Illustrator :: How To Change Default Photo Editor In CS5
Jul 20, 2012Illustrator edits photo in paint, instead photoshop. How can I to change default photo editor in illustrator cs5 ?
View 3 RepliesIllustrator edits photo in paint, instead photoshop. How can I to change default photo editor in illustrator cs5 ?
View 3 Replieswhere I can change what my default photo editor to what I want. Each time I plug anything that MIGHT have a photo on it activates LR3 causing me to wait until it fully launches and then I have to cancel the import process and then go to file and exit.
My LR3 window is a little two large for the screen and I can't see the red X or the min. button or any other options. I also can't see/find the tools that should show up on the left side of the window. The screen resolution is set an the recommended for my computer and all other programs, but I guess I haven't tried to change it to resolve this issue.
When I right click on an image in Windows Explorer or Adobe Bridge, then click on "open with", in the list of image viewers and programs, Photoshop Elements is not listed. When I browse to the PE11 .exe file to select it, nothing happens. How can I set PE11 to be the default photo editing program?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf you right-click an image and click "Edit" in Windows, this opens the image in MS Paint. And you can't change this. Or that's what I thought; here's how to change that to Paint.NET!
Warning: This post probably looks really suspicious since this is my first post. What the heck. Anyways, I know diddly squat about the Registry. Some tweak sites for XP mentioned this tweak (stating this key would be found at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ SystemFileAssociations \ image \ shell \ edit \ command). That exact key didn't exist. So, I searched the Registry for "SystemFileAssociations" and found the key I wrote below (in HKLM). I then took a huge risk and tried the hack. It worked, but I may have inadvertently told Windows to delete C:\Windows upon reboot.
All right, so if you right-click an image in Windows XP, Vista, or 7, there is an option in the context menu called "edit". This defaults to MS Paint and I thought that was impossible to change. Until I did some Google'ing (see Warning above). Go to this registry key:
First, back up your registry (System Restore or regedit.exe -> File -> Export). Again, anything you do now is completely your responsibility. Then, right-click the only key in there, click Modify, and replace the path with your PaintDotNet.exe path (obviously include \PaintDotNet.exe). Don't change the quotes or the %1. Just delete MS Paint's path and insert PaintDotNet.exe's path.
By default a double click on a attribute opens the "enhanced" function. I don't want this, I want the "normal" attribute editor, is there a variable to change ? Or another way ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I change my Editor default back to Elements 8? When I downloaded a trial version of Elements 11, my default changed to version 11. I use Adobe Lightroom, and when I switch over to Elements using "Edit In", it automatically open Elements 11 now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk so I have x3 and recently installed the trial for x5, since the trial ran out i removed it and carried on as before, this however has left a few things buggy, the first was file assocation which was easier to fix, the other biggie is that I seem unable to edit any bitmaps using the usual method. How do I re-enable the bitmap editing? and if i have the choice I'd rather it opened photoshop to edit the file opposed to corel paint if this is at all possible?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I change my CS default to open in ACR instead of photo gallery which it says is not updated?
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the default font that is used for printing "Photo Info" in the Print Module? The only option I can find is the Font Size option, but what determines the default font that Lightroom uses to print the photo info?
As far as I can tell there is no way to change the "Photo Info" color to something other than black, is this correct?
How do I change the default font in Illustrator CC?
View 10 Replies View RelatedHow do you change the default typeface?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you change the default typeface in Illustrator CS6?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if it's possible to change the decimal place accuracy to default to only rounded numbers i.e. 1mm instead of 1.325. I want EVERYTHING to snap to the nearest mm (Axis, Dimensions etc.) rather than 1.233 for example.
Yes, I can manually type into the dims / axis boxes everytime but thats a chore.
I open PDFs in Illustrator that were created in Autodesk Inventor. The default of Myriad Pro is applied and I would like to change that. I have made a new document profile and a new workspace, but the profile is only good for a new document. The workspace does not change the default type. I could save lots of time if I could change this behavior! I am working in CS6 on a 64-bit Windows machine.
Perhaps it is only a question of getting Illustrator to recognize Arial?
how do you change default font in illustrator cs4 on windows 7 operating system
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery new document seems to open with a default text size of 12 pt. (or 0.167 inches). I am a sign maker and my typical artboard size is often 120" x 120" or larger.
Is there a way to change the default text size so that new documents open with a text size of, say, 1 inch (or 3 inches, etc)?
This is probably a basic question, but in the control panel area, where it shows the measurements of an object created, the default measurement is in inches. Can I change that to display milmeters? I am aware that it can be changed in the rulers, but up where it says X, Y, then width and height, it shows inches. I want to view it in milimeters, because I am doing a project in milimeters. How do I do that?
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe default for the save as pdf is Acrobat 6. Problem just started of my artboards not translating correctly in the PDF. Preview of the document is also very strange. Saved PDF will open correctly in Ai, but not in anything else including Acrobat and Apple Preview. Changing the compatibility to 8 fixes problem.
I get that I can make a custom preset, action or script, but I really would like to just keep it simple if possible.
how and if i can change the default color model in illustrator (in the color panel), which is RGB to something else ? (i think colors in HSB and it's a bit annoying changing that every time) i looked it up and couldn't find out.
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan I change the default typeface in an Illustrator CC document? (I wouldn't use Meridian to win a bet.)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm on MAC OS 10.7.4, I'm using CS6 and I want to change the substitution font. But I don't want to do it manually to each line of text.. I have 2000 single page pdf files that use gotham font and I need to change 1 word. I do have gotham font by on my computer it's called gotham-htf. Same thing really.. but illustrator changes all the layout to myriad, and breaks it into 300 mini lines of text per file. I don't want to manually rechange everything 2000 times.
There's gotta be a way to set the default substitution font no?
When converting from LAB is it possible to change the default look up library from PANTONE Solid Coated to the Pantone+ Color Bridge Coated? Example: Set up a new job using all Pantone+ Color Bridge Coated. This creates all swatches as "Process Color" in CMYK Color Mode.
Client request is to have some Spot Colors.EXAMPLE: I take the "PANTONE 7408 CP" and rename it to "PANTONE 7408 C" change the color type to Spot Color and then close the window. Reopen the spot and change the Color Mode to book. All good now I have a PANTONE Solid Coated.
Client now decides to remove the Spot Color so I add the "P" back in the name and change the color mode back to CMYK.
Now the break is;
C: 2.49%, M: 25.93%, Y: 100%, K: 0%
C: 0%, M: 29%, Y: 100%, K: 0%
I open an older document from an unknown source. A warning pops up that I have no substitute for the font, which is Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H. I go to the "change font" window but am unable to substitute this font for the one on my system, which is Adobe Helvetica. If I try change the character style options default, it defaults right back to Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H. If I manually change each bit of text (there are dozens in each document, and 200 documents), then copy/paste the fonts into a new document, the new document becomes corrupted and I can no longer choose the font on my system (Adobe Helvetica).
I have even tried an interim method of copy/pasting, by copying to the Windows notepad. That should lose any and all formatting. But when I copy it back to the Illustrator document, it becomes corrupted with Helvetica90ms-RKSJ-H.
Screenshot provided where you can manually change it on an object, but I would like to change it so that the Top Left is selected by default. I'm a web developer, and just like the web all my designs origins are anchored to the top left.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI got CS6 Design Standard and the default type tool is "Right-To-Left Type Tool". I don't see the way how to change it. I managed to change the default type face and language for new documents but the type tool is switching back to RTL no matter what. How to change this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the default setting for raster effects to 300ppi instead of 72ppi? And is there also a way to have "Align New Objects to Pixel Grid" unchecked by default? I do realize I can change all of these settings either when I create a file or after, but I would like to have them be my defaults. I'm running Illustrator CC on Windows 7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've read several things in this forum but nothing convenient. In the past I though I was possible to change the stroke thickness with no document open and that worked for all the new documents yet to come. Well, it doesn't. The default stroke size is 1pt and I want it to change to f.e. 0,25pt. But how?
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CS6, windows.
How do I change the default fill color palette in Illustrator CS6? Specifically, I am opening a a new brochure template and the fill and stroke boxes on the left side of the control panel just open with the "no fill" red slash box and the registration mark "bullseye". I would like to have the default color palette load as if it were a new document.
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