Searching for how to simply, quickly smooth round edges, I learned a lot of other things I'd been wondering how to do in PDN. But I didn't find a simple way to smooth round edges of non professional grade (not art) round outer edges. Say, for a Windows icon.
Even drawing the circle on a 32 x 32 background, when saved as png then opened in Greenfish Icon Editor & converted to ICO, the real icon (say on desktop) is still a bit jagged in places. The points at 0, 90, 180, 270 deg are obviously flattened & rest of circumference is a bit jagged (not terrible, but...).
I tried several tools to smooth edges a bit, but of course pixels are square... Read numerous posts - like [URL].....
This WAY overkill for what I'm doing - right now. Useful for later. All I want is circles or rounded corners on simple objects w/o spending much time - not for this type stuff. I learned good techniques useful for higher quality work.
PDN doesn't seem to have a simple, quicker way to half decently smooth circles / corners. Everything I tried just followed the square pixel edges or is quite tedious. Greenfish has some pretty decent tools - for making icons. But, smoothing rounded edges for something in the 32 px wide range is still pretty time consuming. Needs an algorithm to smooth circumferences.
I have gotten to a point where I have the round text,, I have a seal with a blank space.. I would like to put the round text into the blank space,, but when I try, and no matter how I try,, the text is a white square with round text on it when I try to place it in the circle.
The other thought that came to me,, what if ..(the text circle size was a guess) the text does not fit.. how do I expand or collape it? I know I have in the pass while playing with round text.. gone back to that effect and changed angles, start points etc.. is that the only way?
I have attached what I have so far. ( I tried to attach the file but I guess you can't, so these are the two I am working on,, as layers in
In PSE 8 I regularly used to round corners of images (as backgrounds or flattened images) by "Select All/Modify/Smooth?10px/Enter/Inverse/Delete" and had perfectly rounded corners to sit on a white background.I cannot for the life of me get the 'Smooth' option to light up in PSE11, it is permanently greyed out. The only 'Modify' option in bold is 'Border'
Basically, there you can see a selection of default brushes, and how some of them appear like just small circles, rather than a smooth, hard round default brush like they should. The second one is the one highlighted in the window.
When I use other brushes with my Wacom Bamboo they too look just a bit less effective than they used to. I don't want to reinstall
after I combine a simple poly cube the smooth function does not work?I use merge edge and merge vertices but still cannot get a smooth object..I have tried saving and reopening but still cannot smooth.
I would like to create a triangle, but with (really) round corners. Not just the points rounded off a little, but the corners going around evenly like circles.
(see infantile free-hand drawing attachment as an example)
Is this to accomplish in an easy manner?
The attachment seems to be missing, so here's a link: [URL].......
how can I make such images for buttons with round sides like here: URL....- the read one and the green one.In Paint "only" a rectangle with round "edges" exist.At the moment I have this button images at URL.... but I don't like it.
I have found myself trying to capture a logo that is round and copy it in order to paste it into another circle . (thus it has to be round , not rectangle or square)
The closest I have come was to use the Ellipe Select tool and "poke and hope".. but did finally get pretty much what I wanted.
I have drawn hundreds of straight lines with arrowheads (in PSP X2) in the past.But now I need the first time to draw a round line (approx half of a full circle).I tried a couple of variants and expected a three-step-drawing:
First click to place a start node then click a middle node and finally third click the end node.Afterwards I should be able to move the middle node and PSP should complete a round arrow line.But I cannot achieve this.
It happens e.g. always that an area is created and filled with red color.I don't want to fill an area - just one line.What exactly do I have to select in the parameter toolbar for "Mode" "Contour" "Connect segments" "Miter Join",.
I want to design a square icon with round corners. How do I get rid of the little white triangles in the four corners? I tried to design my icon on a transparent square canvas but I still get the little white triangles in the corners!!! And it does not seem possible to resize canvas to "fit" image size...
I've been messing around in paint.NET for a while and I'm about to be done with a project bigger than it looks, but I have a problem. I wanted to create a kind of intro for my Minecraft Youtube videos and all was going great until I rotated the shovel. The quality took a landslide and I really don't feel like visiting each individual pixel and sharpening it. Is there anything I can do to make the shovel look like it's actually part of the image?
Up to now, I have been unable to find a tool within PSPX3 to do the following:
Suppose I have loaded a .JPG file into PSPX3. Now I want to draw a smooth curve on this picture by picking a suitable set of points in the picture that will be connected smoothly with a nice curve. All I am able to perform is drawing a somehow ragged curve by (approximately) moving the cursor along the envisioned curve, but this ends up just looking awful. From my math studies, I remember something that is called a (B-)spline curve. Is there any version of PSPX... that allows (B-)spline curves? Similar/easier: simple polygons?
When you try to select a human face (and maybe body) from a complicated background then seperate it. You'd end up with this face having small parts coming off its edges (ends). You might try to use the eraser to some extent. Still the face or body will not look smooth. How to smooth it?
I'm trying to figure out how to fill this text with smooth edges. The blue part is the font I'm using and the white part is what I filled, using the paint bucket. You can see some jagged/uneven edges between the white and blue. I have tried different blurs, median at low radius, smart blur and several other things. I have even tried those things on just the blue text before filling with the paint bucket and it still shows up like this.
there were a simple batch process for resizing ... primarily for resizing width. This would be good for quickly creating thumbnails from larger images.
I'd like to create some background images for the tabs for my website menu that look like those plastic tabs that you use on hanging file folders - the ones that are colored plastic, and you insert the white paper tabs in.
here's the goal: [URL]
I don't need any fancy effects - I'm thinking I need one layer that is a semi-transparent colored rectangle, another layer that creates a gradient to make it look "shiny plastic" and another layer with a smaller white rectangle on top of/under the others so it looks like the white tab is showing through the plastic.
I have tried to use the paint tools and I am such a beginner I cannot get what I want.
But I don't know how I could create that shape in paint.
I recently purchased this computer. It works great. Want to take it on our RV trips. problem is I installed my Paintshop X3. Went in w/o a hitch. Now if I clickon a desktop icon ,which replaces a stock folder,The X3 will open up. Also if I open any of my picture folders it will do the same thing. I do not have this problem on my 32 bit desktop. One other point. I uninstalled (Complete), reinstalled>> Then uninstalled , and installed the X2 Same results . I have looked at all of the preferance settings, sure there must be one to solve this problem
is there a way to have icons in the menus as with previous versions? the space seems to be there and the icons exist. but the option appears to have gone. it was always in in the customise menu dialogue. but appears to have gone.
i found this really useful because it enabled me to scan the menus quickly.
i'm trying to make a XMB icon's for my Playstation 3. I have all the cutouts and everything but I want to add textures to the shapes eg Controller shape, the house shaped (uh, shape) etc. WITHOUT overlapping the texture, and going straight into shape with the pic. Is there any plugins or such to do this?
I am creating coloring sheets for children. An artist is drawing the pictures for me. Is there a way to click on the lines (that the artist has drawn and have been scanned into and broaden them to make thick smooth lines?