Paint.NET :: Put Round Text Into Blank Round Space?
Apr 10, 2011
I have gotten to a point where I have the round text,, I have a seal with a blank space.. I would like to put the round text into the blank space,, but when I try, and no matter how I try,, the text is a white square with round text on it when I try to place it in the circle.
The other thought that came to me,, what if ..(the text circle size was a guess) the text does not fit.. how do I expand or collape it? I know I have in the pass while playing with round text.. gone back to that effect and changed angles, start points etc.. is that the only way?
I have attached what I have so far. ( I tried to attach the file but I guess you can't, so these are the two I am working on,, as layers in
I'm trying to get a drawing flipped round in model space so it fits more neatly in a viewport. I need to rotate the model space by about 45 degrees so that a line that looked about 45 degree slope up from left to right becomes a flat line.
I've been trying to use 'ucs' in the command line and then type the degree rotation as this is what it says in the help section but it doesnt do what i want. It asks for an origin point on the x-axis and then i dont know what this means.
I would like to create a triangle, but with (really) round corners. Not just the points rounded off a little, but the corners going around evenly like circles.
(see infantile free-hand drawing attachment as an example)
Is this to accomplish in an easy manner?
The attachment seems to be missing, so here's a link: [URL].......
how can I make such images for buttons with round sides like here: URL....- the read one and the green one.In Paint "only" a rectangle with round "edges" exist.At the moment I have this button images at URL.... but I don't like it.
Searching for how to simply, quickly smooth round edges, I learned a lot of other things I'd been wondering how to do in PDN. But I didn't find a simple way to smooth round edges of non professional grade (not art) round outer edges. Say, for a Windows icon.
Even drawing the circle on a 32 x 32 background, when saved as png then opened in Greenfish Icon Editor & converted to ICO, the real icon (say on desktop) is still a bit jagged in places. The points at 0, 90, 180, 270 deg are obviously flattened & rest of circumference is a bit jagged (not terrible, but...).
I tried several tools to smooth edges a bit, but of course pixels are square... Read numerous posts - like [URL].....
This WAY overkill for what I'm doing - right now. Useful for later. All I want is circles or rounded corners on simple objects w/o spending much time - not for this type stuff. I learned good techniques useful for higher quality work.
PDN doesn't seem to have a simple, quicker way to half decently smooth circles / corners. Everything I tried just followed the square pixel edges or is quite tedious. Greenfish has some pretty decent tools - for making icons. But, smoothing rounded edges for something in the 32 px wide range is still pretty time consuming. Needs an algorithm to smooth circumferences.
I have found myself trying to capture a logo that is round and copy it in order to paste it into another circle . (thus it has to be round , not rectangle or square)
The closest I have come was to use the Ellipe Select tool and "poke and hope".. but did finally get pretty much what I wanted.
I have drawn hundreds of straight lines with arrowheads (in PSP X2) in the past.But now I need the first time to draw a round line (approx half of a full circle).I tried a couple of variants and expected a three-step-drawing:
First click to place a start node then click a middle node and finally third click the end node.Afterwards I should be able to move the middle node and PSP should complete a round arrow line.But I cannot achieve this.
It happens e.g. always that an area is created and filled with red color.I don't want to fill an area - just one line.What exactly do I have to select in the parameter toolbar for "Mode" "Contour" "Connect segments" "Miter Join",.
I want to design a square icon with round corners. How do I get rid of the little white triangles in the four corners? I tried to design my icon on a transparent square canvas but I still get the little white triangles in the corners!!! And it does not seem possible to resize canvas to "fit" image size...
All i want is the text to go around the underside of the circle, the right way up, but it won't do it! Using the pen tool to create the curved line is equally annoying, as it seems to cut of the text mid-way through the line,
Here's a macro I've used for quite some time. Feel free to use or modify as needed. Install, select text and run. Hold shift and the selected text will round/curve more.
Why I created? I do a lot of graphics that need the top line of text to be curved. I can easily select the top line and press a button and the macro curves it upwards. If I need more curve I hold shift and run. If I need more or less curve still, I make the item in question, the text, larger or smaller. All done by eye and it's fast.
#If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As LongPtr) As Integer#Else Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer#End IfPrivate Const VK_SHIFT = &H10Public Function ResetKeyStatus(Optional nada As Boolean) As Boolean [Code] .........
I have a image that has everything on the background layer. I want to delete some text and replace them with different text. But when i use the selection tool to delete the text, i just get a white/black check box area. How do i delete a portion of the picture and replace it with white blank space?
Oh and how do i adjust the size of the text box when inserting new text?
what i have is a wall decal im trying to finish up. I'v gotten it to size and everything, but there are some very rough edges which i cannot get rid of. i''ve tried everything that comes to mind. anyone have any tricks that you can share? basics?
How to round down dimensions. I see some topics with writing LISP codes to do it but I have Autocad LT and those cant use LISP codes right? Ive also been looking into the Round off variable in the Primary units for the dimension style but its a little confusing. What I want to do is just round down my dimension at the given precision.
Lets say I have my precision set to .000 (even though I may have dimensions with .00) I want my dimension of 2.875500 to round down to 2.875 and not up to 2.876 then I also have a dimension of 2.90952929 and I want that to round down to 2.909 and I can not find a way of getting both of these to round down with the same setting on the same dimension style. Basically I just want to truncate my dimensions.
Designer Pro X: I've done this one time before and for the life of me I can't remember how, and can't find anything in search or in the manual. I made a rectangle and need to know how to round the corners. I know I'm gonna' kick myself when I find out.
How do I make a round object really really round? I keep getting this chiseled look no matter how I set it. The top and bottom of a rectangle have a cut glass look and I want this to be completely ROUND. Not just the top and bottom, but the whole thing needs to be round and beveled.
I filled a transparent layer with blue sky, opened another layer and used the elliptical marquee tool to draw a round sun, and filled with yellow. I then blurred the edges with a simple keystroke, but can't remember what I did.
I'm editing photographs of tabletop ceramics - plates, etc. and often images are shot off center and I have to make them round.I use the Filter Lens Correction Feature with some success and the Warp feature to fine tune - but it's all eyeballing the image which isn't accurate.
Any feature for this process or a grid that will enable me to ensure they are round? Windows CS5 Photoshop -
I know just enough to get by in Photoshop but have had zero training, so I tend to jimmy rig everything until it looks okay. I am stumped on this one though.
I bought a web template and am modifying the images to what I need them to be. I can not for the life of me figure out how they did this rounded corner and shadowing on the corner. I can easily, manually copy the two lines going up the sides of the image. (Jimmy rig) ... but I can't seem to get the corner to look right.
I know it looks like a drop shadow, but you'd need to know all the colors and exact settings to copy that drop shadow and all i have is the finished product.