Paint.NET :: How To Smooth Out Outlines
Aug 3, 2013I need to smooth outlines, and I don't really mean anti analyze it, I mean smooth the surface, here's a demonstration. Is there a tool that can do so?
View 14 RepliesI need to smooth outlines, and I don't really mean anti analyze it, I mean smooth the surface, here's a demonstration. Is there a tool that can do so?
View 14 RepliesEvery time I use the paint bucket on something, it always leaves a small grey outline on the edges. How to get rid of that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm playing with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended for a friend. He provided an .obj file of a tool part and it opens just fine as a complex, shaded object.
Question: Is there a way to generate simple outlines of the object and export those outlines as paths to Illustrator?
I'm really good at drawing on, but how do I smooth out the lines?The pixelated lines are starting be a bug.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a plugin or tool that smooths out lines?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been messing around in paint.NET for a while and I'm about to be done with a project bigger than it looks, but I have a problem. I wanted to create a kind of intro for my Minecraft Youtube videos and all was going great until I rotated the shovel. The quality took a landslide and I really don't feel like visiting each individual pixel and sharpening it. Is there anything I can do to make the shovel look like it's actually part of the image?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have this image attached but I am not satisfied with the edges. Is there a possibility to smooth or is there a dll to do this.
Attached Thumbnails.
Up to now, I have been unable to find a tool within PSPX3 to do the following:
Suppose I have loaded a .JPG file into PSPX3. Now I want to draw a smooth curve on this picture by picking a suitable set of points in the picture that will be connected smoothly with a nice curve. All I am able to perform is drawing a somehow ragged curve by (approximately) moving the cursor along the envisioned curve, but this ends up just looking awful. From my math studies, I remember something that is called a (B-)spline curve. Is there any version of PSPX... that allows (B-)spline curves? Similar/easier: simple polygons?
Searching for how to simply, quickly smooth round edges, I learned a lot of other things I'd been wondering how to do in PDN. But I didn't find a simple way to smooth round edges of non professional grade (not art) round outer edges. Say, for a Windows icon.
Even drawing the circle on a 32 x 32 background, when saved as png then opened in Greenfish Icon Editor & converted to ICO, the real icon (say on desktop) is still a bit jagged in places. The points at 0, 90, 180, 270 deg are obviously flattened & rest of circumference is a bit jagged (not terrible, but...).
I tried several tools to smooth edges a bit, but of course pixels are square... Read numerous posts - like [URL].....
This WAY overkill for what I'm doing - right now. Useful for later. All I want is circles or rounded corners on simple objects w/o spending much time - not for this type stuff. I learned good techniques useful for higher quality work.
PDN doesn't seem to have a simple, quicker way to half decently smooth circles / corners. Everything I tried just followed the square pixel edges or is quite tedious. Greenfish has some pretty decent tools - for making icons. But, smoothing rounded edges for something in the 32 px wide range is still pretty time consuming. Needs an algorithm to smooth circumferences.
When you try to select a human face (and maybe body) from a complicated background then seperate it. You'd end up with this face having small parts coming off its edges (ends). You might try to use the eraser to some extent. Still the face or body will not look smooth. How to smooth it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to figure out how to fill this text with smooth edges. The blue part is the font I'm using and the white part is what I filled, using the paint bucket. You can see some jagged/uneven edges between the white and blue. I have tried different blurs, median at low radius, smart blur and several other things. I have even tried those things on just the blue text before filling with the paint bucket and it still shows up like this.
Linked to oversize image
I am creating coloring sheets for children. An artist is drawing the pictures for me. Is there a way to click on the lines (that the artist has drawn and have been scanned into and broaden them to make thick smooth lines?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes it exist? If not, why not? I discovered it in SAI and it's amazing how easily one could draw smooth curves with the brush/pencil without a need to mess with vectors but SAI is seriously lacking in many basic things that has (i couldn't even change the size of a cut/pasted object). It would be perfect if had it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I "get outlines" in Illustrator CS6. Option was available in version 4, but now is gone. Have tried copying an InDesign-created outline but it will not copy.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I snap (objects or, especially, guidelines) to the outer edge of an outline? The guideline always snaps to the edge of the object, if the outline is behind, or within the outline if it's in front of the object.
I usually employ workarounds such as converting the outline to an object but that's not always convenient.
OK. I know how to make a Pen Outline scale with an object when I create the pen outline. But is there a way to give the scale with object attribute to all pen outlines in a compound object such as a vector clipart I purchase (or even some of the Corel clipart)? The most recent example is a state highway map I just downloaded. All the roads, lakes, rivers, county lines, etc. are created with pen outlines, but none of them scale when I scale the map larger or smaller. As you can guess there are literally tens of thousands of them on the map. Is there a way to make all of them scale without also making them all the same color and thickness?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've got a JPEG file that I want to enlarge in PhotoShop except that when I enlarge it, the outline becomes all fuzzy. How do I preserve the crispness of the image?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCould anyone tell me how to put face outlines like in the image. I have a photograph of mine and i want the face outlines like this one ....
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny ideas how to turn a photo into outlines, for example I have photo of myself that i want to turn into funky outline figure that I can use for design or turn it into a stencil , but would like to achieve nice edgesso the shape is recognised.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you add two stroke outlines to text? Meaning, the first stroke should be colored white, and the next stroke outside of the white color should be red.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to create outlines from a single photo? I mean quite intricate outlines, but very accurate ones.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble with cutlines. The design has outlines and when I put the cutlines on it the lines all disappear.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have made three geological profiles with coreldraw x6 for my study. I want to remove the bottom outlines and leave them colored. But when i try to remove the outline with object properties the outlines become lighter but they never disappear. How to remove the outlines.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI often need to convert all outlines to objects in a design before I send it out or when I create a flash base for screen printing. Â I know how to convert and outline to an object, but my question is:
How do i convert ALL outlines to objects at the same time? Â Is there a function I'm missing or possibly a macro? Â Also, I don't want to have to select every outline myself. Â I'm already doing that and ctrl/shift/Q. Â Also, If I'm forced/limited to doing it myself manually, there's always the chance that I miss one. Â I cannot believe that this isn't a native function.
We get .eps files from a customer and the fonts have been converted to "outlines" or "curves". This one font they used is Avant Garde Condensed and whenthe lowercase letters "f" and "i" are used together like in the word "fish" are connected together with no dot over the "i" (see attachment).
My question is this:
Is this supposed to look this way (see attachment) is this some sort of special character in the Avant Garde font family? Or is this some sort of freak accident caused by converting fonts to outlines?
I'm placing a view in .IDW file (making 2D working drawing). Outlines of a part, assembly or anything you put into that .IDW are kinda thick. and whenever I move the sheet by pushing mouse roll button lines become much thinner and model becomes more sharp-shaped so to speak.
And whenever I turn off visibility of one part in assembly drawing then the whole assembly becomes kinda thin. It is much easier to see later on a paper those parts and also easier to see them in .PDF files. I attached picture to this message. On vie number 1 is a standard view and 2 view is with those thin lines.
Tried to change it somewhere, but couldn't find a representation of this option.
I am trying to put a border, or color around a Font, or Picture. It has to be able to detect the edges of the picture or Font. I remember that I was able to change the color and width of the border very easily and quick.
I use Photo Shop and Corel Draw. Does any one know how to do this on Both Programs???
If anyone could get back to me asap, that would be awesome. Are there any other good forums out there, or is this the best one?
I have a friend still using PS 5.5, OK, OK it's me. How would I create a SHARP outline around text or anything else. I've tried outerglow, stroke and expanding the selection. The problem is, wherever the font or shape has a sharp or 90 degree angle, the outline rounds off at that point.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi opened up ps7 today to do my daily thing but i do random stuff with photoshop and the outlines to my brushes no longer show up its just a cross hair in the middle of the screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn photoshop seven when you clicked on a layer and pressed i think it was control.. it automatically selects the layer outline. For example if you rasterised some text, and then clicked in this way it will select the outline making it easy for you to put a stroke on it, or to put a gradient or whatever u wished but applying only to the relevant area on that layer not the full canvas space.
This was a simple yet so useful thing and for some reason it does not work in cs3 (also could not find it in cs2). Im sure this function must be there with a different method?
I know you can use those magic lasso things but its much less efficient, takes longer and less accurate than this way...
I am trying to recreate a 'retro' style postcard, with 3d block lettering. I was able to create the 3d text, but I'm got stumped when it came to getting an outline to run along all of the 'lines' of the text and shadow (I'm trying to make it look like old hand drawn block letters). I'm attaching an example of the look I'm going for, as well as where I got to before I was stumped. As you can see, I was able to get the outline for each letter to go around the entire letter and shadow, but I want each of the 'lines' to go around the letter, the shadow, and the lines connecting the two (like it is in the example).
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