Illustrator :: Save Default Brushes?

Dec 17, 2012

How can i save my own DEFAULT brushes?  Everytime after starting illustrator i should correct brushes option.

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Illustrator :: Change Default Save As PDF Compatibility?

Sep 15, 2013

The default for the save as pdf is Acrobat 6. Problem just started of my artboards not translating correctly in the PDF. Preview of the document is also very strange. Saved PDF will open correctly in Ai, but not in anything else including Acrobat and Apple Preview. Changing the compatibility to 8 fixes problem.
I get that I can make a custom preset, action or script, but I really would like to just keep it simple if possible.

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Illustrator :: Save Custom Symbol Library As Default?

Jan 23, 2014

Is there a way to save a custom symbol library as my default?  I'd like it to show up in my panels when i open new blank document.

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Illustrator :: Set / Lock Default Encoding Type In Save As SVG?

Jan 31, 2013

I would like to ensure that all my SVG files are UTF-8 when saved, but they sometimes come out as ISO 5589-1 (the defualt encoding)  Is there a way to set & lock this somewhere, somehow?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Save File Dialog With Default Path

Oct 8, 2012

I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open  a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.

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Photoshop :: Default Brushes

Feb 14, 2003

how do you get your default brushes back? I just got sets of new ones, which I was adding them at the time, and I accidently replaced my old ones. I tried uploading all the files that I could, but I never got those Circle brushes back. I may have missed one, I was able to get the Square brushes, but not the ones that PS(7 in this case) came with. Are these in the same brushes folder? Do I need to download them to get it back?

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GIMP :: Default Brushes Gone?

May 22, 2013

so i thought i was smart and created some new brushes. added them no problem (or so i thought) but to my dismay i cannot find my default brushes; the only available ones are those i created. did my saving the new brushes somehow delete the core collection?

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Photoshop :: Default Brushes Incorrect?

Apr 22, 2009

I've recently installed CS4 on my new Vista machine. After setting up my Wacom tablet, installing all the appropriate software I find Photoshop is not responding to me pen sensitivity as it has on my previous machine (Mac with CS1). Specifically I'm thinking the default brushes are incorrect, specifically I use the hard brush that by default should go from small - large- small. Thinking I was missing a setting I compared both side by side and sure enough my settings for default brushes are the same on both machines but I'm not getting the dynamic brush that I had on my Mac. Below is a screen shot I found online of what i'd like to have in my setup. in yellow is where I'd like to get to but at the bottom of the image is where I'm at currently. Any help would be appreciated. I just know the solution is going to be so simple that I'll bang my head on the desk when I get it.

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Photoshop :: List Of Default Brushes

Apr 13, 2009

I'm using CS4 and am searching for a particular brush - Oil Medium Wet Flow.  This brush is already loaded in my pallette but I cannot find out which Brush set it belongs to.  Someone asked where the brush is located but am unable to answer, and have spent quite a bit of time looking for it.  I have downloaded many brushes so I have a huge list, but I know that it is a default brush. I wondered if there is a list of the default brushes available as I've trawled the internet to find one and so far haven't been able to.  What I'm looking for is something that gives me each default brush set and the sub-category of individual brushes within. For example, Assorted Brushes, then all the brushes within that group.  It would be really nice to have a list of these I can refer to without having to select the brush set first.  Also, is there any way of knowing where brushes are from that are loaded in your pallette? 

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GIMP :: Uninstall Default Brushes

Jan 13, 2012

I rarely use a green pepper in my work! I found the folder to add custom brushes but where is the folder that contains the default brushes. I am running the latest version of GIMP with Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: Installing/using New Brushes, Returning To Default

May 3, 2005

find new brushes? Isn't it great when you actually get them installed? Isn't it also great when you are worried about how to get back to default brushes when you're done using the new ones? lol Yeah, I'm still new to the Photoshop thing, and still have a lot to figure out. So, can anyone tell me how to use the new brushes I've downloaded, and also how to get back to the default brushes?

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GIMP :: Adjusting Default Values For Brushes?

Nov 15, 2012

Im sick of writing the value of brushes i want to use like example: brush size 10 or brush size 20 or brush size 5 or less..

Whenever i touch to adjust brush size by mouse it always is like this: brush size 334 or brush size 554.. Why it is so easy to pick 400size brush and almost imposible to pick 40 size brush?

Brush are? its like 500px wide.. since when small brushes are obsolete?? i never use bigger brush than 50! and most of the time i use brushes that are less than 10(value)

So its pretty important for me(i hope not only for me) to easily pick small brush sizes..

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GIMP :: Delete Pre-installed Default Brushes

Jul 13, 2011

I want to delete the default brushes in Gimp, like the famous green pepper and others that I find not useful to me. I know how to do this but is there's a reason why the pre-installed brushes cannot be deleted with the brush editor?

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Photoshop :: CS4 Keeps Resetting To Factory Default - Deleting Brushes?

Sep 14, 2012

Twice now, upon a restart of my computer, Photoshop has reset to factory settings, and deleted all my custom brushes I've made since a particular point in time.  I've had to remake some brushes for my digital art course twice, and now I'll have to do it a third time.  This is EXTREMELY DISTRESSING...

  This started happening only recently.  I can only guess perhaps an update to Windows or something has really jerked up my Photoshop, not sure. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Default Brushes - Appear Like Just Small Circles / Rather Smooth / Hard Round

May 25, 2013

Basically, there you can see a selection of default brushes, and how some of them appear like just small circles, rather than a smooth, hard round default brush like they should. The second one is the one highlighted in the window.
When I use other brushes with my Wacom Bamboo they too look just a bit less effective than they used to. I don't want to reinstall

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Photoshop :: How Do I Save A Set Of Brushes

Jun 14, 2006

I want to save a set of home made brushes but i can't figure out how.

i wanted to upload it to rapidshare so i could share my brushes.

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Photoshop :: How Do You Save Brushes, So The Brush Tip Spacing Is All The

Feb 14, 2007

My PSCS brushes are all set to about 12% spacing as default..

When I digitally paint, I have to manually move the spacing down for each one..Is there a way to set the spacing down for a whole set of brushes?

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Illustrator :: Rectangle Tool Default Behavior Is Odd / Dragging Objects Clones Them By Default

Jan 28, 2011

I have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Brushes Texture Property With Brush

Jan 13, 2013

I just realized that brush presets won't save a brushes texture which is slightly annoying. I'm in CS6 btw and I'm familiar with photoshop which is why I'm posting here.
For example I have two brushes, a watercolor one (with texture turned on in the brushes panel to the watercolor background texture) I save it as a tool preset (I'm not making the saving as a brush preset mistake). I go make a paintbrush brush with a different background texture and save it as a tool preset. When I go use the watercolor brush it has the paintbrush background texture and NOT the watercolor.
I never touched the texture property until lately so I'm not sure if this has always been this way...
Is there some way to save that property or do I manually have to go and change it each time. I want to be able to share my brushes. Do I have to instruct people on which texture to use?

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Photoshop :: Brushes Won't Work With Actions Such As Save Dress Ying-Yang Or Foundation

Nov 17, 2012

When I try to use my brushes with actions in Photoshop, such as Save the Dress, Ying-Yang, or Foundation, they won't work.  I've tried resetting the brushes, changing the opacity, restarting the program, and unlocking the layers.  It was working perfectly, but suddenly just stopped.  When I click on the image, it doesn't do anything.  There is also a small black box next to the action the I am using in the history box.  When my brushes were working, that box would show in white where I used the brushes on my pictures, but now it doesn't register anything that I try to do. 

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Photoshop :: Default Save As PNG?

Jul 10, 2013

I am sometimes in a situation where i need to save images as png at a certain size or something for a website (or just because i like to save out as png) and in many cases i am not using any optimizations in psd files.
is there a way to have photoshop default to Save As png?
right now i think i have to do a pulldown every time i want a png and when i am trying to do some kind of "batch processing" i am getting a bit of carpal tunnel with all my clickthroughs.
also, any tips on where to read up on optimizations or built in batch functionality in photoshop would be great. i have been using Preview for the mac and some of the functionality there (convert all to png, resize all to XX etc, etc)

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Photoshop :: How To Change Default Save As From PSD To JPG

Apr 1, 2012

I know a while back, Photoshop was offering to save my files as JPEGs as default.  But now it defaults to saving as a PSD file, and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to make it save as a JPG file instead.
OS: CS 5.1 Production Premium, Mac
Adobe Photoshop 5.1

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Photoshop :: Change Default DPI / PPI Save For Web

Jun 24, 2012

I am trying to use File, Save For Web, to save high res jpeg images. Everything I try changes theWhere do I change this. I am using
Photoshop CS4?

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Default Settings?

May 4, 2012

I need to compress about 1,000 jpg images and I'm using the "save for web" feature in Photoshop 7 but I'm running into problems because my file names are very long and its cutting them off. I found the workaround by editing the output settings and unchecking the "Mac OS" box under "Filename Compatibility".

However, the problem is that the default settings do not stay like this once I hit OK and I end up having to uncheck the Mac OS box for each and every file. Is there a way to permanently change the default settings so I can do batch processing for all my images?

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Photoshop :: CC Save As TIFF By Default

Sep 26, 2013

I know that PSDs are the default file format, and I've read that CS6 is sticky and will save a file in the last file format that was saved.
Here's my scenario:
1. In Lightroom 5, I right-click on one of my RAW files (NEF) and select to edit in CC.
2. CC opens and I do some edits.
3. Trying to save the file.

     a. If I just "Save" the file, it saves as a TIFF.
     b. If I use "Save As..." the dialog is defaulted to a TIFF
I've tried opening one file from LR into CC, saving it as a PSD, then closing CC hoping that it would be sticky, nope.
How can I force CC to always default to save files as a PSD unless I tell it otherwise?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Default Version On SAVE

Apr 16, 2010

I use CorelDRAW CDRs in Ventura Publisher 10, which cannot accept CorelDRAW file versions beyond version 11.

I have CorelDRAW X3 which allows you to specify a previous version, like CorelDRAW 11, but it is a pain to change the version to 11 every time I save the file. I cannot find a setting to make X3 default to version 11 when saving.

Is there some way to make CorelDRAW X3 default to CorelDRAW X11 when saving?

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Photoshop :: Set Default Save Type?

May 11, 2008

is there a way to change the default to say .png or anything other than .psd?

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Photoshop :: Save As Default Folder

Jun 27, 2008

Is there a way to set a particular folder as default for when you "save as" files?

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Default Format

Dec 1, 2005

I have a situation where I need to rather quickly open a jpeg file, make color corrections, and then "save for web" to a new location as a jpeg file.

Everythihg's working fine except that when I go to save the file, Photoshop always defaults to HTML format. So I need to go to the file type and change it to HTML, and then go to the filename and rename the extension from html to jpg -- all this before I can save each file. And when I'm doing 15-20 files at a time, it becomes annoying quickly.

Is there any way I can tell Photoshop I always want to save web photos as jpegs?

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GIMP :: Default Save As Settings?

Sep 26, 2011

way to simplify the "save as" procedure. I found annoying to have to select say, PNG, from a long list... Gimp remembers the last filter (... reuse sharpen?) but not the last file format and folder?

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Paint.NET :: Save As JPEG As Default

Oct 5, 2013

I perfectly understand that paint save as png to avoid get information loss..BUT Why don't you let us configure an alternative save as to get jpeg ? Like another short cut  : e.g "ctrl+shift+alt s" would let us save as jpeg without loosing each time 5sec to change png to jpeg. because when you have to save 10-20 print screen in a row that's more than painfull.
give us a option to set jpeg as default ! and if you are so afraid that ppl forget that will make them loose information just make a pop up to remind them why the png can be more interesting for other situation.
personally, i use to save in a sec print screen, to add somes informations it in need to post a screen on a forum etc.. and this soft is perfect for that since it load in a sec and its simple enough and fast.consider add a OPTION to allow us set jpeg as default save as.
I perfectly know that png is more interesting in somes case, and i dont want discut about why png > jpeg, i just would like to be able to do what i want and have a option to set the jpeg as default.

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