Photoshop :: Cursor Won't Change, Its Alway The Hand Tool
Oct 24, 2007
I've never had this issue before. Can't get anything done with it like this Did I make a global change without knowing it? I shut it down and restarted but its the same. The tool bar changes to the correct function .i.e. zoom, or crop, or whatever I choose. But it won't do anything but pan...
Why does dragging on a Touch Screen change the cursor into a Hand Tool? This did not happen in CS 5.5 and I could edit on my touch screen monitor. With Photoshop CS 6, as soon as I start to drag, the cursor changes to a hand cursor. I have look at all of the system options and nothing seems to affect it so I have to assume it is something wrong with Photoshop CS 6.
Working away in ps cs5 and click on the direct selection tool and all I get is the hand (move) tool and what ever tool I click on I just get the hand tool! This happened in indesign too.
It goes back to normal if I reboot and just found that when i opened illustrator while having this prob in ps and then went back to photoshop the problem rectified.
Everytime i use a brush it stays white i cant change the color of it. I tried reseting brushes the color mode is set to RGB color and im still having trouble...
When I have a none vector tool active for example the brush tool and I press and hold the Ctrl key down I see the cursor change from the current tool to the move tool cursor. If I presses and hold the Alt key I see the cursor change from the current tool to the eyedropper tool. If I press and hold both the Ctrl+Alt keys a see a cursor icon change to an icon that has two up pointing Arrow heads one Black the other White. What tool is that cursor for? It seems to copy and move the current layer and move its position over the canvas.
How do you change the characteristic of the cursor from Hand (Move Tool) back to just being a pointer? This condition only exists in the Develope Module when my cursor is placed over the top of the photo. When I move it off the photo it returns to a pointer. In the Library Module it is always a pointer like I like it to be.
My cursor suddenly does not change with the selection of tools when working on photos. Once I roll over the picture the arrow is lost and becomes a strange 3 small things, so can't do any work accurately. Still using PS 7 in Win 7. This was not a problem previously. Already uninstalled and reinstalled and problem is still there.
Usually the tool cursor is a circle the size the tool is set to, that is, it will be 60 pixels in diameter when the tool size is set to 60 pixels. Sometimes, the tool cursor changes to a gun sight-like icon. I have no idea what I'm doing to cause that, but I'd like to know in order to 1) stop doing it, and 2) maintain my sanity.
I'm working along in PS CC (and this happened in CS6) and all is going fine. Then for some unknown reason the cursor changes to a hand and none of the tools will work. The only way to reset PS, is to restart the computer. Just restarting PS won't work.
The cursor displays the Hand on any image I open, regardless of what tool is selected. I can select other tools, change the pallette and the cursor is normal but I go back over to the image and it goes to the hand and I can't do anything.
I'm running CS3 Extended on a Dell Latitude 830 laptop with a Dell bluetooth mouse and a Wacom tablet -- the tablet plugs into a USB port.
I'm seeing two hands, two magnifying glasses, two selection tool arrows, etc.
How do I get rid of the doppleganger? It doesn't affect performance,
I have a second laptop with a different bluetooth mouse and have shut that off (machine and mouse) thinking it was picking up an extra signal, but it doesn't make a difference.
For cropping part of an image, the cursor virtually snaps to positions according to what the programmer sees in the image. Maybe not always, but that is the way it seems to me in many cases. Even when it does not do so, I find it impossible to move the cursor in very tiny increments by using my mouse. If I were to greatly enlarge the image on the screen to get finer control, then only part of the image would fit on the screen. I want a technique for controlling the selection with as much fine precision as is available when resizing, for example. We can specify hundredths of a millimeter when resizing; very finely precise indeed.
Is there a technique that I can use to have very fine and precise control of a crop, preferably by specifying a movement left-right-up-down using decimal fractions of a unit of distance? The same question applies to using the selection tool.
I have a problem with the cursor in 3DS max 2014. I am using windows 8 and when i hover over the empty spaces in the menus on the right, the cursor flickers between the arrow an the hand.
I can choose any tool either by menu or by shortcut, but only the hand icon remains visible and active. Reopen Photoshop and rebooting mac doesn't work, only solution I have found is: Repair Disk Permissions.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
In Indesign CS6 using Mountain Lion, the hand tool appears and I can't select or work with any other tool. All I can do is move the document around. After trying the space bar and other key commands I restarted and it worked for a while. Then it happened again. I work on a Macbook pro, so when I removed the mouse and worked only with the trackpad there was no change. When I quit and reopened, no change. I then deleted prefs and restarted and it worked, but it's been happening from time to time. Any other fix without restarting or deleting prefs.
I just recently downloaded the Adobe Photoshop CS3 Trial, and I've been using it for a couple days now. I was using it today, and I don't know what I did, but my cursor is a 'Hand', but it seems I cannot do anything, or change to a different tool, such as a brush. I'll click the brush tool, but the cursor will remain the 'Hand', and same with all the other tools. I also opened another version of Photoshop that I own (Adobe photoshop 5.0), and the cursor there is also a 'Hand', and it's the same problem as in CS3.
i have recently upgraded my computer with a new mb, 8gb ram, clean install of vista 64 bit and cs4. after initial problems with screen lag i installed a new graphics card and all seems to be working fine. problem is using the hand tool. i was accustomed in cs3 to comparing two files side by side, let's say the same image with two different levels of sharpening. i was able to view both images at 100% and using the hand tool move each image independently. this made comparing particular areas of the images easy. in cs4 when i open two images and use the hand tool it moves both images at the same time.
i'm working on something that the hand tool is constantly selected? You know the white hand tool (H). If I try and select any other tool..I can't select it as the hand tool wont change
My cursor is showing the hand tool no matter what tool is selected. And the tools of course do not work then. PS restart does not help, I have to restart the PC (Vista 32 Ultimate).
I read about this problem many time in the web. Why isn`t there any solution? Even CS4 11.01 has this bug.
way to use the hand tool (or spacebar) even if the entire image is visible, like you could do in previous versions. One might wonder why you would want to pan if you can already see the entire image. This comes up when one of your layers is bigger than the main image. If you try to Transform the layer, but the transform handles are off the edge of the screen, you need the hand tool. Otherwise you have to zoom out even further to get at the handles.
My hand tool quit working. I looked in the forums. I've closed all browsers, restarted, rebooted, and removed the prefs.psp file. Not sure what to do now?
I have just purchased Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium. In Photoshop, the hand tool is not working. The hand icon shows but does not pan the open image.