Photoshop :: CS6 - Default Brushes - Appear Like Just Small Circles / Rather Smooth / Hard Round

May 25, 2013

Basically, there you can see a selection of default brushes, and how some of them appear like just small circles, rather than a smooth, hard round default brush like they should. The second one is the one highlighted in the window.
When I use other brushes with my Wacom Bamboo they too look just a bit less effective than they used to. I don't want to reinstall

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Illustrator :: Small Circles Not Smooth?

Dec 15, 2013

I have a problem with drawing small circles in Illustrator, because when I export them they are not "smooth". The edges seem like truncated. Have a look here with "Pixel preview" turned on:
And now, setting an offset of +0.5px for X and Y, the circle is how I want it to be:
Why? Is there a way to "smooth" the circle?

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Round Corners Using Smooth In PSE11

Mar 11, 2013

In PSE 8 I regularly used to round corners of images (as backgrounds or flattened images) by "Select All/Modify/Smooth?10px/Enter/Inverse/Delete" and had perfectly rounded corners to sit on a white background.I cannot for the life of me get the 'Smooth' option to light up in PSE11, it is permanently greyed out. The only 'Modify' option in bold is 'Border'

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Illustrator :: Arrange Circle Like Round Circles - Same Distance For Each

Dec 30, 2013

How to arrange the circle like a round circles, same distance from each? I'm using Illustrator CS6.
Which tool should I use?
Also the "London" How to make it a little curve in CS6 illustrator?

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Paint.NET :: Simple Way To Smooth Round Icons?

May 4, 2013

Searching for how to simply, quickly smooth round edges, I learned a lot of other things I'd been wondering how to do in PDN.  But I didn't find a simple way to smooth round edges of non professional grade (not art) round outer edges.  Say, for a Windows icon.
Even drawing the circle on a 32 x 32 background, when saved as png then opened in Greenfish Icon Editor & converted to ICO, the real icon (say on desktop) is still a bit jagged in places.  The points at 0, 90, 180, 270 deg are obviously flattened & rest of circumference is a bit jagged (not terrible, but...).
I tried several tools to smooth edges a bit, but of course pixels are square...  Read numerous posts - like [URL].....

This WAY overkill for what I'm doing - right now.  Useful for later.  All I want is circles or rounded corners on simple objects w/o spending much time - not for this type stuff.  I learned good techniques useful for higher quality work.
PDN doesn't seem to have a simple, quicker way to half decently smooth circles / corners.  Everything I tried just followed the square pixel edges or is quite tedious.  Greenfish has some pretty decent tools - for making icons.  But, smoothing rounded edges for something in the 32 px wide range is still pretty time consuming.  Needs an algorithm to smooth circumferences.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Outline A Small Picture And Make It Look Smooth

Apr 21, 2006

I am very much a Noob at photoshop, this is officially the 2nd time I have used it. I have a small image, I want to rotate it 30 degrees counterclockwise. I also mant to put a small black border (10 pixels) around the outside of it. You can see the one I tried up in the banner on my developing site.

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Photoshop :: 0% Hardness Brushes Are Pixelated / Not Smooth?

Nov 15, 2012

I recently upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and I noticed a weird change in how brushes with 0% hardness are displayed. I'm not sure if it's supposed to look like this or if it's a problem with my settings etc.
So here is how it looks on 500%
- 0% hardness brush, Opacity 100%, black on transparent background

- Image Mode is RGB / 8bit

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Photoshop :: Small Desktop For CS6 / Dual Hard Drives

Dec 23, 2012

I have been searching for a smaller desktop since mine is heavy and we need to be able to transport it. I am planning on upgrading to CS6, so will need a good compatible video card.
I often have several files open at once, and many layers. Hobbiest, but serious about editing and manipulating photos. I also need to run lightroom and sometimes have a few other programs open such as a web browser.
I would prefer a company known for reliability and decent customer service and hope to keep the price range under $2,000. Right now I am limted to a laptop with Elements 10 and am getting almost desperate. Would also consider a reliable online business that builds to suit.
Is if possible to find a small desktop with a video card capable of handling all CS6 can do, and with two hard drives? Is it best to use the second hard drive just for scratch and use an external drive to store the photo library or would working with the photos on an external drive slow things down?
I want to stick with Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit, even if I have to buy a copy and reformat the new drive to install it. Mainly because Win 8 is too new for my comfort level. I have enjoyed Win 7.

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AutoCad :: Modify Drawing And Add Dimension Annotation - Small Circles Highlighted In Yellow

Aug 18, 2011

I found a strange behavior of AutoCAD. When I was modifying a drawing and adding dimension annotation, there suddenly come some small circles as highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.


First, there is no way I can't select them.
Second, zooming doesn’t change their size.

What these small circles are? How to get rid of them?

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Photoshop :: Healing Brush Skips - Leaves A Line Of Brush-sized Circles Instead Of Smooth Line

Nov 18, 2012

When I use the healing brush is tends to "skip".  It leaves a line of circles like a stamp would instead of a flowing line like it should leave.  No matter how slow I move the brush it leaves a circle and then as I continue to draw nothing happens until I reach the edge of the first circle, it then drops another circle and it continues that way as long as I draw with it.   The brush tool works fine, leaves a smooth line.  The Spot Healing and Patch Tool work fine but the healing brush will not heal in a smooth stroke.  It skips along a leaves a tail of circles the size of the brush.  I am using a fast computer, i7 processor, 16bg ram and a SSD drive so I do not think speed is an issue.  I upgraded from CS4 where the healing brush worked fine on this computer

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Photoshop :: Default Brushes

Feb 14, 2003

how do you get your default brushes back? I just got sets of new ones, which I was adding them at the time, and I accidently replaced my old ones. I tried uploading all the files that I could, but I never got those Circle brushes back. I may have missed one, I was able to get the Square brushes, but not the ones that PS(7 in this case) came with. Are these in the same brushes folder? Do I need to download them to get it back?

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Photoshop :: Default Brushes Incorrect?

Apr 22, 2009

I've recently installed CS4 on my new Vista machine. After setting up my Wacom tablet, installing all the appropriate software I find Photoshop is not responding to me pen sensitivity as it has on my previous machine (Mac with CS1). Specifically I'm thinking the default brushes are incorrect, specifically I use the hard brush that by default should go from small - large- small. Thinking I was missing a setting I compared both side by side and sure enough my settings for default brushes are the same on both machines but I'm not getting the dynamic brush that I had on my Mac. Below is a screen shot I found online of what i'd like to have in my setup. in yellow is where I'd like to get to but at the bottom of the image is where I'm at currently. Any help would be appreciated. I just know the solution is going to be so simple that I'll bang my head on the desk when I get it.

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Photoshop :: List Of Default Brushes

Apr 13, 2009

I'm using CS4 and am searching for a particular brush - Oil Medium Wet Flow.  This brush is already loaded in my pallette but I cannot find out which Brush set it belongs to.  Someone asked where the brush is located but am unable to answer, and have spent quite a bit of time looking for it.  I have downloaded many brushes so I have a huge list, but I know that it is a default brush. I wondered if there is a list of the default brushes available as I've trawled the internet to find one and so far haven't been able to.  What I'm looking for is something that gives me each default brush set and the sub-category of individual brushes within. For example, Assorted Brushes, then all the brushes within that group.  It would be really nice to have a list of these I can refer to without having to select the brush set first.  Also, is there any way of knowing where brushes are from that are loaded in your pallette? 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Change Default Square Columns To Round?

Jul 27, 2013

I have modeled a house with some colums supporting a deck. Ideally I would like my colums to be round with a spiral twist.. But would be happy to know how to change the default square into a round colum.

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Photoshop :: Installing/using New Brushes, Returning To Default

May 3, 2005

find new brushes? Isn't it great when you actually get them installed? Isn't it also great when you are worried about how to get back to default brushes when you're done using the new ones? lol Yeah, I'm still new to the Photoshop thing, and still have a lot to figure out. So, can anyone tell me how to use the new brushes I've downloaded, and also how to get back to the default brushes?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Keeps Resetting To Factory Default - Deleting Brushes?

Sep 14, 2012

Twice now, upon a restart of my computer, Photoshop has reset to factory settings, and deleted all my custom brushes I've made since a particular point in time.  I've had to remake some brushes for my digital art course twice, and now I'll have to do it a third time.  This is EXTREMELY DISTRESSING...

  This started happening only recently.  I can only guess perhaps an update to Windows or something has really jerked up my Photoshop, not sure. 

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GIMP :: Default Brushes Gone?

May 22, 2013

so i thought i was smart and created some new brushes. added them no problem (or so i thought) but to my dismay i cannot find my default brushes; the only available ones are those i created. did my saving the new brushes somehow delete the core collection?

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Lightroom :: How To Set Default Location For Pictures On Hard Drive

Apr 18, 2013

Since Windows normally places the pictures on a typical drive as "My Pictures" about four or five levels down from the root, any effort to import picture files into Lightroom requires multiple clicks to drill down to the "My Pictures" then (for example) year, month, date, etc.
Can I define a location as the default starting point to find the pictures?  I don't see how to put that into presets. Or can a key shortcut be created to go straight to c:/users/name/mypictures/2013/April15 etc?

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GIMP :: Uninstall Default Brushes

Jan 13, 2012

I rarely use a green pepper in my work! I found the folder to add custom brushes but where is the folder that contains the default brushes. I am running the latest version of GIMP with Windows 7.

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Illustrator :: Save Default Brushes?

Dec 17, 2012

How can i save my own DEFAULT brushes?  Everytime after starting illustrator i should correct brushes option.

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GIMP :: Adjusting Default Values For Brushes?

Nov 15, 2012

Im sick of writing the value of brushes i want to use like example: brush size 10 or brush size 20 or brush size 5 or less..

Whenever i touch to adjust brush size by mouse it always is like this: brush size 334 or brush size 554.. Why it is so easy to pick 400size brush and almost imposible to pick 40 size brush?

Brush are? its like 500px wide.. since when small brushes are obsolete?? i never use bigger brush than 50! and most of the time i use brushes that are less than 10(value)

So its pretty important for me(i hope not only for me) to easily pick small brush sizes..

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GIMP :: Delete Pre-installed Default Brushes

Jul 13, 2011

I want to delete the default brushes in Gimp, like the famous green pepper and others that I find not useful to me. I know how to do this but is there's a reason why the pre-installed brushes cannot be deleted with the brush editor?

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Photoshop :: Circles Inside Circles (or Rings)

Feb 11, 2005

I'm trying to make a logo. Circular logo with an inner ring maybe 4 px wide and 15 px inside the rim of the outer circle.

Basically I want a blue circle with a yellow inside ring. What's the best way of doing this? The only thing i can think of is: creating a blue circle marquee, and then another (trying to estimate a new circle size and change the color) that is yellow, and then making another smaller blue circle inside the new one. That's just ugly.

I tried the edit/stroke but that just gave me a stroke around the outer circle; it didn't put a ring inside the circle 15 px down.

Also I tried to contract the original circle by selecting it, then Modify/contract. That's got me a selected ring, inside the circle. Now how in the world do I make that little ring yellow? It just remains selected and I can't seem to find a way to color it.

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Paint.NET :: Put Round Text Into Blank Round Space?

Apr 10, 2011

I have gotten to a point where I have the round text,, I have a seal with a blank space.. I would like to put the round text into the blank space,, but when I try, and no matter how I try,, the text is a white square with round text on it when I try to place it in the circle.

The other thought that came to me,, what if ..(the text circle size was a guess) the text does not fit.. how do I expand or collape it? I know I have in the pass while playing with round text.. gone back to that effect and changed angles, start points etc.. is that the only way?

I have attached what I have so far. ( I tried to attach the file but I guess you can't, so these are the two I am working on,, as layers in

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Lightroom :: Move Or Migrate Hard Drives To Another Hard Drive

Feb 15, 2012

I have several hard drives. Say D, E and F. I want to migrate or move the folders that are listed under each hard drive in my lightroom to say Hard Drive G. How do I do this so that all my keywords, and selects and color codes move with it? and that in lightroom G hard drive would be my only hard drive listed? I want to do this to get everything nice and orderly

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Picture From Laptop Hard Drive To Larger External Hard Drive?

Sep 25, 2013

I am not changing anything in my system.  I am using windows 7 and will continue to.  No change in elements version (10).  how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures.  I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera  I will connect to the external hard drive. 

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Photoshop :: Sort Brushes In The Brushes Palette?

Jan 30, 2006

I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.

Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.

For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?

I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?

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GIMP :: Arrange Brushes In The Brushes Box

Aug 1, 2012

How do you rearrange the brushes in the brushes box?

I've seen they are arranged by name, so how do you rename the brushes since renaming the file name don't rename the brush.

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Photoshop :: Doing These Circles

Dec 26, 2006

I know it must be a blending option or whatever, but like each circle looks different than the other, with like the effects and everything.

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Photoshop :: Concentric Circles?

Jun 5, 2008

making concentic circles. how to make these.

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Photoshop :: Hollow Circles

Aug 1, 2005

way to make hollow circles (donut-like) without using "subtract from path area" and using the ellipse tool twice? Using that method I can't get an even edge all the way around.

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