the scaling handles at the edges and can move any side or corner to rescale the layer, but the resolution is too low to see the image well enough to place it precisely. If I zoom in, I no longer can access the scaling handles.
I would like to zoom in to one corner of the image and align all the layers, then go to the opposite corner, zoom in, and adjust that corner into alignment without changing the first corner.
I had Corel Photo Paint v.9, have used it for years in addition to DRAW, but recently my computer died and I had to replace it. I installed it on the new machine, which is running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit, but the line tool suddenly started acting nuts. I would move the cursor to where I wanted to start the line and start the line with a mouse click. The line would then dart half-way down the screen and would be nowhere near the cursor's cross hairs making it difficult to work on images.
So, I figured it was a compatibility issue so I bought Corel Technical Suite X6 and have installed it. The line tool does exactly the same thing. The position of the line is nowhere near the crosshairs of the cursor. Is this a new "feature" or is this a bug? If the former, how can I get it to work like I am accustomed to working (I have used DRAW and Photopaint since the mid 1990's, using version 5.0). If the latter, how can I fix it?
When trying to use the clone tool, my initial cursor locations (as picked by me) appears to be about 200 pixels off. I have updated video drivers and mouse drivers to no avail. There was a posting some time back about the same issue, but it seems to be unresolved. The solution was to remove code from the registry.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis has happened to me a few times. Randomly, when I'm selecting a brush size, the brush cursor will change to a tiny diameter, looks like it's the size of a one pixel brush. Only the cursor is inaccurate though, when I start to paint the actual brush size is fine.
I usually just restart photoshop, but the document I'm working on right now still isn't working right.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
I do a lot of pixel art for games - how do I set up a second window of an image at a different zoom? Here's a picture of Photoshop doing it...
How do I do that in Corel Photo Paint, so I can edit at two zoom levels at the same time?