Illustrator :: Change Default Save As PDF Compatibility?
Sep 15, 2013
The default for the save as pdf is Acrobat 6. Problem just started of my artboards not translating correctly in the PDF. Preview of the document is also very strange. Saved PDF will open correctly in Ai, but not in anything else including Acrobat and Apple Preview. Changing the compatibility to 8 fixes problem.
I get that I can make a custom preset, action or script, but I really would like to just keep it simple if possible.
I know a while back, Photoshop was offering to save my files as JPEGs as default. But now it defaults to saving as a PSD file, and I am having some difficulty figuring out how to make it save as a JPG file instead.
OS: CS 5.1 Production Premium, Mac Adobe Photoshop 5.1
I need to open a PDF file that has multiple pages. On "FileOpen" it comes up with Import PDF. There are 21 pages. I know how to highlight all the pages so they all load at once. Do to the volume of work this is impractical. Control+A will not work for this.
1. Is there a way to have "Open" select all, no matter on the number, pages into Photoshop 13.122. On "Save As" it defaults to ".psd". I want it to default to ".jpg". I'm doing several hundred plus.3. Also do not want it to ask me if “OK”, just do the save.
All I want to do is bring in the "PDF's" and brake the multiple files to a singe page ".jpg" or "PNG" file and rename the file just before the save. seems to default (at least for me) to saving pictures as PNGs. I would like to change the default save type to JPG - how do I do this? And how do I change other defaults like scan types, etc?
However for business use I have a need to efficiently send .jpg files to various people and I often forget to change the file type so I have to reload the file, re-save the file, etc. and strangely, I can't seem to find the preferences menu to change this option. Where the default save-as file type can be changed to .jpg?
My question is simply how do I change the default Save As Copy save type that Photoshop inflicts on you whenever you go to save files as .bmp, .png, etc. files?
I produce allot of images by first saving the original scan or photo as a .psd, manipulating the image, then saving as .jpg or .png for display purposes so having to delete the "copy" from my file names during a long work session gets very annoying.
I have already searched through the Preferences, checked registry file associations, studied the Preferences in Adobe Bridge + the only way I can see to fix this at the moment involves using a disassembler.
I rarely (never) use the default color or stroke size of my blending options so I always have to go through the process of changing those with every layer. There's got to be a better way. I would like to have my blending options default to what I use most so I could simply click stroke and move on.
How do you change/save the default blending options?
Is there any way to change the format that's the default save. I don't use .xcf and prefer to use png or jpg. Why do I have to export them instead of simply save? Why did they change it in this version?
I adjust lots and lots of pix for our ebay auctions. Many items have at least 5 pix so they have the same file name but with a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. at the end of the file name to distinguish them from each other. Example: eapgcompote1.jpg , eapgcompote2.jpg etc..
The problem that I have with Gimp is every time I save/ export a pic Gimp does not save the last export location and last modified date nor does Gimp offer the ability to select from previously saved items like in PhotoShop. I have to go thru about 5 steps in order to save each pic.
Is there a way I can change the default file format from .xcf?
For example, I open a jpeg, crop it and try to save, but if I then try to save it as a jpeg I get a message telling me I have to 'export' first.
I know the Gimp isn't Photoshop but in Photoshop you get the option to choose the file extension at save or save as without the added step of exporting.
Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to choose as this messing around exporting from .xcf is a real drag when you're editing a lot of images. Plus you can end up with extra, unwanted, .xcf files.
Is there a reason why the Gimp defaults to .xcf for every file edit? It seems unneccesary when all you're doing is a simple crop etc.
Again Photoshop opens, allows edits and then saves in the original's file format, which does make for a more efficient workflow. Plus it doesn't default to .psd for every edit.I'm using Gimp 2.8 with Fedora 17 64bit and will now boot into Windows to work more efficiently in Photoshop till I can find a way to change this in Gimp.There doesn't seem to be anything in Preferences relating to file formats/extensions.
When saving a TIFF file on Adobe PSCS6, the "Save" dialog box always defaults the byte order to MacIntosh rather than IBM PC even though I am using a PC. I have checked Edit>Preferences but can't find an adjustment for this. Do I have to just live with it?
My AutoCAD 2013 crashed and as a result the recovered file was saved in 2013 format, instead of my automatic save profile option version set to AutoCAD 2000.
As we have other users in the office without AutoCAD 2013, how do i change the default crash save to a newer version (ie. AutoCAD 2000)?
I would like to ensure that all my SVG files are UTF-8 when saved, but they sometimes come out as ISO 5589-1 (the defualt encoding) Is there a way to set & lock this somewhere, somehow?
When saving a psd file I can no longer save in "compatibility mode". I'm using a Mac computer with OSX (version 10.8.3) and Photoshop CS6 (version 13.1.2 x64). I just noticed this problem tonight when I tried to bring a psd file into a MUSE project. Now whenever I save a PSD file the menu that asks if I want to save in compatibility mode doesn't appear (it just saves the file). I've reset the preferences and restarted my computer but Photoshop still doesn't give me a compatibility mode option when saving a PSD file.
I want to open a "Save File Dialog " with some default path.Like when user run that script I want to open a "Save As" dialog box with default path "/Volumes/<shared name>/<folder name>/.. ."I am using File.SaveDialog(prompt, filter);
but it doesn't open to the location by default that I want to open.
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the decimal place accuracy to default to only rounded numbers i.e. 1mm instead of 1.325. I want EVERYTHING to snap to the nearest mm (Axis, Dimensions etc.) rather than 1.233 for example.
Yes, I can manually type into the dims / axis boxes everytime but thats a chore.
I open PDFs in Illustrator that were created in Autodesk Inventor. The default of Myriad Pro is applied and I would like to change that. I have made a new document profile and a new workspace, but the profile is only good for a new document. The workspace does not change the default type. I could save lots of time if I could change this behavior! I am working in CS6 on a 64-bit Windows machine.
Perhaps it is only a question of getting Illustrator to recognize Arial?
Every new document seems to open with a default text size of 12 pt. (or 0.167 inches). I am a sign maker and my typical artboard size is often 120" x 120" or larger.
Is there a way to change the default text size so that new documents open with a text size of, say, 1 inch (or 3 inches, etc)?
This is probably a basic question, but in the control panel area, where it shows the measurements of an object created, the default measurement is in inches. Can I change that to display milmeters? I am aware that it can be changed in the rulers, but up where it says X, Y, then width and height, it shows inches. I want to view it in milimeters, because I am doing a project in milimeters. How do I do that?