I am finding some inconsistencies when using tools provided in Paint.NET.
For 2 examples, I'll simply describe the behavior of the Escape key.
Exhibit A:
I would like to use Text to type in some letters with different colors. What I would do is press T (shortcut key for Text), select a color, type a letter, press ESC, nothing happened, click somewhere else, click back to the letter, select a different color, type a letter, ESC, nothing happened, repeat...
After I'm done, I press ESC again with nothing happening, and press a different shortcut key to continue editing, like O (shortcut key for Line/Curve).
Exhibit B:
I would like to draw a circle and a line. After finish typing, I press O four times to use the Ellipse tool, draw a circle, and then press ESC. Nothing happened. Next, I press O once to use the Line tool, start drawing a line, and then press ESC. At this point, my drawn line is canceled for good, and I need to either use Redo to recover it, or redraw the line again.
Here I present to you these two exhibits. Notice that sometimes, pressing ESC does nothing other than jumping back to cursor, and sometimes cancelling the action that was done.
Would it be possible if the Escape key has a consistent action throughout all of the tools?
Just lost an important photo.When I open X5, I select a photo. I click on one of the "Instant effects" The photo changes to whatever I selected. The problem. if I don't like it, that's tuf as the go back button does nothing 9 times out of 10 ("revert current editing") so, to get the original back I close X5 expecting to get the message "Save changes to xxxxx. No it seems it has saved it to whatever effect I chose.... no turning back it seems.
When I have a none vector tool active for example the brush tool and I press and hold the Ctrl key down I see the cursor change from the current tool to the move tool cursor. If I presses and hold the Alt key I see the cursor change from the current tool to the eyedropper tool. If I press and hold both the Ctrl+Alt keys a see a cursor icon change to an icon that has two up pointing Arrow heads one Black the other White. What tool is that cursor for? It seems to copy and move the current layer and move its position over the canvas.Â
When i click my mouse to draw the cursor moves up and to the left of the position i started which makes any and all editing impossible. Imagine trying to draw a line but the starting point is a half to a full inch up and to the left of where you wanted the line to start. I've tried a clean install even changed my mouse. doesn't do it it drawx4 only photo-paint x4.
how to turn off the mouse function when the mouse cursor moves over a feature, such as an edge, point, or surface, and highlights it. I don't want it highlighting the features automatically. I want it to highlight once I click over a feature. My colleagues and I are very distraught by this feature, and will be discontinuing our use of your products that do not allow us to turn this feature off. I'm not sure why you'd want to weed your customer base like this, assuming that I can't turn this option off from the research I've done pouring through the hundreds of complaints related to this issue. I haven't been able to find any posts recently, or regarding Inventor 2013 specificially on this issue, so I was hoping this version had the option of turning it off. Does any of Autodesk's software, such as AutoCAD, have the option of turning it off?
I'm trying to use it instead of my photoshop «not very legal» version.
There is a feature I really like in Photoshop and GIMP which is the ability to draw a line using pen/brush/eraser/any tool using the SHIFT modifier key. This really miss me in Paint.NET. You click somewhere, you move the cursor elsewhere, holding SHIFT you click again, and (using the tool you currently have selected) a perfect line is drawn between the two points.
I recently have developed a problem using Photo Paint. I have already tried to use F8 and restored factory settings, and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program. I do not have this problem when logged in as the guest user on my computer, just under my normal profile. I want to correct the settings under my normal profile.
When editing the tool tip does not line up with the selector or cross hairs. For example if I have the paint tool selected and try to paint it actually begins painting about two inches from where I want to begin painting. See picture below: The small clear circle represents where I want to begin, but the red dot is where it paints.Â
When trying to use the clone tool, my initial cursor locations (as picked by me) appears to be about 200 pixels off. I have updated video drivers and mouse drivers to no avail. There was a posting some time back about the same issue, but it seems to be unresolved. The solution was to remove code from the registry.
Getting the [current] x,y position of the crosshairs seems stupidly difficult! Also, while I can see the event handlers in the object browser, there are a lot and not much input. I'm trying to project different temporary graphics based on where the users mouse is on the screen - I'm happy to do it in increments to make it faster but I've been trying to capture this:
thinking it would be best, but that seems to fire :
only once. and I don't need this to only fire when over an entity so much as for every certain amount of mouse movement..I'm about to break down and run the whole thing through screen mouse api calls and convert to viewport x,y as I go, but surely someone needed the live x,y of the crosshairs before now?
In PS CS4, my cursor position often "jumps around" in a very random way, the instant the mousebutton is pressed. For example, when using the brush tool, it will start drawing on a completely different place than the cursor was positionen when I wanted to start painting... The same thing for the lasso tool, etc... I use Vista home 32-bit, CS 4 with latest patches (as of 2009-04-14) and a standard cordless Microsoft mouse - nothing fancy. Mouse works in all other programs 100% of the time.
When I'm trying to select/move/do anything anywhere on my workspace (not the UI, the actual window where you model), the cursor is offset by about a centimeter. I've tried running as administrator/doing all sorts of compatibility things and resetting the user interface in Max. I've also tried changing various settings on my video card (power saving off and whatnot).
I'm running windows 7 64 bit, all drivers are up to date.
The issue I am having a problem with is a mouse cursor freeze when I select an object with no command active.When I select an object, the cursor will freeze for about a second before I can move it again. When I hit escape to de-select the object the same thing happens.
This is with Acad LT 2011. WinXP. Normal operation this computer runs ACAD quite fast, no particular lags or anything except maybe when selecting to copy or move very large groups of objects, or when switching between layouts or to model space when there is a fair amount of stuff in the layout, or when regen on a large file size.
This mouse cursor lag was not always the case, but at some point this problem appeared.I have tried save, regen, regenall, closing the drawing, exiting ACAD LT, rebooting the computer.
It's very irritating, since so much of using ACAD is clicking and doing things with the mouse, that it really slows down my production, to have to get a cup of coffee every time I do a select action with the mouse.About a week ago I installed the trial version of LT 2012 to see if it was different. When I opened the same dwg in 2012 there was no lag.
I then closed this and opened the dwg in 2011, and there was no lag. So it seems that the installation of the 2012 trial version changed something in the way 2011 operated.It has been operating fine now with no lag until this morning. Now I have the lag again.When I now open the same dwg in 2012, I now have this lag in 2012 as well.
I did not change any settings in 2012 or 2011 like hardware acceleration or whatever. I just suddenly had this lag, and now I can't seem to get rid of it. Attached is a file that was made by opening ACAD LT 2011 and drawing a few lines, then saving it. No template used.On my computer with this file, I get the mouse cursor lag when I select a line.
i dont know why but sometimes my mouse cursor changes to a cross hatch rather than be an arrow or circle? why is it changing and how can i get it back to like a circle?
its very annoying to paint or erase using the cross hatch as the exact area that will be covered is not shown!
am experiencing display problems with Civil 3d 2012 on my Hp Elitebook laptop, when i open surface properties and go to styles dropdown menu i get empty dialog but if i move mouse cursor out of the dialog they appeared the same issue appears on other dialogs. I installed c3d 2013 trial still i get same problem. I installed autodesk certified driver same problem.
The new clone tool in CS6 shows you what you will be transferring to the photo. I find this distracting at times. Is there any way to revert to the original use of the clone tool where the transferred portion does not show up?
I have a ListView control from where I drag items to Drawing area. Whenever mouse leaves the ListView Control and enters the AutoCAD drawing area, AutoCAD claims the mouse cursor back to Cross Pointer.
Is it possible to change this cursor during drag operation to a pointer with some attachment? As normally happened in Windows Explorer while dragging and dropping files among folders.
Is it possible to get the symbol preview sticking on mouse cursor while my own insert sketched symbol command is active? Is this a special cursortype or how to realize this?
When I move my mouse over my image the brush cursor is not moving and it will not let me click on my image (with the mouse) the crosshair/cursor will follow it, however the brush will not, nor will any other tools, my wacom tablet however works fine.
I thought it must be something to do with GIMP accepting input but its not going as of yet.
This is a incosistent problem, in which I cannot determine why it's happening and it doesn't happen all the time. I often restart Lightroom and it is ok after that. Â In a small area of the screen the curser doesn't function. I cannot select an image or anything in that area while in the library module and when in the develop module brushes change back to the arrow icon and don't allow me to click in that area. Â This is my first time using Lightroom and am currently using version 4.3 that I downloaded from the Mac App store. I am running a new MacBook Pro with OS 10.8.2 Mountain lion.
I've relaunched and tried re-installing Illustrator CC twice and didn't solve this unexpected crash problem. It has never happened since I paid for this software months ago. Â Illustrator won't crash when: - using the keyboard arrows to manually move any path or drawn shapes/ objects - using my wireless mouse to draw objects/ new paths from clipboards, colour boards etc. Â Illustrator CRASHES when: - using my wireless mouse and macbook's touchpad mouse to move any new or old drawn paths/ objects/ shapes/ lines etc. Â In my Opinion - ROOT OF PROBLEM: - Wirelss and macbook's touchpad mouse cursor causees it to hang then crash 1 minute later. Â Why would my mouse cursor suddenly be the cause of this crash problem when it was working fine all along?
Below is the error message, I use this software to run my design business. Â Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adobe Illustrator [18899] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Illustrator Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â com.adobe.illustrator Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 17.1.0 (17.0.0) Code Type:Â Â Â Â Â Â X86-64 (Native) Parent Process:Â launchd [122] User ID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 501
On a previous computer I used Illustrator for, when I would draw or make selections, next to the cursor in a small black box with white text, there would be the dimenstions information. It was similar to what you'd find in the Window>Info panel but simplified and would let you know how big the selection you're making is. I've looked all over the Preferences and can't find it.
I have been using Illustrator 6 for about a week now and am being driven mad by the new paint bucket. Is there any way that I might revert to the old version of paint bucket? It was alot easier to use.
I have recently installed the newest AC Architecture. Unfortunately I have some problem with tools in one palette CHANGE.
When I choose one of them (f.e. sign door or sign window) I get this kind of allert that "I can not find the tool in the current workspace". I have no ide what can be a problem.
More over on my friend's computer all this tools work correctly but only from the ribbon (it isn't possible to use this tool directly from command space).
I just got a tablet for drawing web comics in photoshop and in trying to draw with the pen tool i cannot hardly see the stupid cursor as it is some sort of tiny cross hair. Is there any way to make the cursor bigger or change it to something else so i can see it?
CS2 / WindowsXP - Usually when I DESELECT an image (the marching ants) by keys CONTROL-D, or by right-clicking the drop down DESELECT, isn't there another way to DESELECT by...
... just r-clicking away from the image using the mouse to deselect the marching ants? I'm drawing a blank and I have tons of copy, pasting to do, and my right hand is getting very, very tired. I'm sure I used this function before, I just forgot how to enable this function. I have been to the EDIT> KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS and PREFERENCES, but nowhere can I find this.
Am I tripping, or is there a way to actually do this?
Is there any way to make the cursor in the liquify tool be a little thinner and loose the cross hairs? I am having accuracy issues and if I could see more of what I am moving it would work. I an using and Intous 3 tablet but also have the same issue with the mouse. Â I have tried zooming in but that does not seem to work when trying to adjust very small areas. If the cursor cannot be changed, any tips or tricks? Â Also the size adjustment for the cursor is does not appear to be linear and increases or decreases in size in very large jumps especially when using the slider but also with the [Â and ] keys.
When I use the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" with my mouse, it is often difficult to do it accurately. Is there an easier way to do it than with the mouse, -Â can I manually enter the size of my selection .
The wheel as a pan tool was good the other day, but today when I opened CAD, it did not work anymore, there was no pan tool appearing when holding the wheel of the mouse. It is rather strange!! Then I searched the internet and resetted it by input command " Mbuttonpan---- 1-----enter", But there was no change.