Photoshop :: Cursor Change From Current Tool To Move Tool
Jul 31, 2013
When I have a none vector tool active for example the brush tool and I press and hold the Ctrl key down I see the cursor change from the current tool to the move tool cursor. If I presses and hold the Alt key I see the cursor change from the current tool to the eyedropper tool. If I press and hold both the Ctrl+Alt keys a see a cursor icon change to an icon that has two up pointing Arrow heads one Black the other White. What tool is that cursor for? It seems to copy and move the current layer and move its position over the canvas.
I am finding some inconsistencies when using tools provided in Paint.NET.
For 2 examples, I'll simply describe the behavior of the Escape key.
Exhibit A:
I would like to use Text to type in some letters with different colors. What I would do is press T (shortcut key for Text), select a color, type a letter, press ESC, nothing happened, click somewhere else, click back to the letter, select a different color, type a letter, ESC, nothing happened, repeat...
After I'm done, I press ESC again with nothing happening, and press a different shortcut key to continue editing, like O (shortcut key for Line/Curve).
Exhibit B:
I would like to draw a circle and a line. After finish typing, I press O four times to use the Ellipse tool, draw a circle, and then press ESC. Nothing happened. Next, I press O once to use the Line tool, start drawing a line, and then press ESC. At this point, my drawn line is canceled for good, and I need to either use Redo to recover it, or redraw the line again.
Here I present to you these two exhibits. Notice that sometimes, pressing ESC does nothing other than jumping back to cursor, and sometimes cancelling the action that was done.
Would it be possible if the Escape key has a consistent action throughout all of the tools?
I have used the marquee tool to select an area and moved it using the cursor keys. Now I want to drop it/commit it even when I hit enter I can't seem to get rid of the marquee flashing surround.
My cursor suddenly does not change with the selection of tools when working on photos. Once I roll over the picture the arrow is lost and becomes a strange 3 small things, so can't do any work accurately. Still using PS 7 in Win 7. This was not a problem previously. Already uninstalled and reinstalled and problem is still there.
I've never had this issue before. Can't get anything done with it like this Did I make a global change without knowing it? I shut it down and restarted but its the same. The tool bar changes to the correct function .i.e. zoom, or crop, or whatever I choose. But it won't do anything but pan...
Usually the tool cursor is a circle the size the tool is set to, that is, it will be 60 pixels in diameter when the tool size is set to 60 pixels. Sometimes, the tool cursor changes to a gun sight-like icon. I have no idea what I'm doing to cause that, but I'd like to know in order to 1) stop doing it, and 2) maintain my sanity.
Why does dragging on a Touch Screen change the cursor into a Hand Tool? This did not happen in CS 5.5 and I could edit on my touch screen monitor. With Photoshop CS 6, as soon as I start to drag, the cursor changes to a hand cursor. I have look at all of the system options and nothing seems to affect it so I have to assume it is something wrong with Photoshop CS 6.
how does one change from the text to the move tool via the keyboard without entering "v" in the text that you were just working on? Even if I move the mouse outside of the text area, pressing "v" on the keyboard adds the "v" character to the text area. Do I need to click on the Move icon on the panel to escape the Text mode?
How do you change the characteristic of the cursor from Hand (Move Tool) back to just being a pointer? This condition only exists in the Develope Module when my cursor is placed over the top of the photo. When I move it off the photo it returns to a pointer. In the Library Module it is always a pointer like I like it to be.
In ps7 editor I can have 2 pictures cascaded and using the marquee tool and the move tool insert a section of one picture into the other. I cannot do this in ps11, what am I doing wrong?
I hit the zoom tool to zoom in on my document. Say I want to zoom in 5 times. After zooming in once (clicking on the document once), the magnifying glass switches to the move tool cursor If I click again, slowly, it goes back to zooming.
I started learning Photoshop CS4 about a month ago. One of the first things I learned was to add text. Simple, fun. I am now trying to learn about layer masks. One of the exercises in one of my books is to open an image and then add text to it. (The idea is to then add a mask and 'hide' portions of the text behind portions of the image.) A really strange thing is happening when I try to add text. I highlight the image in the layers column. (Prior to adding any mask layers.) I then click the text tool. But when I click on the image (in the area where I want the text), the text tool 'becomes' a move tool. A text layer pops up and the words I'm trying to type on the image come out in the title area for the layer (in the layers column). I've tried everything I can think of to 'get' the text on the image but can't solve it.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
In Xara Designer Pro 7, when I have selector tool active and want to drag over a number of elements to select them the selector tool will change the size of the canvas (page). Is that not a bug? I used this way of selecting elements often, and it is not good for me with this new behaviour.
Is it a bug or is it a new setting which I then need to change?
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
I just got a tablet for drawing web comics in photoshop and in trying to draw with the pen tool i cannot hardly see the stupid cursor as it is some sort of tiny cross hair. Is there any way to make the cursor bigger or change it to something else so i can see it?
Is there any way to make the cursor in the liquify tool be a little thinner and loose the cross hairs? I am having accuracy issues and if I could see more of what I am moving it would work. I an using and Intous 3 tablet but also have the same issue with the mouse.
I have tried zooming in but that does not seem to work when trying to adjust very small areas. If the cursor cannot be changed, any tips or tricks?
Also the size adjustment for the cursor is does not appear to be linear and increases or decreases in size in very large jumps especially when using the slider but also with the [ and ] keys.
Working away in ps cs5 and click on the direct selection tool and all I get is the hand (move) tool and what ever tool I click on I just get the hand tool! This happened in indesign too.
It goes back to normal if I reboot and just found that when i opened illustrator while having this prob in ps and then went back to photoshop the problem rectified.
Whenever I use the text tool the cursor and symbols and so on are always on the left and when I try and use a symbol they are put at the start of whatever I type.
- Reset Text tool. - Make sure type preference is on default.
I am using Windows 7 Professional 64. I have disabled my virus protection. After several minutes installing I get the messgae: Adobe Photoshop Elements 9.0.3 Update.Patch cannot be applied. Please contact product support. But there dioes not appear to be any address to contact support. The cursor on my tools is a blurr of severl + signs and other nondiscript items.
I just started using Inventor and I have this issue, that whenever I set a dimension in a sketch, the sketch doesn't update to the new dimension until I move my mouse/cursor. Is this normal? Is there any way to change it so it updates as soon as I hit the enter button (after entering a dimension)
I am using Photoshop CS5 on a Macbook Pro Retina Mountain Lion.When I use the liquify tool, I want the cursor to NOT display. So I can liquify without seeing the crosshair or circle.
A way to revert the icon for the lasso tool to its old self... or at least turn it into a simple cursor.
The lasso tool in this new Photoshop version suddenly forces you to see a double image: both the original lasso and a cursor above it that points to the actual connection point. This setup is annoying as hell and no - I haven't gotten used to it.
The tool ends up so large that it's obscuring part of what I want to select... not to mention that my instinct wants to see the connection point on the tip of the lasso. What was great about the original lasso was the fact that the icon itself was so thin that it didn't obscure what I was trying to select. Not just do I suddenly have an icon that's twice as large, the arrow is also thick and opaque - it's very much in my way and totally counter productive! I can understand wanting to make things more unified... but this is not the way to do it.
At least give us the option to have the lasso show up as either an arrow or the old tool. You're allowing us to show the pen tips as cursors... why not include that choice for the lasso tool too? A simple dropdown on the top when I select the tool would do the trick just fine. I might actually like having the lasso tool as a thin arrow instead of a lasso shape.
However - As it is now, it's a bad design and makes for a clunky tool that has two origin tips AND obscures my selection area.